The God


See's through B.S.
Nov 13, 2013
Marion, OH
For reasons I will not get into, I have been contemplating this; my final thoughts. Please tell me what you think, and do not hold back.

"If God did not exist, everything would be permitted.", says Ivan Karamazov in his existentialist works. Pascal creates a wager in which everyone should behave as though there is a God to limit their finite losses in the afterlife.
Although I am supremely interested by both concepts, I agree with neither. Suposing that Karamazov is right, what truly is not permitted? Of all of the things you have wished to do, what are among those you simply could not?
Did these short comings have anything to do with God? I think not, more appropriately, they were consumed by the left-right paradigm of right and wrong, between which, should be chosen and what could be chosen.
In the end, who knows what was more beneficial? It all comes down to whom experienced what, and what they were taught of these experiences. Pascal, another Christian apologist, claims we should live as though God exists whether or not He doesn't.
Is this not anything more than simply putting our cards in with God? Would he be impressed more by the safety net of living as though He exists, or by believing He does not and acting righteously still yet?

Our existence on Earth is meaningful, none can argue. What does it really mean, though? If I myself were not alive, how would that have effected my family? What affect would that have on my sister? I would argue that she would be better off.
She expects much from others, likely due to my constant abuse and subsequent regret of such abuses. How much more stable a person would she be today without my own insecurity? Such a question, neither Pascal nor Karamazov ever pondered. So long
as life goes on, so too does the complexity of our morality and philosophical questioning. One must always be able to ask themselves, without myself how much worse would those I love be? In my case I ask these same questions and see nothing
beneficial in my life. I see no reason for my living, nor my advice should continue on to another generation. I may have few wisdoms to pass on, but none of which are so complicated they could not be easily discerned on their own. I am
essentially worthless.

I see Pascal as little more than a cop out; He lives as though God exists because he is afraid of how the Christian God may react to his doubt. Even a man as wise as Pascal see's the problem in a Christian God, he merely lacks the balls to
call such a God out as He is. Karamazov believes without God, there are no morals, and as such there is no morality. Both take an extreme view of life, and both have influenced life greatly in a harmful direction respectively to one another.
Neither character in the philosophy of Man could begin to comprehend the one and true God. For He is one who desires not our admiration and love, He can live without. He does not demand our obedience, for He gave us free choice. Mere, all He
expects is that we behave as though we are all born good people within His will. He expects us all to be good by Him, and not by our Bible's or Qu'rans. For our dissent we do not suffer, for our wagers we do not benefit. It is only the truest
of us who belong. At one point, we all have a stroke of counsciousness, and in this epiphany we all see Christ, but we do not all see the same Christ. Christ is different for each one of us, because Christ exists within us all. Christ is
supremely different, as are we all, because there is no "One and True God" whom can represent all of mankind. We are all God, and only those of us who can see that and co-exist accordingly have any hope of happiness in this life or any other.

I am not a Christian. I am not a religious person. I am a spiritual man who see's things for what they are. I don't need an apocalypse to make me behave, I don't need an end-times to force me to participate. I don't need a leader to follow,
and I don't need the truth to see what is right. Christ is within me, as He is within you all. Christ is all that is righteous, in the midst of a brand of Christianity which would see you land in Hell, ever judging and hating your brothers.
Modern religion is perverted in its meanings and ways, and it will never lead you to salvation. The only one who can save you is yourself, through behaving in such a way that the one and true God would expect. Nothing perfect could expect
perfection, and He does not expect repentence. All you must do is treat one another as though you were true bretheren. You must not agree, you must not repent, you only must be respectful. You only must refrain from action when others would
strike to kill. He does not expect perfection from us, nor apologies for failing to meet the expectations which were said to be expected from Him. All that he expects from us is to be accepting and tolerant of all, even our own enemies. Was it not
Him whom tought us to turn the other cheek to be smited? Was it not him whom taught us to love our enemies despite our differences. It is here where we should start, and not through the Hebrew teachings which tell us what is and is not an
abomination in the name of God.

I am not a religious man, but there is something in which I have failed to realize through this time in my life. It has little to do with Christianity and contemporary, modern religion... for in experience they all follow suit. The core of
the issue is what is moral, what is good. There are facts in this world which can lead you unto Him. There are also facts in this world which can lead you astray. None of those following are enough in suit to lead you down such a path,
but the multitude of which can lead you to believe something ascertain in which is nothing close to reality certainly can lead you astray. Selflessness does not equal righteousness, and as such righteousness does not equal selflesssness. There can never be any one person who
is right, never any one person who is wrong. Merely, we can all be Christ. We are each Him in His own image, independent of what those whom came before us held a belief. For as Pascal believes man should believe in Him despite that he may
be wrong, I believe man should believe in Him because he is wrong. Our modern interpretations do not describe God. He is neither Christian, nor Hebrew, nor Muslim. He simply is as he is, and the rest is for Us to determine. We are each God, because
God is what is greatest in each of us. God is not perfect without us, for we are his greatest creation, and without us even His life would have no meaning. We can all be lead away from what we believe is God, but how many of us can be led to believe
what we know IS God? Should he be something as simple as nature itself, he is above us all, and His judgement we must all succomb. Should we all behave as though we will be judged? No, but should we all behave as though we have something better to
live for? Absolutely yes.
Ten Commandments from Exodus 20

1And God spake all these words, saying, 2I am the LORD thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage.

