The GOP controlled House had over 700 votes but only passed 27 laws for 2023

lol if you think the metric in the senate was comparable youre welcome to post those numbers.

Her dummy, a bill can't become law unless it's passed by both houses of congress. So go ahead and admit that the senate only passed 27 bills that became law as well, the number of votes are irrelevant.

And you thought congress was dysfunctional 5 years ago. Talk about yikes.

When they start rescinding every redundant and un-Constitutional law that will be a good day. Unfortunately that will never happen because every term no matter who takes control it is always "Meet the new boss same as the old boss". It's always spending, more debt choking the tax paying citizen and endless investigations that do nothing.
In case you slept through civics 10i, congress doesn't pass laws. It takes the senate and the president.

Congress does pass bills that the president can sign, veto or do nothing in which case, the bill becomes law. Remember, congress consist of 2 bodies, the house of reps and the senate,; affirmative votes in both bodies are required for a bills passage. You can call either a rep or a senator, congressman, and be accurate.

It really doesn’t matter if you say “pass” or “enacted”. It amounts to the same thing. Only 27 bills became laws. Is this really all you have to offer the conversation? Good god lol

A bill isn't "enacted" until both bodies of congress pass them and the president acts on it. Your ignorance of the process is amazing. Most 10 year old kids know this stuff.

And you thought congress was dysfunctional 5 years ago. Talk about yikes.

That's good. We have too damn many laws. Congress shouldn't be a dictation-mill.
These people aren't there to work together and legislate in the best interests of the country any more.

They're there to mug for the teevee camera, hold investigations on the other party, pander to the base, suck in donations and get re-elected.

We appear to be fine with that.
We pay for the convenient centralization of representatives for lobbyists to influence. What gets done is mostly at the behest of those lobbyists.
These people aren't there to work together and legislate in the best interests of the country any more.

They're there to mug for the teevee camera, hold investigations on the other party, pander to the base, suck in donations and get re-elected.

We appear to be fine with that.
"What you mean 'we', white man?", as Tonto allegedly said.
Her dummy, a bill can't become law unless it's passed by both houses of congress. So go ahead and admit that the senate only passed 27 bills that became law as well, the number of votes are irrelevant.

Hey moron obviously it matters if the House fails to pass so many bills with so many votes. You’re excusing that and it’s pretty stupid.
Your intentional dishonest is noted. Everyone knows the asshole Dems have blocked the House and dipshit Biden has threatened to veto. Asshole Dems don't care if they burn the country to the ground, shut government down, they are extortionists.
Moron this has nothing to do with the bill being passed to another branch. It’s about the House failing to do its part for the bills.

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