The Good News about Trump

Some are....and they have made their voices heard on "the internets". That's the only difference between today's youth and those of past generations. Social media access.

Well said, and I don't blame them for being angry ..what kind of American dream did we leave for our children...Years of being in Debt. just to get a education..then forget finding a job its messed up.

Social media is helping all of us to really see what is going on with the people we voted in . We only had the news to tell us before social media , which in many ways not the whole story, now we can research for ourselves.

I love that link. It has become like the bible for those who think young people are a bunch of pussies. If you had to guess.....on a typical college campus.....what percentage of students that you'd encounter on the quad on a Friday afternoon would consider themselves concerned about trigger warnings?
Again, you are conflating my actual point with what you think my point is. I'm not saying that young people are "pussies". I think that many of them are searching for a cause to fight for...this has literally been my point the entire time.

As far as the % of students that are worrying about such postulation would be that it varies depending on the type of college you attend. In lower level, technical, or regional colleges, I doubt if there would be a noticeable portion of the student population that worries about such things. However, at the more elite or liberal arts focused colleges (Yale, Davidson, Oberlin have all noted problems with such issues), I think that there may be an alarming portion of the student population worried about such things. However, if we view things across the board, as evidenced here:

It appears that interest in activism, broadly is increasing, so, perhaps even in the lower level colleges that we don't hear much about student organizations and protests will start showing more activism.

I am following you. I get that you don't think our young people are weak. I grasp that you think they have just been "rebels without a cause" used the same source material that people who make that "coddled weakling" argument use. I just thought I'd point that out.

I believe that college students are a group....hyper sensitive. Some are....and they have made their voices heard on "the internets". That's the only difference between today's youth and those of past generations. Social media access.
Good point, perhaps it was misleading to use that as a source.

I agree that the majority of students are not part of the trigger-warning cults that seem to have popped up in recent years. As evidenced in the article I linked, only 8.5% incoming freshmen in 2015 indicated in showing interest in protests (even though this is a ~66% increase over the previous year, it is far from being a majority). However, I think that there is still a noticeable portion of students that are yelling out to get their voices heard. I doubt that we have any numbers to provide, but I would postulate that the majority of student bodies in years prior (during Vietnam or Civil Rights) also did not show much of an interest in politics. Yet, we cannot deny that the loud minority of students that do show an active interest, tend to have a loud voice.

Perhaps, with all that said, I should have broadly qualified my original statement with the understanding that I am referring to this minority, impassioned youth base rather than the passive youths simply working or studying their way through their lives. I feel as if this should have been an unstated understanding, since, when we look upon history, most commoners have largely stayed out of politics and our coloring of how people felt was built upon the outspoken few. Yet, I digress. Let us be clear that we all recognize that the active youth base is a numerical minority.
You might want to teach your children about this. I just posted it in a new thread but think its fitting for here. I didn't know about it, but your dear leader signed it.

It Is ILLEGAL To Protest At Campaign Rallies (H.R. 347, Signed by Obama Feb. 2012)
GovTrack.US ^ | 3/13/2016 |

Posted on ‎3‎/‎13‎/‎2016‎ ‎2‎:‎49‎:‎36‎ ‎PM b

According to H.R. 347 (signed into law by Barack Hussein Obama in February, 2012) it is ILLEGAL under CURRENT FEDERAL to protest of any type, in an area under protection by the U.S. Secret Service.
Because Donald Trump is under Secret Service Protection (as is Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders) and has been since November of 2015, it is a FEDERAL CRIME to protest at campaign rallies, and is in fact, punishable by imprisonment.
Free Speech isn't covered at ANY Trump, Clinton, Sanders (or Cruz, Rubio, Kasich) rally because protests are considered to be "knowingly impeding or disrupting the orderly conduct of an official Federal function."
Until Donald Trump's Secret Service protection is revoked, Trump can legally kick protesters out of his rallies no matter what they do.
Link to H.R. 347 As Signed by President Barack Hussein Obama: Text of H.R. 347 (112th): Federal Restricted Buildings and Grounds Improvement Act of 2011 (Passed Congress/Enrolled Bill version) -
Read it and weep, libs. Your "President" signed it. He did it to protect himself at his own rallies in 2012. Now it comes back to haunt the Democrats and they don't like it.

