The GOP Debate - Round One -The Four

Yes we know you are not going to vote for anyone on that stage as you are a far left drone!

There you go.

Exactly we all know you are far left drone!

Maybe a little less trolling would be nice.

Good! all you far left drones stop posting and the trolling will end!

Is that an admission? You just troll people you don't agree with?

Says the far leff drone troll!
Oh no, I was so looking forward to his rendition in Swan Lake.

I am sure you were as you vote for Hilary in 2016 and for a third time vote for worse than Bush!

Dude, Rubio is talking so shut up.

See how the far left drones act when they watching people that they would never for!

Still want to know what they think and say. So, yeah, even if I "never for" I still want to know something more than a sentence and a half ever repeating troll post.

The irony impaired far left drones and their comments!

Posting the same far left religious narratives over and over is the trolling, I just call you drones out on it!

You're so repetitive I need a can opener to read your posts.
I am sure you were as you vote for Hilary in 2016 and for a third time vote for worse than Bush!

Dude, Rubio is talking so shut up.

See how the far left drones act when they watching people that they would never for!

Still want to know what they think and say. So, yeah, even if I "never for" I still want to know something more than a sentence and a half ever repeating troll post.

The irony impaired far left drones and their comments!

Posting the same far left religious narratives over and over is the trolling, I just call you drones out on it!

You're so repetitive I need a can opener to read your posts.

More irony impairment from the far left drones!
Saying "far left drone " over and over makes you look like a tool.

How about a question on the planned parenthood shooter ?
Let's hope we elect a President who can end this growing cancer that is ISIS (or ISIL-is that ebonics?)

I tried to figure out ISIL stuff one day. Best I could find is it is some sort of Islamic land grab (L stands for evant) that includes Israel. BHO appears to be giving them legitimacy for just that? more tricks and secrets. It is almost as if BHO was helping ISIS/ISIL until he got found out?

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Several reasons Obama and the administration only refer to ISIS as ISIL. It's legitimacy for territory. It's a poke in the eye to Israel. And here comes the triple play.

If he uses ISIS he would be admitting he allowed them to grow into the monster terrorist organization they are IN SYRIA. So he could depose Assad.

NATO and Obama gave the world ISIS.
Shut up Crispy.

The only Americans "scared to death" are dipshits who believed the government could protect them, and that gun control would make a difference.

Lol...Cruz took a drink of water while Rubio was speaking....

stay classy Cruz
Well this is for all reactions to the men who debated live on Tuesday, December 15 2015.
Do you think any of these guys have a chance at being elected president?
And what are the thoughts on their stance with Syria and Islamic terrorists?
I think they are all weenies. I say drop nuclear weapons on the areas held by the caliphate and stop using American lives to fuel their hate for these crazy martyrs. If you blow the whole lot of them to Hell now then problem solved.

Under your criteria Genghis Khan would have been a "weenie".
That was the cheapest most politically opportunistic and lame "moment of silence" I've ever witnessed. It last what, .5 seconds?

Which candidate will you vote for far left drone?
He stated a simple fact. That moment of silence was lame and opportunist. Showing Carson's amateurist style.

Yet the far left drones will not vote for anyone on that stage, so of course many thing are not going look good in your programming!

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