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The future of this country

$20 per hour was a good wage....in the 80s yes. The delusion is someone telling a worker that $20 is so great.
Kissenger is the reason a Jew can never be trusted in government. Fact:

Ten of Biden's cabinet picks are all jewish!

✡️️ Janet Yellen ✡️️ - Secretary of the Treasury

✡️️ Merrick Garland ✡️️ - Attorney General

✡️️ Alejandro Mayorkas ✡️️ - Secretary of Homeland Security

✡️️ Avril Haines ✡️️ - DNI

✡️️ Ron Klain ✡️️ - Chief of Staff

✡️️ Antony Blinken ✡️️ - Secretary of State

✡️️ Wendy Sherman ✡️️ - Deputy Secretary of State

✡️️ Victoria Nudelman ✡️️ - Secretary of State of Political Affairs

✡️️ Eric Lander ✡️️ - Office of Science and Technology Policy -

✡️️ David S. Cohen ✡️️ - CIA Director
I bring up unions because they and government were responsible for inflating us out of the world market. If a union company was paying a worker a good wage of $20.00 an hour to run a drill press, the non-union companies had to increase their wages as well to attract workers during very favorable economic times, thus the inflation you speak of.

Nothing devalues the dollar more than printing phony money, and we are a country 30 trillion in debt. The last balanced budget we had was in the 90s when Republicans took charge of the House.

So how do you solve this problem since voters don't pay attention to this stuff? I say a national consumption tax. The tax will be earmarked for deficit spending and to pay down our debt, let's say 5 cents on the dollar. When anybody in Congress writes a bill to spend more and it passes, we increase the consumption tax to 7 cents on the dollar. Free college? Ten cents on the dollar. Fund the Ukraine war, eleven cents on the dollar.

Currently when Congress spends money it doesn't affect you or me directly, so nobody really cares. If we had to start paying for this spending immediately, you'd see how fast people would reject all this pork spending that goes on every year. Then we would reduce deficit spending thus no borrowing, perhaps reduce the debt, and that would put us back on track.

I see what you're saying. And I'm about 60% opposed to unions. There's a issue that even economist have mentioned many times, it's the gap between corporate leaderships pay and their employee's. Top level execs, who didn't start the company, only hired in, are giving themselves and other CEO's huge salaries, raises and bonuses. And unions fighting for cost of living increases and trying to keep the gap between the CEO's pay and their employee's pay at a minimum.

CEO's, even after the big union employees pay raise, still manage to bring in millions with huge bonuses. I hate to point this out, because it sounds like I support it (which I don't), but one thing that helped to grow companies many years ago, was the huge taxes that companies were either forced to pay. The only way to get out of paying such high taxes, was to reinvest that money into their company. By pay raises for their employee's or expanding their business. Instead of paying something like 90% tax, they'd give raises, buy new equipment, expand their businesses to new locations or what ever it took to keep from paying such a high tax rate.
Someone in the business world that they could just pay themselves a LOT more and not have to worry about many employee's pay raises, or any of those other things.

In 2020, top CEOs earned 351 times more than the typical worker

This was not the case 50 years ago.
Things for workers are changing for the better, unions or no unions. If you want a good worker then you will have to be fair, which hadn't been the case.
:thup: :thankusmile: Be careful when you say Jew though,not all Jewish people are bad,judaism Jewish people are good people it’s just the Zionists Jews that are evil and that’s what all those picks of Biden’s are,Zionists.
now i know i am on to something,sage troll is a shill from langley and any post he does not lIKE,ITS THE TRUTH.:auiqs.jpg:
Who ever I would support for president would have to address this issue and then at least attempt to gather economic geniuses to come up with a way to get it done.
That’s nonsense.

Whomever the president might be has little to do with it.

It’s Congress’ responsibility to address such economic issues.

A president might propose legislation and attempt to shepherd it through Congress, but the legislative branch is ultimately responsible, not the executive.
So the question is, why are US products too expensive? You have to look at what creates the cost. Labor is the #1 factor. So it's the #1 reason why Obama's & Trumps China trade deals would've never worked.
It's also the #1 reason why American manufacturers don't manufacture in the USA near as much as they did in the 70's & 80's.
To solve the problem, one has to address why companies have to pay $15 to $35hr for blue collar workers. The answer is easy. But solving the problem is almost impossible to accomplish because that would take the government forcing lower prices and wages on everything.

Who ever I would support for president would have to address this issue and then at least attempt to gather economic geniuses to come up with a way to get it done. To ignore it will only perpetuate the problem. And within a decade, the problem will continue to push manufacturing out of the country. Allowing automation to take over even the easiest jobs. Which is already happening to millions of jobs.

Automation only requires a mimicking of humans abilities and functions. Computers can be programmed to do just about anything a human can do. From moving objects, joining them together to thinking of solutions.
They just need to be programmed to the specifics of each task.

The end result is an economy where robots and computers do almost everything, leaving the US work force lazy and without incentive. It also means that the only money that too many Americans will have at their disposal comes in the form of welfare. IE Yang's idea of a guaranteed income (Those $1,000 checks)

So unless the government, with the help of those who run the economy and the corporation force, this country into a massive deflation cycle that leads our economy, wages and prices back to levels around the 1960's, the GenZ's and their kids and their kids, in this country will not be producing enough to keep the economy from dying a miserable horrible death.

Can anyone else (that isn't a surface level thinker) come up with a solution?

Funniest part is that you consider the above sandbox fantasy as deep thinking.

There is a fairly straight forward solution to a long term tight labor supply in a rich but aging country - expanded immigration policy to bring in and train young and eager workforce.

