The God

God loves you Uhkilleez. He loves you so much. So very, very much. If you were the only man on this earth Jesus would have come to hang on that cross for you. He loves you so much he stretched out his arms and died for you. You are loved tonight. I love you Uhkilleez. Eagle loves you, the people here who see what is going on love you. You matter to us. You are loved. You are important to us.

I am not loved, and I do not matter. This is not a pleasure I delusion upon myself. I feel I have made the truth known publicly. As such, I will refrain from further response publicly. I will continue to speak to you in private messages,but neither will my beliefs change, nor the decisions I have made by them.

just sent you an email and I want you to call me on my cell phone. I sent you the phone number. - Jeri
You matter and you are loved, Uhkilleez. You said you were going to talk to me by private message so send me one. I'm waiting for you. - Jeri
There is no need to overreact. Your current emotions are righteous, as I have spoke of in private message if it has received you. If it has, you also know what my vagueness is in regards to. Nonetheless, I have had an epiphany, and although I speak the truth as I see it... although it is true Christ is within us all, I do not see my own actions as being good. I do not see my own actions as beneficial or revealing of truth. If anything, I have led some astray whom may have otherwise been willing to hear my thoughts... all due to my own arrogance. I do not care for popularity, and I am not concerned with whether or not others believe me at this point. I am ready to take responsibility for those who ignore due to my own flaws. If there are those who wouldn't read in the first place, how could I be the one to tell them how Christ is within us all? How could I tell them it is because of our freedom of choice that He expects us to behave as the Christ within us all? How would I lead them to see the Christ of the Bible and the true Christ are different people? I have lost myself the chance to show others what I knew and what I now know without doubt. There is nobody here I can speak with to show the true Christ, all will simply believe him to be a Satanous personification of Christ. With this in mind, coupled with personal grievances... I have decided to impose upon myself the decision I spoke of to you in PM. A decision of uncertainty, nonetheless. My words tonight have been a realization of the fact that due to these decisions, I may soon be gone by my own choice. That choice is not suicide.
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You write: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

For reasons I will not get into, I have been contemplating this; my final thoughts. Please tell me what you think, and do not hold back.
reply to U.K. What is going on with you? what is this statement - my final thoughts? I think you think too much. I think you are possibly on an anti depressant such as Paxil or Prozac and it is wacking you out - you need to get ahold of yourself, U.K. - separate yourself from all these thoughts and realize - this is not you - this something you are going through - I see guilt - I see regret - I see someone trying to reason out God without God - what else? Keep reading............

I am not on any anti-depressants. I am not on drugs, this is not a midlife crisis, this is simply the way in which I see things.

my reply - Alright. I just wanted to rule that out.. you know I have a friend who is on prozac and it was giving him nightmares and a great deal of despair during the day - like you he has a very sharp mind - very intelligent - but the drug gave him some bad side effects - so you are just feeling depressed - that happens to all of us - nothing un natural about it, Uhkilleez.. I understand....

This is simply untrue, for the Christ in which you know is not the true one. The true and just Christ would not uphold the laws of the Old Testament. The one and true God would not need ransom to forgive. There is no need for the death of Christ outside the imagination of humanity. There is still, however, a perfection to God. Not your God, though... The one and true God.


So you feel that there is one true God - so do I. What is the nature of the God you believe in? How do perceive God?
Just as you continue to misquote my name, you misquote the deeds of God.

Sorry - I will try to spell your full name from now on........

God did not need a Jesus to die in your name, Jesus is merely another personification of God meant to show you what is true, which is that the only salvation in life is your own behavior. It is true, repentance does not earn you eternal happiness, for you must prove yourself unto others before Him. Let us not confuse an all perfect God with one whom may need our acceptance to breath anymore true. With my existence or without it, the one and true God remains every bit as true.

Why do you keep bringing up with your existence or without it? With your existence you have the opportunity of communing with God and knowing him, if you left earth without knowing him how would you know him? You see? You need to be here for that.
The difference will be whether you see Christ as a personification of yourself, as he is meant to be, or whether you will continue to wait in His absence, to be nothing more than but a part of his wane.

