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The future of this country

Sorry, I said 80 percent of manufacturing jobs were lost to automation.

It's 88 percent.


Almost 88 percent of job losses in manufacturing in recent years can be attributable to productivity growth, and the long-term changes to manufacturing employment are mostly linked to the productivity of American factories.

As for why we aren't producing products here, we are! We are manufacturing more goods than ever before.

Auto manufacturing 40 years ago. You can see at least a dozen humans in the photo working on four cars:


Auto manufacturing today. Spot the two humans in this photo. What are they doing?

Man I miss those UAW car doors that never shut right. lol

But until the gop supply side tax cuts of the past 20 years, there was no reason the US econ could not have supported child and medical care for a two parent family making careers in retail.
Sorry, I said 80 percent of manufacturing jobs were lost to automation.

It's 88 percent.


Almost 88 percent of job losses in manufacturing in recent years can be attributable to productivity growth, and the long-term changes to manufacturing employment are mostly linked to the productivity of American factories.

As for why we aren't producing products here, we are! We are manufacturing more goods than ever before.

Auto manufacturing 40 years ago. You can see at least a dozen humans in the photo working on four cars:


Auto manufacturing today. Spot the two humans in this photo. What are they doing?

So why is it that the premier manufacturers have to import foreigners to do the engineering and programming at the few manufacturing facilities we have?

Our local Intel plant is staffed by almost all imported Indians.

Our kids go to college and get shit degrees so they get to work in retail or be a food server. Our education system is a joke. Doctors and engineers are mostly foreigners these days.
So why is it that the premier manufacturers have to import foreigners to do the engineering and programming at the few manufacturing facilities we have?

Our local Intel plant is staffed by almost all imported Indians.

Our kids go to college and get shit degrees so they get to work in retail or be a food server. Our education system is a joke. Doctors and engineers are mostly foreigners these days.
Precisely what I keep saying in every one of these topics about manufacturing, and as I said in post 37.

We need to re-calibrate our education system to the jobs of tomorrow.

We need to stop voting for the lazy, pandering assholes who promise to bring back jobs which are never coming back.
You’re a bullshitter. You voted for Biden who did just that for the 50 years he was in Washington.

President Trump brought back half a million manufacturing jobs, it can be done.
You are a liar. I did not vote for Biden.

As for manufacturing jobs, they have been falling steadily since 1978. They began climbing long before Trump came along. And yet I don't recall you ever praising Obama for that!

Nevertheless, they will never go back to where they were.


Check this out. Remember how Trump promised to bring back coal jobs?

Total Number Of Coal Plants Plummeting Globally

Damn you, Obama! Damn you!


Oh, wait...

You are a liar. I did not vote for Biden.

As for manufacturing jobs, they have been falling steadily since 1978. They began climbing long before Trump came along. And yet I don't recall you ever praising Obama for that!

That's because you can post policies Trump initiated that gave us those jobs but you can't with DumBama. I'll give anybody credit for accomplishing something, but you can't give anybody credit for being someplace at the right time.
Kissenger is the reason a Jew can never be trusted in government. Fact:

Ten of Biden's cabinet picks are all jewish!

✡️️ Janet Yellen ✡️️ - Secretary of the Treasury

✡️️ Merrick Garland ✡️️ - Attorney General

✡️️ Alejandro Mayorkas ✡️️ - Secretary of Homeland Security

✡️️ Avril Haines ✡️️ - DNI

✡️️ Ron Klain ✡️️ - Chief of Staff

✡️️ Antony Blinken ✡️️ - Secretary of State

✡️️ Wendy Sherman ✡️️ - Deputy Secretary of State

✡️️ Victoria Nudelman ✡️️ - Secretary of State of Political Affairs

✡️️ Eric Lander ✡️️ - Office of Science and Technology Policy -

✡️️ David S. Cohen ✡️️ - CIA Director
:thup: :thankusmile: Be careful when you say Jew though,not all Jewish people are bad,judaism Jewish people are good people it’s just the Zionists Jews that are evil and that’s what all those picks of Biden’s are,Zionists.
You are a liar. I did not vote for Biden.

As for manufacturing jobs, they have been falling steadily since 1978. They began climbing long before Trump came along. And yet I don't recall you ever praising Obama for that!

Nevertheless, they will never go back to where they were.


Check this out. Remember how Trump promised to bring back coal jobs?

Total Number Of Coal Plants Plummeting Globally

Damn you, Obama! Damn you!


Oh, wait...


You and theHawk are both arguing over crap that has nothing to do with the point of this thread. When yall are done comparing dicks with each other, maybe you could come back the subect.
About 80 percent of lost manufacturing jobs were lost to automation, not China. Any huckster politician who makes the claim they will bring back manufacturing jobs is a lazy, lying, asshole.

The US is manufacturing more stuff than ever. That's a fact. It just takes less workers to do it.

At the founding of our country, it took 98 percent of the population to work in agriculture. Now it takes less than 2 percent and we are feeding the world.