3Thou shalt have no other gods before me.
4Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. 5Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me; 6And shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me, and keep my commandments.
7Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain; for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain.
8Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy. 9Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work: 10But the seventh day is the sabbath of the LORD thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates: 11For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the LORD blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it.
12Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee.
13Thou shalt not kill.
14Thou shalt not commit adultery.
15Thou shalt not steal.
16Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour.
17Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is thy neighbour's.
You write: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

For reasons I will not get into, I have been contemplating this; my final thoughts. Please tell me what you think, and do not hold back.
reply to U.K. What is going on with you? what is this statement - my final thoughts? I think you think too much. I think you are possibly on an anti depressant such as Paxil or Prozac and it is wacking you out - you need to get ahold of yourself, U.K. - separate yourself from all these thoughts and realize - this is not you - this something you are going through - I see guilt - I see regret - I see someone trying to reason out God without God - what else? Keep reading............

"If God did not exist, everything would be permitted.", says Ivan Karamazov in his existentialist works. Pascal creates a wager in which everyone should behave as though there is a God to limit their finite losses in the afterlife.
Although I am supremely interested by both concepts, I agree with neither. Suposing that Karamazov is right, what truly is not permitted? Of all of the things you have wished to do, what are among those you simply could not?
my response to you

They are both wrong - so don't even contemplate it - why do you allow so much garbage to float around in your mind? Do you not realize the danger of contemplating lies? Come on, U.K. Lets reason together on this - all have sinned - all have fallen short of the glory of God - Jesus Christ is the way the truth and the life - you know it and I know it - you need to bypass that overthinking brain of yours - stop leaning on your own understanding and drop yourself into the nail pierced hands of Jesus Christ who died to heal you. Let all of this go. It is killing you. Let Jesus Christ in now. To heal your emotionally, physically, to remove all guilt, shame, to deliver you from yourself! Yes. He can do that. Why not give him the chance?

Did these short comings have anything to do with God? I think not, more appropriately, they were consumed by the left-right paradigm of right and wrong, between which, should be chosen and what could be chosen.
In the end, who knows what was more beneficial? It all comes down to whom experienced what, and what they were taught of these experiences. Pascal, another Christian apologist, claims we should live as though God exists whether or not He doesn't.

Forget Pascal - medidate on Christ - did Pascal die for you? No? Then forget him. What does he know? Obey the LORD and ask him to receive you as a lost sinner - in need of salvation - come as a child and drop all these million and one ideas you've got inside your head - the enemy is having a hayday with you. Don't let him. You know why Satan hates you so bad? Because you can still go to heaven and he has lost his chance. Make him miserable, U.K. and come to Jesus tonight. You can do that, salvation is a contrite and broken heart and a prayer away - you can do that. Lord Jesus, I believe you did die on the cross at calvary and shed your blood for my sins. Will you have mercy upon me as you did the thief next to you on the cross? I want to be in your kingdom when I leave this earth. Have mercy upon me Jesus - come into my heart now and heal my mind, restore my soul, bring peace to my heart, wash me in your blood and I will be made whole........AMEN. Pray it with me, U.K. Say it out loud......

Is this not anything more than simply putting our cards in with God? Would he be impressed more by the safety net of living as though He exists, or by believing He does not and acting righteously still yet?

Nothing more simple.........pray the prayer with me now....... I take authority over you, Satan, and command you to loose this mans mind in Jesus name. I bind the demonic spirits that have been binding his mind and command those spirits to leave now - in Jesus name. Tell the Lord you want to be free, U.K. he is ready to do it right now.........
Our existence on Earth is meaningful, none can argue. What does it really mean, though? If I myself were not alive, how would that have effected my family?

My reply:
Listen to me, you are alive. It is Satan who wants you dead, not God. God loves you. He wants to give you a life worth living free of all the madness - God loves you, UK now you come to Jesus right now. that is what you need to do and do not think these thoughts.

What affect would that have on my sister? I would argue that she would be better off.

reply - No, she might be filled with guilt if you suddenly died.. look at the people on this board who have been devastated over some family member taking their life. She would be very, very sad - it would be a terrible thing to her if you died. Terrible......

She expects much from others, likely due to my constant abuse and subsequent regret of such abuses. How much more stable a person would she be today without my own insecurity?
The Lord can restore and heal relationships,damaged emotions, the Holy Spirit has the power to radically change your life and in turn you can help your sister so that she can also have a changed life.. that is the answer - believing in the Power of the Cross to do what you yourself cannot do, what Pascal nor any other could do - Jesus is your answer right now U,K.

Such a question, neither Pascal nor Karamazov ever pondered. So long
as life goes on, so too does the complexity of our morality and philosophical questioning. One must always be able to ask themselves, without myself how much worse would those I love be? In my case I ask these same questions and see nothing
beneficial in my life.