I am not a popular person among these threads due to my view of Christianity, but I assure you I see it as I see Horus and Krishna, but a similar perspective meant to lead you to the same salvation. It is not Christ you are meant to follow, but the goodness within yourself the personification of Christ has led you to. In goodness, we are all of Christ, and with Christ we all receive salvation. These are my final thoughts, because nobody follows that which is true.

No, listen to me, I think you are a very popular person! What are you talking about? People read your threads! Do you think everyone reads my threads?? HA! Listen. I write threads that probably a fraction of the board reads. And they probably forgot something they read and clicked it twice! Probably the same folks reading and besides you are new here - it takes time - people are reading your threads. I read them.

I have done all this before, Jeremiah, and though I truly appreciate your genuine sentiment, this is not the process in which must follow. Very few truly follow the teachings of Christ. Christ himself exposed the hypocrisy and amorality of the Old Testament, still yet we preach it today. Christ taught us to speak to him, and yet so few are accomplished in this task.

read from here on, Uhkilleez. I am still waiting for your email..

Listen, if you have read my threads you have seen that many christians here do not agree with me! Does it get depressing when people start attacking you? Heck yeah! It does! They have a different idea from me but I'm going to press on with or without them - I can definitely understand how you feel but let me send this one so you can read this much and respond and then we will get to the rest of it here. I am not finished answering this but you should read what I have written to you here..

seriously, you make some very important points and I can see what you are talking about concerning this, Uhkilleez.......


Most importantly, Christ taught us to love and respect one another. Even I seem to be incapable of this.


I like that you say that this is most important that Christ taught us to love and respect each other. I think you are very capable and I also believe you are very intelligent - you have many gifts within you, Uhkilleez. Many good things in you. You'd be respecting me by sending me an email back though. that isn't too much to ask is it? I sent you one - you said we could talk by email... I am still waiting for you........

It isn't the misguidance of Lucifer which bring us to this path, it is our own shortcomings as human beings, in which we allow ourselves to be fooled and follow these foolish paths. It is only after the bane and honing of my own shortcomings in which I can see that humanity was meant for a greater path than this. The end times are not in which we expect, and many of us who expect to accompany Him will be discomforted in the fact they were led astray. Christ is not superstitious, He does not require our prayer or obedience. He doesn't care if we accept Him, he cares if we accept one another.

Do you feel that you were led astray by someone?

Jeremiah, my username is Uhkilleez. My real name is Tom.

Hi Tom. That is a nice name. I used UK because there is this other guy here called Paineful Truth and I call him PT. I'm sorry I should not have used that, I am calling you Uhkilleez..... thank you for correcting me on that..... I hope I explained it well enough to understand ........ I write PT because I am typewriter lazy! I wrote UK for the same reason. I REPENT.

Neither of these imply the abbreviation U.K., and I am not sure where this came from. Nonetheless, I genuinely appreciate your concern. I must say, however, your view of God is perverted and Bible driven. Although this may seem disrespectful, I do not mean it as such.
Hey at least you are saying my teaching is bible driven! I think I am really liking that.
( you are supposed to laugh right now - why? Because although I am not too funny it is important for you to be able to lighten up here a little bit and make yourself laugh. Even if you have to say ha. ha ha. hahahahah. get it? Make yourself. I think it would be good. for a minute anyhow. )

I have been less than cordial with your contemporaries, but this is primarily due to my own faults as a man. Those who take such a perverted view of Christ are cheap, there cometh one within one hundred who would die for Him as you see him.
that is pretty deep, uhkilleez. I would like to hear more of what you have to say on that.

