The GOP controlled House had over 700 votes but only passed 27 laws for 2023

And you thought congress was dysfunctional 5 years ago. Talk about yikes.

This is typical Democrat non-think. They cite incomplete/irrelevant "facts" and hope that others will adopt their implied erroneous/illogical conclusions, which they never really believed in the first place.
lol if you think the metric in the senate was comparable youre welcome to post those numbers.
Your intentional dishonest is noted. Everyone knows the asshole Dems have blocked the House and dipshit Biden has threatened to veto. Asshole Dems don't care if they burn the country to the ground, shut government down, they are extortionists.
Democrats care about the well being of the nation in a broad sense and nothing more.

They love this nation and want everyone to prosper.
And you thought congress was dysfunctional 5 years ago. Talk about yikes.

So, you're saying that you wish all 700 votes had passed?
And you thought congress was dysfunctional 5 years ago. Talk about yikes.

Um the House can’t make laws…it takes both chambers and the president
Um the House can’t make laws…it takes both chambers and the president
It really doesn’t matter if you say “pass” or “enacted”. It amounts to the same thing. Only 27 bills became laws. Is this really all you have to offer the conversation? Good god lol
Why is that just the Houses fault?
Because we don’t see the dysfunction anywhere else. It’s not like the House isn’t capable of single handledly preventing laws from being writtten in.
Because we don’t see the dysfunction anywhere else. It’s not like the House isn’t capable of single handledly preventing laws from being writtten in.
But it take the senate and president to make laws too…not just the house

Or should we be thanking the house from preventing the demafacist to Continue to make laws? I mean so far xiden’s admin has made a record number of Americans worse off since he took office…I guess it could be worse without the house
But it take the senate and president to make laws too…not just the house

Or should we be thanking the house from preventing the demafacist to Continue to make laws? I mean so far xiden’s admin has made a record number of Americans worse off since he took office…I guess it could be worse without the house
I don’t get it. Do you just think the House does nothing? You guys can try to spin this all you want but obviously the GOP intended to pass more bills if they voted over 700 times. Their failure was not intentional.
And you thought congress was dysfunctional 5 years ago. Talk about yikes.

27 to many.
They've got more important things to focus on, like investigate Hunter Biden's laptop.
Hunter's laptop
Sam Brinton's thievery
Aidan Maese-Czeropski making a senate hearing room a movie set for gay porn.
Who brought the cocaine to the white house?
Abuse of the Biden's dogs
Joey Biden's repulsive groping and biting little girls.
Petey Buttplug's total incompetence.

There's a lot to investigate. That's even accepting the complete tasteless, abuse, crass, and degenerate behavior of Taco Jill Biden.
Are you actually going to pretend they only intended to vote in 27 laws despite voting over 700 times? That vote count is up since the year prior. Despite your philosophy on laws (I guess congress is supposed to do nothing at all?), it is complete dysfunction

Nope, they're supposed to pass a reasonable budget. Of course you commies block that.

Hopefully next year they can pare that down to less than 10. I expect some growing pains, but that's a pretty good start.

Nope, the budget is 12 bills, 10 won't get it done.


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