I see no reason for my living, nor my advice should continue on to another generation. I may have few wisdoms to pass on, but none of which are so complicated they could not be easily discerned on their own. I am
essentially worthless.

No, you are not. You are so valuable you have no idea......... Let's just talk about this and we can talk by email. Email me. We'll talk. Whatever you want to do. Let's just talk about this. I am not doing a thing and I have all night. Lets talk right now. - Jeri
I have no use for your ten commandments and Earthly religions, they mean nothing to me. I am seeking the opinion of philosophical believers, and my intent is not to discuss nor demean the beliefs therein. I would appreciate it if you left a personal review over what I have said as opposed to a mere citation of your Bible in which I have refuted throughout my stay at this board. If there is one thing in life I am absolutely certain of, it is that the Christian religion does not bear truth. That does not mean it is not based on a spiritual truth.
God loves you, U.K. Hold on. I am going to go get you some worship music to listen to and I want you to read what I wrote in response to your writings and think about one thing only. That God loves you.. You need to listen to me and not listen to any more negative thoughts now. You drop those thoughts like a rock right now. Hold on, I am going to get you something that is going to minister to you.
Let's talk Philosophy. Who has your attention? Socrates? Plato? Tell me about it, I will go get the song.
[ame=]I Surrender - Hillsong Live (Cornerstone New 2012 DVD Album) Lyrics/Subtitles (Best Worship Song) - YouTube[/ame]

This song will bring peace to your soul. Just close your eyes and listen to it and rest your mind. Do not think about anything other than that your soul needs some rest - rest in God - U.K. Check your email. I am sending you an email now.
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I have no use for your ten commandments and Earthly religions, they mean nothing to me. I am seeking the opinion of philosophical believers, and my intent is not to discuss nor demean the beliefs therein. I would appreciate it if you left a personal review over what I have said as opposed to a mere citation of your Bible in which I have refuted throughout my stay at this board. If there is one thing in life I am absolutely certain of, it is that the Christian religion does not bear truth. That does not mean it is not based on a spiritual truth.

I have never seen you post on this board. After reading your post twice, the only thing I get out of it, is that you are conflicted possibly with things you have done wrong. To a point that makes me worry about you. I actually posted the 10 commandments out of frustration, of not really knowing what you are implying here..............

I believe in God the Father Almighty, maker of heaven and earth. I believe in Jesus Christ who died for our sins.....................

If you do not believe, then no amount of words can change that. I can only suggest as Jeri has already done, that Jesus died for our sins............So that we may be forgiven of our sins if we repent and ask forgiveness from God............

Are you asking forgiveness for your sins in this thread............. If so, then as Jeri has stated you must look above for that answer through prayer.
Pray with me, Eagle, I think he is in trouble. I am praying for him right now. I pray to God he answers this thread back. In Jesus name, I plead the blood of Jesus Christ over this mans mind. He has a wonderful mind - he is very gifted, very talented, God has given him a great mind .. he needs to answer my email.. I hope he reads this.. God needs men like him.. he needs him. We need him.
Uhkilleez, I was thinking you like philosophers, I was thinking did you ever read about the life of the mystics? How about John of the Cross, Augustine? Augustine was one of the 5 greatest minds that ever lived they say. He had a child out of wedlock, lived with his lover, the guy was totally out there ....he was totally brilliant - much like you - yes you kind of remind me of him - one day it all came together and he realized his call and became a tremendous blessing to others.. I can picture that happening with you... John of the Cross had tremendous anguish, mental sufferings, he wrote some very deep things.. you think Plato was deep - you should read Julian of Norwich fire of divine love - John of the Cross when he was in his deepest sufferings he said in poetry to God......oh living flame of Love, how tenderly you wound.........why did John say that? Because when it is God it is a very gentle wounding......when it is heavy and full of torment that isn't God - that is his enemy who has made himself our enemy because we are loved by God. You see the truth is that you are truly, wonderfully, magnificently loved by God. He loves you passionately.
Nothing you could ever do could separate you from the Love of God - nothing - that is deep. The deep calls unto the deep.......I like that - I think Solomon was a philosopher, don't you? He was the wisest man who ever lives, hey! What does it take to qualify to be one of those guys anyhow? With God it is just a breath away because when the Spirit of God comes in? Everything that held us in captivity, every bondage that kept us from experiencing his love, every hindrance that prevented the presence of his removed...........JUST like that. That fast. Then in comes the LORD. It is by faith - we believe and we recieve - the Spirit will teach us things no man could reveal.. talk about a walk in the clouds, people have no idea... I have a song that will usher in the presence of The Holy Ghost into the room right where you are sitting right now. I'm going to go get it for you. Hold on.
Pray with me, Eagle, I think he is in trouble. I am praying for him right now. I pray to God he answers this thread back. In Jesus name, I plead the blood of Jesus Christ over this mans mind. He has a wonderful mind - he is very gifted, very talented, God has given him a great mind .. he needs to answer my email.. I hope he reads this.. God needs men like him.. he needs him. We need him.