Christ is not the man you think, he is yet a story purported by God, just as those who preceded him, to show you that all God expects is righteousness. You do not need to be perfect, you need to be accepting. You do not need to be free of sin, you need to be helpful to your fellow man.


well if you could have been inside my head the other day you'd know I'm not free from sin....I had some thoughts that were along the lines of -------I do not like this world. Period.. Yet today? Today I feel better because today is a new day and things change, Uhkilleez... we have bad days and we have good days and on the bad days we reach out we call someone we let them pray with us - listen to us and we get healing -

What affect would that have on my sister? I would argue that she would be better off.

reply - No, she might be filled with guilt if you suddenly died.. look at the people on this board who have been devastated over some family member taking their life. She would be very, very sad - it would be a terrible thing to her if you died. Terrible......[/quote[
The precedence was a thought of mine, and though your remarks may hold true, my damage has already been done, and all I have put forth in this world is suffering, anger, and confusion. Especially amongst my flesh and blood this holds true. No matter the truth in what I have experienced, there is nothing which can make up for the wrong I have done... the wounds I have caused. I was physically and emotionally abusive; I hit when I should have caressed. I insulted when I should have strengthened. As result, my own flesh and blood has a weakness for insult on her intellect; a fear for being struck by man. What at the time I felt was righteous and strengthening has proven to be destructive and demeaning. There is nothing in which you, or God himself can say to relieve me of these truths.

I'm a survivor of someone in my own family torturing me as a child. Beating me up, banging my head against walls dragging me down flights of stairs backwards at the age of 4 or so. They had alot of my teeth drilled without novocaine - are we there yet? Listen the person who did that to me? I forgive them and I love them because their guilt was so tremendous they coul barely stand themselves -they are free of it today - forgiveness is real - people do demonic things and people get delivered of demons - that is part of life too. stop beating yourself up. I do have the power to relieve you of it because Christ in me gives me strength to even tell you this so you can be set free. You are forgiven. Receive it and stop condemning yourself. You did something that your flesh, your anger, whatever is in you driving you led you to do. It is over. Your sister is still alive. She survived and you will too, you need to listen to me and not that voice inside of your head that says you can't be forgiven. It is a lie. A total lie...

They are the consequences of my own actions without knowledge of the truth of God. They are something I will never get over, regardless of my personal outcome, and they are something I will never forget; no matter how righteous He finds me to be in the end. I have done wrong, as all men have. The difference is that my wrongs will haunt me to the grave, no matter how much I repent.
No, that is not the way it is, Uhkilleez. Listen to me.. you did it in ignorance. You did whatever you did in ignorance without the Spirit of God - without a Spirit controlled life - man is capable of anything! Are you kidding me? Of course he is.. man is capable of killing someone - Moses killed someone, David killed someone, are you telling me these men were not righteous men? They were - they sinned yes they were forgiven yes, do you think you are greater than God? Are you telling me you are higher than God? No! You are a man! You have already admitted it! If God can forgive you then who are you not to forgive yourself? To not forgive yourself is to condemn yourself to eternal misery. God has forgiven you. You repented. WHEN ARE YOU GOING TO FORGIVE YOURSELF? WHEN? HOW ABOUT TONIGHT?

There is no restoration for what has been done outside of those of whom experienced. The lord cannot restore on his own, without a common understanding between the two of us which has been reached. A restoration of relationships, however, does not include a restoration of the past. She will never be the person she could have been without my influence.

Yes she will. Will you deny her the opportunity to know Christ? To be truly delivered? That is what is necessary. Bypass your intellect to understand that to not accept mercy, true and complete forgiveness is pride - it is saying you are greater than God - you are not. You are a man. Receive his mercy. Just open your hands and say Lord, I receive your mercy.

The true God understands these differences, and has seen it as such. The true Christ does not heal damages, he merely allows you to cope. The afterlife is not about accepting God. If that were what God truly wanted we would have no freedom of choice. Salvation is about realizing mistakes and correcting them as best you can. I have done this in my personal life... in humanity I see no hope.
Thats crap! I am not coping. I am living fully! I have experience the total joy, freedom, love, experience of Christ often - there are mountain top experiences I could not even describe to you that are sheer ecstasy in God - greater than anything this world could ever give me. God is the summit. Experiencing Gods love is the most fulfilling thing anyone on earth could ever experience. Coping? Do I sound like I am coping? I'm a conqueror! An overcomer! Coping? Just getting by? No. That doesn't describe me at all and you can ask anyone who knows me and they will tell you. I enjoy God and delight to do His will. No burden to it. I'm crazy about him. So let's get you into the same freedom and we can give that good news to your sister too. Problem solved.


