The Georgia Recount is a Travesty

Not only the mistake of 9000 votes, but a shortage of Republican poll watchers.

Georgia Republican Poll Watcher Discovered Recount Error Off By More Than 9,000 Votes For Biden

“One batch was labeled 10,707 for Biden and 13 for Trump — an improbable margin even by DeKalb standards. The actual count for the batch was 1,081 for Biden and 13 for Trump,” Shafer said.

“We were limited to 1 monitor for every 10 counting tables and we were kept some distance from the tables,” he wrote. “There is no telling what we missed under these unreasonable restrictions. The miscounted batch had been signed off by two official counters.”

Ⓑⓘⓓⓔⓝ ⓦⓞⓝ. Ⓕⓤⓒⓚ ⓨⓞⓤⓡ ⓕⓔⓔⓛⓘⓝⓖⓢ.

The mistake was on the recount not on the initial count.
Not only the mistake of 9000 votes, but a shortage of Republican poll watchers.

Georgia Republican Poll Watcher Discovered Recount Error Off By More Than 9,000 Votes For Biden

“One batch was labeled 10,707 for Biden and 13 for Trump — an improbable margin even by DeKalb standards. The actual count for the batch was 1,081 for Biden and 13 for Trump,” Shafer said.

“We were limited to 1 monitor for every 10 counting tables and we were kept some distance from the tables,” he wrote. “There is no telling what we missed under these unreasonable restrictions. The miscounted batch had been signed off by two official counters.”

Ⓑⓘⓓⓔⓝ ⓦⓞⓝ. Ⓕⓤⓒⓚ ⓨⓞⓤⓡ ⓕⓔⓔⓛⓘⓝⓖⓢ.

The mistake was on the recount not on the initial count.

And....they caught it.

Its why Biden's lead didn't slip by 9000 votes.
You know, when Hillary lost, she didn't spend the next month or so hollering about voter fraud like Trump has.

And, while many people didn't like the fact she lost, most accepted it and moved on, even though they despised Trump.

As far as why did Trump win in 2016, and lose in 2020? Well, in 2016, we didn't know much about him or how he would lead. In 2020 we had concrete evidence of how crappy a leader he is, and that is why he lost. I've seen and talked to many people about how they voted for him in 2016 when they thought he would be a great leader, but then voted against him this election because they had 3 1/2 years of his incompetent leadership that he constantly demonstrated.
First I am actually a very good sport even in losing, But besides the Presidential race, the US election system has a systemic bias that threatens to overwhelm our democracy.

"About 98% of political contributions from internet companies this cycle went to Democrats, according to the Center for Responsive Politics."

That also includes hundreds of pro-Biden/anti TRUMP articles seen by Millions and censorship of TRUMP and his supporters.

If the situation was reversed, and TRUMP was the beneficiary of Silicone Valley, what chance would Biden have??

The companies didn't make these donations. Their employees did. With most of these companies based in the San Francisco bay area and Seattle.

The location has far more to do with the donations than the companies do.
Mark Zuckerberg and Jack Dorsey are pro-Biden
Not only the mistake of 9000 votes, but a shortage of Republican poll watchers.

Georgia Republican Poll Watcher Discovered Recount Error Off By More Than 9,000 Votes For Biden

“One batch was labeled 10,707 for Biden and 13 for Trump — an improbable margin even by DeKalb standards. The actual count for the batch was 1,081 for Biden and 13 for Trump,” Shafer said.

“We were limited to 1 monitor for every 10 counting tables and we were kept some distance from the tables,” he wrote. “There is no telling what we missed under these unreasonable restrictions. The miscounted batch had been signed off by two official counters.”

Ⓑⓘⓓⓔⓝ ⓦⓞⓝ. Ⓕⓤⓒⓚ ⓨⓞⓤⓡ ⓕⓔⓔⓛⓘⓝⓖⓢ.
Biden is a puppet of both China, Russia and the Silicone Valley Billionaires. His corruption actually helps him with that group,

Feelings have nothing to do with is ALL About TRUTH.

