The Gaystapo is at it again

The only one trying to Fu*k us is the democRAT party.


Who got rid of the good union jobs that paid good money? That's where you dumb white trash got fucked.

You see, funny thing, when my Dad got back from WWII, he joined a union, got a really good paying job as a sheet metal worker, was able to raise five kids and buy vacation property in Wisconsin. Couldn't happen today.

Kids today... they go to college, get saddled with tens of thousands in debt, get a job in an office if they are lucky that may or may not pay the bills.

But the Right Wing points to that poor Mexican cleaning up your dishes and say, "That guy! It's all THAT Guy's fault you can't get a good job!" and dumb racists shits like you buy into that!
/----/ "Who got rid of the good union jobs that paid good money?"
Please get your Google fixed so we don't have to spoon feed you everything. TIA
Four Reasons For The Decline In Union Membership
Simply put, American workers now see the unions as part of the problem, not part of the solution. There are a number of reasons that account for this negative perception.
1. Unions often seem irrelevant. In good times, workers don’t need unions to secure increases in wages and benefits because everybody profits from economic prosperity. In bad times, unions can’t protect their members from layoffs, wage and benefit reductions and tougher working conditions...
2. Unions have a poor public image as being bloated, inefficient and often downright corrupt. Stories about labor racketeering, mob influence and trials of union officials for embezzlement and bribery are common fare on the evening news
3. Workers are often “out of sync” with union politics. The labor movement is perceived as being a vassal the Democratic Party and a champion of liberal causes.
4. Most Americans now turn to government, not unions, for basic protections.
Do democrats make sure they hire only unionized illegal aliens to do their yard work? Yelling "Racism" is lazy, and after years of doing so, meaningless.

Naw, guy, just because you stopped saying the N-word out loud, doesn't make you less racist.

The problem is, you cling go your guns and your bibles and don't realize who is fucking you.

This is where you got hit with the stupid stick. You can't demonstrate that I'm racist any more than my black grandchildren would. You also stupidly assume I own guns. I do not, so feel free to stick that one where it might do you some good.

You seeing racism around every corner is no more authoritative than the guy who thinks every black person is out to get him. You are a cartoon.
The only one trying to Fu*k us is the democRAT party.


Who got rid of the good union jobs that paid good money? That's where you dumb white trash got fucked.

You see, funny thing, when my Dad got back from WWII, he joined a union, got a really good paying job as a sheet metal worker, was able to raise five kids and buy vacation property in Wisconsin. Couldn't happen today.

Kids today... they go to college, get saddled with tens of thousands in debt, get a job in an office if they are lucky that may or may not pay the bills.

But the Right Wing points to that poor Mexican cleaning up your dishes and say, "That guy! It's all THAT Guy's fault you can't get a good job!" and dumb racists shits like you buy into that!
/----/ "Who got rid of the good union jobs that paid good money?"
Please get your Google fixed so we don't have to spoon feed you everything. TIA
Four Reasons For The Decline In Union Membership
Simply put, American workers now see the unions as part of the problem, not part of the solution. There are a number of reasons that account for this negative perception.
1. Unions often seem irrelevant. In good times, workers don’t need unions to secure increases in wages and benefits because everybody profits from economic prosperity. In bad times, unions can’t protect their members from layoffs, wage and benefit reductions and tougher working conditions...
2. Unions have a poor public image as being bloated, inefficient and often downright corrupt. Stories about labor racketeering, mob influence and trials of union officials for embezzlement and bribery are common fare on the evening news
3. Workers are often “out of sync” with union politics. The labor movement is perceived as being a vassal the Democratic Party and a champion of liberal causes.
4. Most Americans now turn to government, not unions, for basic protections.

Unions are victims of their own success and have failed to change with the times. They're still acting like it's 1937.
A cop is disciplined for filling out an accurate police report.

At some point, our side is going to start fighting back, and then it will get ugly.
Please hurry. We're itching for an excuse over here.
LOL, which side is better armed? You have posters.
You are threatening deathly violence. Remember that the next time someone, including you, whines about the violence of the left.
Bring it on. You leftist trash like to poke and poke and poke, then when you get it back you whine like a baby with a dirty diaper.
Please get your Google fixed so we don't have to spoon feed you everything.

You can find any right wing horseshit you want on Google.

The reality- The GOP has been making war on unions for 40 years, starting when Ronnie Ray-gun fired the PATCO workers and told corporations they no longer had the working man's back...