We can speak through private message if you wish,

I sent you a private message and you have not responded so I am still waiting here.......

but it is not Satan who drives me. It is not Satan whom compels us to think, for the gift of thought and reason was given to us by God. We are meant to learn the truth of our birth, and even to be so arrogant to reject him in the wake of our knowledge. As a perfect being, it was his expectation for us to find his inner workings. Anything else would have been a disappointment unto Him. Still yet, he understood through this logic, only a select few of us would remain righteous, and treat one another respectfully despite our own agendas. The true purpose of freedom of choice is to see the way we treat one another, it has nothing to do with our faith in Him, for he is here whether or not we believe. If our admiration is what he wanted, he would simply reveal himself. That is not His expectation. His true intent is to see which of us are truly good unto one another if anything at all. If there is an afterlife, this is what it is all about. In all honesty, my tactics have proven not to be beneficial for anything of that which is good. The best I can see for all parties involved is simply to go away.

Some here, perhaps even some in life would rejoice in my absence. I am imperfect and as such, the meaning in my words is lost in hostility and contempt. Any truth I may be destined to speak is lost in my arrogance and cruelty. I am not a prophet, and I am not a God. I am simply a man who saw the truth for what it was.

No one is going to rejoice in your absence. If you were to die it could be the thing that would utterly destroy your sisters life forever. I don't believe you are that selfish. Do you?
I am not on any anti-depressants. I am not on drugs, this is not a midlife crisis, this is simply the way in which I see things.

my reply - Alright. I just wanted to rule that out.. you know I have a friend who is on prozac and it was giving him nightmares and a great deal of despair during the day - like you he has a very sharp mind - very intelligent - but the drug gave him some bad side effects - so you are just feeling depressed - that happens to all of us - nothing un natural about it, Uhkilleez.. I understand....

This is simply untrue, for the Christ in which you know is not the true one. The true and just Christ would not uphold the laws of the Old Testament. The one and true God would not need ransom to forgive. There is no need for the death of Christ outside the imagination of humanity. There is still, however, a perfection to God. Not your God, though... The one and true God.


So you feel that there is one true God - so do I. What is the nature of the God you believe in? How do perceive God?
Just as you continue to misquote my name, you misquote the deeds of God.

Sorry - I will try to spell your full name from now on........

God did not need a Jesus to die in your name, Jesus is merely another personification of God meant to show you what is true, which is that the only salvation in life is your own behavior. It is true, repentance does not earn you eternal happiness, for you must prove yourself unto others before Him. Let us not confuse an all perfect God with one whom may need our acceptance to breath anymore true. With my existence or without it, the one and true God remains every bit as true.

Why do you keep bringing up with your existence or without it? With your existence you have the opportunity of communing with God and knowing him, if you left earth without knowing him how would you know him? You see? You need to be here for that.
The difference will be whether you see Christ as a personification of yourself, as he is meant to be, or whether you will continue to wait in His absence, to be nothing more than but a part of his wane.

I am not a popular person among these threads due to my view of Christianity, but I assure you I see it as I see Horus and Krishna, but a similar perspective meant to lead you to the same salvation. It is not Christ you are meant to follow, but the goodness within yourself the personification of Christ has led you to. In goodness, we are all of Christ, and with Christ we all receive salvation. These are my final thoughts, because nobody follows that which is true.

No, listen to me, I think you are a very popular person! What are you talking about? People read your threads! Do you think everyone reads my threads?? HA! Listen. I write threads that probably a fraction of the board reads. And they probably forgot something they read and clicked it twice! Probably the same folks reading and besides you are new here - it takes time - people are reading your threads. I read them.

I have done all this before, Jeremiah, and though I truly appreciate your genuine sentiment, this is not the process in which must follow. Very few truly follow the teachings of Christ. Christ himself exposed the hypocrisy and amorality of the Old Testament, still yet we preach it today. Christ taught us to speak to him, and yet so few are accomplished in this task.

read from here on, Uhkilleez. I am still waiting for your email..