I hope and pray, that he thinks through what is troubling him. I too think something is very wrong here. And I hope to be able to post with him again...........

None of us are without sin.............
None of us are perfect...................
We all make mistakes...................
And whatever these mistakes, we must move on an accept that we are simply human and this is expected to happen from time to time.

We learn from these mistakes and better our lives.

While we must remember our past and mistakes, we must not allow them to rule our future as all men make mistakes.............

I've seen troubling things in my time on earth..........I'm certainly no angel.........But I believe and ask forgiveness for quite frankly being stupid.
You write: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

For reasons I will not get into, I have been contemplating this; my final thoughts. Please tell me what you think, and do not hold back.
reply to U.K. What is going on with you? what is this statement - my final thoughts? I think you think too much. I think you are possibly on an anti depressant such as Paxil or Prozac and it is wacking you out - you need to get ahold of yourself, U.K. - separate yourself from all these thoughts and realize - this is not you - this something you are going through - I see guilt - I see regret - I see someone trying to reason out God without God - what else? Keep reading............

I am not on any anti-depressants. I am not on drugs, this is not a midlife crisis, this is simply the way in which I see things.

"If God did not exist, everything would be permitted.", says Ivan Karamazov in his existentialist works. Pascal creates a wager in which everyone should behave as though there is a God to limit their finite losses in the afterlife.
Although I am supremely interested by both concepts, I agree with neither. Suposing that Karamazov is right, what truly is not permitted? Of all of the things you have wished to do, what are among those you simply could not?
my response to you

They are both wrong - so don't even contemplate it - why do you allow so much garbage to float around in your mind? Do you not realize the danger of contemplating lies? Come on, U.K. Lets reason together on this - all have sinned - all have fallen short of the glory of God - Jesus Christ is the way the truth and the life - you know it and I know it - you need to bypass that overthinking brain of yours - stop leaning on your own understanding and drop yourself into the nail pierced hands of Jesus Christ who died to heal you. Let all of this go. It is killing you. Let Jesus Christ in now. To heal your emotionally, physically, to remove all guilt, shame, to deliver you from yourself! Yes. He can do that. Why not give him the chance?


This is simply untrue, for the Christ in which you know is not the true one. The true and just Christ would not uphold the laws of the Old Testament. The one and true God would not need ransom to forgive. There is no need for the death of Christ outside the imagination of humanity. There is still, however, a perfection to God. Not your God, though... The one and true God.

Did these short comings have anything to do with God? I think not, more appropriately, they were consumed by the left-right paradigm of right and wrong, between which, should be chosen and what could be chosen.
In the end, who knows what was more beneficial? It all comes down to whom experienced what, and what they were taught of these experiences. Pascal, another Christian apologist, claims we should live as though God exists whether or not He doesn't.

Forget Pascal - medidate on Christ - did Pascal die for you? No? Then forget him. What does he know? Obey the LORD and ask him to receive you as a lost sinner - in need of salvation - come as a child and drop all these million and one ideas you've got inside your head - the enemy is having a hayday with you. Don't let him. You know why Satan hates you so bad? Because you can still go to heaven and he has lost his chance. Make him miserable, U.K. and come to Jesus tonight. You can do that, salvation is a contrite and broken heart and a prayer away - you can do that. Lord Jesus, I believe you did die on the cross at calvary and shed your blood for my sins. Will you have mercy upon me as you did the thief next to you on the cross? I want to be in your kingdom when I leave this earth. Have mercy upon me Jesus - come into my heart now and heal my mind, restore my soul, bring peace to my heart, wash me in your blood and I will be made whole........AMEN. Pray it with me, U.K. Say it out loud......

Just as you continue to misquote my name, you misquote the deeds of God. God did not need a Jesus to die in your name, Jesus is merely another personification of God meant to show you what is true, which is that the only salvation in life is your own behavior. It is true, repentance does not earn you eternal happiness, for you must prove yourself unto others before Him. Let us not confuse an all perfect God with one whom may need our acceptance to breath anymore true. With my existence or without it, the one and true God remains every bit as true. The difference will be whether you see Christ as a personification of yourself, as he is meant to be, or whether you will continue to wait in His absence, to be nothing more than but a part of his wane.

I am not a popular person among these threads due to my view of Christianity, but I assure you I see it as I see Horus and Krishna, but a similar perspective meant to lead you to the same salvation. It is not Christ you are meant to follow, but the goodness within yourself the personification of Christ has led you to. In goodness, we are all of Christ, and with Christ we all receive salvation. These are my final thoughts, because nobody follows that which is true.

Is this not anything more than simply putting our cards in with God? Would he be impressed more by the safety net of living as though He exists, or by believing He does not and acting righteously still yet?

Nothing more simple.........pray the prayer with me now....... I take authority over you, Satan, and command you to loose this mans mind in Jesus name. I bind the demonic spirits that have been binding his mind and command those spirits to leave now - in Jesus name. Tell the Lord you want to be free, U.K. he is ready to do it right now.........

