The Gaystapo is at it again

/——/ Slavery was ended by Republicans unless you’re trying to convince us Lincoln was a democRAT

Abe Lincoln wouldn't recognize the GOP of today. For that matter, neither would Ronald Reagan.

It's kind of like that old song, "What have you done for me lately". The problem with the GOP is that at some point, after the Democrats finally grew a pair and threw all the racists out, the GOP welcomed them with open arms.
/-----/ "Abe Lincoln wouldn't recognize the GOP of today. For that matter, neither would Ronald Reagan. "
Two can play your childish game. FDR wouldn't recognize the democRAT party of today. For that matter, neither would JFK.
/——/ Oh stop it you liar. You can’t throw people out of a political party. You’re just making crap up. When did the democRATs throw segregationist William Fulbright, Al Gore Sr and Robert KKK Byrd out of the Party? You need to embrace democRATs racist heritage.

When these guys stopped supporting racism, that's when we threw the racists out. The guys who wanted to still be racists like Strom Thrumond became Republicans, who welcomed him with open arms.
/----/ The Democrats have been sedulously rewriting history for decades. Their preferred version pretends that all the Democratic racists and segregationists left their party and became Republicans starting in the 1960s. How convenient. If it were true that the South began to turn Republican due to Lyndon Johnson’s passage of the Civil Rights Act, you would expect that the Deep South, the states most associated with racism, would have been the first to move. That’s not what happened. The first southern states to trend Republican were on the periphery: North Carolina, Virginia, Texas, Tennessee, and Florida. (George Wallace lost these voters in his 1968 bid.) The voters who first migrated to the Republican party were suburban, prosperous New South types. The more Republican the South has become, the less racist
Democratic Party's Racist History | [site:name] | National Review
/——/ You’re grasping at straws trying to defend your ridiculous position. Slavery was ended when we were a Republic.

No, slavery ended when we had a civil war because the dumb-inbred slave holding states tried to form their own country.

The same states that keep voting Republican today.
/——/ Slavery was ended by Republicans unless you’re trying to convince us Lincoln was a democRAT

"College plaque in Land of Lincoln labels Abe a 'Democrat'

View attachment 256173
/----/ College plaque in Land of Lincoln labels Abe a 'Democrat'
I had to google it to see for muself.
“According to building archives, the word democrat was used because Lincoln was an advocate for democracy — the political or social equality of all people. The word was not chosen to reflect a political affiliation.”
/——/ You’re grasping at straws trying to defend your ridiculous position. Slavery was ended when we were a Republic.

No, slavery ended when we had a civil war because the dumb-inbred slave holding states tried to form their own country.

The same states that keep voting Republican today.
/——/ Slavery was ended by Republicans unless you’re trying to convince us Lincoln was a democRAT

"College plaque in Land of Lincoln labels Abe a 'Democrat'

View attachment 256173
/----/ College plaque in Land of Lincoln labels Abe a 'Democrat'
I had to google it to see for muself.
“According to building archives, the word democrat was used because Lincoln was an advocate for democracy — the political or social equality of all people. The word was not chosen to reflect a political affiliation.”

HuffPo tried to claim they weren't wrong.

Rule #1
Every argument from Democrats and Liberals is a misrepresentation, a fabrication, or a bald-faced lie.
/——/ You’re grasping at straws trying to defend your ridiculous position. Slavery was ended when we were a Republic.

No, slavery ended when we had a civil war because the dumb-inbred slave holding states tried to form their own country.

The same states that keep voting Republican today.
/——/ Slavery was ended by Republicans unless you’re trying to convince us Lincoln was a democRAT

"College plaque in Land of Lincoln labels Abe a 'Democrat'

View attachment 256173
/----/ College plaque in Land of Lincoln labels Abe a 'Democrat'
I had to google it to see for muself.
“According to building archives, the word democrat was used because Lincoln was an advocate for democracy — the political or social equality of all people. The word was not chosen to reflect a political affiliation.”

I'm guessing their entire university reeks of horse manure, given that gigantic shovelful.
/——/ You’re grasping at straws trying to defend your ridiculous position. Slavery was ended when we were a Republic.

No, slavery ended when we had a civil war because the dumb-inbred slave holding states tried to form their own country.

The same states that keep voting Republican today.
/——/ Slavery was ended by Republicans unless you’re trying to convince us Lincoln was a democRAT

"College plaque in Land of Lincoln labels Abe a 'Democrat'

View attachment 256173
/----/ College plaque in Land of Lincoln labels Abe a 'Democrat'
I had to google it to see for muself.
“According to building archives, the word democrat was used because Lincoln was an advocate for democracy — the political or social equality of all people. The word was not chosen to reflect a political affiliation.”

I'm guessing their entire university reeks of horse manure, given that gigantic shovelful.

Colleges: The English translation of “Madrassa”
For some reason Republicans seem to ignore the greatness of Lincoln, if true, why?