Listen, if you have read my threads you have seen that many christians here do not agree with me! Does it get depressing when people start attacking you? Heck yeah! It does! They have a different idea from me but I'm going to press on with or without them - I can definitely understand how you feel but let me send this one so you can read this much and respond and then we will get to the rest of it here. I am not finished answering this but you should read what I have written to you here..

seriously, you make some very important points and I can see what you are talking about concerning this, Uhkilleez.......


Most importantly, Christ taught us to love and respect one another. Even I seem to be incapable of this.


I like that you say that this is most important that Christ taught us to love and respect each other. I think you are very capable and I also believe you are very intelligent - you have many gifts within you, Uhkilleez. Many good things in you. You'd be respecting me by sending me an email back though. that isn't too much to ask is it? I sent you one - you said we could talk by email... I am still waiting for you........

It isn't the misguidance of Lucifer which bring us to this path, it is our own shortcomings as human beings, in which we allow ourselves to be fooled and follow these foolish paths. It is only after the bane and honing of my own shortcomings in which I can see that humanity was meant for a greater path than this. The end times are not in which we expect, and many of us who expect to accompany Him will be discomforted in the fact they were led astray. Christ is not superstitious, He does not require our prayer or obedience. He doesn't care if we accept Him, he cares if we accept one another.

Do you feel that you were led astray by someone?

Jeremiah, my username is Uhkilleez. My real name is Tom.

Hi Tom. That is a nice name. I used UK because there is this other guy here called Paineful Truth and I call him PT. I'm sorry I should not have used that, I am calling you Uhkilleez..... thank you for correcting me on that..... I hope I explained it well enough to understand ........ I write PT because I am typewriter lazy! I wrote UK for the same reason. I REPENT.

Neither of these imply the abbreviation U.K., and I am not sure where this came from. Nonetheless, I genuinely appreciate your concern. I must say, however, your view of God is perverted and Bible driven. Although this may seem disrespectful, I do not mean it as such.
Hey at least you are saying my teaching is bible driven! I think I am really liking that.
( you are supposed to laugh right now - why? Because although I am not too funny it is important for you to be able to lighten up here a little bit and make yourself laugh. Even if you have to say ha. ha ha. hahahahah. get it? Make yourself. I think it would be good. for a minute anyhow. )

I have been less than cordial with your contemporaries, but this is primarily due to my own faults as a man. Those who take such a perverted view of Christ are cheap, there cometh one within one hundred who would die for Him as you see him.
that is pretty deep, uhkilleez. I would like to hear more of what you have to say on that.

Christ is not the man you think, he is yet a story purported by God, just as those who preceded him, to show you that all God expects is righteousness. You do not need to be perfect, you need to be accepting. You do not need to be free of sin, you need to be helpful to your fellow man.


well if you could have been inside my head the other day you'd know I'm not free from sin....I had some thoughts that were along the lines of -------I do not like this world. Period.. Yet today? Today I feel better because today is a new day and things change, Uhkilleez... we have bad days and we have good days and on the bad days we reach out we call someone we let them pray with us - listen to us and we get healing -

No one is going to rejoice in your absence. If you were to die it could be the thing that would utterly destroy your sisters life forever. I don't believe you are that selfish. Do you?

I am finding it decidedly difficult to communicate with you. I have sent you numerous e-mails, but in this meaning of death... as naive as she is, she would miss me but see it at a greater purpose. How many before me have taken the same way out?
I'm not in the know of the real deal here, confused.............

All I can ask is not to make hasty decisions...................Don't do something regrettable..........

Give it time..............Think it through, and avoid despair..............

