The future of Electoral Voters

The popular vote should matter for obvious reasons. But a passionate people are not always right. (See quote by Charles MacKay in my sig.)

Thus the need for the EC and two Senators for each state.

NO, we don't need those things.

You see, I have no problem with the people getting it wrong. That's their perogative.

But when the people GET IT RIGHT, and don't elect a racist Nazi with a mental disorder, and we still get him as President, because of some system set up by a bunch of slave rapists 200 years ago that has never produced a good result, then we really do have a problem.

Protect the voters from themselves?

The voters protected themselves by not voting for your candidate.

2.7 Million more voters voted for Hillary. The voters got this right.

Again, same challenge I put out to everyone else this morning.

Please name a time when the electoral college overruled the will of the people, and we got a good result.


Protect the voters from themselves?

The voters protected themselves by not voting for your candidate.

2.7 Million more voters voted for Hillary. The voters got this right.

Again, same challenge I put out to everyone else this morning.

Please name a time when the electoral college overruled the will of the people, and we got a good result.

Again with the popular vote.

Again it doesn't work that way.

Again, we don't want the Urban centers to have complete control over this Nation.
Again with the popular vote.

Again it doesn't work that way.

Again, we don't want the Urban centers to have complete control over this Nation.

Whose "We". If you put the Electoral college to a vote, people would get rid of it.

The problem is, of course, is that while every president selected by the EC over the will of people has been a complete fucking disaster.
No one has proven that Trump is a racist, or a misogynist, or an authoritarian. Once again you fall for the media narrative because it suits you, and quite frankly, you are a moron.

That black outreach he is attempting must scare the shit out of you.

Right, so when he says racist, misogynistic things, ON TAPE, we are just imagining it, becuase the media isnt' telling us about the times he managed to avoid saying those racist things.

That's kind of like saying Hitler wasn't an anti-semite because he wasn't screaming about killing the Jews all the time.

if we were a direct democracy, that would be a good point. but we are not and the office of the president represents the will of a population weighted vote of the 50 States (plus DC).

The masses have the House to represent them proportionally. If your side didn't weaponize the executive and judicial branches so much, this wouldn't be an issue

But why SHOULD the vote be weighted? Oh, that's right because 200 years ago, some slave raping assholes didn't trust direct democracy because it might produce someone like Trump. Except their system has produced someone like Trump.

You see, your argument would be great if the Electoral College produced Good presidents when it overrode the will of the people. But the opposite is true.

The three guys who became President because the Electoral college selected them over the will of the people were the WORST PRESIDENTS we ever had. Rutherford B. Hayes gave us 100 years of Racism because he surrendered all the gains made in the Civil War. George W. Stupid got us into a war on a lie and gave us the worst recession in 80 years. Benjamin Harrison spent like a sailor in a whorehouse and crashed the country into a recession.

And no one really thinks Trump is going to be a good president. Not even a lot of conservatives. They just hope to cram through a lot of shit before the people wise up.

Ride it like you stole it, Baby!

The people usually get it right. Maybe it's time we started trusting them.

Considering we have dumbed down the terms racist/misogynistic/homophobic to mean anyone to the right of Mitt Romney, the words are meaningless.

200+ years ago a compromise was made between large and small states to make the president an office that represents the people by State, not as a whole.

And best/worst is of course an opinion, and your opinions are worth less than cat shit.

They listed the names of our EC and most were Pubs , in business and some were even known to the Trumps.

And your point?

The EC is a scam.

The EC is populated by people selected at the State level by the parties in the election. Of course EC members in places Trump won would be either republicans or people directly loyal or related to him in some fashion.

It's the way its been done for 200+ years.
Considering we have dumbed down the terms racist/misogynistic/homophobic to mean anyone to the right of Mitt Romney, the words are meaningless.

Well, no, guy, they kind of mean what they mean.

When you talk about "Grabbing a woman by the pussy", you are a misogynist.

When you scream "Mexicans are rapists", you are a racist.

I'll give Trump credit, he hasn't said anything particularly homophobic. Probably because he's got lots of gay friends in NYC who'd stop talking to him.