Trump is the candidate backed by Putin. There is no evidence of any corruption.

You wouldn't know the TRUTH if Jesus himself told it to you.
You know, when Hillary lost, she didn't spend the next month or so hollering about voter fraud like Trump has.

And, while many people didn't like the fact she lost, most accepted it and moved on, even though they despised Trump.

As far as why did Trump win in 2016, and lose in 2020? Well, in 2016, we didn't know much about him or how he would lead. In 2020 we had concrete evidence of how crappy a leader he is, and that is why he lost. I've seen and talked to many people about how they voted for him in 2016 when they thought he would be a great leader, but then voted against him this election because they had 3 1/2 years of his incompetent leadership that he constantly demonstrated.
This isn't about Trump.

This is about not becoming Venezuela.

Yopu are the ones who want to turn this country into Venezuela. Biden won but you want to override the vote of the people.
Not only the mistake of 9000 votes, but a shortage of Republican poll watchers.

Georgia Republican Poll Watcher Discovered Recount Error Off By More Than 9,000 Votes For Biden

“One batch was labeled 10,707 for Biden and 13 for Trump — an improbable margin even by DeKalb standards. The actual count for the batch was 1,081 for Biden and 13 for Trump,” Shafer said.

“We were limited to 1 monitor for every 10 counting tables and we were kept some distance from the tables,” he wrote. “There is no telling what we missed under these unreasonable restrictions. The miscounted batch had been signed off by two official counters.”


So if there were counts were off by 9000......why didn't Biden's lead drop by 9000?
The mistake was made during the recount and was caught, by chance, by a Republican poll watcher. It was never added to Biden's total.

I can ONLY hope that the Republican Party can get HUNDREDS of additional poll watchers for the Senate runoffs as precincts with dems only is fraught with FRAUD.

So now you're explaining WHY the recount was accurate.
One example of a correct count does not validate an election of over 5 million votes.

As to the HAND RECOUNT, if only dems, or very few repubs, are present at a polling site, it will be easy to give the Secretary of State, the same earlier number no matter what the hand count reveals.

The Republican Party, handicapped by a CLUELESS, INCOMPETANT Sec, of State, has its work cut out for it and better start recruiting a small army of Republican poll watchers as the Democrats, led by Stacey Abrams,
are a clever bunch of vote thieves.

The Secretary olf State did his job. He acted in a non-partisan manner. Stacy Abrams registering people to vote and increasing the turnout is illegal? You are the thieves.
Brian Kemp is holding a press conference today at 5pm...

Maybe he will announce that he is going to throw out the will of the people and give GA's 16 electoral votes to Trump....

Or maybe you're offering desperate hopes and fantasies in place of anything remotely plausible because reality is too difficult for you to deal with right now?

One of the two.
I think he will announce that he will certify the results and that Biden indeed is the rightful winner of 16 electoral votes...

Then Kemp will be rushed away in a bullet proof van -- and he and his family taken to a safe house for a few weeks...

There are backwoods racists in Georgia that they have to keep on a leash....

Given that both the original count and the recount showed a solid Biden victory......the State of Georgia certifying the election results for Biden seems quite likely.
I agree there. Baring a HAIL MARY that shows PROVABLE FRAUD by Dominion, the TRUMP presidency will come to a close. He took on the FASCIST EMPIRE but now the Empire has struck back.

TRUMP was right to tie the economy and the virus together in his decision making. I hope Biden does not impose a new lockdown.
Brian Kemp is holding a press conference today at 5pm...

Maybe he will announce that he is going to throw out the will of the people and give GA's 16 electoral votes to Trump....

Or maybe you're offering desperate hopes and fantasies in place of anything remotely plausible because reality is too difficult for you to deal with right now?

One of the two.
I think he will announce that he will certify the results and that Biden indeed is the rightful winner of 16 electoral votes...