Go to someone you trust and talk it through..................
He's alright. We have had a very good talk and just hung up. Uhkilleez is going to sleep and I am now going to the hospital to meet my new granddaughter. ( who is about to be born, her mother is in labor ) Have a good day everyone. Everything is alright. Bye. - Jeri p.s. my granddaughter is on the way into the world right now.
God loves you Uhkilleez. He loves you so much. So very, very much. If you were the only man on this earth Jesus would have come to hang on that cross for you. He loves you so much he stretched out his arms and died for you. You are loved tonight. I love you Uhkilleez. Eagle loves you, the people here who see what is going on love you. You matter to us. You are loved. You are important to us.

I am not loved, and I do not matter. This is not a pleasure I delusion upon myself. I feel I have made the truth known publicly. As such, I will refrain from further response publicly. I will continue to speak to you in private messages,but neither will my beliefs change, nor the decisions I have made by them.

You do matter.
What you need to do is work to fix your relationships and make relationships workable.
Then we can get somewhere.
I have listened to the a cappella. Christ is not our dictator, He is within us all. We can each feel Him in our own way, because We are God. Man made God in his own image, but it was He who gave us the ideal. God wants us to be righteous by our own right, but we use His word to control one another. Christ is within us all, and as such is the path to God; the path to righteousness. I have passed my path, and I have done too much harm unto those I love most, let alone those whom I have little knowledge. I have not been nice to you, Jeremiah. Nor have I been nice to Chuck or Avatar, simply because I understood something none of you did. It was wrong of me and I regret my actions here, but none of this compares to what I have done in my real life. I have had an epiphany, and my epiphany has shown me that while I had the right ideal, I have followed that ideal in much the wrong way. I have not been the best person I could have, and it will have unforeseeable consequence to my end. At this point it does not matter what I say, none on this forum will see it as truth, perhaps with the exception of GreatestIAm, whom already has truth in sight however like myself see's not the way to treat others in perfection. His treatment of others, however, is far beyond my own, although we see the truth as it is meant to be seen. We are each cruel in our own ways, however myself much more in comparison, so much so that a comparison between the two would be little more than a joke. All is lost unto me, and the best I can hope to do is rectify my past damages by removing myself from them. Should my family see the truth without me, they will know what is God without the burden of my life. Let us not forget, they are devout Baptist. They are already on the road to religion, the only comparison being a degree to which. Even yet, should they understand... is the world ready for a Christ as we see him? Is the world ready for a God which is true?

For what it is worth:

I forgive you.
You are right about Pascal and Karamazov, Uhkilleez. You recognize the spirituality within yourself as do I, even though I am an atheist. We humans have a spiritual aspect to ourselves and I suspect that this is true for all mammals. Your belief in God and Jesus is something for you to resolve within yourself and I am not trying to alter your beliefs because that would be unethical. Instead I am going to share with you my spiritual perspective in the hope that it may shed a little light for you.

I was raised in a Christian home and attended Sunday School where I won prizes for memorizing bible verses. I went on to teach it to children in poor inner city communities. But there came a point in my life when I had to choose who I am and what I want to become. So I made a pact with God. In exchange for not bothering him with my prayers asking him for things that he had no intention of granting I would not waste my time claiming to be a Christian and singing his praises. I like to think that we both got something out of the deal. I became 100% responsible for my life and everything, good or bad, was up to me to deal with.

So how did I resolve the spiritual aspect of my life if I no longer worshiped any God? I found myself meditating while I out hiking, climbing, sailing and diving. The contact with nature became the place where my spirituality was fulfilled. The spiritual connection I feel is stronger than anything I ever felt in a place of worship. I can see a sunrise or a chipmunk or even a dead tree and sense the spirituality that is there. This might sound weird to those who don't know what I am speaking about but there is no "judgement", there is no "father" or even a "guide". It is just a sense of peace and serenity. That is the core of who I am and I really don't care what happens after I am dead. I am just thankful for being able to experience this while I am alive.

So that is my personal philosophy. I won't defend it because I don't need to and I won't impose it on others because I don't need others to "believe" in anything because I don't have any dogma that I adhere to. I simply live my life by the Golden Rule and always remain true to myself. The rest just takes care of itself.

He's alright. We have had a very good talk and just hung up. Uhkilleez is going to sleep and I am now going to the hospital to meet my new granddaughter. ( who is about to be born, her mother is in labor ) Have a good day everyone. Everything is alright. Bye. - Jeri p.s. my granddaughter is on the way into the world right now.

