The GOP can never win the ballot harvesting game, so restore mail-in voting to a rare practice only, when necessary, by illness or absence.

If you say so

You are the one who is triggered into making personal insults to others who disagree with you

That suggests insecurity on your part
Suggesting that elements of the active military not be able to vote makes you an idiot. Sorry but there is no other way to say it.
Why is that intellectual midgets insist on calling other people stupid?

I agree with you, but here is the problems---->

1. If even 75% of the voters eligible showed up, some would not be able to vote. To many people.

We need a few things------>

A. Every taxpayer must pay one extra dollar in taxes for MORE polling places.
B. Polling places MUST be open from 6AM, until 12 midnight local time, with the winners announcement hopefully by 12 noon the next day.
C. Except for essential services, election day needs be a national holiday, and employees who work for essential services can not work any longer than an 8 hr shift.
D. Voter ID is required.
E. Day prior to election day, polls are open for anyone over the age of 60, if they so wish to choose to vote on that day. For that vote, polls are open 6AM to 6PM.
F. Military and their family's can get mail in ballots IF they are out of country.
G. Anybody else who wants a mail in ballot because they are out of town on Election day, MUST show ID to procure ballot, and sign verification card by 60 days in advance, each and every time they want one. The signature on the ballot they send in, will be matched to the verification card they signed at the request time. The ballot must be postmarked by 5 days before the election, and must arrive by election day or is not counted. The postmark verification code must also be from the county that they have stated they will be in on election day on their request for a mail in.
H. Any person convicted of knowingly committing voter fraud spends 14 days in the local jail, and pays a fine of (whatever they decide), and the jail time can be scheduled up to 2 years down the road at the judges discretion.

The GOP can never win the ballot harvesting game, so restore mail-in voting to a rare practice only, when necessary, by illness or absence.

22 May 2023 ~~ By Thomas Lifson

Perhaps the most consequential political outcome of the Covid panic that was engineered is the widespread use of mail-in voting in place of actually showing up at a polling station on Election Day. On the spurious grounds that standing in line to vote would spread the virus that was lethal mainly to the infirm and elderly, our entire process of voting was upended, and made highly vulnerable to cheating.
Writing in The Federalist, Joseph Arlinghaus and William Doyle, Ph.D. argue that Republican efforts to match the Democrats’ ballot harvesting efforts are fruitless.
Democrats currently execute a ballot-harvesting game vastly more complex, sophisticated, expensive, and labor-intensive than most Republicans even remotely understand.​
The Democrats’ powerful election-industrial complex consists of two types of institutions: national types devoted to election strategy and policy, and local types, including public-sector unions, devoted to fielding and deploying boots-on-the-ground election activists.​
Public-sector unions comprise a vast potential workforce to aid in solidifying the grip of Democrats on the election process in their states through the sheer manpower they can deploy for vote canvassing, voter registration, assistance in early voting, and ballot harvesting.​
Local urban-based activist organizations also contribute to the left’s army of community organizers. It is where the armies of Democrat vote canvassers and ballot harvesters come from in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin, et al.​
Democratic ballot harvesters are guided by sophisticated statistical models and data mining schemes devised by an army of highly skilled, Ph.D.-level data analysts. Republicans have generally disdained this technical aspect of political science and instead published think-tank papers on political philosophy or public policy, leaving the ranks of high-level Republican data analysts generally empty.​
Nonetheless, apparently ending mass mail-in voting is the struggle that they advise, though they don’t come out and say so directly.
If matching the Democrats’ efforts is futile, simply accepting the sudden drastic change originally justified by a questionable “emergency” is a recipe for capitulation to permanent rule by the Democrats and their deep state allies.