No over-engineering required.
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I see what you're saying. And I'm about 60% opposed to unions. There's a issue that even economist have mentioned many times, it's the gap between corporate leaderships pay and their employee's. Top level execs, who didn't start the company, only hired in, are giving themselves and other CEO's huge salaries, raises and bonuses. And unions fighting for cost of living increases and trying to keep the gap between the CEO's pay and their employee's pay at a minimum.

CEO's, even after the big union employees pay raise, still manage to bring in millions with huge bonuses. I hate to point this out, because it sounds like I support it (which I don't), but one thing that helped to grow companies many years ago, was the huge taxes that companies were either forced to pay. The only way to get out of paying such high taxes, was to reinvest that money into their company. By pay raises for their employee's or expanding their business. Instead of paying something like 90% tax, they'd give raises, buy new equipment, expand their businesses to new locations or what ever it took to keep from paying such a high tax rate.
Someone in the business world that they could just pay themselves a LOT more and not have to worry about many employee's pay raises, or any of those other things.

In 2020, top CEOs earned 351 times more than the typical worker

This was not the case 50 years ago.
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It's really not relevant what a CEO makes or what a worker makes. The two have nothing to do with each other. CEO's and workers alike are paid by what it would cost a company to pay another person do the same exact job with the same exact quality of work or results. Good CEO's are high in demand, just like very famous actors, musicians, athletes and so on. So they can call their own shots.

Our very own LaBoob James is a billionaire, and maybe a multi-billionaire by now, who knows. What does the guy selling pop corn or beer in the stands make? How about the parking lot attendants? What about the electricians or clean up crew when the games are done? How about the maintenance guy? Your value to an employer is determined by what it would take to replace you, not what other people make.

As for unions I could write a book on my experiences with them in my over 30 years of driving CDL vehicles, especially when I first started out when unions were plentiful. The stronger they were, the worse they were to work with. I could go to a new company I'd never been to before, not talk to anybody about the company they worked for, and I could tell you in five minutes if they were union or not.

It's one of the reasons I drive a Toyota today and have for over 20 years. My last American made car, my mechanic drove it more than I did after 30,000 miles. With my experience of those lazy assholes at the UAW auto plants, I asked myself if I wanted these same morons building my car. That's when I switched to Toyota and never been happier. My Camery's never left me stranded anywhere, never seen a tow truck, never made me late for work or force me to take a vacation day. It was one of the few best choices I made in my life
Ray we cannot in any way expect americans to accept a 3 cent raise. If they did they could not in any way survive on those wages. You want people to work hard for pittances. That's anti smerican no matter how you shake it. Work your butt off for free basically is what you want. Workers aren't going to do that nor should they even for the good of the nation.

Not at all, I want people to make what they are worth. If you are not making satisfactory money, then that's all your skills are worth as few as they are. We don't need Democrats or unions forcing companies to pay you more than your value to them. That's what I call un-American.

The trick of course is get into a trade or learn a skill or profession that pays the kind of money you want to make. I wish that for every American. But if your job is sorting nuts and bolts, it's a job any idiot can do and the pay reflects that.

What you make is entirely up to you, nobody else.
I can agree with that and you can agree that those lower wage jobs don't need to be filled. If they were needed they'd pay more. It doesn't hurt a business to not fill a position that pays a low wage. Simply don't post the position and don't offer the job and its no loss.
You're not going to allow your company to lose money or close down because of principles. Trump (like most all business owners) is a businessman first, principles second.

Trump's ties were very expensive. He could have profitably made them in the US.

Trump's ties were very expensive. He could have profitably made them in the US.

You don't know that and neither do I. I'll take what Trump said over what you think any day of the week. That's besides the fact even if true, Trump should take much less profit by making them in the US? You don't understand why we have businesses in this country, do you? Hint: People don't open up businesses to give people good paying monkey jobs and benefits.
I can agree with that and you can agree that those lower wage jobs don't need to be filled. If they were needed they'd pay more. It doesn't hurt a business to not fill a position that pays a low wage. Simply don't post the position and don't offer the job and its no loss.

Or post the job and if people want to work the job, it's their free choice. If they don't, then the employer needs to make corrections on his offer. If he has to offer too much for labor, he invests in automation or outsourcing.
50+ years of failed trade policy has caused this.

Nixon opened China for trade with the idea if we exported capitalism to China they would end up overthrowing their communist government. Instead China has successfully exported Marxism and communism to America. Corporations now willfully enforce CCP censorship to their own employees and US citizens.

50+ years of idiotic trade deals that fucked this country over and shipped jobs overseas. Failing to use tariffs, failing to keep manufacturing jobs here, all thanks to politicians who sold this country out while they pocketed millions for themselves. People like Biden.
You can blame Henry Kissinger, not Nixon
You don't know that and neither do I. I'll take what Trump said over what you think any day of the week.

Trump said he had a health care plan ready to roll out that everyone was going to love. I said he didn't............................

That's besides the fact even if true, Trump should take much less profit by making them in the US? You don't understand why we have businesses in this country, do you? Hint: People don't open up businesses to give people good paying monkey jobs and benefits.

Your excuses are why we are in this mess.
Funniest part is that you consider the above sandbox fantasy as deep thinking.

There is a fairly straight forward solution to a long term tight labor supply in a rich but aging country - expanded immigration policy to bring in and train young and eager workforce.

No over-engineering required.

Biden's open border policy isn't helping the economy or the value of the USD.
Biden's open border policy isn't helping the economy or the value of the USD.
Can just ease up on the politico drivel for just a post?

There is no open border policy and the only one talking about illegals is you. I’m talking about expansion of legal immigration being a fairly simple fix to long term worker shortages.

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