The GOP controlled House had over 700 votes but only passed 27 laws for 2023

Is passing a high number of laws always good for the country?
Your idea of “high” might he different from mine. I probably would disagree with some of them so it would depend. In general I would say 27 is too low. Of course the point that really matters here is that the House definitely intended to pass many more bills than just 27.
Hey moron obviously it matters if the House fails to pass so many bills with so many votes. You’re excusing that and it’s pretty stupid.

Try reading your own link commie. Most of those votes were procedural. Your ignorant ass is fast becoming as irrelevant as the number of votes. How many votes did the senate take to pass those 27 bills? ROFLMFAO at the ignorant commie.

Try reading your own link commie. Most of those votes were procedural. Your ignorant ass is fast becoming as irrelevant as the number of votes. How many votes did the senate take to pass those 27 bills? ROFLMFAO at the ignorant commie.

Hey idiot it doesn’t matter if some were procedural. Procedural votes still happen every year. Last year, with the democrats in control, there 572 votes that also included procedural votes. The amount of laws passed was 248.
Hey idiot it doesn’t matter if some were procedural. Procedural votes still happen every year. Last year, with the democrats in control, there 572 votes that also included procedural votes. The amount of laws passed was 248.


Uh well no because bills can originate in either chamber. They do not have to originate in the House. The House voted on bills that originated there and came there from the senate. Gee how convenient you absolve the House of any responsibility and blame the senate.
You're absolving the Senate for only passing 27 laws and blaming the House. See how that works?
Are you really that much of a child?
Read this from the article:

That is more voting and less lawmaking than at any other time in the past decade, according to an analysis by the Bipartisan Policy Center, and a far less productive record than that of last year, when Democrats had unified control of Congress. The House held 549 votes in 2022, according to the House clerk, and passed 248 bills that were signed into law, according to records kept by the Library of Congress, including a bipartisan infrastructure law, the Inflation Reduction Act and the first bipartisan gun safety bill in decades.
Gee, when one party controls both chambers, they can pass their agenda. Stop the presses. Whoda thunk it.
You're absolving the Senate for only passing 27 laws and blaming the House. See how that works?


Gee, when one party controls both chambers, they can pass their agenda. Stop the presses. Whoda thunk it.
Hey moron you’re just making shit up the senate only passed 27 bills. Obviously they would have passed bills that originated there.
How many laws and regulations and government agencies should congress get rid of?

Everyone stand back, a liberal is about to explode. :auiqs.jpg:
Why would there be an objective answer on this? lol that makes no sense. This would vary from person to person. Personally, I think regulations, in general, are necessary. Not all of them are, but they are inherently needed to some degree. God forbid the government seeks to limit how much lead is in paint or keeping businesses from dumping their waste into rivers and lakes
And you thought congress was dysfunctional 5 years ago. Talk about yikes.

Wow what a do-nothing GOP-controlled House we have.
And you thought congress was dysfunctional 5 years ago. Talk about yikes.

I'm recalling my stint working with govt. Bunch of them liberals had never worked outside govt., they entertain all changes, "change is good". They produced crap soon to be reversed or ignored.
Why would there be an objective answer on this? lol that makes no sense. This would vary from person to person. Personally, I think regulations, in general, are necessary. Not all of them are, but they are inherently needed to some degree. God forbid the government seeks to limit how much lead is in paint or keeping businesses from dumping their waste into rivers and lakes
We the people don't need government's help or micromanaging, now piss off!

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