The future of Electoral Voters

Get over it and suck it up buttercup!

Oh, not an issue. When Trump beclowns himself on a daily basis, I will be here saying, I TOLD YOU SO!!!

When the economy crashes due to the trade war he's going to start, I will be here saying "I told you so!"

When hundreds of American Soldiers come back from the War with Iran that his war cabinet wants, I will be here saying "I told you so!"
Your crystal ball is leaking tears and staining your crotch.

Always wrong when you jump to conclusions.
Your crystal ball is leaking tears and staining your crotch.

Always wrong when you jump to conclusions.

No conclusions to jump to, guy. You see, you've just "elected" a game show host with no relevant experience and some pretty serious personality disorders.

The guy couldn't even run a game show, which is why he had to stop pretending it was a business game show and just made it about D-list celebrities trying to get back in the news.
The popular just proved that California, Chicago and New York are full of liberal nutcases, many probably illegal. The EC did exactly what it was supposed to do and didn't allow a majority in 3 main urban areas rule the rest of the country.

Uh, dude, the cities are where PEOPLE ACTUALLY LIVE.

There's no reason why 500,000 sheep herders in Wyoming should have more influence than 6 million people in Chicago.

Not if they piss the farmers off. Get it?
The electoral is racist? LOL! That's a new one. Please, I'm intrigued. Explain this. I'm going to sit back with my coffee and enjoy this one...

You mean other than it was designed to give the slave states disproportionate votes to keep them in the union?

Were you asleep during history class?

As you say, the EC was designed to keep the places where people actually lived from deciding elections. In 1776 that was Philadelphia and New York, where no one owned slaves and they generally thought it was a bad idea to own them. The slave states insisted on provisions to protect their political influence. One was the EC. The other was the instance that the President and VP had to be from different states. Another was the Senate giving equal representation to all states.

(Again, look up Missouri Compromise and Bloody Kansas to see how the Slave States tried to maintain equilibrium in the Senate and EC by imposing slavery on territories that didn't want it.)

Meanwhile, the North, being almost as racist as the South, insisted that slaves only be counted as 3/5 of a free man for congressional and electoral representation.

So the EC really didn't even succeed in its primary goal, which was to keep the slave-rapists mollified enough to stay in the Union. Eventually, they tried to get out.

What it DID do was give us some of the worst presidents in our history.

Wow. You liberals know no bounds when playing the race card. Instead of calling Republicans racists, now were calling an election process racist. That's one hell of a theory you came up with. What I can't understand is how a black man won the electoral process twice convincingly with a racist process? Is it at all possible your candidate just flat out sucked this time and failed to win crucial states due to a stale message? No, it couldn't be that. It has to be because of racism. smh
Your crystal ball is leaking tears and staining your crotch.

Always wrong when you jump to conclusions.

No conclusions to jump to, guy. You see, you've just "elected" a game show host with no relevant experience and some pretty serious personality disorders.

The guy couldn't even run a game show, which is why he had to stop pretending it was a business game show and just made it about D-list celebrities trying to get back in the news.
Glad I could be of assistance.

You gave me Hillary Clinton.

As a lifelong Democrat I couldn't and wouldn't vote for Hillary.

The Gameshow host appeared to have won.

I chose door number two.

I wish I could say I voted for Trump just to piss you off.

But I am satisfied with the fact that it does piss you off.

That's what you get for talking down to the fine people who reside in the middle of the country.

I'm going to look forward to you sniveling and whining for the next 4 or perhaps 8 years.

Keep talking down to Americans and I'll join them when you hacks choose Elizabeth Warren in 2020.

Merry Christmas, Slick.
Your crystal ball is leaking tears and staining your crotch.

Always wrong when you jump to conclusions.

No conclusions to jump to, guy. You see, you've just "elected" a game show host with no relevant experience and some pretty serious personality disorders.

The guy couldn't even run a game show, which is why he had to stop pretending it was a business game show and just made it about D-list celebrities trying to get back in the news.
Glad I could be of assistance.

You gave me Hillary Clinton.

As a lifelong Democrat I couldn't and wouldn't vote for Hillary.

The Gameshow host appeared to have won.

I chose door number two.

I wish I could say I voted for Trump just to piss you off.

But I am satisfied with the fact that it does piss you off.

That's what you get for talking down to the fine people who reside in the middle of the country.

I'm going to look forward to you sniveling and whining for the next 4 or perhaps 8 years.

Keep talking down to Americans and I'll join them when you hacks choose Elizabeth Warren in 2020.

Merry Christmas, Slick.

Could not have said it better if I wanted to.

Glad I could be of assistance.

You gave me Hillary Clinton.

As a lifelong Democrat I couldn't and wouldn't vote for Hillary.

I'm sorry to hear you are a misogynist who is terrified of assertive women. Maybe you should invest in one of those mail-order brides. Just make sure they punch the holes in the box before they send her over because otherwise you'll have quite the mess on you hands.

The Gameshow host appeared to have won.

I chose door number two.

I wish I could say I voted for Trump just to piss you off.

But I am satisfied with the fact that it does piss you off.

I imagine some really stupid Germans saying the same thing about Hitler to my Grandfather before he left.

That's what you get for talking down to the fine people who reside in the middle of the country.

Fine people don't vote for racists and misogynists and Nazis because they are upset that a black man became president. YOu all didn't do a good thing here.

I'm going to look forward to you sniveling and whining for the next 4 or perhaps 8 years.

Keep talking down to Americans and I'll join them when you hacks choose Elizabeth Warren in 2020.

I'm going to be the one laughing when he brings us war and unemployment, and you guys try to pretend it isn't your fault.

Merry Christmas, Slick.