The war has started, so returning to “status quo ante” is off the table.
Electoral goals should be:
- ID voting only​
- No “drive-up registration”​
- Voter registration closes 2 weeks prior to election​
- No mail in ballots unless requested 1 month before election and rec’d before election day​
- Voter rolls purged every 10 years with census. Must re-register​
- No voting season - 1 day / 24 hours for voting only​
- Make election day a holiday​
Votes should be counted by midnight on voting day. Those doing the counting must have all their ballots counted or risk hefty jail time; that will prevent counters from stalling and from creating phony ballots. This has become a criminal enterprise in swing states such as NV, MI, GA, PA, etc. Democrats have been preparing and honing cheating methods in earnest since 2020.
The vast majority of affidavits of fraud during te 2020 and 2022 elections came from Democrats and independents who were poll watchers, and judges.
A good example of election fraud was found in Arizona.

That is so much horseshit.
You should be able to register to vote until election day. Provisional ballots can be used.
Mail in ballots should be accepted until the time polls close. Drop boxes should be utilized.1`
No you should not have to re-register.
We should have early voting. We also should also go to public locations and give people the opportunity to vote.

Votes should be counted by whatever time it takes. You again want to jail people for taking the time to do it right. No one is stalling or creating phony ballots. There is no shred of evidence. There is no criminal enterprise. You are the ones who want to cheat by making it harder to vote. Mazybe we should look at how states like Texas cheat by passing laws to make it harder to vote.

gatewaypundit is a lying weasel. If fake news were a crime, he would get 1,000 years in prison.
I agree with you, but here is the problems---->

1. If even 75% of the voters eligible showed up, some would not be able to vote. To many people.

We need a few things------>

A. Every taxpayer must pay one extra dollar in taxes for MORE polling places.
B. Polling places MUST be open from 6AM, until 12 midnight local time, with the winners announcement hopefully by 12 noon the next day.
C. Except for essential services, election day needs be a national holiday, and employees who work for essential services can not work any longer than an 8 hr shift.
D. Voter ID is required.
E. Day prior to election day, polls are open for anyone over the age of 60, if they so wish to choose to vote on that day. For that vote, polls are open 6AM to 6PM.
F. Military and their family's can get mail in ballots IF they are out of country.
G. Anybody else who wants a mail in ballot because they are out of town on Election day, MUST show ID to procure ballot, and sign verification card by 60 days in advance, each and every time they want one. The signature on the ballot they send in, will be matched to the verification card they signed at the request time. The ballot must be postmarked by 5 days before the election, and must arrive by election day or is not counted. The postmark verification code must also be from the county that they have stated they will be in on election day on their request for a mail in.
H. Any person convicted of knowingly committing voter fraud spends 14 days in the local jail, and pays a fine of (whatever they decide), and the jail time can be scheduled up to 2 years down the road at the judges discretion.
Those are all good ideas
If you don't want to be ridiculed...try being less ridiculous. Free advice.
It wouldnt do any good pandering to you

You’ll always be an ill tempered lib with only insults to speak for you
We can solve a lot of issues in the nation if we just grew the fuck up and admit what we have now is crazy and doesn't work.

Federal Elections...
First they need to be standardized. Whatever rules you want to make are one thing but they need to be the same in Alaska as they are in Wyoming. Uniform across the board.