What would you make of some dipshit con man who promised to bring back all those lost farm jobs?

That's how you should look at anyone promising to bring back manufacturing jobs.

An honest politician will tell you we need to re-calibrate our education system for the jobs of tomorrow.

But that takes hard work. It is easier to con the rubes with bullshit than do the necessary hard work.

During the housing bubble we landlords had to take almost anything we could get. When I advertised an apartment I would get e-mails that looked like they were written by a 7 year old. In desperation I had to interview some of these people. Out of curiosity I would bring up schools, and they told me they were high school graduates.

It all starts with primary education which the unions and leftists have control over. They are passing and graduating kids so they don't look bad by failing them. That's where to start.
That's because you can post policies Trump initiated that gave us those jobs but you can't with DumBama. I'll give anybody credit for accomplishing something, but you can't give anybody credit for being someplace at the right time.

What few jobs that came back were either short lived, or they just found a way to stay afloat. But they, Trump or the rest of them, have still not found a way to devaluate the USD back to anything close to what it should be.

Like I said, since 1913, the over inflation of the USD has left us with a USD value that worth over 2000% less than in 1913.

In 1950, what could you buy for $10K vs what you can buy with that same $10K now.
But if I make 50Kindollars and can buy shit made overseas with a dollar worth (say 2 yuan or pesos) why would I be ok being payed 50Kyaun/pesos?

Biden and the progs certainly did NOT pursue the policy. BUT, in theory at least, there's no reason parents should not have affordable after school care and healthcare for kids even if they work service jobs which cannot be offshored.

We may be on our way to killing the dollar as the reserve currency and devaluing it, but that's not a reason to support it.

So where do you suppose a country 30 trillion in debt would get this money for other people's kids?
I don't fully understand your question. (Haven't finished my first cup of coffee yet).

The point I'm trying to make with this thread is why $50,000 per year a decent wage now, instead of $20,000.
If $20K bought us as much as $50,000, then having our wages cut 2/3rds wouldn't actually have anything more than a psychological effect on us all. But we'd get used to it quickly.
Going to the grocery store and instead of the grocery bill being $150, it would be (example) $50 for the same products.

Equalizing our USD value with that of the Yuan or even the Peso, would curb a huge amount of our monetary woes for the simple fact that US companies could afford to manufacture here. Not to mention, it would help save a lot of other jobs in hundreds of other sectors. Including the medical field, legal, construction, entertainment, retail, engineering and just about every other industry.

It can't be done. What you're talking about is trying to put the toothpaste back in the tube.

Unions started off as a good thing for the country, but as the unions became corrupt and realized the more money they got their members in pay, the larger contribution they made to the union.

When our wages went up by one dollar an hour, China's went up three cents. When our wages went up another dollar, India's went up two cents. We eventually allowed the unions to price us out of the world market.

So it can't be reversed. We can't even find employees with the inflated wages we have today. Back when I was a teen and early 20's, if you were in the basement all day smoking pot, your father would tell you to get a job or you're getting kicked out of the house. Today people not only live with their parents much longer, but the parents welcome their kids to stay the rest of their life if they want. If you don't have to work, why would you?

As you probably know I'm a retired truck driver. Our country is short over 60,000 drivers they can't find. Walmart is so desperate they are offering their warehouse workers to become drivers and make well over 70K a year. They can't find enough people to do the job.
that is what every single company says.

So where are they wrong?

One of my former customers was a company that built crates. They made crates the size of suitcases to the size of a tractor-trailer to move machinery. I used to deliver those crates to companies that were moving out of the state or country.

I got to talking with a few supervisors about the problem, and even some company owners. They didn't want to move, but it was either move or join their employees in the unemployment line. American companies simply can't compete with foreign companies and stay in business.
That's what they all said. His ties were NOT cheap. You either have principles or you don't.

You're not going to allow your company to lose money or close down because of principles. Trump (like most all business owners) is a businessman first, principles second.

You get a traffic ticket for not making a complete stop at a stop sign. You can miss a day of work, fight the violation, and then miss other days of works in the appeals process, or you can just pay the Fn ticket by sending them a check through the mail, or however they do it these days, and save yourself a ton of time and money. Where are your principles?
It can't be done. What you're talking about is trying to put the toothpaste back in the tube.

Unions started off as a good thing for the country, but as the unions became corrupt and realized the more money they got their members in pay, the larger contribution they made to the union.

When our wages went up by one dollar an hour, China's went up three cents. When our wages went up another dollar, India's went up two cents. We eventually allowed the unions to price us out of the world market.

So it can't be reversed. We can't even find employees with the inflated wages we have today. Back when I was a teen and early 20's, if you were in the basement all day smoking pot, your father would tell you to get a job or you're getting kicked out of the house. Today people not only live with their parents much longer, but the parents welcome their kids to stay the rest of their life if they want. If you don't have to work, why would you?