I have done all this before, Jeremiah, and though I truly appreciate your genuine sentiment, this is not the process in which must follow. Very few truly follow the teachings of Christ. Christ himself exposed the hypocrisy and amorality of the Old Testament, still yet we preach it today. Christ taught us to speak to him, and yet so few are accomplished in this task. Most importantly, Christ taught us to love and respect one another. Even I seem to be incapable of this. It isn't the misguidance of Lucifer which bring us to this path, it is our own shortcomings as human beings, in which we allow ourselves to be fooled and follow these foolish paths. It is only after the bane and honing of my own shortcomings in which I can see that humanity was meant for a greater path than this. The end times are not in which we expect, and many of us who expect to accompany Him will be discomforted in the fact they were led astray. Christ is not superstitious, He does not require our prayer or obedience. He doesn't care if we accept Him, he cares if we accept one another.

Our existence on Earth is meaningful, none can argue. What does it really mean, though? If I myself were not alive, how would that have effected my family?

My reply:
Listen to me, you are alive. It is Satan who wants you dead, not God. God loves you. He wants to give you a life worth living free of all the madness - God loves you, UK now you come to Jesus right now. that is what you need to do and do not think these thoughts.

Jeremiah, my username is Uhkilleez. My real name is Tom. Neither of these imply the abbreviation U.K., and I am not sure where this came from. Nonetheless, I genuinely appreciate your concern. I must say, however, your view of God is perverted and Bible driven. Although this may seem disrespectful, I do not mean it as such. I have been less than cordial with your contemporaries, but this is primarily due to my own faults as a man. Those who take such a perverted view of Christ are cheap, there cometh one within one hundred who would die for Him as you see him. Christ is not the man you think, he is yet a story purported by God, just as those who preceded him, to show you that all God expects is righteousness. You do not need to be perfect, you need to be accepting. You do not need to be free of sin, you need to be helpful to your fellow man.

What affect would that have on my sister? I would argue that she would be better off.

reply - No, she might be filled with guilt if you suddenly died.. look at the people on this board who have been devastated over some family member taking their life. She would be very, very sad - it would be a terrible thing to her if you died. Terrible......[/quote[
The precedence was a thought of mine, and though your remarks may hold true, my damage has already been done, and all I have put forth in this world is suffering, anger, and confusion. Especially amongst my flesh and blood this holds true. No matter the truth in what I have experienced, there is nothing which can make up for the wrong I have done... the wounds I have caused. I was physically and emotionally abusive; I hit when I should have caressed. I insulted when I should have strengthened. As result, my own flesh and blood has a weakness for insult on her intellect; a fear for being struck by man. What at the time I felt was righteous and strengthening has proven to be destructive and demeaning. There is nothing in which you, or God himself can say to relieve me of these truths. They are the consequences of my own actions without knowledge of the truth of God. They are something I will never get over, regardless of my personal outcome, and they are something I will never forget; no matter how righteous He finds me to be in the end. I have done wrong, as all men have. The difference is that my wrongs will haunt me to the grave, no matter how much I repent.

She expects much from others, likely due to my constant abuse and subsequent regret of such abuses. How much more stable a person would she be today without my own insecurity?
The Lord can restore and heal relationships,damaged emotions, the Holy Spirit has the power to radically change your life and in turn you can help your sister so that she can also have a changed life.. that is the answer - believing in the Power of the Cross to do what you yourself cannot do, what Pascal nor any other could do - Jesus is your answer right now U,K.

There is no restoration for what has been done outside of those of whom experienced. The lord cannot restore on his own, without a common understanding between the two of us which has been reached. A restoration of relationships, however, does not include a restoration of the past. She will never be the person she could have been without my influence. The true God understands these differences, and has seen it as such. The true Christ does not heal damages, he merely allows you to cope. The afterlife is not about accepting God. If that were what God truly wanted we would have no freedom of choice. Salvation is about realizing mistakes and correcting them as best you can. I have done this in my personal life... in humanity I see no hope.

Such a question, neither Pascal nor Karamazov ever pondered. So long
as life goes on, so too does the complexity of our morality and philosophical questioning. One must always be able to ask themselves, without myself how much worse would those I love be? In my case I ask these same questions and see nothing
beneficial in my life.

I see no reason for my living, nor my advice should continue on to another generation. I may have few wisdoms to pass on, but none of which are so complicated they could not be easily discerned on their own. I am
essentially worthless.

No, you are not. You are so valuable you have no idea......... Let's just talk about this and we can talk by email. Email me. We'll talk. Whatever you want to do. Let's just talk about this. I am not doing a thing and I have all night. Lets talk right now. - Jeri

We can speak through private message if you wish, but it is not Satan who drives me. It is not Satan whom compels us to think, for the gift of thought and reason was given to us by God. We are meant to learn the truth of our birth, and even to be so arrogant to reject him in the wake of our knowledge. As a perfect being, it was his expectation for us to find his inner workings. Anything else would have been a disappointment unto Him. Still yet, he understood through this logic, only a select few of us would remain righteous, and treat one another respectfully despite our own agendas. The true purpose of freedom of choice is to see the way we treat one another, it has nothing to do with our faith in Him, for he is here whether or not we believe. If our admiration is what he wanted, he would simply reveal himself. That is not His expectation. His true intent is to see which of us are truly good unto one another if anything at all. If there is an afterlife, this is what it is all about. In all honesty, my tactics have proven not to be beneficial for anything of that which is good. The best I can see for all parties involved is simply to go away.