This really isn't disputable.

This is where you got hit with the stupid stick. You can't demonstrate that I'm racist any more than my black grandchildren would.

Amazing how the most virulant racists always make claims of having black friends.

Unions are victims of their own success and have failed to change with the times. They're still acting like it's 1937.

No, Unions are the victim of a 40 year campaign against them. No, I've never belong to a union, have no desire to. But I do see the need for them.
Please get your Google fixed so we don't have to spoon feed you everything.

You can find any right wing horseshit you want on Google.

The reality- The GOP has been making war on unions for 40 years, starting when Ronnie Ray-gun fired the PATCO workers and told corporations they no longer had the working man's back...

This really isn't disputable.

This is where you got hit with the stupid stick. You can't demonstrate that I'm racist any more than my black grandchildren would.

Amazing how the most virulant racists always make claims of having black friends.

Unions are victims of their own success and have failed to change with the times. They're still acting like it's 1937.

No, Unions are the victim of a 40 year campaign against them. No, I've never belong to a union, have no desire to. But I do see the need for them.
/----/ "Unions are the victim of a 40 year campaign against them. "
So some campaign can convince a union worker to quit something he really believes is good for him. BWHAHAHAHAHAHA
>has unbridled contempt for white working class americans
>why do they vote against us

Because you are fantastically stupid and racist.

You see, funny thing, I GET why the white working class is so angry. I get that they look back at the good unions jobs their dad's had at the factory, and the best job they can get is working at the WalMart.

Where I have contempt for you is that a lot of you don't get WHY you don't have it as good as your Dad's and your granddad's. Because those guys had unions they fought very hard to get, and the government had their backs.

Now, some things were just happenstance. The US was in a unique position at the end of WWII of being the last man standing, and it took a while for the rest of the world to catch up again. Factory jobs were simple and labor intensive, before a lot of these things were replaced by machines.

But the reality is, the GOP appealed to your racism and sexism and homophobia and got you all to trade away all these advantages, and a lot of you are just too lazy to get the skills needed for the new work world. But someone like Trump comes along and tells you to blame the darkies, and that's easy. That requires no thought.

Those "darkies" are even more stupid, lazy, homophobic and sexist than the uh...whiteys you look down on. Not to mention racist. All thanks in large part to white men like you telling them that nothing is their fault, it's that nerdy, white pimple-faced kid who works as a cashier at a gas station to pay off his student loans who is to blame.

And that's why he shoots him in the face and robs the register instead of getting training for the tech jobs of the future.
So some campaign can convince a union worker to quit something he really believes is good for him. BWHAHAHAHAHAHA

No, not at all.

But you can convince a stupid person that in a right to work state, they can get all the benefits of a union without having to join one.

you can convince a really dumb piece of white trash that the people who want to privatize services and get rid of his city job are on his side if you play to his racism enough.

Guy I grew up with, has a pretty sweet job as a Garbage Man in Chicago. Awesome. They've got a good union, and he clears about 70K a year. He sits in his truck all day listening to Hate Radio, repeating whatever they say like he has had an original thought.

Then when I pointed out to him if the people he supported got their way, Chicago would privatize its trash collection to kids making $18.00 an hour, which IS how we do it out in the Republican Burbs. He got all sorts of upset, like he never thought that through at all.
Those "darkies" are even more stupid, lazy, homophobic and sexist than the uh...whiteys you look down on. Not to mention racist. All thanks in large part to white men like you telling them that nothing is their fault, it's that nerdy, white pimple-faced kid who works as a cashier at a gas station to pay off his student loans who is to blame.

And that's why he shoots him in the face and robs the register instead of getting training for the tech jobs of the future.

When did I or anyone else say this? I'm sure you can link to a post where I said that.
Those "darkies" are even more stupid, lazy, homophobic and sexist than the uh...whiteys you look down on. Not to mention racist. All thanks in large part to white men like you telling them that nothing is their fault, it's that nerdy, white pimple-faced kid who works as a cashier at a gas station to pay off his student loans who is to blame.

And that's why he shoots him in the face and robs the register instead of getting training for the tech jobs of the future.

When did I or anyone else say this? I'm sure you can link to a post where I said that.

Oh, spare me. The left never stops talking about the white man oppressing the innocent black and brown man. It's got them all whipped up into a state of paranoia and despair. And your leaders are too goddamn afraid of being labeled racist to say anything critical of black america's culture of violence.
Please get your Google fixed so we don't have to spoon feed you everything.

