The future of Electoral Voters

It is hilarious how these pervert leftwing fascists think that they define who the world is and how it thinks when most of the lefties are the most hated people on the planet, from the Muslim mosques to the Burmese temples tot he Chicom markets.

And they dont even have a clue about any of it.

Bush was one of the most hated presidents in the western world outside of the US. He was a laughing stock. Cheney, Wolfowitz, Rumsfeld - all hated. And you just elected a man who we all think is ten times worse, as is his cabinet. Trust me, right-wing America, in the scheme of first world politics and countries, is on the fringe. If you were to take all the current democracies of the world, add up all the political affiliations , about 10 percent would be Trump and the like supporters. From Le Penn in France, to Trump himself, you guys are in the minority. Hell, even in the US more people voted for Hillary. You guys are a joke. You elected a game show host who likes feeling up women's pussies, belittles gold star families, believes an Hawaiian born president is from Kenya, and belittles people with disabilities. What a great bunch of people you are! Be proud!
Glad I could be of assistance.

You gave me Hillary Clinton.

As a lifelong Democrat I couldn't and wouldn't vote for Hillary.

I'm sorry to hear you are a misogynist who is terrified of assertive women. Maybe you should invest in one of those mail-order brides. Just make sure they punch the holes in the box before they send her over because otherwise you'll have quite the mess on you hands.

The Gameshow host appeared to have won.

I chose door number two.

I wish I could say I voted for Trump just to piss you off.

But I am satisfied with the fact that it does piss you off.

I imagine some really stupid Germans saying the same thing about Hitler to my Grandfather before he left.

That's what you get for talking down to the fine people who reside in the middle of the country.

Fine people don't vote for racists and misogynists and Nazis because they are upset that a black man became president. YOu all didn't do a good thing here.

I'm going to look forward to you sniveling and whining for the next 4 or perhaps 8 years.

Keep talking down to Americans and I'll join them when you hacks choose Elizabeth Warren in 2020.

I'm going to be the one laughing when he brings us war and unemployment, and you guys try to pretend it isn't your fault.

Merry Christmas, Slick.

Yes, do pray to your Imaginary Sky Fairy for help. That'll do it.
Fucking idiot.

Mail order bride? I'm already married. And I'm faithful to my wife.

As I expect the electors to be faithful tomorrow.

I'm not afraid of assertive women. My wife is assertive. That's why I married her.

There you go again with the Nazi bullshit. It doesn't work on me, Joe.

Obama couldn't and wouldn't have become President without the white vote.

Your Race Card is dog-eared and worn out.

I don't pray to God. I'm agnostic.

Your bullshit is old and stale Joey.

And like I requested previously...

If it still hurts, put something on it.

Need a binky? Or your diaper changed?
I wouldn't get too smug. You choosing door number two, says a lot about you. None of it good..

and that's a good point. About half the people who voted for Trump, were really voting against Hillary. They really should have thought about what was behind Door #2.

But these people have been hating Hillary ever since she offended them in the 1990's for daring to have a vagina AND an opinion.

Now they own every stupid thing Trump is going to do.
Fucking idiot.

Mail order bride? I'm already married. And I'm faithful to my wife.

As I expect the electors to be faithful tomorrow.

I'm not afraid of assertive women. My wife is assertive. That's why I married her.

There you go again with the Nazi bullshit. It doesn't work on me, Joe.

Obama couldn't and wouldn't have become President without the white vote.

Your Race Card is dog-eared and worn out.

I don't pray to God. I'm agnostic.

Your bullshit is old and stale Joey.

And like I requested previously...

If it still hurts, put something on it.

Need a binky? Or your diaper changed?

Santa has something for JoeBitch this Christmas.

It is hilarious how these pervert leftwing fascists think that they define who the world is and how it thinks when most of the lefties are the most hated people on the planet, from the Muslim mosques to the Burmese temples tot he Chicom markets.

And they dont even have a clue about any of it.

Bush was one of the most hated presidents in the western world outside of the US. He was a laughing stock. Cheney, Wolfowitz, Rumsfeld - all hated. And you just elected a man who we all think is ten times worse, as is his cabinet. Trust me, right-wing America, in the scheme of first world politics and countries, is on the fringe. If you were to take all the current democracies of the world, add up all the political affiliations , about 10 percent would be Trump and the like supporters. From Le Penn in France, to Trump himself, you guys are in the minority. Hell, even in the US more people voted for Hillary. You guys are a joke. You elected a game show host who likes feeling up women's pussies, belittles gold star families, believes an Hawaiian born president is from Kenya, and belittles people with disabilities. What a great bunch of people you are! Be proud!
Your hate projects about an inch from you....thank god....
Fucking idiot.

