The future of Obama

Like the Clintons and Bushes, you'll never get rid of him. He will be hanging around pushing the globalist agenda until we are bankrupt and starving.

Obama is still young can count on another 40 years after he leaves office

He is going to drive Conservatives nuts
Yep. Last week he said he plans to work with young Americans to promote leadership after his presidency and wants to counter cynicism he sees in the millennial generation. In other words, he going to bugging conservatives for a long time to come, not slipping away like Bush did into obscurity.

Obama Reveals What He Will Do Right After The Next President s Inaugurated
Both Bush's slipped into obscurity

Sad really that you just fade away and have nothing to offer the world. Carter did the best of them all, winning a Nobel Prize after he was president
Like the Clintons and Bushes, you'll never get rid of him. He will be hanging around pushing the globalist agenda until we are bankrupt and starving.

Obama is still young can count on another 40 years after he leaves office

He is going to drive Conservatives nuts
Yep. Last week he said he plans to work with young Americans to promote leadership after his presidency and wants to counter cynicism he sees in the millennial generation. In other words, he going to bugging conservatives for a long time to come, not slipping away like Bush did into obscurity.

Obama Reveals What He Will Do Right After The Next President s Inaugurated
Both Bush's slipped into obscurity

Sad really that you just fade away and have nothing to offer the world. Carter did the best of them all, winning a Nobel Prize after he was president
Not really. They did their job, time to move on.
How will you remember this president? Will you remember his term as the era of prosperity and peace or he will be bashed until the end of his days? As for me Obama was the worst president ever (it's not like I've seen too many of them during my lifetime but still...). Obamacare and Obamacore have become the words hated by everyone in America. He was the first black president and he screwed everything up. He also was not a very honest person considering his shady biography.
I hope the future leaders will be much better.

Hilary will nominate him to the Supreme Court when Clarence Thomas is murdered by his when it's revealed he was a bigger womanizer than Bill Cosby.
The thing is that the historians that will soon rate Obama will take in all the history, history such as how much opposition did Obama have during his presidency, what might have been accomplished and why not.
In any case I wonder how long the name "Obama-Care" will be with us? So far, I predict sixteenth best American president. The beauty is that if Obama does get a good rating, Republicans will never be able to figure out why, it is beyond most as to what makes a good president.
I hope he has no future

...and disappears silently into the sunset

never to be seen or heard again.

Bullshit. You will be whining about Obama at least during both of Hillary's terms, and probably during the Democratic term that comes after her.
In spite of the Repub traitors, he has accomplished some pretty amazing things, fought hard for the working class, created jobs, saved the auto industry and other US manufacturing, given us the makings for true health care for all Americans and so much more.

Thanks to him, we're no longer an embarrassment on the national stage and the US has the strongest economy on the planet.

Let's just hope a Repub doesn't get elected because we will lose all that AND be in a half dozen ore ground wars the day after he is inaugurated.

Simply put, we cannot afford a Republican president.

and the US has the strongest economy on the planet.


This is how the Libs describe an economy that limps along at 2% growth.
Given that is better than most of the first world economies are doing at the moment, in spite of the state the economy was in when President Obama became President. You might remember that it was people like you that nearly put us into the Second Great Republican Depression.

Yes, President Obama has done a very good job with the economy, and we need another Democratic President, Senate, and Congress so we can get on with making an even better economy.
How will you remember this president? Will you remember his term as the era of prosperity and peace or he will be bashed until the end of his days? As for me Obama was the worst president ever (it's not like I've seen too many of them during my lifetime but still...). Obamacare and Obamacore have become the words hated by everyone in America. He was the first black president and he screwed everything up. He also was not a very honest person considering his shady biography.
I hope the future leaders will be much better.

All politicians work for the same $, from the same Corporations.

Obama's 7th top supporter was Kaiser Permanente, a Healthcare Corporations exercising "free speech" post Citizens united. This was supported by the Right, until Bama.

