The Gaystapo is at it again

What sharia legislation has been proposed? We DO have Blue Laws.

Many states prohibit selling alcohol for on and off-premises sales in one form or another on Sundays at some restricted time, under the idea that people should be in church on Sunday morning, or at least not drinking.[21][22]

Another feature of blue laws in the United States restricts the purchase of particular items on Sundays. Some of these laws restrict the ability to buy cars, groceries, office supplies, and housewares among other things. Though most of these laws have been relaxed or repealed in most states, they are still enforced in some other states.

In Texas, for example, blue laws prohibited selling housewares such as pots, pans, and washing machines on Sunday until 1985. In Colorado, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Louisiana, Maine, Minnesota, Missouri, Oklahoma, New Jersey, North Dakota, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin, car dealerships continue to operate under blue-law prohibitions in which an automobile may not be purchased or traded on a Sunday. Maryland permits Sunday automobile sales only in the counties of Charles, Prince George's, Montgomery, and Howard; similarly, Michigan restricts Sunday sales to only those counties with a population of less than 130,000. Texas and Utah prohibit car dealerships from operating over consecutive weekend days. In some cases these laws were created or retained with the support of those whom they affected, to allow them a day off each week without fear of their competitors still being open.[23]

Blue laws may also prohibit retail activity on days other than Sunday. In Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Maine,[24] for example, blue laws prohibit most retail stores, including grocery stores, from opening on Thanksgivingand Christmas.[25]

1. How many of those laws carry penalties such as whipping, cutting off hands, etc?
2. How many of those laws are enforced today?
3. Which direction are we moving, towards more blue laws or fewer?

See, to compare these to actual Sharia is foolish. You might as well compare a Summer breeze to a hurricane.

Keep shifting those goalposts. I'll ask again...What sharia legislation has been proposed anywhere in the United States?
Uh, if you go back through the thread, you'll notice that you're arguing my point. Sharia law is not being proposed in the US, even though the usual suspects are carrying on about Christian Sharia and other oxymoronic nonsense.

We don't have "sharia", but we do have religious based laws...Christian religious based laws. How is that different than religious based laws that are Muslim?

The topic to which I responded specifically cited Christian Sharia law that somebody is supposedly attempting to create in the US. That's what I've been saying is not happening and you are agreeing with me.

Now, if you want to compare American law to Sharia, there's a vast difference between a law that prevents a business from being open on Sunday and a law that provides for whipping a woman with a cane because she was seen walking in public by herself. That's how it's different, and to associate the two is ridiculous.

Also, which direction is America going, towards more religious based law or less?

What is your point? The United States is not in danger of instituting sharia law. We do have laws based on religion and Republicans keep trying to pass more of them. A majority of Republicans believe Christianity should be established as our National Religion. Mike Huckabee thinks the Constitution should be amended to be more in like with the bible. That's your Christian Sharia right there.

"I believe it’s a lot easier to change the Constitution than it would be to change the word of the living God. And that’s what we need to do is amend the Constitution so it’s in God’s standards rather than trying to change God’s standards so it lines up with some contemporary view…” ~ Mike Huckabee.
1. How many of those laws carry penalties such as whipping, cutting off hands, etc?
2. How many of those laws are enforced today?
3. Which direction are we moving, towards more blue laws or fewer?

See, to compare these to actual Sharia is foolish. You might as well compare a Summer breeze to a hurricane.

Keep shifting those goalposts. I'll ask again...What sharia legislation has been proposed anywhere in the United States?
Uh, if you go back through the thread, you'll notice that you're arguing my point. Sharia law is not being proposed in the US, even though the usual suspects are carrying on about Christian Sharia and other oxymoronic nonsense.

We don't have "sharia", but we do have religious based laws...Christian religious based laws. How is that different than religious based laws that are Muslim?

The topic to which I responded specifically cited Christian Sharia law that somebody is supposedly attempting to create in the US. That's what I've been saying is not happening and you are agreeing with me.

Now, if you want to compare American law to Sharia, there's a vast difference between a law that prevents a business from being open on Sunday and a law that provides for whipping a woman with a cane because she was seen walking in public by herself. That's how it's different, and to associate the two is ridiculous.