/----/ "scare the white middle class into voting against its own economic interests."
Can you explain what the hell that means? All democRATs offer is higher taxes, more regulations, and fewer choices.

Okay..... let's look at that. Frankly, I'm happy there are regulations. I like clean air, safe food, safe products, clean water. I think most people are happy for these things. So for people who don't own a factory spilling toxins into the water table, regulations are actually a good thing. The GOP doesn't run on, "Hey, you know would be cool, dirty air and water!"

True story... when I was a kid in the 1960's, sometimes the pollution in Chicago was so bad you couldn't see the sky some days. Just kind of a smokey haze. But those darned Liberal Democrats (and some sensible Republicans, before the NUTS took over the party) decided clean air was generally a good thing.

Okay, so let's talk about taxes. I agree, they are too high now. Why are they doo high? Because genius Republicans decided that rich people were paying too much and shifted the burden onto working class folks.

More to the point, they got rid of the good union jobs, the worker's protections, came up with nice sounding terms like "Right to WorK' and "At Will Employment"

Now, this shit didn't fly in 1964 when Crazy Barry proposed them. So Tricky Dick took a new approach. Hey, them darkies and hippies and queers want to attack your nice middle class white society... Vote for me and I'll save them. Reagan, Bush Trump, have all done variations on this. (To his credit, Bush-43 tried to move away from it, and his party hated him for it.)
Okay..... let's look at that. Frankly, I'm happy there are regulations. I like clean air, safe food, safe products, clean water. I think most people are happy for these things. So for people who don't own a factory spilling toxins into the water table, regulations are actually a good thing. The GOP doesn't run on, "Hey, you know would be cool, dirty air and water!"

True story... when I was a kid in the 1960's, sometimes the pollution in Chicago was so bad you couldn't see the sky some days. Just kind of a smokey haze. But those darned Liberal Democrats (and some sensible Republicans, before the NUTS took over the party) decided clean air was generally a good thing.

Okay, so let's talk about taxes. I agree, they are too high now. Why are they doo high? Because genius Republicans decided that rich people were paying too much and shifted the burden onto working class folks.

More to the point, they got rid of the good union jobs, the worker's protections, came up with nice sounding terms like "Right to WorK' and "At Will Employment"

Now, this shit didn't fly in 1964 when Crazy Barry proposed them. So Tricky Dick took a new approach. Hey, them darkies and hippies and queers want to attack your nice middle class white society... Vote for me and I'll save them. Reagan, Bush Trump, have all done variations on this. (To his credit, Bush-43 tried to move away from it, and his party hated him for it.)

/----/ "scare the white middle class into voting against its own economic interests."
Can you explain what the hell that means? All democRATs offer is higher taxes, more regulations, and fewer choices.

Okay..... let's look at that. Frankly, I'm happy there are regulations. I like clean air, safe food, safe products, clean water. I think most people are happy for these things. So for people who don't own a factory spilling toxins into the water table, regulations are actually a good thing. The GOP doesn't run on, "Hey, you know would be cool, dirty air and water!"

True story... when I was a kid in the 1960's, sometimes the pollution in Chicago was so bad you couldn't see the sky some days. Just kind of a smokey haze. But those darned Liberal Democrats (and some sensible Republicans, before the NUTS took over the party) decided clean air was generally a good thing.

Okay, so let's talk about taxes. I agree, they are too high now. Why are they doo high? Because genius Republicans decided that rich people were paying too much and shifted the burden onto working class folks.

More to the point, they got rid of the good union jobs, the worker's protections, came up with nice sounding terms like "Right to WorK' and "At Will Employment"

Now, this shit didn't fly in 1964 when Crazy Barry proposed them. So Tricky Dick took a new approach. Hey, them darkies and hippies and queers want to attack your nice middle class white society... Vote for me and I'll save them. Reagan, Bush Trump, have all done variations on this. (To his credit, Bush-43 tried to move away from it, and his party hated him for it.)

>has unbridled contempt for white working class americans
>why do they vote against us
Okay..... let's look at that. Frankly, I'm happy there are regulations. I like clean air, safe food, safe products, clean water. I think most people are happy for these things. So for people who don't own a factory spilling toxins into the water table, regulations are actually a good thing. The GOP doesn't run on, "Hey, you know would be cool, dirty air and water!"

True story... when I was a kid in the 1960's, sometimes the pollution in Chicago was so bad you couldn't see the sky some days. Just kind of a smokey haze. But those darned Liberal Democrats (and some sensible Republicans, before the NUTS took over the party) decided clean air was generally a good thing.

Okay, so let's talk about taxes. I agree, they are too high now. Why are they doo high? Because genius Republicans decided that rich people were paying too much and shifted the burden onto working class folks.

