The GOP has a stable of potential winners, the Dems have one old mare

Sad isn't it?

Republicans have 15-20 candidates and not one is capable of beating an old hag like Hillary
10 to 15 and they're still terrified. I'm not keen on Hillery but have yet to see any GOPr I'd pick over her.
Have you seen Hillary's new bumper sticker???

Its very amusing to watch the dims twist and turn trying to justify running the old, tired, lying, corrupt, failed bitch HRC. But she is all they have, they have no one else. Its hilarious.
What about Warren, Sanders, Biden and O'Malley? What's hilarious is the wingnuts' reaction this far out from the election. Hillary's lead is what's worrying them and the thought of an easy road to the nomination is causing the butt hurt from the right.
Another bullcrap rw thread fail based on a lie. The title indicates HC is the only choice for Dem's. Two contenders have already been mentioned.
Oops, more than two.
The Democrats have a deep bench. They just aren't going to go with the GOP strategy of throwing the entire third string into the arena and publicly eviscerating each other.


Mitt Romney is an evil capitalist pig with a car elevator!
Its very amusing to watch the dims twist and turn trying to justify running the old, tired, lying, corrupt, failed bitch HRC. But she is all they have, they have no one else. Its hilarious.
What about Warren, Sanders, Biden and O'Malley? What's hilarious is the wingnuts' reaction this far out from the election. Hillary's lead is what's worrying them and the thought of an easy road to the nomination is causing the butt hurt from the right.

Sander? Biden?

They have a slightly better chance than I do.

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