For General Elections.
  • I sponsor 30 days of early in person voting,
  • A one-time request to get ballots mailed to you if you want to vote remotely.
  • A nationwide picture voter ID card you have to get renewed every 2 years for signature updates. It will remove ambiguity between what is accepted and what isn't.
  • Mandatory ratios of # of voters to number of polling state discretion.
  • A permanent federally mandated state-run office to purge voter rolls.
For Primary Elections in Presidential Election Years:
  • Five days of elections. The Third Tuesday of each month followed by mandated debates on the first Tuesday of each month
    • January: HI, AK, WA, CA, OR, ID, NV, AZ, WY, MT
    • February: FL, GA, MS, AL, LA, SC, TN, NC, VA, WV
    • March: ME, NH, VT, CT, MA, RI, NY, NJ, PA, MD, DE, DC
    • April: ND, SD, NE, MN, MI, OH, IL, IA, KY, WI,
    • May: TX, NM, OK, AR, CO, UT, KS, MO,
    • June: Outlying areas and any states that had issues/bad weather, run offs etc...
  • The groups of states (I left some off I think) will rotate every four years. The goal is to allow candidates to not be destroyed by not doing well in one of three states at the beginning. What we have now is fucking insane to allow one or two states to determine if someone is a viable choice to where they have to drop out if they do poorly in Iowa or South Carolina. Crazy.
  • The debates that are mandated will allow for scheduled "chances" for candidates to re-frame their losses or emphasize their successes.
Presidential election season:
  • Four Deabates as it is done now. Each Tuesday in October.
  • First debate between Presidential nominees, as is the third and fourth
  • Second debate between Vice Presidential candidates.
  • Each debate is 3 hours long. Round table, a chair for each participant.
  • The Commission on Presidential Debates does only the following:
    • They come up with a list of 24 moderators; Each participant in each debate gets to strike 3 moderators. So if you have two participants, that leaves 18 moderators. The moderators for the four debates are pulled out of a hat by the candidates themselves. The moderators will not ask a question they come up with on their own. See below.
    • They come up with ten to twenty topics. Each topic gets a color. The topics have to be germane to the duties of the President or national importance. Healthcare, economy, leadership, national defense, taxes, foreign relations, etc...
    • They impanel ten or more people in fifty states. Each one comes up with one question. They write it down on two sheets of paper. One goes into a color coded capsule. The other goes to the commission to make sure it's not a "gotcha" or patently stupid questions. They also weed out anything that is particularly empowering or harmful to one of the candidates who is going to be on the stage. For example, a question about cheating husbands wouldn't be allowed if Hillary was on the debate stage. The capsules go into the hopper like a lottery if the questions pass muster. At the end of the process, there are 500+ questions about 10-20 different topics by ordinary Americans.
    • When the debate starts, the moderator draws one of the capsules. She/he asks it to the person to their left. They get 2 minutes to answer uninterrupted. Then the next candidate answers. Then the next.
    • At this point, the moderator can ask a follow up of the candidates. I prefer they do not myself.
    • The next question comes from a different color capsule and the process starts again with the question being posed to the candidate who is seated to the left of the person who got the first question. No color shall repeat until all of the colors have been used once.
    • At the end of the debate...the hopper is taken to the next debate and the whole thing starts again.
After the election:
  • The Electoral College is expanded to where the President Elect has to win the majority of the Electoral College vote as well as a plurality of the popular vote.
  • If no candidate gets both, the 12th Amendment takes over and determines a winner.

Keep trying to spin you pussy. We all understand what Own Game means.
You do . . . now that I've schooled you. Happy to help.

I can help you with ignorance by teaching you some American English. I can't stop you from being stupid if you enjoy it to much to change.
You do . . . now that I've schooled you. Happy to help.
Cosplay if it makes you feel better.... we all know what Own Game means you clown. It's pretty self explanatory.
I can help you with ignorance by teaching you some American English. I can't stop you from being stupid if you enjoy it to much to change.
What else does Own Game mean you clown? Let's all have a laugh watching you try to spin this. 😄

The GOP can never win the ballot harvesting game, so restore mail-in voting to a rare practice only, when necessary, by illness or absence.

22 May 2023 ~~ By Thomas Lifson

Perhaps the most consequential political outcome of the Covid panic that was engineered is the widespread use of mail-in voting in place of actually showing up at a polling station on Election Day. On the spurious grounds that standing in line to vote would spread the virus that was lethal mainly to the infirm and elderly, our entire process of voting was upended, and made highly vulnerable to cheating.
Writing in The Federalist, Joseph Arlinghaus and William Doyle, Ph.D. argue that Republican efforts to match the Democrats’ ballot harvesting efforts are fruitless.
Democrats currently execute a ballot-harvesting game vastly more complex, sophisticated, expensive, and labor-intensive than most Republicans even remotely understand.​
The Democrats’ powerful election-industrial complex consists of two types of institutions: national types devoted to election strategy and policy, and local types, including public-sector unions, devoted to fielding and deploying boots-on-the-ground election activists.​
Public-sector unions comprise a vast potential workforce to aid in solidifying the grip of Democrats on the election process in their states through the sheer manpower they can deploy for vote canvassing, voter registration, assistance in early voting, and ballot harvesting.​
Local urban-based activist organizations also contribute to the left’s army of community organizers. It is where the armies of Democrat vote canvassers and ballot harvesters come from in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin, et al.​
Democratic ballot harvesters are guided by sophisticated statistical models and data mining schemes devised by an army of highly skilled, Ph.D.-level data analysts. Republicans have generally disdained this technical aspect of political science and instead published think-tank papers on political philosophy or public policy, leaving the ranks of high-level Republican data analysts generally empty.​
Nonetheless, apparently ending mass mail-in voting is the struggle that they advise, though they don’t come out and say so directly.
If matching the Democrats’ efforts is futile, simply accepting the sudden drastic change originally justified by a questionable “emergency” is a recipe for capitulation to permanent rule by the Democrats and their deep state allies.