Then Kemp will be rushed away in a bullet proof van -- and he and his family taken to a safe house for a few weeks...

There are backwoods racists in Georgia that they have to keep on a leash....

Given that both the original count and the recount showed a solid Biden victory......the State of Georgia certifying the election results for Biden seems quite likely.
I agree there. Baring a HAIL MARY that shows PROVABLE FRAUD by Dominion, the TRUMP presidency will come to a close. He took on the FASCIST EMPIRE but now the Empire has struck back.

TRUMP was right to tie the economy and the virus together in his decision making. I hope Biden does not impose a new lockdown.

If there is provable widespread fraud, I'm with you. But it would need to be really good evidence.

There's no credible indication that such evidence exists. Nor have we found any.
You know, when Hillary lost, she didn't spend the next month or so hollering about voter fraud like Trump has.

And, while many people didn't like the fact she lost, most accepted it and moved on, even though they despised Trump.

As far as why did Trump win in 2016, and lose in 2020? Well, in 2016, we didn't know much about him or how he would lead. In 2020 we had concrete evidence of how crappy a leader he is, and that is why he lost. I've seen and talked to many people about how they voted for him in 2016 when they thought he would be a great leader, but then voted against him this election because they had 3 1/2 years of his incompetent leadership that he constantly demonstrated.
First I am actually a very good sport even in losing, But besides the Presidential race, the US election system has a systemic bias that threatens to overwhelm our democracy.

"About 98% of political contributions from internet companies this cycle went to Democrats, according to the Center for Responsive Politics."

That also includes hundreds of pro-Biden/anti TRUMP articles seen by Millions and censorship of TRUMP and his supporters.

If the situation was reversed, and TRUMP was the beneficiary of Silicone Valley, what chance would Biden have??

The companies didn't make these donations. Their employees did. With most of these companies based in the San Francisco bay area and Seattle.

The location has far more to do with the donations than the companies do.
Mark Zuckerberg and Jack Dorsey are pro-Biden
Not only the mistake of 9000 votes, but a shortage of Republican poll watchers.

Georgia Republican Poll Watcher Discovered Recount Error Off By More Than 9,000 Votes For Biden

“One batch was labeled 10,707 for Biden and 13 for Trump — an improbable margin even by DeKalb standards. The actual count for the batch was 1,081 for Biden and 13 for Trump,” Shafer said.

“We were limited to 1 monitor for every 10 counting tables and we were kept some distance from the tables,” he wrote. “There is no telling what we missed under these unreasonable restrictions. The miscounted batch had been signed off by two official counters.”

Ⓑⓘⓓⓔⓝ ⓦⓞⓝ. Ⓕⓤⓒⓚ ⓨⓞⓤⓡ ⓕⓔⓔⓛⓘⓝⓖⓢ.
Biden is a puppet of both China, Russia and the Silicone Valley Billionaires. His corruption actually helps him with that group,

Feelings have nothing to do with is ALL About TRUTH.

Trump is the candidate backed by Putin. There is no evidence of any corruption.

You wouldn't know the TRUTH if Jesus himself told it to you.
The TRUTH was that the TRUMP/Putin relationship was like that of Muhammed Ali/Joe Frazier. Ali had to respect Frazier's fighting skills, like TRUMP had to respect the fact that the US and Russia have over 90% of the world's nuclear warheads.

But Putin had ZERO influence of TRUMP and his decisions.
Brian Kemp is holding a press conference today at 5pm...

Maybe he will announce that he is going to throw out the will of the people and give GA's 16 electoral votes to Trump....

Or maybe you're offering desperate hopes and fantasies in place of anything remotely plausible because reality is too difficult for you to deal with right now?

One of the two.
I think he will announce that he will certify the results and that Biden indeed is the rightful winner of 16 electoral votes...

Then Kemp will be rushed away in a bullet proof van -- and he and his family taken to a safe house for a few weeks...