It Is ILLEGAL To Protest At Campaign Rallies (H.R. 347, Signed by Obama Feb. 2012)
That is an interesting link. I'd be glad to see it enforced and followed. Just because you protest somebody doesn't mean you have to right to trample upon their free speech or freedom to assemble. To be clear, what happened in Chicago, while partially the reason that the topic came into my mind, remains as a despicable instance of the failure of upholding basic American rights. Just because I am happy the youth have somebody to rally against doesn't mean I support the methods used when they are used in this fashion.
Everybody in an older generation knows that young people really search for a reason to rebel and fight for what they think is right. We see this anywhere from Vietnam protests up through our modern age Occupy and BLM movements. This generation of youths have seemingly searched further and further for some sort of unifying point to fight against. It has gotten so absurd and extreme that we see youths crying foul over things like Halloween costumes and microaggressions.

Fortunately, Trump has arisen out of the ashes of an America that is largely devoid of serious problems. The economy is recovering, we enjoy more freedoms and better standards of living than most of the world, and our higher educational system is arguably the best. Trump has been able to serve as a unifying point to fight against, a common enemy of basic decency. Here, we see many youthful Americans that are taking a stance against the largely middle-aged or elderly support base surrounding Trump. For being openly xenophobic and displaying anywhere from toxic to disgraceful personality traits from what is generally expected in a Presidential candidate, perhaps we should be thanking Trump rather than damning him since he is so obviously evil and is an easy figure to target for today's youth.
Exactly they have to make shit up to feel abused.

Poor pathetic whiners.
America still has a majority of Americans who believe in decency.

Trump will fail.
No they don't. Or they wouldn't attack each other on social media like chickenshit rabid dogs.

What they don't like is differing opinions.
Everybody in an older generation knows that young people really search for a reason to rebel and fight for what they think is right. We see this anywhere from Vietnam protests up through our modern age Occupy and BLM movements. This generation of youths have seemingly searched further and further for some sort of unifying point to fight against. It has gotten so absurd and extreme that we see youths crying foul over things like Halloween costumes and microaggressions.

Fortunately, Trump has arisen out of the ashes of an America that is largely devoid of serious problems. The economy is recovering, we enjoy more freedoms and better standards of living than most of the world, and our higher educational system is arguably the best. Trump has been able to serve as a unifying point to fight against, a common enemy of basic decency. Here, we see many youthful Americans that are taking a stance against the largely middle-aged or elderly support base surrounding Trump. For being openly xenophobic and displaying anywhere from toxic to disgraceful personality traits from what is generally expected in a Presidential candidate, perhaps we should be thanking Trump rather than damning him since he is so obviously evil and is an easy figure to target for today's youth.
Exactly they have to make shit up to feel abused.

Poor pathetic whiners.

Making shit up to feel abused? That sounds like what Tea Party cons have been doing since 2008.
America still has a majority of Americans who believe in decency.

Trump will fail.
No they don't. Or they wouldn't attack each other on social media like chickenshit rabid dogs.

What they don't like is differing opinions.
The great majority, blue, do not act like we do here. They are not on the blogs and the Boards. That's the point.
America still has a majority of Americans who believe in decency.

Trump will fail.
No they don't. Or they wouldn't attack each other on social media like chickenshit rabid dogs.

What they don't like is differing opinions.
The great majority, blue, do not act like we do here. They are not on the blogs and the Boards. That's the point.
Your BLM and professional protesters do not speak for the great majority.
I remember the TPM tried to swamp a town hall in the summer of 2009 when our congressman came to talk to the citizens.

We had been watching the screaming and shouting on the TV of several other town hall meetings the week before.

Our hotheads were told that if they were to do that in our meeting they would be led out in handcuffs.

Three stupids did it, were led out in hand cuffs, taken before the judge, and put under a peace bond.

They behaved after that.
America still has a majority of Americans who believe in decency.

Trump will fail.
No they don't. Or they wouldn't attack each other on social media like chickenshit rabid dogs.

What they don't like is differing opinions.
The great majority, blue, do not act like we do here. They are not on the blogs and the Boards. That's the point.
Your BLM and professional protesters do not speak for the great majority.
They are not mine anymore than the TPM loudmouths in the summer of 2009 at the town hall meetings were yours.

Brown shirts on right and left should be arrested when they act out.
The average 30 year old today knows shit about what happened 20 years ago.
Those who don't know history are bound to suffer when it repeats itself.

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