Mail order bride? I'm already married. And I'm faithful to my wife.

As I expect the electors to be faithful tomorrow.

I'm not afraid of assertive women. My wife is assertive. That's why I married her.

Well, maybe if you didn't come off like a screaming misogynist every time you talk about Hillary, you'd have credibility on how it wasn't about your misogyny.

There you go again with the Nazi bullshit. It doesn't work on me, Joe.

Yes, because a racist authoritarian who keeps a copy of Hitler's speeches under his bed and whose followers yell "Heil Trump", well, that's not a Nazi at all!

Obama couldn't and wouldn't have become President without the white vote.

Not the point I was making, guy. The point I was making was not the 40% of White people who voted for Obama, it's the 60% who completely lost their shit when he won, to the point where they voted for a Nazi this time.

You all fucked up. Yes, even you people who voted for Dope Smoking Gary. Own up to it.

You did this to your country.
I wouldn't get too smug. You choosing door number two, says a lot about you. None of it good..

and that's a good point. About half the people who voted for Trump, were really voting against Hillary. They really should have thought about what was behind Door #2.

But these people have been hating Hillary ever since she offended them in the 1990's for daring to have a vagina AND an opinion.

Now they own every stupid thing Trump is going to do.

I'm still awaiting the evidence of her criminality. Other than Fake Fox News asserted it almost every night for the past two years, I have yet to see any credible evidence. She might be dodgy, just haven't seen any proof. Nada..
Glad I could be of assistanc

You gave me Hillary Clinton.

As a lifelong Democrat I couldn't and wouldn't vote for Hillary.

The Gameshow host appeared to have won.

I chose door number two.

I wish I could say I voted for Trump just to piss you off.

But I am satisfied with the fact that it does piss you off.

That's what you get for talking down to the fine people who reside in the middle of the country.

I'm going to look forward to you sniveling and whining for the next 4 or perhaps 8 years.

Keep talking down to Americans and I'll join them when you hacks choose Elizabeth Warren in 2020.

Merry Christmas, Slick.

I wouldn't get too smug. You choosing door number two, says a lot about you. None of it good..
What the fuck do you know?

You know nothing about me.

Save it for your circle jerk.
This is why Trump will win the EC vote tomorrow;


And that is all there is to it, fascist Dimocrats.
I wouldn't get too smug. You choosing door number two, says a lot about you. None of it good..

and that's a good point. About half the people who voted for Trump, were really voting against Hillary. They really should have thought about what was behind Door #2.

But these people have been hating Hillary ever since she offended them in the 1990's for daring to have a vagina AND an opinion.

Now they own every stupid thing Trump is going to do.
I wouldn't get too smug. You choosing door number two, says a lot about you. None of it good..
What the fuck do you know?
You know nothing about me.
Save it for your circle jerk.
All he knows is that you are not supporting his ideological cause and that is enough for him in his mind to condemn you as a Nazi, a racist, a corrupt corporate tool, etc.

And not a shred of it based in Reality.

That is how these leftwing ideologues roll.
What the fuck do you know?

You know nothing about me.

Save it for your circle jerk.

Yeah, I know nothing about you. Just reading your posts that all. Unless you don't believe what you write, in which case, you're a fucking idiot. If you do believe what you write, then I do indeed know something about you....none of it good it seems...
What the fuck do you know?

You know nothing about me.

Save it for your circle jerk.

Yeah, I know nothing about you. Just reading your posts that all. Unless you don't believe what you write, in which case, you're a fucking idiot. If you do believe what you write, then I do indeed know something about you....none of it good it seems...
We know you're a fascist....:lol:
All he knows is that you are not supporting his ideological cause and that is enough for him in his mind to condemn you as a Nazi, a racist, a corrupt corporate tool, etc.

And not a shred of it based in Reality.

That is how these leftwing ideologues roll.

He doesn't seem like a racist. Or a Nazi. doesn't even seem he voted for Trump....But if he is glad to have Trump in office instead of Hillary, as I said, it says a lot about him. None of it good.

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