Obama's flaws were minimal because of the hate against him. Nearly nothing was passed during his Presidency due to the all time record Filibuster use.

I would love for ANY Conservative to tell me why he was the worst President when nothing he wanted got passed due to a Republican Congress. Isn't "no new laws" the basis of Conservative? So how did these "no new laws" and lowest spending growth since the 1950's do bad?

You kind of cornered yourself into racism there :biggrin:
The thing is that the historians that will soon rate Obama will take in all the history, history such as how much opposition did Obama have during his presidency, what might have been accomplished and why not.
In any case I wonder how long the name "Obama-Care" will be with us? So far, I predict sixteenth best American president. The beauty is that if Obama does get a good rating, Republicans will never be able to figure out why, it is beyond most as to what makes a good president.

I suspect that looking back at his era it will be noted what needed to be done and how for the sake of politics, was blocked. I think the government shut down will be a superb one note example of this.
I expected nothing from Obama, so wasn't more than slightly disappointed. Comparing to previous Presidents depends upon where one wishes to stop. Overall, he's probably somewhere in the middle. It is unfair to compare him to his predecessor, as the lowest always makes anything else look disproportionately good.
Tragically wasted opportunity.

No President has been better equipped - not even close - to aggressively and effectively deal with our racial problems, and Obama has largely laid low on the topic, emerging primarily to clearly take sides.

And the ACA was an excellent opportunity to go from a ridiculous "system" with six separate delivery/payment schemes that don't communicate with each other (Medicare, Medicaid, VA, group, individual, indigent) to one cohesive top-to-bottom Medicare/Medicare Supplement/Medicare Advantage system, and that was fucked up too, under his "leadership".

With his rock star celebrity status, he could have been the perfect advocate to fight the decay in our culture, challenging our society to stop reaching for the lowest common denominator, daring us to increase our standards and expectations of people in the public spotlight. He would have been the perfect guy.

No, he would not have permanently "fixed" all these problems (nipping an upcoming straw man argument in the bud here, I know how this place is). But he was the perfect guy to move the needle, to create some critically needed momentum.

Wasted opportunity.

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Like the Clintons and Bushes, you'll never get rid of him. He will be hanging around pushing the globalist agenda until we are bankrupt and starving.

Obama is still young can count on another 40 years after he leaves office

He is going to drive Conservatives nuts
Yep. Last week he said he plans to work with young Americans to promote leadership after his presidency and wants to counter cynicism he sees in the millennial generation. In other words, he going to bugging conservatives for a long time to come, not slipping away like Bush did into obscurity.

Obama Reveals What He Will Do Right After The Next President s Inaugurated
Both Bush's slipped into obscurity

Sad really that you just fade away and have nothing to offer the world. Carter did the best of them all, winning a Nobel Prize after he was president
Not really. They did their job, time to move on.

Why should your life end after you are president?

They have so much to offer
How will you remember this president? Will you remember his term as the era of prosperity and peace or he will be bashed until the end of his days? As for me Obama was the worst president ever (it's not like I've seen too many of them during my lifetime but still...). Obamacare and Obamacore have become the words hated by everyone in America. He was the first black president and he screwed everything up. He also was not a very honest person considering his shady biography.
I hope the future leaders will be much better.

How will you remember this president?

I will remember Obama as the corrupt, incompetent, lying fraud and piece-of-shit he truly is. His so-called presidency is a joke.


Strictly opinions. The joke was bush and the whole world was glad when he slithered back to tejas, leaving the economy in turmoil.

Not opinions, but facts. You know the kind of facts that stupid liberal Obama supporters like yourself who refuses to accept or acknowledge anything that makes Obama look bad, those facts. :cuckoo:

The joke is the Obama admin., and many Americans everywhere will be glad when he finally gets his sorry ass out of the WH, for eight years of fucking-up America.
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How will you remember this president? Will you remember his term as the era of prosperity and peace or he will be bashed until the end of his days? As for me Obama was the worst president ever (it's not like I've seen too many of them during my lifetime but still...). Obamacare and Obamacore have become the words hated by everyone in America. He was the first black president and he screwed everything up. He also was not a very honest person considering his shady biography.
I hope the future leaders will be much better.