200+ years ago a compromise was made between large and small states to make the president an office that represents the people by State, not as a whole.

And best/worst is of course an opinion, and your opinions are worth less than cat shit.

But you see, can you really get up here and argue Bush, Hayes or Harrison were GOOD Presidents?

Of course you can't.

You'd look silly doing it.
The EC is populated by people selected at the State level by the parties in the election. Of course EC members in places Trump won would be either republicans or people directly loyal or related to him in some fashion.

It's the way its been done for 200+ years.

Except that most of the time in those 200 years, the guy who won the popular vote won the presidency.

The three times it didn't, it was a shit sandwich.

But please regale us with how great Rutherford B. Hayes was.

They listed the names of our EC and most were Pubs , in business and some were even known to the Trumps.

And your point?

The EC is a scam.

The EC is populated by people selected at the State level by the parties in the election. Of course EC members in places Trump won would be either republicans or people directly loyal or related to him in some fashion.

It's the way its been done for 200+ years.

So your basically saying our vote does not count.

Twice the maj vote did not win and it was Gore and Clinton, since 1888 if my memory is correct. Does this not tell you anything. The Pubs have to be crooked to win.
Considering we have dumbed down the terms racist/misogynistic/homophobic to mean anyone to the right of Mitt Romney, the words are meaningless.

Well, no, guy, they kind of mean what they mean.

When you talk about "Grabbing a woman by the pussy", you are a misogynist.

When you scream "Mexicans are rapists", you are a racist.

I'll give Trump credit, he hasn't said anything particularly homophobic. Probably because he's got lots of gay friends in NYC who'd stop talking to him.

200+ years ago a compromise was made between large and small states to make the president an office that represents the people by State, not as a whole.

And best/worst is of course an opinion, and your opinions are worth less than cat shit.

But you see, can you really get up here and argue Bush, Hayes or Harrison were GOOD Presidents?

Of course you can't.

You'd look silly doing it.

No, when you try to keep women in the kitchen you are a misogynist, actions mean more than words, and Trump has plenty of women in positions of authority in his businesses and campaign.

And his beef is with illegals, something you idiots need to gloss over. He has never been accused of actual racism until he ran for office.

When it comes to Hayes Reconstruction was lost first when Lincoln was killed, and second when Grant's presidency turned into a mire of corruption. The "redemption" of the South was a foregone conclusion after that. And Hayes has not been judged as bad as you say by historians, they put him toward the top of the bottom half of presidents, hardly the worst ever.

Harrison is also in the bottom half, but again not at the bottom.

And as for Bush, your bias in this case makes you a worthless source on this.
The EC is populated by people selected at the State level by the parties in the election. Of course EC members in places Trump won would be either republicans or people directly loyal or related to him in some fashion.

It's the way its been done for 200+ years.

Except that most of the time in those 200 years, the guy who won the popular vote won the presidency.

The three times it didn't, it was a shit sandwich.

But please regale us with how great Rutherford B. Hayes was.

"Shit sandwich is again an exaggeration.

You take the condition of EV win/PV loss and make your opinions of the presidents match your desired outcome. Typical of you.

Kind of like that bullshit gun control study that's been debunked 1000 times.

They listed the names of our EC and most were Pubs , in business and some were even known to the Trumps.

And your point?

The EC is a scam.

The EC is populated by people selected at the State level by the parties in the election. Of course EC members in places Trump won would be either republicans or people directly loyal or related to him in some fashion.

It's the way its been done for 200+ years.

So your basically saying our vote does not count.

Twice the maj vote did not win and it was Gore and Clinton, since 1888 if my memory is correct. Does this not tell you anything. The Pubs have to be crooked to win.

Your vote counts at the State level when it comes to voting for president.

I live in NY and all my Electors went to Hillary, you don't see me whining about it.
No, when you try to keep women in the kitchen you are a misogynist, actions mean more than words, and Trump has plenty of women in positions of authority in his businesses and campaign.

Isn't that like saying you are only a racist if you participate in a lynching? Trump's misogyny is well documented.

And his beef is with illegals, something you idiots need to gloss over. He has never been accused of actual racism until he ran for office.