Some here, perhaps even some in life would rejoice in my absence. I am imperfect and as such, the meaning in my words is lost in hostility and contempt. Any truth I may be destined to speak is lost in my arrogance and cruelty. I am not a prophet, and I am not a God. I am simply a man who saw the truth for what it was.
I was so crushed down in my spirit the other night I felt great mental anguish. I felt depressed. Then I cried out to Jesus to help me and he did. He is so near. He is hear to us tonight. I ask Jesus to give us a fresh infilling of his Holy Spirit tonight. I ask the Lord to come in and touch us and let Him minister to us all by his Holy Spirit. We ask you to come in Holy Spirit and minister to us all tonight, in Jesus name. Come now, Holy Spirit, into this place. I was looking for a song and the Lord pointed this song out to me, It is acapella - there is no music but it actually does have one of the songs I was looking for in the song she sings. Listen to this and I pray it ministers to you uhkilleez and to eagle and myself too.

[ame=]Medley Theres something about that name, surly the presence and we are standing on holy ground - YouTube[/ame]
Okay Uhkilleez - I am going to answer your post line upon line as I read over it and while you are waiting please listen to the acepella song and you will feel the presence of the Holy Spirit wash over you. Turn it on and turn up the sound. Lift up your hands and say breathe upon me O breathe of God. Breathe upon me. - Jeri
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God loves you Uhkilleez. He loves you so much. So very, very much. If you were the only man on this earth Jesus would have come to hang on that cross for you. He loves you so much he stretched out his arms and died for you. You are loved tonight. I love you Uhkilleez. Eagle loves you, the people here who see what is going on love you. You matter to us. You are loved. You are important to us.
I have listened to the a cappella. Christ is not our dictator, He is within us all. We can each feel Him in our own way, because We are God. Man made God in his own image, but it was He who gave us the ideal. God wants us to be righteous by our own right, but we use His word to control one another. Christ is within us all, and as such is the path to God; the path to righteousness. I have passed my path, and I have done too much harm unto those I love most, let alone those whom I have little knowledge. I have not been nice to you, Jeremiah. Nor have I been nice to Chuck or Avatar, simply because I understood something none of you did. It was wrong of me and I regret my actions here, but none of this compares to what I have done in my real life. I have had an epiphany, and my epiphany has shown me that while I had the right ideal, I have followed that ideal in much the wrong way. I have not been the best person I could have, and it will have unforeseeable consequence to my end. At this point it does not matter what I say, none on this forum will see it as truth, perhaps with the exception of GreatestIAm, whom already has truth in sight however like myself see's not the way to treat others in perfection. His treatment of others, however, is far beyond my own, although we see the truth as it is meant to be seen. We are each cruel in our own ways, however myself much more in comparison, so much so that a comparison between the two would be little more than a joke. All is lost unto me, and the best I can hope to do is rectify my past damages by removing myself from them. Should my family see the truth without me, they will know what is God without the burden of my life. Let us not forget, they are devout Baptist. They are already on the road to religion, the only comparison being a degree to which. Even yet, should they understand... is the world ready for a Christ as we see him? Is the world ready for a God which is true?
God loves you Uhkilleez. He loves you so much. So very, very much. If you were the only man on this earth Jesus would have come to hang on that cross for you. He loves you so much he stretched out his arms and died for you. You are loved tonight. I love you Uhkilleez. Eagle loves you, the people here who see what is going on love you. You matter to us. You are loved. You are important to us.

I am not loved, and I do not matter. This is not a pleasure I delusion upon myself. I feel I have made the truth known publicly. As such, I will refrain from further response publicly. I will continue to speak to you in private messages,but neither will my beliefs change, nor the decisions I have made by them.
You write: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

For reasons I will not get into, I have been contemplating this; my final thoughts. Please tell me what you think, and do not hold back.
reply to U.K. What is going on with you? what is this statement - my final thoughts? I think you think too much. I think you are possibly on an anti depressant such as Paxil or Prozac and it is wacking you out - you need to get ahold of yourself, U.K. - separate yourself from all these thoughts and realize - this is not you - this something you are going through - I see guilt - I see regret - I see someone trying to reason out God without God - what else? Keep reading............

