The Gaystapo is at it again

/——/ You’re grasping at straws trying to defend your ridiculous position. Slavery was ended when we were a Republic.

No, slavery ended when we had a civil war because the dumb-inbred slave holding states tried to form their own country.

The same states that keep voting Republican today.
/——/ Slavery was ended by Republicans unless you’re trying to convince us Lincoln was a democRAT

"College plaque in Land of Lincoln labels Abe a 'Democrat'

/——/ You’re grasping at straws trying to defend your ridiculous position. Slavery was ended when we were a Republic.

No, slavery ended when we had a civil war because the dumb-inbred slave holding states tried to form their own country.

The same states that keep voting Republican today.
/——/ Slavery was ended by Republicans unless you’re trying to convince us Lincoln was a democRAT

"College plaque in Land of Lincoln labels Abe a 'Democrat'

View attachment 256173

Now THERE'S a college worth $100,000 tuition!
So this mentally disturbed, sexual deviant believes that he can mandate to society what he is called?
“If I’ve done everything I need to do for the state of Florida to recognize me as a female, he doesn’t have a right to purposely mis-gender me,” Kendall said of the police officer. “It was inappropriate and kind of bullying and sends a message to the transgender community.”
It is not "bullying" to accept science and biology. And it is not "bullying" to speak the truth.

Cop facing discipline after ‘mis-gendering’ transgender person on driving ticket

Good......the more this kind of shit happens, the closer we get to the trigger. Most people think this kind of shit is ghey.:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
/——/ Slavery was ended by Republicans unless you’re trying to convince us Lincoln was a democRAT

Abe Lincoln wouldn't recognize the GOP of today. For that matter, neither would Ronald Reagan.

It's kind of like that old song, "What have you done for me lately". The problem with the GOP is that at some point, after the Democrats finally grew a pair and threw all the racists out, the GOP welcomed them with open arms.
/——/ Slavery was ended by Republicans unless you’re trying to convince us Lincoln was a democRAT

Abe Lincoln wouldn't recognize the GOP of today. For that matter, neither would Ronald Reagan.

It's kind of like that old song, "What have you done for me lately". The problem with the GOP is that at some point, after the Democrats finally grew a pair and threw all the racists out, the GOP welcomed them with open arms.
/——/ Oh stop it you liar. You can’t throw people out of a political party. You’re just making crap up. When did the democRATs throw segregationist William Fulbright, Al Gore Sr and Robert KKK Byrd out of the Party? You need to embrace democRATs racist heritage.
/——/ Oh stop it you liar. You can’t throw people out of a political party. You’re just making crap up. When did the democRATs throw segregationist William Fulbright, Al Gore Sr and Robert KKK Byrd out of the Party? You need to embrace democRATs racist heritage.

When these guys stopped supporting racism, that's when we threw the racists out. The guys who wanted to still be racists like Strom Thrumond became Republicans, who welcomed him with open arms.
/——/ Oh stop it you liar. You can’t throw people out of a political party. You’re just making crap up. When did the democRATs throw segregationist William Fulbright, Al Gore Sr and Robert KKK Byrd out of the Party? You need to embrace democRATs racist heritage.

When these guys stopped supporting racism, that's when we threw the racists out. The guys who wanted to still be racists like Strom Thrumond became Republicans, who welcomed him with open arms.
/——/ I grew up in the segregated south. You have no ideas what you’re talking about. You sound like a desperate moron.
/—-/ I’m 68 and grew up in South Carolina during segregation. I doubt if you are even aware of what went on.

sure we are... dumb white bigots like you treated blacks like second class citizens so you could feel better about themselves.

The same people who vote Republican today... Old, White, in the South, racist as shit, vote for the guy who claimed the black man was born in Kenya with no evidence
/—-/ I’m 68 and grew up in South Carolina during segregation. I doubt if you are even aware of what went on.

sure we are... dumb white bigots like you treated blacks like second class citizens so you could feel better about themselves.

The same people who vote Republican today... Old, White, in the South, racist as shit, vote for the guy who claimed the black man was born in Kenya with no evidence
/——/ You’re just lashing out, you sad little man.
/——/ You’re just lashing out, you sad little man.

No, more like directed fire.

You see, if the GOP sold it's economic rat poison to the Middle Class without dollops or racism, misogyny and homophobia, all they would have is, "You should work harder for less money and have no garuntee of a good life when you retire". IN fact, this was EXACTLY the Republican Platform of Barry "Deep Down you Know He's Nuts" Goldwater in 1964.

He lost 44 states. the only states he carried were his home state of Arizona and five southern states pissed off because LBJ signed the Civil Rights act of 1964.

Pretty much after that, the GOP has been using racism to scare the white middle class into voting against its own economic interests.
/—-/ I’m 68 and grew up in South Carolina during segregation. I doubt if you are even aware of what went on.

sure we are... dumb white bigots like you treated blacks like second class citizens so you could feel better about themselves.

The same people who vote Republican today... Old, White, in the South, racist as shit, vote for the guy who claimed the black man was born in Kenya with no evidence

Keep on peddling the lie that republican voters wake up every day thinking of new and inventive ways to oppress black people.
/——/ You’re just lashing out, you sad little man.

No, more like directed fire.

You see, if the GOP sold it's economic rat poison to the Middle Class without dollops or racism, misogyny and homophobia, all they would have is, "You should work harder for less money and have no garuntee of a good life when you retire". IN fact, this was EXACTLY the Republican Platform of Barry "Deep Down you Know He's Nuts" Goldwater in 1964.

He lost 44 states. the only states he carried were his home state of Arizona and five southern states pissed off because LBJ signed the Civil Rights act of 1964.

Pretty much after that, the GOP has been using racism to scare the white middle class into voting against its own economic interests.

Keep the faith. You'll need it.
/—-/ I’m 68 and grew up in South Carolina during segregation. I doubt if you are even aware of what went on.

sure we are... dumb white bigots like you treated blacks like second class citizens so you could feel better about themselves.

The same people who vote Republican today... Old, White, in the South, racist as shit, vote for the guy who claimed the black man was born in Kenya with no evidence
/——/ BTW, I never saw and heard more racism than when I moved to NY. Union democRATs screaming damn ni**ers, puerto ricans and Jews.
/——/ You’re just lashing out, you sad little man.

No, more like directed fire.

You see, if the GOP sold it's economic rat poison to the Middle Class without dollops or racism, misogyny and homophobia, all they would have is, "You should work harder for less money and have no garuntee of a good life when you retire". IN fact, this was EXACTLY the Republican Platform of Barry "Deep Down you Know He's Nuts" Goldwater in 1964.

He lost 44 states. the only states he carried were his home state of Arizona and five southern states pissed off because LBJ signed the Civil Rights act of 1964.

Pretty much after that, the GOP has been using racism to scare the white middle class into voting against its own economic interests.
/----/ "scare the white middle class into voting against its own economic interests."
Can you explain what the hell that means? All democRATs offer is higher taxes, more regulations, and fewer choices.
bigger hoax.jpg

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