Dude, Nixon took him to court for discriminating against black renters. Not to mention he called for the murder of five innocent minorities, even after they were exonerated.

When it comes to Hayes Reconstruction was lost first when Lincoln was killed, and second when Grant's presidency turned into a mire of corruption. The "redemption" of the South was a foregone conclusion after that. And Hayes has not been judged as bad as you say by historians, they put him toward the top of the bottom half of presidents, hardly the worst ever.

"His Fraudulency" (what they called him at the time) was the one who traded ending reconstruction for the presidency. That makes him a little worse than Grant's corruption. It's why Grant is on the $50 and Hayes isn't.

Harrison is also in the bottom half, but again not at the bottom.

That's daming with faint praise. My challenge was to name a GOOD president selected by the EC.

And as for Bush, your bias in this case makes you a worthless source on this.

Yes, my busted 401K and underwater mortgage in 2008 has biased me for some reason. But BUsh was pretty fucking worthless.
Yeah, the smaller states would certainly fight this. And you're right, it wouldn't mean that we'd start over. But let's look at the current situation - the Democrats know the rules (or I assume they do), and they're willing to send it to the House? If I'm them, I'd be worried that the office would then go to a hardcore conservative.

Well, no, I think you miss the point. (But again, you always do.)

The problem with Trump isn't his ideology. The problem with Trump is that he's a racist, a misogynist, an authoritarian and possibly nuts.

A Hardcore Conservative, as you say, would still be someone who knew the rules, respected the institutions, and wouldn't do anything totally crazy. And if the GOP could elect that guy, they would. In a heartbeat.

The problem is, right now, their party is held hostage by the Populists who put Trump in charge. They aren't ready to challenge them now. When the economy flounders and Trump's approval rating is at 20%, they will. But by then it will be too late.

You see, you are the one who gets on here every day and whines we should put partisanship aside and do what is best for the country.

Well stopping the crazy guy from getting the nukes would really be best for the country.

Hell, I'll go one further. Everyone here knows how much I despise Mitt Romney. But if the Hamilton Electors backed Romney as the alternative and Congress confirmed him, I'd be all for it. Romney is going to do a lot things I won't like, but he won't do anything reckless like intentionally wreck the economy or get us into a war.

No one has proven that Trump is a racist, or a misogynist, or an authoritarian. Once again you fall for the media narrative because it suits you, and quite frankly, you are a moron.

That black outreach he is attempting must scare the shit out of you.

No one had to, he did it all by himself, with his life history and his campaign, and in his debates. He is also one of the biggest liars to boot. His arrogance is sickening, nothing humble about him. Vengeance is mine said the Lord (Trump) and he tweets to prove it.
No, when you try to keep women in the kitchen you are a misogynist, actions mean more than words, and Trump has plenty of women in positions of authority in his businesses and campaign.

Isn't that like saying you are only a racist if you participate in a lynching? Trump's misogyny is well documented.

And his beef is with illegals, something you idiots need to gloss over. He has never been accused of actual racism until he ran for office.

Dude, Nixon took him to court for discriminating against black renters. Not to mention he called for the murder of five innocent minorities, even after they were exonerated.

When it comes to Hayes Reconstruction was lost first when Lincoln was killed, and second when Grant's presidency turned into a mire of corruption. The "redemption" of the South was a foregone conclusion after that. And Hayes has not been judged as bad as you say by historians, they put him toward the top of the bottom half of presidents, hardly the worst ever.

"His Fraudulency" (what they called him at the time) was the one who traded ending reconstruction for the presidency. That makes him a little worse than Grant's corruption. It's why Grant is on the $50 and Hayes isn't.

Harrison is also in the bottom half, but again not at the bottom.

That's daming with faint praise. My challenge was to name a GOOD president selected by the EC.

And as for Bush, your bias in this case makes you a worthless source on this.

Yes, my busted 401K and underwater mortgage in 2008 has biased me for some reason. But BUsh was pretty fucking worthless.

How can a misogynist have a woman as a campaign manager, or let his daughter run parts of his business. You mistake crudeness for hatred, as progressives typically do when it suits them.