Also, which direction is America going, towards more religious based law or less?

What is your point? The United States is not in danger of instituting sharia law. We do have laws based on religion and Republicans keep trying to pass more of them. A majority of Republicans believe Christianity should be established as our National Religion. Mike Huckabee thinks the Constitution should be amended to be more in like with the bible. That's your Christian Sharia right there.

"I believe it’s a lot easier to change the Constitution than it would be to change the word of the living God. And that’s what we need to do is amend the Constitution so it’s in God’s standards rather than trying to change God’s standards so it lines up with some contemporary view…” ~ Mike Huckabee.
/-----/ "A majority of Republicans believe Christianity should be established as our National Religion."
Link please - and you need more than Mike Huckabee to represent "most Republicans."
/——-/ You’re pathetic with your pretzel logic. And a blue state gov can rule that perverts have to declare their birth sex to the police. Got it.

Well, sorry, people suffering from Gender Dysphoria are not perverts. It's a legitimate medical condition.

Now, honestly, I'm not even sold cutting on people is the best way to treat it, but disrespecting them certainly isn't helping.
/----/ " Gender Dysphoria "
A fake made up condition perpetuated by libtards to further undermine our culture. Pure hoax
The Great Transgender Hoax
As a psychological phenomena, it is based solely on feelings of “cross gender identification.” ...acceptance of this phenomena would be akin to a cardiologist performing open heart surgery because a person had a feeling they had a clogged artery.
We don't have "sharia", but we do have religious based laws...Christian religious based laws. How is that different than religious based laws that are Muslim?
Actually we don’t. At all. But like all lefties, you’re ignorant as hell of the facts and well versed on the propaganda. Allow me to give the board a perfect example:

The left will often scream about the “religious law” banning gambling and then whine about how a church will hold bingo night or something. But gambling was never banned due to religion. It wasn’t even banned due to some sense of morality. It was banned because it created serious crime.

A person would place a bet and refuse to pay when they lost. Then someone would go break their legs. Now you have a serious assault. In other cases, one person would claim to be owed while another person would claim they never made a bet. How does the court handle that? It created a mess. So it was outlawed. Had absolutely nothing to do with religion. Nothing. But the left is too ignorant to know it. They only know the propaganda they are all too eager to swallow.

We do.

Blue Laws

Blue laws, also known as Sunday laws, are laws designed to restrict or ban some or all Sunday activities for religious reasons, particularly to promote the observance of a day of worship or rest. Blue laws may also restrict shopping or ban sale of certain items on specific days, most often on Sundays in the western world. Blue laws are enforced in parts of the United States and Canada as well as some European countries, particularly in Austria, Germany, Switzerland, and Norway, keeping most stores closed on Sundays.​
Keep shifting those goalposts. I'll ask again...What sharia legislation has been proposed anywhere in the United States?
Uh, if you go back through the thread, you'll notice that you're arguing my point. Sharia law is not being proposed in the US, even though the usual suspects are carrying on about Christian Sharia and other oxymoronic nonsense.

We don't have "sharia", but we do have religious based laws...Christian religious based laws. How is that different than religious based laws that are Muslim?

The topic to which I responded specifically cited Christian Sharia law that somebody is supposedly attempting to create in the US. That's what I've been saying is not happening and you are agreeing with me.

Now, if you want to compare American law to Sharia, there's a vast difference between a law that prevents a business from being open on Sunday and a law that provides for whipping a woman with a cane because she was seen walking in public by herself. That's how it's different, and to associate the two is ridiculous.

Also, which direction is America going, towards more religious based law or less?

What is your point? The United States is not in danger of instituting sharia law. We do have laws based on religion and Republicans keep trying to pass more of them. A majority of Republicans believe Christianity should be established as our National Religion. Mike Huckabee thinks the Constitution should be amended to be more in like with the bible. That's your Christian Sharia right there.

"I believe it’s a lot easier to change the Constitution than it would be to change the word of the living God. And that’s what we need to do is amend the Constitution so it’s in God’s standards rather than trying to change God’s standards so it lines up with some contemporary view…” ~ Mike Huckabee.
/-----/ "A majority of Republicans believe Christianity should be established as our National Religion."
Link please - and you need more than Mike Huckabee to represent "most Republicans."