Yes, do pray to your Imaginary Sky Fairy for help. That'll do it.
As far as the EC, why would small(er) states go along with a change? They and their legislatures would be silly to do so. But, there is a movement from deep blue states to make it so no matter who wins their state, their electors vote en mass for the winner of the popular vote. The blue states can do this legally as they are in charge of their electors. I am of the opinion that if they do this, it will trigger the red states who have been balking about an article 5, to get on board; especially now that so many states are red. They are virtually at the threshold of being able to call, and execute anything they decide on, by themselves. (very close. very, very close) If that is what the far leftists want, then that is probably what they are going to get. They need be careful what they wish for. Just the simple clause they are fighting for most.....forced balanced budget......would put the Democrats in the trick bag.
I love this map which suggests that after 2018 we may get our states constitutional amendment convention.


No conclusions to jump to, guy. You see, you've just "elected" a game show host with no relevant experience and some pretty serious personality disorders.

And don't even get started on cabinet picks. The neo-con whackos think he will make the US strong again. All it has done is made the US a laughing stock of the world. That once great country is sliding ever more into irrelevance. The sad thing is it is going to be replaced by something 1000 times worse - China and/or Russia. And all because the neocons threw their toys out the cot when Obama got elected. They became more concerned about where he was born, his attempts to give universal health care for everyone (you know, be inclusive, unlike, say China and Russia where the few have power) than about trying to make the country great again.

And what I find interesting of all, on these threads, is that the posters here who voted for Trumplethinskin offer up traits of all the worst things they say they hate about others. It's a bizarro world....
Last edited:
Glad I could be of assistance.

You gave me Hillary Clinton.

As a lifelong Democrat I couldn't and wouldn't vote for Hillary.

I'm sorry to hear you are a misogynist who is terrified of assertive women. Maybe you should invest in one of those mail-order brides. Just make sure they punch the holes in the box before they send her over because otherwise you'll have quite the mess on you hands.

The Gameshow host appeared to have won.

I chose door number two.

I wish I could say I voted for Trump just to piss you off.

But I am satisfied with the fact that it does piss you off.

I imagine some really stupid Germans saying the same thing about Hitler to my Grandfather before he left.

That's what you get for talking down to the fine people who reside in the middle of the country.

Fine people don't vote for racists and misogynists and Nazis because they are upset that a black man became president. YOu all didn't do a good thing here.

I'm going to look forward to you sniveling and whining for the next 4 or perhaps 8 years.

Keep talking down to Americans and I'll join them when you hacks choose Elizabeth Warren in 2020.

I'm going to be the one laughing when he brings us war and unemployment, and you guys try to pretend it isn't your fault.

Merry Christmas, Slick.

Yes, do pray to your Imaginary Sky Fairy for help. That'll do it.
No conclusions to jump to, guy. You see, you've just "elected" a game show host with no relevant experience and some pretty serious personality disorders.

And don't even get started on cabinet picks. The neo-con whackos think he will make the US strong again. All it has done is made the US a laughing stock of the world. That once great country is sliding ever more into irrelevance. The sad thing is it is going to be replaced by something 1000 times worse - China and/or Russia. And all because the neocons threw their toys out the cot when Obama got elected. They became more concerned about where he was born, it attempts to give universal health care for everyone (you know, be inclusive, unlike, say China and Russia where the few have power) than about trying to make the country great again.

And what I find interesting of all, on these threads, is that the posters here who voted for Trumplethinskin offer up traits of all the worst things they say they hate about others. It's a bizarro world....
We are going to stomp your fascist heads in the dirt.....enjoy the show....
Glad I could be of assistanc

You gave me Hillary Clinton.

As a lifelong Democrat I couldn't and wouldn't vote for Hillary.

The Gameshow host appeared to have won.

I chose door number two.

I wish I could say I voted for Trump just to piss you off.

But I am satisfied with the fact that it does piss you off.

That's what you get for talking down to the fine people who reside in the middle of the country.

I'm going to look forward to you sniveling and whining for the next 4 or perhaps 8 years.

Keep talking down to Americans and I'll join them when you hacks choose Elizabeth Warren in 2020.

Merry Christmas, Slick.

I wouldn't get too smug. You choosing door number two, says a lot about you. None of it good..
And don't even get started on cabinet picks. The neo-con whackos think he will make the US strong again. All it has done is made the US a laughing stock of the world. That once great country is sliding ever more into irrelevance. The sad thing is it is going to be replaced by something 1000 times worse - China and/or Russia. And all because the neocons threw their toys out the cot when Obama got elected. They became more concerned about where he was born, it attempts to give universal health care for everyone (you know, be inclusive, unlike, say China and Russia where the few have power) than about trying to make the country great again.
And what I find interesting of all, on these threads, is that the posters here who voted for Trumplethinskin offer up traits of all the worst things they say they hate about others. It's a bizarro world....
We are going to stomp your fascist heads in the dirt.....enjoy the show....
It is hilarious how these pervert leftwing fascists think that they define who the world is and how it thinks when most of the lefties are the most hated people on the planet, from the Muslim mosques to the Burmese temples to the Chicom market makers.

And they dont even have a clue about any of it.
Last edited:
Glad I could be of assistanc

You gave me Hillary Clinton.

As a lifelong Democrat I couldn't and wouldn't vote for Hillary.

The Gameshow host appeared to have won.

I chose door number two.

I wish I could say I voted for Trump just to piss you off.

But I am satisfied with the fact that it does piss you off.

That's what you get for talking down to the fine people who reside in the middle of the country.

I'm going to look forward to you sniveling and whining for the next 4 or perhaps 8 years.

Keep talking down to Americans and I'll join them when you hacks choose Elizabeth Warren in 2020.

Merry Christmas, Slick.

I wouldn't get too smug. You choosing door number two, says a lot about you. None of it good..
Your choosing the outhouse door speaks volumes about you....

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