Plenty of people got taken to court over housing issues, he settled, and the issue was resolved.

and as for calling for the murder of 5 innocent minorities, link please.

Grant is on the 50 for his civil war service, not his presidency. It's amazing how you reconstruct history to suit your views, kind of like a Holocaust denier.

No, you were implying they were "the worst", and now you move the goal post to say "well now prove they were good". What a fucking hack you are.

My 401k survived just fine. Stop blaming someone else, and take accountability for your own poor financial decisions. If your 401k hasn't recovered by now, you are an idiot.
Yeah, the smaller states would certainly fight this. And you're right, it wouldn't mean that we'd start over. But let's look at the current situation - the Democrats know the rules (or I assume they do), and they're willing to send it to the House? If I'm them, I'd be worried that the office would then go to a hardcore conservative.

Well, no, I think you miss the point. (But again, you always do.)

The problem with Trump isn't his ideology. The problem with Trump is that he's a racist, a misogynist, an authoritarian and possibly nuts.

A Hardcore Conservative, as you say, would still be someone who knew the rules, respected the institutions, and wouldn't do anything totally crazy. And if the GOP could elect that guy, they would. In a heartbeat.

The problem is, right now, their party is held hostage by the Populists who put Trump in charge. They aren't ready to challenge them now. When the economy flounders and Trump's approval rating is at 20%, they will. But by then it will be too late.

You see, you are the one who gets on here every day and whines we should put partisanship aside and do what is best for the country.

Well stopping the crazy guy from getting the nukes would really be best for the country.

Hell, I'll go one further. Everyone here knows how much I despise Mitt Romney. But if the Hamilton Electors backed Romney as the alternative and Congress confirmed him, I'd be all for it. Romney is going to do a lot things I won't like, but he won't do anything reckless like intentionally wreck the economy or get us into a war.

No one has proven that Trump is a racist, or a misogynist, or an authoritarian. Once again you fall for the media narrative because it suits you, and quite frankly, you are a moron.

That black outreach he is attempting must scare the shit out of you.

No one had to, he did it all by himself, with his life history and his campaign, and in his debates. He is also one of the biggest liars to boot. His arrogance is sickening, nothing humble about him. Vengeance is mine said the Lord (Trump) and he tweets to prove it.

Nothing but opinions from a dim-witted moron.
Yeah, the smaller states would certainly fight this. And you're right, it wouldn't mean that we'd start over. But let's look at the current situation - the Democrats know the rules (or I assume they do), and they're willing to send it to the House? If I'm them, I'd be worried that the office would then go to a hardcore conservative.

Well, no, I think you miss the point. (But again, you always do.)

The problem with Trump isn't his ideology. The problem with Trump is that he's a racist, a misogynist, an authoritarian and possibly nuts.

A Hardcore Conservative, as you say, would still be someone who knew the rules, respected the institutions, and wouldn't do anything totally crazy. And if the GOP could elect that guy, they would. In a heartbeat.

The problem is, right now, their party is held hostage by the Populists who put Trump in charge. They aren't ready to challenge them now. When the economy flounders and Trump's approval rating is at 20%, they will. But by then it will be too late.

You see, you are the one who gets on here every day and whines we should put partisanship aside and do what is best for the country.

Well stopping the crazy guy from getting the nukes would really be best for the country.

Hell, I'll go one further. Everyone here knows how much I despise Mitt Romney. But if the Hamilton Electors backed Romney as the alternative and Congress confirmed him, I'd be all for it. Romney is going to do a lot things I won't like, but he won't do anything reckless like intentionally wreck the economy or get us into a war.

No one has proven that Trump is a racist, or a misogynist, or an authoritarian. Once again you fall for the media narrative because it suits you, and quite frankly, you are a moron.

That black outreach he is attempting must scare the shit out of you.

No one had to, he did it all by himself, with his life history and his campaign, and in his debates. He is also one of the biggest liars to boot. His arrogance is sickening, nothing humble about him. Vengeance is mine said the Lord (Trump) and he tweets to prove it.

Nothing but opinions from a dim-witted moron.

Regrets already hey.

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