Making Christianity Our National Religion Would Be Terrible for Christianity
We don't have "sharia", but we do have religious based laws...Christian religious based laws. How is that different than religious based laws that are Muslim?
Actually we don’t. At all. But like all lefties, you’re ignorant as hell of the facts and well versed on the propaganda. Allow me to give the board a perfect example:

The left will often scream about the “religious law” banning gambling and then whine about how a church will hold bingo night or something. But gambling was never banned due to religion. It wasn’t even banned due to some sense of morality. It was banned because it created serious crime.

A person would place a bet and refuse to pay when they lost. Then someone would go break their legs. Now you have a serious assault. In other cases, one person would claim to be owed while another person would claim they never made a bet. How does the court handle that? It created a mess. So it was outlawed. Had absolutely nothing to do with religion. Nothing. But the left is too ignorant to know it. They only know the propaganda they are all too eager to swallow.

We do.

Blue Laws

Blue laws, also known as Sunday laws, are laws designed to restrict or ban some or all Sunday activities for religious reasons, particularly to promote the observance of a day of worship or rest. Blue laws may also restrict shopping or ban sale of certain items on specific days, most often on Sundays in the western world. Blue laws are enforced in parts of the United States and Canada as well as some European countries, particularly in Austria, Germany, Switzerland, and Norway, keeping most stores closed on Sundays.​
/----/ So?
I don't care.jpg
/----/ " Gender Dysphoria "
A fake made up condition perpetuated by libtards to further undermine our culture. Pure hoax
The Great Transgender Hoax
As a psychological phenomena, it is based solely on feelings of “cross gender identification.” ...acceptance of this phenomena would be akin to a cardiologist performing open heart surgery because a person had a feeling they had a clogged artery.

Do you feel smart when you copy someone else's thoughts.

I'll be honest, I've only known one trans person in my life, when he identified as male. I have no idea what motivates them... but at the end of the day, they aren't bothering you, are they? They don't make your life any worse, but you spend an awful lot of time worrying about it.

I'll take the word of people who have training in Psychology over people woh have training in mythology... er theology.
We don't have "sharia", but we do have religious based laws...Christian religious based laws. How is that different than religious based laws that are Muslim?
Actually we don’t. At all. But like all lefties, you’re ignorant as hell of the facts and well versed on the propaganda. Allow me to give the board a perfect example:

The left will often scream about the “religious law” banning gambling and then whine about how a church will hold bingo night or something. But gambling was never banned due to religion. It wasn’t even banned due to some sense of morality. It was banned because it created serious crime.

A person would place a bet and refuse to pay when they lost. Then someone would go break their legs. Now you have a serious assault. In other cases, one person would claim to be owed while another person would claim they never made a bet. How does the court handle that? It created a mess. So it was outlawed. Had absolutely nothing to do with religion. Nothing. But the left is too ignorant to know it. They only know the propaganda they are all too eager to swallow.

We do.

Blue Laws

Blue laws, also known as Sunday laws, are laws designed to restrict or ban some or all Sunday activities for religious reasons, particularly to promote the observance of a day of worship or rest. Blue laws may also restrict shopping or ban sale of certain items on specific days, most often on Sundays in the western world. Blue laws are enforced in parts of the United States and Canada as well as some European countries, particularly in Austria, Germany, Switzerland, and Norway, keeping most stores closed on Sundays.​
/----/ So?
View attachment 255812
Nothing shows your lack of concern or care more than multiple posts......:71:
We don't have "sharia", but we do have religious based laws...Christian religious based laws. How is that different than religious based laws that are Muslim?
Actually we don’t. At all. But like all lefties, you’re ignorant as hell of the facts and well versed on the propaganda. Allow me to give the board a perfect example:

The left will often scream about the “religious law” banning gambling and then whine about how a church will hold bingo night or something. But gambling was never banned due to religion. It wasn’t even banned due to some sense of morality. It was banned because it created serious crime.

A person would place a bet and refuse to pay when they lost. Then someone would go break their legs. Now you have a serious assault. In other cases, one person would claim to be owed while another person would claim they never made a bet. How does the court handle that? It created a mess. So it was outlawed. Had absolutely nothing to do with religion. Nothing. But the left is too ignorant to know it. They only know the propaganda they are all too eager to swallow.

