The Funnybone Monster: A TrumpUSA Drill


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a sociological TrumpUSA tale about a hypothetical fantastic modernism-symbolic 'demon' named The Funnybone Monster (in reference to the body coordination tingling sensation caused by the upsetting of our funny-bone spots on our bodies) who embodies our commercial paranoia regarding 'cosmopolitan coordination'!


Tim lived in Los Angeles in 2001 and was studying sociological patterns after 9/11 that gave rise to anti-federalism sentiments in the Middle East. Tim believed that terrorism directed at America was related to a modern industrialization-anxiety related malice and wrath against commerce-gauged coordination (i.e., Wall Street). Tim hypothesized that new age 'traffic' gave birth to a new kind of anti-federalism demon which he termed The Funnybone Monster.

Tim entered this in his diary:

"The Funnybone Monster (as his name implies) is a modern civilization 'traffic-omen' ghoul who preys on our social sensibilities regarding sensitivity towards dynamics. Just as we might feel sensitive if someone hit our funnybone on our elbow since it causes a feeling of disjointedness and 'euphoric discoordination,' we might feel sensitive if someone attacked the World Trade Center (an international beacon of commerce-convenience) and might even feel the urge to make anti-civilization 'jokes' as a knee-jerk response-reflex to infrastructure coordination/choreography tedium and bureaucracy frustration/claustrophobia."

Tim conjectured that the demons of yesteryear were Adolf Hitler, Charles Manson, Pontius Pilate, and Jack the Ripper, but the demons of modern times were nameless and faceless and instead were 'embodiments' of traffic paranoia, urban claustrophobia, and the sort of bureaucracy-angst that gave rise to murder-spree post office workers and adulterous suburban housewives lashing out against urban sprawl and Facebook. Tim believed The Funnybone Monster was real in the sense that it/he/she gave 'form' to a civilization angst towards labor efficiency and consumerism maturity (and perhaps even an urban 'cholesterol culture').

One night, Tim had a very terrible dream. In the dream, he imagined he was being visited by a demonic entity and the demon introduced himself as The Funnybone Monster! The demon made Tim promise to disclose his identity or purpose to anyone but that he would help Tim complete his sociological analysis of its intentions towards modern civilization. When Tim agreed, The Funnybone Monster explained that the reason a consumerism-conscious global culture would elect a world leader such as capitalism-baron Donald Trump as U.S. President was to act out on its anti-bureaucratic claustrophobic rage against non-commercial mistrust. Tim awoke the next day and decided to become an avid advocate of 'TrumpUSA.'



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