The G.O.P. Stalinists Invade Upstate New York

At least Bozell admits his bias, unlike leftist whack-o propagandists like Media Matters.
Hmmm. Sounds like some have it all figured out. Who knows what lurks in the minds of some?? I sincerely hope that Hoffman wins this thing. That Scazzza whats her name wasn't a Conservative at all. She loved eveything about Obama. Porkulus, bail outs, takeover at GM and Chrysler. Oh yes she was a gold plated Conservative all the way. What a load of BS. She finally figured out she couldn't get elected so what did she do, why throw the real conservative under the bus and back her real buddy, the Dem. The next thing she would have done, if elected, was switch parties just like Ol'Arlen did. I guess you can only wear a disguise for so long.

As for the Reps, well I'm an independent and I vote for the person not the party but I sincerely hope the Reps have learned a very hard lesson. They need to get back to their fiscally responsible ways and save us all from these looney dems. I just hope NY is the first stop on that journey.
"Stalinists?" Most of the Democratic Party is made up of Stalinists. So how can a Hopey Changey dislike Stalinists? It just seems to me that the poster who started this thread has misread their White House Talking Points. lol! "Stalinists?" That's some funny stuff. :)

The new liberoidal Democrap talking pointless is to assign the false label "Stalinist" to this deal.

It is devoid of honesty.

Liberal Democratics are devoid of honesty.

What the hell is even remotely "Stalin-like" about a conservative candidate getting support against a liberal Democratic?

Boy, these liberoidal Democratic narrative writers are unpersuasive liars.
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BARACK OBAMA’S most devilish political move since the 2008 campaign was to appoint a Republican congressman from upstate New York as secretary of the Army. This week’s election to fill that vacant seat has set off nothing less than a riotous and bloody national G.O.P. civil war. No matter what the results in that race on Tuesday, the Republicans are the sure losers. This could be a gift that keeps on giving to the Democrats through 2010, and perhaps beyond.

New York’s 23rd, a rural Congressional district abutting Canada. That this pastoral setting could become a G.O.P. killing field, attracting an all-star cast of combatants led by Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck, William Kristol and Newt Gingrich, is a premise out of a Depression-era screwball comedy. But such farces have become the norm for the conservative movement — whether the participants are dressing up in full “tea party” drag or not.

The battle for upstate New York confirms just how swiftly the right has devolved into a wacky, paranoid cult that is as eager to eat its own as it is to destroy Obama. The movement’s undisputed leaders, Palin and Beck, neither of whom have what Palin once called the “actual responsibilities” of public office, would gladly see the Republican Party die on the cross of right-wing ideological purity. Over the short term, at least, their wish could come true.

The New York fracas was ignited by the routine decision of 11 local Republican county chairmen to anoint an assemblywoman, Dede Scozzafava, as their party’s nominee for the vacant seat. The 23rd is in safe Republican territory that hasn’t sent a Democrat to Congress in decades. And Scozzafava is a mainstream conservative by New York standards; one statistical measure found her voting record slightly to the right of her fellow Republicans in the Assembly. But she has occasionally strayed from orthodoxy on social issues (abortion, same-sex marriage) and endorsed the Obama stimulus package. To the right’s Jacobins, that’s cause to send her to the guillotine.

Sure enough, bloggers trashed her as a radical leftist and ditched her for a third-party candidate they deem a “true” conservative, an accountant and businessman named Doug Hoffman. When Gingrich dared endorse Scozzafava anyway — as did other party potentates like John Boehner and Michael Steele — he too was slimed. Mocking Newt’s presumed 2012 presidential ambitions, Michelle Malkin imagined him appointing Al Sharpton as secretary of education and Al Gore as “global warming czar.” She’s quite the wit.

The wrecking crew of Kristol, Fred Thompson, Dick Armey, Michele Bachmann, The Wall Street Journal editorial page and the government-bashing Club for Growth all joined the Hoffman putsch. Then came the big enchilada: a Hoffman endorsement from Palin on her Facebook page. Such is Palin’s clout that Steve Forbes, Rick Santorum and Tim Pawlenty, the Minnesota governor (and presidential aspirant), promptly fell over one another in their Pavlovian rush to second her motion. They were joined by far-flung Republican congressmen from Kansas, Georgia, Oklahoma and California, not to mention a gaggle of state legislators from Colorado. On Fox News, Beck took up the charge, insinuating that Hoffman’s Republican opponent might be a fan of Karl Marx. Some $3 million has now been dumped into this race by outside groups.


Seriously... An op-Ed in the NY Times is your source for this.... :lol::lol::lol::lol:
At least Bozell admits his bias, unlike leftist whack-o propagandists like Media Matters. least I admit I'm a JFK liberal and a Goldwater libertarian...