I am not on any anti-depressants. I am not on drugs, this is not a midlife crisis, this is simply the way in which I see things.

my reply - Alright. I just wanted to rule that out.. you know I have a friend who is on prozac and it was giving him nightmares and a great deal of despair during the day - like you he has a very sharp mind - very intelligent - but the drug gave him some bad side effects - so you are just feeling depressed - that happens to all of us - nothing un natural about it, Uhkilleez.. I understand....
"If God did not exist, everything would be permitted.", says Ivan Karamazov in his existentialist works. Pascal creates a wager in which everyone should behave as though there is a God to limit their finite losses in the afterlife.
Although I am supremely interested by both concepts, I agree with neither. Suposing that Karamazov is right, what truly is not permitted? Of all of the things you have wished to do, what are among those you simply could not?
my response to you

They are both wrong - so don't even contemplate it - why do you allow so much garbage to float around in your mind? Do you not realize the danger of contemplating lies? Come on, U.K. Lets reason together on this - all have sinned - all have fallen short of the glory of God - Jesus Christ is the way the truth and the life - you know it and I know it - you need to bypass that overthinking brain of yours - stop leaning on your own understanding and drop yourself into the nail pierced hands of Jesus Christ who died to heal you. Let all of this go. It is killing you. Let Jesus Christ in now. To heal your emotionally, physically, to remove all guilt, shame, to deliver you from yourself! Yes. He can do that. Why not give him the chance?


This is simply untrue, for the Christ in which you know is not the true one. The true and just Christ would not uphold the laws of the Old Testament. The one and true God would not need ransom to forgive. There is no need for the death of Christ outside the imagination of humanity. There is still, however, a perfection to God. Not your God, though... The one and true God.


So you feel that there is one true God - so do I. What is the nature of the God you believe in? How do perceive God?
Just as you continue to misquote my name, you misquote the deeds of God.

Sorry - I will try to spell your full name from now on........

God did not need a Jesus to die in your name, Jesus is merely another personification of God meant to show you what is true, which is that the only salvation in life is your own behavior. It is true, repentance does not earn you eternal happiness, for you must prove yourself unto others before Him. Let us not confuse an all perfect God with one whom may need our acceptance to breath anymore true. With my existence or without it, the one and true God remains every bit as true.

Why do you keep bringing up with your existence or without it? With your existence you have the opportunity of communing with God and knowing him, if you left earth without knowing him how would you know him? You see? You need to be here for that.
The difference will be whether you see Christ as a personification of yourself, as he is meant to be, or whether you will continue to wait in His absence, to be nothing more than but a part of his wane.

I am not a popular person among these threads due to my view of Christianity, but I assure you I see it as I see Horus and Krishna, but a similar perspective meant to lead you to the same salvation. It is not Christ you are meant to follow, but the goodness within yourself the personification of Christ has led you to. In goodness, we are all of Christ, and with Christ we all receive salvation. These are my final thoughts, because nobody follows that which is true.

No, listen to me, I think you are a very popular person! What are you talking about? People read your threads! Do you think everyone reads my threads?? HA! Listen. I write threads that probably a fraction of the board reads. And they probably forgot something they read and clicked it twice! Probably the same folks reading and besides you are new here - it takes time - people are reading your threads. I read them.

I have done all this before, Jeremiah, and though I truly appreciate your genuine sentiment, this is not the process in which must follow. Very few truly follow the teachings of Christ. Christ himself exposed the hypocrisy and amorality of the Old Testament, still yet we preach it today. Christ taught us to speak to him, and yet so few are accomplished in this task.
Listen, if you have read my threads you have seen that many christians here do not agree with me! Does it get depressing when people start attacking you? Heck yeah! It does! They have a different idea from me but I'm going to press on with or without them - I can definitely understand how you feel but let me send this one so you can read this much and respond and then we will get to the rest of it here. I am not finished answering this but you should read what I have written to you here..


Most importantly, Christ taught us to love and respect one another. Even I seem to be incapable of this. It isn't the misguidance of Lucifer which bring us to this path, it is our own shortcomings as human beings, in which we allow ourselves to be fooled and follow these foolish paths. It is only after the bane and honing of my own shortcomings in which I can see that humanity was meant for a greater path than this. The end times are not in which we expect, and many of us who expect to accompany Him will be discomforted in the fact they were led astray. Christ is not superstitious, He does not require our prayer or obedience. He doesn't care if we accept Him, he cares if we accept one another.

Jeremiah, my username is Uhkilleez. My real name is Tom. Neither of these imply the abbreviation U.K., and I am not sure where this came from. Nonetheless, I genuinely appreciate your concern. I must say, however, your view of God is perverted and Bible driven. Although this may seem disrespectful, I do not mean it as such. I have been less than cordial with your contemporaries, but this is primarily due to my own faults as a man. Those who take such a perverted view of Christ are cheap, there cometh one within one hundred who would die for Him as you see him. Christ is not the man you think, he is yet a story purported by God, just as those who preceded him, to show you that all God expects is righteousness. You do not need to be perfect, you need to be accepting. You do not need to be free of sin, you need to be helpful to your fellow man.