The war has started, so returning to “status quo ante” is off the table.
Electoral goals should be:
- ID voting only
- No “drive-up registration”
- Voter registration closes 2 weeks prior to election
- No mail in ballots unless requested 1 month before election and rec’d before election day
- Voter rolls purged every 10 years with census. Must re-register
- No voting season - 1 day / 24 hours for voting only
- Make election day a holiday​
Votes should be counted by midnight on voting day. Those doing the counting must have all their ballots counted or risk hefty jail time; that will prevent counters from stalling and from creating phony ballots. This has become a criminal enterprise in swing states such as NV, MI, GA, PA, etc. Democrats have been preparing and honing cheating methods in earnest since 2020.
The vast majority of affidavits of fraud during te 2020 and 2022 elections came from Democrats and independents who were poll watchers, and judges.
A good example of election fraud was found in Arizona.

I've been voting by mail for a decade. You'll prevent a lot of voters from voting if you do this.
I agree with you, but here is the problems---->

1. If even 75% of the voters eligible showed up, some would not be able to vote. To many people.

We need a few things------>

A. Every taxpayer must pay one extra dollar in taxes for MORE polling places.
B. Polling places MUST be open from 6AM, until 12 midnight local time, with the winners announcement hopefully by 12 noon the next day.
C. Except for essential services, election day needs be a national holiday, and employees who work for essential services can not work any longer than an 8 hr shift.
D. Voter ID is required.
E. Day prior to election day, polls are open for anyone over the age of 60, if they so wish to choose to vote on that day. For that vote, polls are open 6AM to 6PM.
F. Military and their family's can get mail in ballots IF they are out of country.
G. Anybody else who wants a mail in ballot because they are out of town on Election day, MUST show ID to procure ballot, and sign verification card by 60 days in advance, each and every time they want one. The signature on the ballot they send in, will be matched to the verification card they signed at the request time. The ballot must be postmarked by 5 days before the election, and must arrive by election day or is not counted. The postmark verification code must also be from the county that they have stated they will be in on election day on their request for a mail in.
H. Any person convicted of knowingly committing voter fraud spends 14 days in the local jail, and pays a fine of (whatever they decide), and the jail time can be scheduled up to 2 years down the road at the judges discretion.

Georgia has very strict rules for voter's registration and mail in ballots.
Cosplay if it makes you feel better.... we all know what Own Game means you clown. It's pretty self explanatory.

What else does Own Game mean you clown? Let's all have a laugh watching you try to spin this. 😄
This is the part where it gets sad. It doesn't matter what you think (or want to think) that "own game" means to me. I provided you the definition so you could learn, but you are now actively avoiding the process of learning.

I run into that in special education, once in a while. Even the most intellectually disabled of kids will usually accept help. But that is the difference between ignorant, dumb and stupid. Stupid is a choice and you have clearly made it.
This is the part where it gets sad. It doesn't matter what you think (or want to think) that "own game" means to me. I provided you the definition so you could learn, but you are now actively avoiding the process of learning.

I run into that in special education, once in a while. Even the most intellectually disabled of kids will usually accept help. But that is the difference between ignorant, dumb and stupid. Stupid is a choice and you have clearly made it.
Are you sure you're not just confused about that situation? Maybe you're the special needs student rather than the teacher? I mean why else would you be confused what Own Game means when you said it?


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