As you probably know I'm a retired truck driver. Our country is short over 60,000 drivers they can't find. Walmart is so desperate they are offering their warehouse workers to become drivers and make well over 70K a year. They can't find enough people to do the job.

I'm not sure why you're bringing up unions. That's way below anything this subject has to do with. The need for higher wages are just a symptom of inflation.

BTW, nothing you said was wrong. I agree with it all. Just saying that the government has devalued/over inflated our money to the point that there's no way any manufacturer can continue much longer in the US, without either automation or outsourcing.

It can be reversed. But only if "we the people" force the government to do it. It's seems very odd to push for drastic cuts in wages. Most people can't think that deep (or a day ahead). But if a middle class wage was $5hr, and bought the same as $25 hr, then it would make no difference. At the end of the day, we'd all still live just as well as we do now. And many people would live a lot better than they're living, because manufacturing & production would return to this country.

Imagine, the US making TV's again. Or cell phones. All the parts that go into a Ford, Chrysler or GM were all American made.
They say that 60 of the catfish we eat in this country is imported from another country (China mostly).
What few jobs that came back were either short lived, or they just found a way to stay afloat. But they, Trump or the rest of them, have still not found a way to devaluate the USD back to anything close to what it should be.

Like I said, since 1913, the over inflation of the USD has left us with a USD value that worth over 2000% less than in 1913.

In 1950, what could you buy for $10K vs what you can buy with that same $10K now.

It was less about bringing jobs back than it was the jobs we had bleeding into other countries. Trump gave businesses and working people a lower tax rate that helped businesses and gave us consumers a little more residual income to buy their products. He kept fuel costs down even during our best economy in 50 years. Gasoline never went over $3.00 a gallon on a national level in the four years he served. That helped businesses tremendously as fuel generally increases or decreases in price together. You know what it cost you to heat your home this past winter. Imagine what it costs to heat a factory of 150 employees.

Remember too when comparing the good ole days there were many less things to buy. At family gatherings when we start talking about cell phones, my father laughs as he points out he pays more for his cell phone every month than the mortgage on the house we grew up in.

We eat fast good much more often than years ago. We have our cell phone bills, our cable or satellite bills, our internet bills, our video games, and I didn't even mention the extras.

Growing up in the 60s and 70's everybody had one car for the family. McDonalds was a treat you got three or four times a year. Our television had rabbit ears on it, we had one landline telephone for the entire family to use. When you wanted to see a movie, you didn't click some buttons on your television set every night. You had to get dressed up, get to the freezing cold car, and drive to a movie theater. So WTF did we spend our money on? That's why we had more money back then.
I'm not sure why you're bringing up unions. That's way below anything this subject has to do with. The need for higher wages are just a symptom of inflation.

BTW, nothing you said was wrong. I agree with it all. Just saying that the government has devalued/over inflated our money to the point that there's no way any manufacturer can continue much longer in the US, without either automation or outsourcing.

It can be reversed. But only if "we the people" force the government to do it. It's seems very odd to push for drastic cuts in wages. Most people can't think that deep (or a day ahead). But if a middle class wage was $5hr, and bought the same as $25 hr, then it would make no difference. At the end of the day, we'd all still live just as well as we do now. And many people would live a lot better than they're living, because manufacturing & production would return to this country.

Imagine, the US making TV's again. Or cell phones. All the parts that go into a Ford, Chrysler or GM were all American made.
They say that 60 of the catfish we eat in this country is imported from another country (China mostly).

I bring up unions because they and government were responsible for inflating us out of the world market. If a union company was paying a worker a good wage of $20.00 an hour to run a drill press, the non-union companies had to increase their wages as well to attract workers during very favorable economic times, thus the inflation you speak of.

Nothing devalues the dollar more than printing phony money, and we are a country 30 trillion in debt. The last balanced budget we had was in the 90s when Republicans took charge of the House.

So how do you solve this problem since voters don't pay attention to this stuff? I say a national consumption tax. The tax will be earmarked for deficit spending and to pay down our debt, let's say 5 cents on the dollar. When anybody in Congress writes a bill to spend more and it passes, we increase the consumption tax to 7 cents on the dollar. Free college? Ten cents on the dollar. Fund the Ukraine war, eleven cents on the dollar.

Currently when Congress spends money it doesn't affect you or me directly, so nobody really cares. If we had to start paying for this spending immediately, you'd see how fast people would reject all this pork spending that goes on every year. Then we would reduce deficit spending thus no borrowing, perhaps reduce the debt, and that would put us back on track.

Ray we cannot in any way expect americans to accept a 3 cent raise. If they did they could not in any way survive on those wages. You want people to work hard for pittances. That's anti smerican no matter how you shake it. Work your butt off for free basically is what you want. Workers aren't going to do that nor should they even for the good of the nation.
Man I miss those UAW car doors that never shut right. lol

But until the gop supply side tax cuts of the past 20 years, there was no reason the US econ could not have supported child and medical care for a two parent family making careers in retail.

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