There are backwoods racists in Georgia that they have to keep on a leash....

Given that both the original count and the recount showed a solid Biden victory......the State of Georgia certifying the election results for Biden seems quite likely.
I agree there. Baring a HAIL MARY that shows PROVABLE FRAUD by Dominion, the TRUMP presidency will come to a close. He took on the FASCIST EMPIRE but now the Empire has struck back.

TRUMP was right to tie the economy and the virus together in his decision making. I hope Biden does not impose a new lockdown.

If there is provable widespread fraud, I'm with you. But it would need to be really good evidence.

There's no credible indication that such evidence exists. Nor have we found any.

I am still interested in the Georgia race, as you might imagine, as it sets up the stage for the coming Senate runoff elections.
Brian Kemp is holding a press conference today at 5pm...

Maybe he will announce that he is going to throw out the will of the people and give GA's 16 electoral votes to Trump....

Or maybe you're offering desperate hopes and fantasies in place of anything remotely plausible because reality is too difficult for you to deal with right now?

One of the two.
I think he will announce that he will certify the results and that Biden indeed is the rightful winner of 16 electoral votes...

Then Kemp will be rushed away in a bullet proof van -- and he and his family taken to a safe house for a few weeks...

There are backwoods racists in Georgia that they have to keep on a leash....

Given that both the original count and the recount showed a solid Biden victory......the State of Georgia certifying the election results for Biden seems quite likely.
I agree there. Baring a HAIL MARY that shows PROVABLE FRAUD by Dominion, the TRUMP presidency will come to a close. He took on the FASCIST EMPIRE but now the Empire has struck back.

TRUMP was right to tie the economy and the virus together in his decision making. I hope Biden does not impose a new lockdown.

If there is provable widespread fraud, I'm with you. But it would need to be really good evidence.

There's no credible indication that such evidence exists. Nor have we found any.

I am still interested in the Georgia race, as you might imagine, as it sets up the stage for the coming Senate runoff elections.

Its going to be fascinating. The Democrats are really energized in that State.

Abrahams is going to get her due from this one.
It will forever be known as the stolen election if that Mongolian Idiot is sworn in.

Mongoloid. That's a Bidum

Mongolian is a race of some of the most fearsome warriors ever, horseback fighting tactics is unbelievable. Their preferred beverage is milk and blood.
Brian Kemp is holding a press conference today at 5pm...

Maybe he will announce that he is going to throw out the will of the people and give GA's 16 electoral votes to Trump....

Or maybe you're offering desperate hopes and fantasies in place of anything remotely plausible because reality is too difficult for you to deal with right now?

One of the two.
I think he will announce that he will certify the results and that Biden indeed is the rightful winner of 16 electoral votes...

Then Kemp will be rushed away in a bullet proof van -- and he and his family taken to a safe house for a few weeks...

There are backwoods racists in Georgia that they have to keep on a leash....

Given that both the original count and the recount showed a solid Biden victory......the State of Georgia certifying the election results for Biden seems quite likely.
I agree there. Baring a HAIL MARY that shows PROVABLE FRAUD by Dominion, the TRUMP presidency will come to a close. He took on the FASCIST EMPIRE but now the Empire has struck back.

TRUMP was right to tie the economy and the virus together in his decision making. I hope Biden does not impose a new lockdown.
Trump is the fascist you authoritarian loving sycophant
I don't recall Republicans standing on their pedestals lecturing Democrats during the 2000 contested election. Why are you and all the Democrats DEMANDING compliance with an obviously botched and possibly fraudulent election? Chill out and let the process work through the courts. It looks like there is no alternative except for the SCOTUS to see the case.

The vote margin in Florida in 2000 was 537.

The vote margin in MI PA and WI today is 260,755

You guys are whining and acting like spoiled brats because you LOST and your tender delicate snowflake feelings can't accept that your Orange Messiah could ever possibly lose.