You "call" yourself a libertarian but constantly spew right wing whack-o propaganda...

Political language ... is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind.
George Orwell
"Stalinists?" Most of the Democratic Party is made up of Stalinists. So how can a Hopey Changey dislike Stalinists? It just seems to me that the poster who started this thread has misread their White House Talking Points. lol! "Stalinists?" That's some funny stuff. :)

The new liberoidal Democrap talking pointless is to assign the false label "STalinist" to this deal.

It is devoid of honestly.

Liberal Democratics are devoid of honesty.

What the hell is even remotely "Stalin-like" about a conservative candidate getting support against a liberal Democratic?

Boy, these liberoidal Democratic narrative writers are unpersuasive liars.

Liberals are so desperate and scarred these days. They are scarred shitless of the thought of a true conservative winning an election in a deep blue state. We're supposed to be living in the "Obama-nation" where everyone loves Comrade Hussein and his thugs in Congress, and those pesky conservatives are just an "outside fringe" only representing 10% of the people.
BARACK OBAMA’S most devilish political move since the 2008 campaign was to appoint a Republican congressman from upstate New York as secretary of the Army. This week’s election to fill that vacant seat has set off nothing less than a riotous and bloody national G.O.P. civil war. No matter what the results in that race on Tuesday, the Republicans are the sure losers. This could be a gift that keeps on giving to the Democrats through 2010, and perhaps beyond.

New York’s 23rd, a rural Congressional district abutting Canada. That this pastoral setting could become a G.O.P. killing field, attracting an all-star cast of combatants led by Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck, William Kristol and Newt Gingrich, is a premise out of a Depression-era screwball comedy. But such farces have become the norm for the conservative movement — whether the participants are dressing up in full “tea party” drag or not.

The battle for upstate New York confirms just how swiftly the right has devolved into a wacky, paranoid cult that is as eager to eat its own as it is to destroy Obama. The movement’s undisputed leaders, Palin and Beck, neither of whom have what Palin once called the “actual responsibilities” of public office, would gladly see the Republican Party die on the cross of right-wing ideological purity. Over the short term, at least, their wish could come true.

The New York fracas was ignited by the routine decision of 11 local Republican county chairmen to anoint an assemblywoman, Dede Scozzafava, as their party’s nominee for the vacant seat. The 23rd is in safe Republican territory that hasn’t sent a Democrat to Congress in decades. And Scozzafava is a mainstream conservative by New York standards; one statistical measure found her voting record slightly to the right of her fellow Republicans in the Assembly. But she has occasionally strayed from orthodoxy on social issues (abortion, same-sex marriage) and endorsed the Obama stimulus package. To the right’s Jacobins, that’s cause to send her to the guillotine.

Sure enough, bloggers trashed her as a radical leftist and ditched her for a third-party candidate they deem a “true” conservative, an accountant and businessman named Doug Hoffman. When Gingrich dared endorse Scozzafava anyway — as did other party potentates like John Boehner and Michael Steele — he too was slimed. Mocking Newt’s presumed 2012 presidential ambitions, Michelle Malkin imagined him appointing Al Sharpton as secretary of education and Al Gore as “global warming czar.” She’s quite the wit.

The wrecking crew of Kristol, Fred Thompson, Dick Armey, Michele Bachmann, The Wall Street Journal editorial page and the government-bashing Club for Growth all joined the Hoffman putsch. Then came the big enchilada: a Hoffman endorsement from Palin on her Facebook page. Such is Palin’s clout that Steve Forbes, Rick Santorum and Tim Pawlenty, the Minnesota governor (and presidential aspirant), promptly fell over one another in their Pavlovian rush to second her motion. They were joined by far-flung Republican congressmen from Kansas, Georgia, Oklahoma and California, not to mention a gaggle of state legislators from Colorado. On Fox News, Beck took up the charge, insinuating that Hoffman’s Republican opponent might be a fan of Karl Marx. Some $3 million has now been dumped into this race by outside groups.


Seriously... An op-Ed in the NY Times is your source for this.... :lol::lol::lol::lol:

YES, it is a Op-Ed piece from the NY Times...the Op stands for Opinion...

AND, I endorse the Opinion expressed...
BARACK OBAMA’S most devilish political move since the 2008 campaign was to appoint a Republican congressman from upstate New York as secretary of the Army. This week’s election to fill that vacant seat has set off nothing less than a riotous and bloody national G.O.P. civil war. No matter what the results in that race on Tuesday, the Republicans are the sure losers. This could be a gift that keeps on giving to the Democrats through 2010, and perhaps beyond.

New York’s 23rd, a rural Congressional district abutting Canada. That this pastoral setting could become a G.O.P. killing field, attracting an all-star cast of combatants led by Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck, William Kristol and Newt Gingrich, is a premise out of a Depression-era screwball comedy. But such farces have become the norm for the conservative movement — whether the participants are dressing up in full “tea party” drag or not.