Thank you and Congratulations.............
He's alright. We have had a very good talk and just hung up. Uhkilleez is going to sleep and I am now going to the hospital to meet my new granddaughter. ( who is about to be born, her mother is in labor ) Have a good day everyone. Everything is alright. Bye. - Jeri p.s. my granddaughter is on the way into the world right now.

Congratulations Jeri. :)

Nice addition to the Thanksgiving celebration. :smiliehug:

Take care
Should we all behave as though we will be judged? No,
All the criminals in the world throughout history agree with you. But there are millions in prison that DID get judged....consequences are a bitch.
Should we all behave as though we will be judged? No,
All the criminals in the world throughout history agree with you. But there are millions in prison that DID get judged....consequences are a bitch.

The criminals were judged by man for violating mans laws. Even those who were judged for violating religious laws were also judged by man.
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I have no use for your ten commandments and Earthly religions, they mean nothing to me. I am seeking the opinion of philosophical believers, and my intent is not to discuss nor demean the beliefs therein. I would appreciate it if you left a personal review over what I have said as opposed to a mere citation of your Bible in which I have refuted throughout my stay at this board. If there is one thing in life I am absolutely certain of, it is that the Christian religion does not bear truth. That does not mean it is not based on a spiritual truth.

So much for being a spiritual man who sees things as they are.

You can deny it all you want. But Jesus is the Christ. The Holy Spirit has told me that. He is the Son of God and the Savior of the world. And that I am absolutely certain of because of the witness of the Holy Spirit. I don't claim to know all things. God hasn't given me that yet. But He has made me a witness of Jesus Christ. And who am I to deny God?

I don't care if you want to think you've refuted everything I've said. You haven't. But you are free to believe that all you want. But I know that the Lord has revealed the truth about Christ to me. And I know that God knows this. I dare not deny it, or I would condemn myself. And I know others have recieved their own witness as well.

You will never know God or His doctrines until you humble yourself before Him. Seek Him sincerely and you will find Him. Seek the truth, not just to know it, but to live accord to it, and you will find it. But if you continue to presume you know about God while proclaiming no one can, you will only delude yourself.
I have listened to the a cappella. Christ is not our dictator, He is within us all. We can each feel Him in our own way, because We are God. Man made God in his own image, but it was He who gave us the ideal. God wants us to be righteous by our own right, but we use His word to control one another. Christ is within us all, and as such is the path to God; the path to righteousness. I have passed my path, and I have done too much harm unto those I love most, let alone those whom I have little knowledge. I have not been nice to you, Jeremiah. Nor have I been nice to Chuck or Avatar, simply because I understood something none of you did. It was wrong of me and I regret my actions here, but none of this compares to what I have done in my real life. I have had an epiphany, and my epiphany has shown me that while I had the right ideal, I have followed that ideal in much the wrong way. I have not been the best person I could have, and it will have unforeseeable consequence to my end. At this point it does not matter what I say, none on this forum will see it as truth, perhaps with the exception of GreatestIAm, whom already has truth in sight however like myself see's not the way to treat others in perfection. His treatment of others, however, is far beyond my own, although we see the truth as it is meant to be seen. We are each cruel in our own ways, however myself much more in comparison, so much so that a comparison between the two would be little more than a joke. All is lost unto me, and the best I can hope to do is rectify my past damages by removing myself from them. Should my family see the truth without me, they will know what is God without the burden of my life. Let us not forget, they are devout Baptist. They are already on the road to religion, the only comparison being a degree to which. Even yet, should they understand... is the world ready for a Christ as we see him? Is the world ready for a God which is true?

Do not worry yourself about whether you have been nice to me or not. Don't get me wrong, i like it when people are nice to me. But I won't hold it against you. And I hope you don't hold any of my passionate responses against me.