I will remember Obama as the man who ended racial harmony. The one who reversed the progress toward an integrated and tolerant society. Who returned us to the dark days of racial violence and riots. Obama is the most corrupt president in American history with an openly criminal AG. Obama used the IRS to attack political enemies, an act so heinous that the mere suggestion had Republicans ready to impeach Nixon. But Obama did it - and no one gave a fuck.

I lost what little respect I had left for our government under Obama - we are a criminal oligarchy with no legitimacy.
The future of Obama......AS IT SHOULD BE!

Tragically wasted opportunity.

No President has been better equipped - not even close - to aggressively and effectively deal with our racial problems, and Obama has largely laid low on the topic, emerging primarily to clearly take sides.

And the ACA was an excellent opportunity to go from a ridiculous "system" with six separate delivery/payment schemes that don't communicate with each other (Medicare, Medicaid, VA, group, individual, indigent) to one cohesive top-to-bottom Medicare/Medicare Supplement/Medicare Advantage system, and that was fucked up too, under his "leadership".

With his rock star celebrity status, he could have been the perfect advocate to fight the decay in our culture, challenging our society to stop reaching for the lowest common denominator, daring us to increase our standards and expectations of people in the public spotlight. He would have been the perfect guy.

No, he would not have permanently "fixed" all these problems (nipping an upcoming straw man argument in the bud here, I know how this place is). But he was the perfect guy to move the needle, to create some critically needed momentum.

Wasted opportunity.

I think ACA is probably the best that was possible at the time. Obama first proposed a single payer system which I believe would have been the best system but it just was not possible. A single payer system would have met heavy opposition not just from the insurance companies but most of the medical establishment. It would have been too big a step. The ACA with all of it's faults is well on it's way to providing universal healthcare coverage. This will become a requirement for any future health legislation. It seems very unlikely that we every go back to a system that excludes those who's needs are the greatest. I think history will recognize the ACA as a major accomplishment that will have a lasting impact on healthcare in the US.

I think the ACA, ending two major wars, and shepherding the nation through the worst recession since the great depression will earn him good marks, probably in the top third.
The communist in the White House

voted by American idiots

has no future

after he leaves

and he knows it ....scum that he and his Valerie Jarret Iranian sister .... they are gone

to put it mildly

Traitors all his kind!!!! bloody traitors anti americans!!!
He thinks he will have a good time in his bunker....when he retires...

will he???

Fantasy and hyperbolic rhetoric spin jobs will not stand the test of time. From what I see, all he has accomplished is to ram through a poorly written law that if it were not due to being a tax, which it is, would have been overthrown. As for foreign policy? What foreign policy? capitulation? Economic recovery, doubling the national debt, what recovery? I must concede, keep kicking the f---ing can down the road and smoking your bong.
In spite of the Repub traitors, he has accomplished some pretty amazing things, fought hard for the working class, created jobs, saved the auto industry and other US manufacturing, given us the makings for true health care for all Americans and so much more.

Thanks to him, we're no longer an embarrassment on the national stage and the US has the strongest economy on the planet.

Let's just hope a Repub doesn't get elected because we will lose all that AND be in a half dozen ore ground wars the day after he is inaugurated.

Simply put, we cannot afford a Republican president.

and the US has the strongest economy on the planet.


This is how the Libs describe an economy that limps along at 2% growth.
Care to identify a current economy doing better than ours?

How is your boy Putin doing?

China GDP growth is 4% We had negative GDP growth last quarter and have been running about 1.5%-2% during the Obummbler years.

There are currently about 70 Countries with faster GDP growth then the U.S.

As're an idiot. :(

golf in Hawaii???

wait and see Hussein

what waits for you

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