You can find any right wing horseshit you want on Google.

The reality- The GOP has been making war on unions for 40 years, starting when Ronnie Ray-gun fired the PATCO workers and told corporations they no longer had the working man's back...

This really isn't disputable.

This is where you got hit with the stupid stick. You can't demonstrate that I'm racist any more than my black grandchildren would.

Amazing how the most virulant racists always make claims of having black friends.

Unions are victims of their own success and have failed to change with the times. They're still acting like it's 1937.

No, Unions are the victim of a 40 year campaign against them. No, I've never belong to a union, have no desire to. But I do see the need for them.

I don't. I'm claiming to have black grandchildren, which I do. And I've noticed that the most moronic posters never accept any reality other than the only one that makes them feel validated. Too bad, so sad for you. And yes, unions are the victims of their own success. Virtually everything they've pushed for they got, but the world changed and they didn't.

So, anyway, have fun trying to prove I'm a racist, and and when you fail that, as you will, feel free to admit you're a moron.
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Oh, spare me. The left never stops talking about the white man oppressing the innocent black and brown man. It's got them all whipped up into a state of paranoia and despair. And your leaders are too goddamn afraid of being labeled racist to say anything critical of black america's culture of violence.

Or we realize it isn't our place to say. I'm sure a lot of people could criticize how you live your life, but most of them don't.
I don't. I'm claiming to have black grandchildren, which I do. And I've noticed that the most moronic posters never accept any reality other than the only one that makes them feel validated. Too bad, so sad for you. And yes, unions are the victims of their own success. Virtually everything they've pushed for they got, but the world changed and they didn't.

So, anyway, have fun trying to prove I'm a racist, and and when you fail that, as you will, feel free to admit you're a moron.

You support Trump. Racist. Mike Drop.

Now, to the point, it's not what unions have won, it's what the One Percent spent the last 40 years taking back that's kind of the problem.
Oh, spare me. The left never stops talking about the white man oppressing the innocent black and brown man. It's got them all whipped up into a state of paranoia and despair. And your leaders are too goddamn afraid of being labeled racist to say anything critical of black america's culture of violence.

Or we realize it isn't our place to say. I'm sure a lot of people could criticize how you live your life, but most of them don't.

Don't you even realize the hypocritical double standard of what you just said? Not to mention your denial of reality. White people are constantly subjected to criticism for the way they live and the thoughts they think.
I don't. I'm claiming to have black grandchildren, which I do. And I've noticed that the most moronic posters never accept any reality other than the only one that makes them feel validated. Too bad, so sad for you. And yes, unions are the victims of their own success. Virtually everything they've pushed for they got, but the world changed and they didn't.

So, anyway, have fun trying to prove I'm a racist, and and when you fail that, as you will, feel free to admit you're a moron.

You support Trump. Racist. Mike Drop.

Now, to the point, it's not what unions have won, it's what the One Percent spent the last 40 years taking back that's kind of the problem.

You think I'm racist. Moron. All that needs to be said.

And yes, it's absolutely about what they've won. They're still acting like they won nothing. The world moved on and they didn't.
Don't you even realize the hypocritical double standard of what you just said? Not to mention your denial of reality. White people are constantly subjected to criticism for the way they live and the thoughts they think.

We are? When did this happen? Now, it's true, it's easy to feel guilty when you live in a nice place in a warm bed and a full belly, and realize that is not the case for most people... but somehow, I don't think you have enough of a conscience to worry about it.
Don't you even realize the hypocritical double standard of what you just said? Not to mention your denial of reality. White people are constantly subjected to criticism for the way they live and the thoughts they think.

We are? When did this happen? Now, it's true, it's easy to feel guilty when you live in a nice place in a warm bed and a full belly, and realize that is not the case for most people... but somehow, I don't think you have enough of a conscience to worry about it.
/——/ We have those things because my wife and I worked our asses off, invested wisely and lived within our means.
/——/ We have those things because my wife and I worked our asses off, invested wisely and lived within our means.

Yes, yes, the voice of white privilege... I worked totally hard sitting behind a desk in a not back-breaking job.

Not to worry buddy, a couple more generations of republicans, you'll be in the same place they are.
/——/ Uhhhh, Einstein, in a couple of generations none of us today will be alive. Drawing logical conclusions is not your forte.

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