If you are feeling burdened, just get on your knees and pray. Find someplace quiet and just speak your heart to the Lord. He isn't going to be upset with you. "If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God who gives to all men liberally and upbraideth not and it shall be given unto him". I think that is one of my favorite scriptures. I know it's true. And it's awesome to know that God loves us and will give us wisdom.

There is no need for you to carry your burden alone. Christ is there to help you. As is family and friends.
I have no use for your ten commandments and Earthly religions, they mean nothing to me. I am seeking the opinion of philosophical believers, and my intent is not to discuss nor demean the beliefs therein. I would appreciate it if you left a personal review over what I have said as opposed to a mere citation of your Bible in which I have refuted throughout my stay at this board. If there is one thing in life I am absolutely certain of, it is that the Christian religion does not bear truth. That does not mean it is not based on a spiritual truth.

So much for being a spiritual man who sees things as they are.

You can deny it all you want. But Jesus is the Christ. The Holy Spirit has told me that. He is the Son of God and the Savior of the world. And that I am absolutely certain of because of the witness of the Holy Spirit. I don't claim to know all things. God hasn't given me that yet. But He has made me a witness of Jesus Christ. And who am I to deny God?

I don't care if you want to think you've refuted everything I've said. You haven't. But you are free to believe that all you want. But I know that the Lord has revealed the truth about Christ to me. And I know that God knows this. I dare not deny it, or I would condemn myself. And I know others have recieved their own witness as well.

You will never know God or His doctrines until you humble yourself before Him. Seek Him sincerely and you will find Him. Seek the truth, not just to know it, but to live accord to it, and you will find it. But if you continue to presume you know about God while proclaiming no one can, you will only delude yourself.

Who are you to judge how he sees things spiritually?
Should we all behave as though we will be judged? No,
All the criminals in the world throughout history agree with you. But there are millions in prison that DID get judged....consequences are a bitch.

The criminals were judged my man for violating mans laws. Even those who were judged for violating religious laws were also judged by man.
That's a fancy two step. Can you square dance?
I have no use for your ten commandments and Earthly religions, they mean nothing to me. I am seeking the opinion of philosophical believers, and my intent is not to discuss nor demean the beliefs therein. I would appreciate it if you left a personal review over what I have said as opposed to a mere citation of your Bible in which I have refuted throughout my stay at this board. If there is one thing in life I am absolutely certain of, it is that the Christian religion does not bear truth. That does not mean it is not based on a spiritual truth.

So much for being a spiritual man who sees things as they are.

You can deny it all you want. But Jesus is the Christ. The Holy Spirit has told me that. He is the Son of God and the Savior of the world. And that I am absolutely certain of because of the witness of the Holy Spirit. I don't claim to know all things. God hasn't given me that yet. But He has made me a witness of Jesus Christ. And who am I to deny God?

I don't care if you want to think you've refuted everything I've said. You haven't. But you are free to believe that all you want. But I know that the Lord has revealed the truth about Christ to me. And I know that God knows this. I dare not deny it, or I would condemn myself. And I know others have recieved their own witness as well.

You will never know God or His doctrines until you humble yourself before Him. Seek Him sincerely and you will find Him. Seek the truth, not just to know it, but to live accord to it, and you will find it. But if you continue to presume you know about God while proclaiming no one can, you will only delude yourself.

Who are you to judge how he sees things spiritually?

Someone who can read. The Lord gives all men the ability to judge. And He shows how to do so righteously.

The Ten Commandments are Eternal laws & Eternal Truths. One cannot see things as they are and yet deny things as they are.

Moreover, the spirit and the physical are connected. This also is an Eternal truth. We cannot separate our earthly actions from our spiritual life. All things are spiritual to the Lord. For example, taking care of the sick and the poor. It takes work. Sometimes we have to do alot of physical labor for them. But that doesn't make our service less spiritual.

If we become disciples of the Lord, we seek to serve Him in everything we do. We serve him in our careers no matter how secular it may seem. We serve Him in our homes and our family. We serve Him as we serve our community in civic matters. All this service is part of our worship and consecration. They may be physical labors, but they are just as spiritual.

God ask us to love Him. And the best way to love Him is to love His children and serve them.

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