The battle for upstate New York confirms just how swiftly the right has devolved into a wacky, paranoid cult that is as eager to eat its own as it is to destroy Obama. The movement’s undisputed leaders, Palin and Beck, neither of whom have what Palin once called the “actual responsibilities” of public office, would gladly see the Republican Party die on the cross of right-wing ideological purity. Over the short term, at least, their wish could come true.

The New York fracas was ignited by the routine decision of 11 local Republican county chairmen to anoint an assemblywoman, Dede Scozzafava, as their party’s nominee for the vacant seat. The 23rd is in safe Republican territory that hasn’t sent a Democrat to Congress in decades. And Scozzafava is a mainstream conservative by New York standards; one statistical measure found her voting record slightly to the right of her fellow Republicans in the Assembly. But she has occasionally strayed from orthodoxy on social issues (abortion, same-sex marriage) and endorsed the Obama stimulus package. To the right’s Jacobins, that’s cause to send her to the guillotine.

Sure enough, bloggers trashed her as a radical leftist and ditched her for a third-party candidate they deem a “true” conservative, an accountant and businessman named Doug Hoffman. When Gingrich dared endorse Scozzafava anyway — as did other party potentates like John Boehner and Michael Steele — he too was slimed. Mocking Newt’s presumed 2012 presidential ambitions, Michelle Malkin imagined him appointing Al Sharpton as secretary of education and Al Gore as “global warming czar.” She’s quite the wit.

The wrecking crew of Kristol, Fred Thompson, Dick Armey, Michele Bachmann, The Wall Street Journal editorial page and the government-bashing Club for Growth all joined the Hoffman putsch. Then came the big enchilada: a Hoffman endorsement from Palin on her Facebook page. Such is Palin’s clout that Steve Forbes, Rick Santorum and Tim Pawlenty, the Minnesota governor (and presidential aspirant), promptly fell over one another in their Pavlovian rush to second her motion. They were joined by far-flung Republican congressmen from Kansas, Georgia, Oklahoma and California, not to mention a gaggle of state legislators from Colorado. On Fox News, Beck took up the charge, insinuating that Hoffman’s Republican opponent might be a fan of Karl Marx. Some $3 million has now been dumped into this race by outside groups.


Seriously... An op-Ed in the NY Times is your source for this.... :lol::lol::lol::lol:

YES, it is a Op-Ed piece from the NY Times...the Op stands for Opinion...

AND, I endorse the Opinion expressed...

Because it is the opinion you already have even though there is no factual honest basis for it.

Or maybe that's WHY you harbor that silly opinion.
Seriously... An op-Ed in the NY Times is your source for this.... :lol::lol::lol::lol:

YES, it is a Op-Ed piece from the NY Times...the Op stands for Opinion...

AND, I endorse the Opinion expressed...

Because it is the opinion you already have even though there is no factual honest basis for it.

Or maybe that's WHY you harbor that silly opinion.

Really the fiasco and Republicans eating their own is NOT going on in NY's 23rd district? Does Newt know this?
YES, it is a Op-Ed piece from the NY Times...the Op stands for Opinion...

AND, I endorse the Opinion expressed...

Because it is the opinion you already have even though there is no factual honest basis for it.

Or maybe that's WHY you harbor that silly opinion.

Really the fiasco and Republicans eating their own is NOT going on in NY's 23rd district? Does Newt know this?

For Pete's sake. There was no primary to have the opponents selected for this special election.

Fucking "Party" honchos PICKED their candidates.

The GOP "picked" a freakin' lib. So a conservative thought about it and decided to run for the seat on the Conservative Party line. SOME GOP "loyalists" dutifully "supported" the NAMED GOP candidate. Why? For no other reason (obviously) than that she was a Republican. But she did not hold close to her heart the basic principles of what many Republicans see as REPUBLICAN PARTY positions. So?

The GOP hand-picked party boss-chosen candidate saw that she was gonna lose and dropped out. And like the lib she is, she promptly offered her support to the liberal DEMOCRAT.

Is she guilty of "eating HER own?"

Who cares? She showed her true colors. In the process, she UNDERSCORED why guys like NEWT were dead fucking WRONG to endorse her over the conservative candidate.

I say it's GREAT.

I can only HOPE that the CONSERVATIVE PARTY candidate, Mr. Hoffman, WINS. The Republicans will still derive a benefit since it's clear Hoffman wouldn't caucus with the Dems.... But the GOP MIGHT learn at long last a hard lesson. The GOP Party electorate is not all that happy with winning mere seats if the persons parking their asses IN those seats are essentially libs and RINOs. What could be bad about the stinking GOP taking the message?

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