More to the point, they got rid of the good union jobs, the worker's protections, came up with nice sounding terms like "Right to WorK' and "At Will Employment"

Now, this shit didn't fly in 1964 when Crazy Barry proposed them. So Tricky Dick took a new approach. Hey, them darkies and hippies and queers want to attack your nice middle class white society... Vote for me and I'll save them. Reagan, Bush Trump, have all done variations on this. (To his credit, Bush-43 tried to move away from it, and his party hated him for it.)

View attachment 256609

Guys who belong to cults started by child molesters have no business calling anyone crazy.

Hey, what's the difference between Joseph Smith and David Koresh?

Original and Extra-Crispy!
>has unbridled contempt for white working class americans
>why do they vote against us

Because you are fantastically stupid and racist.

You see, funny thing, I GET why the white working class is so angry. I get that they look back at the good unions jobs their dad's had at the factory, and the best job they can get is working at the WalMart.

Where I have contempt for you is that a lot of you don't get WHY you don't have it as good as your Dad's and your granddad's. Because those guys had unions they fought very hard to get, and the government had their backs.

Now, some things were just happenstance. The US was in a unique position at the end of WWII of being the last man standing, and it took a while for the rest of the world to catch up again. Factory jobs were simple and labor intensive, before a lot of these things were replaced by machines.

But the reality is, the GOP appealed to your racism and sexism and homophobia and got you all to trade away all these advantages, and a lot of you are just too lazy to get the skills needed for the new work world. But someone like Trump comes along and tells you to blame the darkies, and that's easy. That requires no thought.
>has unbridled contempt for white working class americans
>why do they vote against us

Because you are fantastically stupid and racist.

You see, funny thing, I GET why the white working class is so angry. I get that they look back at the good unions jobs their dad's had at the factory, and the best job they can get is working at the WalMart.

Where I have contempt for you is that a lot of you don't get WHY you don't have it as good as your Dad's and your granddad's. Because those guys had unions they fought very hard to get, and the government had their backs.

Now, some things were just happenstance. The US was in a unique position at the end of WWII of being the last man standing, and it took a while for the rest of the world to catch up again. Factory jobs were simple and labor intensive, before a lot of these things were replaced by machines.

But the reality is, the GOP appealed to your racism and sexism and homophobia and got you all to trade away all these advantages, and a lot of you are just too lazy to get the skills needed for the new work world. But someone like Trump comes along and tells you to blame the darkies, and that's easy. That requires no thought.

Do democrats make sure they hire only unionized illegal aliens to do their yard work? Yelling "Racism" is lazy, and after years of doing so, meaningless.
>has unbridled contempt for white working class americans
>why do they vote against us

Because you are fantastically stupid and racist.

You see, funny thing, I GET why the white working class is so angry. I get that they look back at the good unions jobs their dad's had at the factory, and the best job they can get is working at the WalMart.

Where I have contempt for you is that a lot of you don't get WHY you don't have it as good as your Dad's and your granddad's. Because those guys had unions they fought very hard to get, and the government had their backs.

Now, some things were just happenstance. The US was in a unique position at the end of WWII of being the last man standing, and it took a while for the rest of the world to catch up again. Factory jobs were simple and labor intensive, before a lot of these things were replaced by machines.

But the reality is, the GOP appealed to your racism and sexism and homophobia and got you all to trade away all these advantages, and a lot of you are just too lazy to get the skills needed for the new work world. But someone like Trump comes along and tells you to blame the darkies, and that's easy. That requires no thought.
/----/ "back at the good unions jobs..."
Yeah - the Union jobs were so good the members bailed out the first chance they got and refused to join any other union. They were soooooooooooooo good.
Do democrats make sure they hire only unionized illegal aliens to do their yard work? Yelling "Racism" is lazy, and after years of doing so, meaningless.

Naw, guy, just because you stopped saying the N-word out loud, doesn't make you less racist.

The problem is, you cling go your guns and your bibles and don't realize who is fucking you.
Do democrats make sure they hire only unionized illegal aliens to do their yard work? Yelling "Racism" is lazy, and after years of doing so, meaningless.

Naw, guy, just because you stopped saying the N-word out loud, doesn't make you less racist.

The problem is, you cling go your guns and your bibles and don't realize who is fucking you.
/--- The only one trying to Fu*k us is the democRAT party.
The only one trying to Fu*k us is the democRAT party.


Who got rid of the good union jobs that paid good money? That's where you dumb white trash got fucked.

You see, funny thing, when my Dad got back from WWII, he joined a union, got a really good paying job as a sheet metal worker, was able to raise five kids and buy vacation property in Wisconsin. Couldn't happen today.

Kids today... they go to college, get saddled with tens of thousands in debt, get a job in an office if they are lucky that may or may not pay the bills.

But the Right Wing points to that poor Mexican cleaning up your dishes and say, "That guy! It's all THAT Guy's fault you can't get a good job!" and dumb racists shits like you buy into that!

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