You lost the election, you're losing in the courts, and you are going to lose in the EC. But you won't believe any of it.

Because cult.
Try because can see the support for TRUMP----and know that most voters would never vote for a Bribe taking pedo family like the bidens. Trump won---we are see instance after instance of the dems hiding votes for trump, and manufacturing votes for Biden.

Got links to back up your bullshit? So far, the election has been checked and rechecked and Biden still wins. Oh yeah, out of the 32 lawsuits that Trump and his campaign have brought up, they've lost 31.
Try googling---2700 votes found, 2600 found on a memory stick------hey 9000 flat out lied about in Kleb county

The election was filled with Fraud---in georgia and Michigan--likely the other states. Invalidate the election-----have the feds do the recounts for criminal charges and send a whole bunch of dems to prison.

There aren't enough "lost" votes for Trump to turn Georgia. Sorry, but even with the found votes, Trump still loses.
You are under the assumption that Trump has to find all the fraudulent votes---he doesn't. He only need prove that fraud was widespread and that the election process was corrupt or unfair.
I don't recall Republicans standing on their pedestals lecturing Democrats during the 2000 contested election. Why are you and all the Democrats DEMANDING compliance with an obviously botched and possibly fraudulent election? Chill out and let the process work through the courts. It looks like there is no alternative except for the SCOTUS to see the case.

The vote margin in Florida in 2000 was 537.

The vote margin in MI PA and WI today is 260,755

You guys are whining and acting like spoiled brats because you LOST and your tender delicate snowflake feelings can't accept that your Orange Messiah could ever possibly lose.

You lost the election, you're losing in the courts, and you are going to lose in the EC. But you won't believe any of it.

Because cult.
Try because can see the support for TRUMP----and know that most voters would never vote for a Bribe taking pedo family like the bidens. Trump won---we are see instance after instance of the dems hiding votes for trump, and manufacturing votes for Biden.

Got links to back up your bullshit? So far, the election has been checked and rechecked and Biden still wins. Oh yeah, out of the 32 lawsuits that Trump and his campaign have brought up, they've lost 31.
Try googling---2700 votes found, 2600 found on a memory stick------hey 9000 flat out lied about in Kleb county

The election was filled with Fraud---in georgia and Michigan--likely the other states. Invalidate the election-----have the feds do the recounts for criminal charges and send a whole bunch of dems to prison.

There aren't enough "lost" votes for Trump to turn Georgia. Sorry, but even with the found votes, Trump still loses.
You are under the assumption that Trump has to find all the fraudulent votes---he doesn't. He only need prove that fraud was widespread and that the election process was corrupt or unfair.

Yet, he still isn't able to prove squat.
Not only the mistake of 9000 votes, but a shortage of Republican poll watchers.

Georgia Republican Poll Watcher Discovered Recount Error Off By More Than 9,000 Votes For Biden

“One batch was labeled 10,707 for Biden and 13 for Trump — an improbable margin even by DeKalb standards. The actual count for the batch was 1,081 for Biden and 13 for Trump,” Shafer said.

“We were limited to 1 monitor for every 10 counting tables and we were kept some distance from the tables,” he wrote. “There is no telling what we missed under these unreasonable restrictions. The miscouted batch had been signed off by two official counters.”

But, Trump and company (you) were not smart enough to figure a way to stop the biased recount of all the ballots that wound up with President Elect Biden with MORE votes than Ex-President Trump. And, also Trump and company (you) were not smart enough to figure a way to stop the state of Georgia from certifying the results, giving Georgia's Electoral College votes to President Elect Biden instead of Ex-President Trump. And, on top of all that, Trump lost a heart of the confederacy state, an unforgivable defeat.
Quick question for all you people who are saying that the poll watchers were cheated. Ever consider that the same rules applied to Dem poll watchers as did to the Reps?

Sorry, but bitching about not being able to watch the count doesn't really fly with me.

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