The Gop better take the compromise, and God was not involved with Miss losing our Stars and Bars


Diamond Member
Mar 4, 2013
Dog House in back yard

"I mean, my God, if Mississippi can take down the Confederate flag, off of the [state] flag, then I think the United States Congress can agree that we shouldn't be naming military bases after people who rose up in armed rebellion against the United States," Smith said.

Ah don lak kom-pro-mize annee better 'n u, but ken ya imagine what Harris is gonna name these bases with xecutive orders while Biden's nappin? Camp Shelby'll probably Tecumsquash or summpin

"I mean, my God, if Mississippi can take down the Confederate flag, off of the [state] flag, then I think the United States Congress can agree that we shouldn't be naming military bases after people who rose up in armed rebellion against the United States," Smith said.

Ah don lak kom-pro-mize annee better 'n u, but ken ya imagine what Harris is gonna name these bases with xecutive orders while Biden's nappin? Camp Shelby'll probably Tecumsquash or summpin
I used to say that anyone flying the Southern White Democrat Battle Standard were either ignorant of history or as racist as those who followed that flag, but then after watching the progs of the left, destroying Old Glory and saying "Death to America" , fuck em, if they are insulted by the stars and bars, they can fucking find a country that will take them in, or just take their thin skin, and bring their shit to a state that allows people to carry. Either way, fuck all you sorry ass worthless prog slaves....

"I mean, my God, if Mississippi can take down the Confederate flag, off of the [state] flag, then I think the United States Congress can agree that we shouldn't be naming military bases after people who rose up in armed rebellion against the United States," Smith said.

Ah don lak kom-pro-mize annee better 'n u, but ken ya imagine what Harris is gonna name these bases with xecutive orders while Biden's nappin? Camp Shelby'll probably Tecumsquash or summpin
Yeah, name streets after an Organization that burns loots and murders people of color...Great idea....
We'll handle that crap after we put a stop to the massive corruption of our electoral process. This is just another distraction pushed by the left to divert attention away from the fact that Quid Pro hasn't won anything yet.
Just another example of them being in panic mode with all the evidence the trump campaign has collected.
Next they'll ignore the court cases & push a story denying there is any evidence of fraud. Oh wait....

"I mean, my God, if Mississippi can take down the Confederate flag, off of the [state] flag, then I think the United States Congress can agree that we shouldn't be naming military bases after people who rose up in armed rebellion against the United States," Smith said.

Ah don lak kom-pro-mize annee better 'n u, but ken ya imagine what Harris is gonna name these bases with xecutive orders while Biden's nappin? Camp Shelby'll probably Tecumsquash or summpin

You know . . . I wonder how many of the anti-American propaganda spewing fairies on Twitter are living, breathing American citizens? Creating and mass copy-pasting bots that exhibit basic human behaviors is a piece of cake for even mediocre programmers. Which leads me to you, Dog—and several other leftist (sorry, independent voters, ha, ha yeah right) here on USMB. If you are Americans, your ancestors would be at least ashamed of you, if not rolling around in their eternal sleep.

Have you read a history book? Do you understand that revolutionaries, namely communists, have renamed their historical infrastructure EVERY TIME in prelude to their highly murderous revolutions? Well, even if you are an American in the most minimal legal sense you are no countryman of mine. What you threaten in the service of such ideas is to make yourself an enemy of We The People. Think about that. Think very carefully about that.

"I mean, my God, if Mississippi can take down the Confederate flag, off of the [state] flag, then I think the United States Congress can agree that we shouldn't be naming military bases after people who rose up in armed rebellion against the United States," Smith said.

Ah don lak kom-pro-mize annee better 'n u, but ken ya imagine what Harris is gonna name these bases with xecutive orders while Biden's nappin? Camp Shelby'll probably Tecumsquash or summpin
I used to say that anyone flying the Southern White Democrat Battle Standard were either ignorant of history or as racist as those who followed that flag

There's no such thing. The Confederacy had no political parties.
Outstanding demonstration of being ignorant of history.

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