The fundamental question

I'm guessing some lack the vision to recognize people's problems. Problems like lack of an adequate water supply. Or ruinous industrial pollution. Or crime. Or gun violence. Or pay equity for women and minorities.

I'm guessing that some assume those are personal problems that should be solved by individuals.

What is government for if not to provide adequate infrastructure? What is government for if not to fairly administer justice? Is government just supposed to protect the borders, deliver the mail and get out of the way? Should government deliver on its promise to ensure domestic tranquility, promote the general welfare and provide for the common defense?
Because water departments love dead customers.
Talk to folks in Flint or the California centeral valley or anyplace in the southwest.
This issue then runs deeper than governmental oversight.
Inspectors and supervisors are bribed left and right.
Corruption? Give evidence.
I'm guessing some lack the vision to recognize people's problems. Problems like lack of an adequate water supply. Or ruinous industrial pollution. Or crime. Or gun violence. Or pay equity for women and minorities.

I'm guessing that some assume those are personal problems that should be solved by individuals.

What is government for if not to provide adequate infrastructure? What is government for if not to fairly administer justice? Is government just supposed to protect the borders, deliver the mail and get out of the way? Should government deliver on its promise to ensure domestic tranquility, promote the general welfare and provide for the common defense?
Because water departments love dead customers.
Talk to folks in Flint or the California centeral valley or anyplace in the southwest.
Those are problems of Michigan and California.
And yet the Colorado River flows through several states. Where's the water by the time it reaches the sea?
I'm guessing some lack the vision to recognize people's problems. Problems like lack of an adequate water supply. Or ruinous industrial pollution. Or crime. Or gun violence. Or pay equity for women and minorities.

I'm guessing that some assume those are personal problems that should be solved by individuals.

What is government for if not to provide adequate infrastructure? What is government for if not to fairly administer justice? Is government just supposed to protect the borders, deliver the mail and get out of the way? Should government deliver on its promise to ensure domestic tranquility, promote the general welfare and provide for the common defense?
Because water departments love dead customers.
Talk to folks in Flint or the California centeral valley or anyplace in the southwest.
Those are problems of Michigan and California.
And yet the Colorado River flows through several states. Where's the water by the time it reaches the sea?
I fail to see how your point negates what I said. Each State would be responsible for the quality of the water exiting its territory. The burden, financially and legally, should rest on the State in question, not the nation as a whole.

Water is just an example, I hope you realize? The entire issue pertains to any kind of environmental issue that arises. Air, food, etc..
Problems like lack of an adequate water supply. Or ruinous industrial pollution. Or crime. Or gun violence. Or pay equity for women and minorities.

I have plenty of water in my state so it’s not a national problem, it’s a state issue.

It’s illegal to pollute, commit crimes with or without a gun, and it’s illegal to pay women and minorities less than men and non-minorities. So, if laws are being broken, that is a problem that is addressed by state criminal or civil law.

You only make someone else’s problem your problem if you want to control that person, ‘for their own good’.
should our government be a passive observer of the problems of the people, or an active participant in finding solutions?

When America had Conservatives, they would most likely say the former. But in today's climate of Trump and authoritarian populism, what answer would they give?
The best economy in decades
Lowest Unemployment in decades
More jobs
More full-time jobs
Fewer Americans on welfare
Fewer Americans on unemployment
Fewer Americans on food stamps

Democrats promise to:
Raise taxes
Eliminate jobs, raises, and bonuses
Higher unemployment rates
More dependency on them and the govt
More Americans on welfare
More Americans on unemployment
More Americans on food stamps
Open borders
Millions of more illegals sucking up tax dollars....
I'm guessing some lack the vision to recognize people's problems. Problems like lack of an adequate water supply. Or ruinous industrial pollution. Or crime. Or gun violence. Or pay equity for women and minorities.

I'm guessing that some assume those are personal problems that should be solved by individuals.

What is government for if not to provide adequate infrastructure? What is government for if not to fairly administer justice? Is government just supposed to protect the borders, deliver the mail and get out of the way? Should government deliver on its promise to ensure domestic tranquility, promote the general welfare and provide for the common defense?
Because water departments love dead customers.
Talk to folks in Flint or the California centeral valley or anyplace in the southwest.
This issue then runs deeper than governmental oversight.
Inspectors and supervisors are bribed left and right.
Corruption? Give evidence.
I bet most of your infrastructure is out of code.
Most of Nassau County is out of code...water, electric, road width, etc...
I'm guessing some lack the vision to recognize people's problems. Problems like lack of an adequate water supply. Or ruinous industrial pollution. Or crime. Or gun violence. Or pay equity for women and minorities.

I'm guessing that some assume those are personal problems that should be solved by individuals.

What is government for if not to provide adequate infrastructure? What is government for if not to fairly administer justice? Is government just supposed to protect the borders, deliver the mail and get out of the way? Should government deliver on its promise to ensure domestic tranquility, promote the general welfare and provide for the common defense?
nope, state and local, not federal.
I'm guessing some lack the vision to recognize people's problems. Problems like lack of an adequate water supply. Or ruinous industrial pollution. Or crime. Or gun violence. Or pay equity for women and minorities.

I'm guessing that some assume those are personal problems that should be solved by individuals.

What is government for if not to provide adequate infrastructure? What is government for if not to fairly administer justice? Is government just supposed to protect the borders, deliver the mail and get out of the way? Should government deliver on its promise to ensure domestic tranquility, promote the general welfare and provide for the common defense?
Because water departments love dead customers.
Talk to folks in Flint or the California centeral valley or anyplace in the southwest.
what about em? no different than any other city or state issue.
should our government be a passive observer of the problems of the people, or an active participant in finding solutions?

When America had Conservatives, they would most likely say the former. But in today's climate of Trump and authoritarian populism, what answer would they give?
The federal government should be passive in all things relating to society.

Local, County, State governments should be participative but not controlling.

The Federal government has been given far more power than it is authorized to have by the Constitution. The feds should deal with just the issues between the states (this does not mean the people) and with the world at large. Just as the President has far too much power beyond the offices' scope. It should be a chief law enforcement agency and our front to the world. Nothing more, nothing less.
Are there problems that are national problems? For instance, does air pollution respect state lines and stay within the state where it was generated?
ask californians.
in today's climate of Trump and authoritarian populism

Trump has been the least authoritarian of any President in my lifetime.

What government are you talking about Federal or State?

Federal government should only be concerned with what someone mentioned invasion or disputes between states.

State/local government should more "micromanaging" depending on the area.
Which previous presidents have called for the suspension of due process?

Abrham Lincoln and FDR. And they actually did.

Trump is talking about deporting illegal noncitizens without a hearing. Not jail. Kicking out people who have no right to be here.

If we are treating the noncitizens so bad then they probably shouldn't come here.
in today's climate of Trump and authoritarian populism

Trump has been the least authoritarian of any President in my lifetime.

What government are you talking about Federal or State?

Federal government should only be concerned with what someone mentioned invasion or disputes between states.

State/local government should more "micromanaging" depending on the area.
Which previous presidents have called for the suspension of due process?

Abrham Lincoln and FDR. And they actually did.

Trump is talking about deporting illegal noncitizens without a hearing. Not jail. Kicking out people who have no right to be here.

If we are treating the noncitizens so bad then they probably shouldn't come here.
even better, why does someone want to come to a place where most don't want them?

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