What affect would that have on my sister? I would argue that she would be better off.

reply - No, she might be filled with guilt if you suddenly died.. look at the people on this board who have been devastated over some family member taking their life. She would be very, very sad - it would be a terrible thing to her if you died. Terrible......[/quote[
The precedence was a thought of mine, and though your remarks may hold true, my damage has already been done, and all I have put forth in this world is suffering, anger, and confusion. Especially amongst my flesh and blood this holds true. No matter the truth in what I have experienced, there is nothing which can make up for the wrong I have done... the wounds I have caused. I was physically and emotionally abusive; I hit when I should have caressed. I insulted when I should have strengthened. As result, my own flesh and blood has a weakness for insult on her intellect; a fear for being struck by man. What at the time I felt was righteous and strengthening has proven to be destructive and demeaning. There is nothing in which you, or God himself can say to relieve me of these truths. They are the consequences of my own actions without knowledge of the truth of God. They are something I will never get over, regardless of my personal outcome, and they are something I will never forget; no matter how righteous He finds me to be in the end. I have done wrong, as all men have. The difference is that my wrongs will haunt me to the grave, no matter how much I repent.

There is no restoration for what has been done outside of those of whom experienced. The lord cannot restore on his own, without a common understanding between the two of us which has been reached. A restoration of relationships, however, does not include a restoration of the past. She will never be the person she could have been without my influence. The true God understands these differences, and has seen it as such. The true Christ does not heal damages, he merely allows you to cope. The afterlife is not about accepting God. If that were what God truly wanted we would have no freedom of choice. Salvation is about realizing mistakes and correcting them as best you can. I have done this in my personal life... in humanity I see no hope.

Such a question, neither Pascal nor Karamazov ever pondered. So long
as life goes on, so too does the complexity of our morality and philosophical questioning. One must always be able to ask themselves, without myself how much worse would those I love be? In my case I ask these same questions and see nothing
beneficial in my life.

I see no reason for my living, nor my advice should continue on to another generation. I may have few wisdoms to pass on, but none of which are so complicated they could not be easily discerned on their own. I am
essentially worthless.

No, you are not. You are so valuable you have no idea......... Let's just talk about this and we can talk by email. Email me. We'll talk. Whatever you want to do. Let's just talk about this. I am not doing a thing and I have all night. Lets talk right now. - Jeri

We can speak through private message if you wish, but it is not Satan who drives me. It is not Satan whom compels us to think, for the gift of thought and reason was given to us by God. We are meant to learn the truth of our birth, and even to be so arrogant to reject him in the wake of our knowledge. As a perfect being, it was his expectation for us to find his inner workings. Anything else would have been a disappointment unto Him. Still yet, he understood through this logic, only a select few of us would remain righteous, and treat one another respectfully despite our own agendas. The true purpose of freedom of choice is to see the way we treat one another, it has nothing to do with our faith in Him, for he is here whether or not we believe. If our admiration is what he wanted, he would simply reveal himself. That is not His expectation. His true intent is to see which of us are truly good unto one another if anything at all. If there is an afterlife, this is what it is all about. In all honesty, my tactics have proven not to be beneficial for anything of that which is good. The best I can see for all parties involved is simply to go away.

Some here, perhaps even some in life would rejoice in my absence. I am imperfect and as such, the meaning in my words is lost in hostility and contempt. Any truth I may be destined to speak is lost in my arrogance and cruelty. I am not a prophet, and I am not a God. I am simply a man who saw the truth for what it was.
A story of a time gone by.............

Nuclear power school Orlando Florida, U.S. Navy...........

Very hard school, only half make it..........One night me and a buddy went to the clubs and found one of our other buddies at the club in downtown Orlando........He was drinking and calm. We asked him how it was going..........He looked us in the eyes and calmly stated he was going to finish his drink, get on his motorcycle, drive it past 100 mph and hit the concrete bridge..............He was so calm about it. It took me by complete surprise............

We stayed with him and calmed him down.........He was failing at school and was taking it very badly.........We told him we wanted to see him again, and that who cares about the school.........It's not the end of the world..............

After a time, he slipped out.........and we were concerned and looked for him........Couldn't find him so we searched the whole area, and then went back to base looking found him back at the quad rooms and he was ok..............

But, another buddy was in there shaking and sick..........He was also failing..........Said he hadn't eaten in a while and was sick...........We drove him out to get something to eat to help him out, couldn't keep anything down...........We checked his pulse and the rate was extreme........
Took him back to the quad, (stupid as we were young) and then decided to go to the command to get medical assistance............He was immediately taken to the hospital were he nearly died from too much alcohol intake...........I stayed and the Doctor told me in person he nearly died.........Later, both failed out of school, and both thanked us for helping them out............When they were failed out and sent to the fleet, it was like a thousand tons had been taken off of them...........Quite frankly the whole world changed for them............

2 weeks later, the entire school was assembled........We had 10 suicide attempts in 7 days, one of these was another who actually drove his motorcycle into the wall and lived, and another took pills that later would lead to his death...............

Worry and despair are the Devil, and evil in my opinion..........Trust in God, live like today's your last, and hope and pray for salvation in the end..............

I've never told this story on a message board, ever.......Somehow I feel it was necessary tonight............I hope I'm wrong............I've seen other things like this, where friends nearly died from drinking because they couldn't handle it.........One had to be brought back from death 10 times in one night while in the Mediteranean.............Another hung himself in their workspace across from ours...................

All unnecessary, All because of despair and worry, which is why I classify them as Satan's work...

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