We do.

Blue Laws

Blue laws, also known as Sunday laws, are laws designed to restrict or ban some or all Sunday activities for religious reasons, particularly to promote the observance of a day of worship or rest. Blue laws may also restrict shopping or ban sale of certain items on specific days, most often on Sundays in the western world. Blue laws are enforced in parts of the United States and Canada as well as some European countries, particularly in Austria, Germany, Switzerland, and Norway, keeping most stores closed on Sundays.​
/----/ So?
View attachment 255812

So, Rottweiler claimed we don't have US laws based on religion. We do.
/----/ " Gender Dysphoria "
A fake made up condition perpetuated by libtards to further undermine our culture. Pure hoax
The Great Transgender Hoax
As a psychological phenomena, it is based solely on feelings of “cross gender identification.” ...acceptance of this phenomena would be akin to a cardiologist performing open heart surgery because a person had a feeling they had a clogged artery.

Do you feel smart when you copy someone else's thoughts.

I'll be honest, I've only known one trans person in my life, when he identified as male. I have no idea what motivates them... but at the end of the day, they aren't bothering you, are they? They don't make your life any worse, but you spend an awful lot of time worrying about it.

I'll take the word of people who have training in Psychology over people woh have training in mythology... er theology.
/——/ They do bother me when teachers and cops are penalized for not using the incorrect pronouns
So, Rottweiler claimed we don't have US laws based on religion. We do.
We don’t, Kitty. No matter how many times you repost that same nonsense. Here, allow me to illustrate:

Purple Laws

Purple laws, also known as Dumb Ass laws, are laws designed to laugh at nitwits for reasons of low IQ, particularly the misinformation of the left. Purple laws may also expose just how stupid the left is - posting the same nonsense over and over in the false belief that the misinformation would somehow become magically true.. Purple laws are enforced in parts of the United States and Israel as well as some nations in Asia.​
It wasn't accurate she is recognised by the State of Florida as a woman... He insisted on calling her a man, she had ID to back up her assertion but he still didn't listen...

Sorry but officer is in the wrong... If you have a problem, go change the law...

So, let us suppose that a law is enacted, that declares that two plus two equals sixteen.

Now, let us suppose that you have two cans of ginger beer, and someone gives you two more cans of ginger beer.

How many cans of ginger beer do you then have? According to the law, you must now have sixteen, right?

Count them. You only have four, not sixteen.

The law cannot break reality. A law that declares a falsehood to be true is nonsense.

A law that declares this to be a woman, is similarly nonsense.


You cannot turn falsehood into truth, merely by enacting a law that declares it so, nor by twisting an extant law to that purpose.
We don’t. At all. No matter how many times you post your idiotic misinformation, it won’t stop being idiotic misinformation.

No we do, our society is based in judeo Christian beliefs. it's one reason we have equality and got rid of slavery and why people in this hemisphere dont practice human sacrifice.....its been a net plus for all to live under tha th type and of society
We don’t. At all. No matter how many times you post your idiotic misinformation, it won’t stop being idiotic misinformation.

No we do, our society is based in judeo Christian beliefs. it's one reason we have equality and got rid of slavery and why people in this hemisphere dont practice human sacrifice.....its been a net plus for all to live under tha th type and of society

Oh no, puppy...What will you do? A member of your tribe is agreeing that we have religious based laws.

Religious slave owners thought god was on their side. Weird how religion can be interpreted to support both sides of an issue...
It takes a pretty f•••ed-up mindset to think that doing anyone's job correctly ought to involve addressing someone as a woman who is very obviously a man.

Again, from the article in the OP, here is a picture of that “woman”

Oh my God, she's a MORMON! Only Mormon women are that fucking ugly.

/——/ When a pervert switches pronouns on a whim and normal people get in trouble? How are you suppose to do the job? It should happen to you.

If I knew a coworker was Transgender and sensitive about it, I'd watch my tone. I've gotten into trouble because some entitled punk didn't like what I said to him in an email, even though I was in the right.

He was told how to refer to this student, he refused, he got fired... not seeing a problem here. It's called "Insubordination". It's grounds for firing in most places.

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