The GOP has a stable of potential winners, the Dems have one old mare

The Democrats have a deep bench. They just aren't going to go with the GOP strategy of throwing the entire third string into the arena and publicly eviscerating each other.

Deep bench?


The Democrats have a deep bench. They just aren't going to go with the GOP strategy of throwing the entire third string into the arena and publicly eviscerating each other.
Actually, you're looking at the fact that the Democrats don't want to run after Obama's failed presidency... After all, if they get the nomination and lose, it's over.... They will never get another chance.

Just think Al Gore.
The Democrats have a deep bench. They just aren't going to go with the GOP strategy of throwing the entire third string into the arena and publicly eviscerating each other.
Actually, you're looking at the fact that the Democrats don't want to run after Obama's failed presidency... After all, if they get the nomination and lose, it's over.... They will never get another chance.

Just think Al Gore.
I think Warren is actually counting on a Clinton loss in 2016 so she can run in 2020.
Its very amusing to watch the dims twist and turn trying to justify running the old, tired, lying, corrupt, failed bitch HRC. But she is all they have, they have no one else. Its hilarious.

Correction. The Democrats have two old white guys with tired old ideas. Hillary and Bernie. Where will we ever find diversity? Oh wait, the Republican candidates.
The Democrats have a deep bench. They just aren't going to go with the GOP strategy of throwing the entire third string into the arena and publicly eviscerating each other.
Actually, you're looking at the fact that the Democrats don't want to run after Obama's failed presidency... After all, if they get the nomination and lose, it's over.... They will never get another chance.

Just think Al Gore.
I think Warren is actually counting on a Clinton loss in 2016 so she can run in 2020.
Possible.... Any Democrat has an uphill battle after Obama, so the Dems may just be sacrificing Hillary on this one.... After all, why lose someone that's actually electable?
So Hillary gets to sit back and laugh as the Republicans consume themselves

Looks like 2012
Potential ?

nah... the only potential winner the cons had last time was Romney.
The only potential winner they have this time (so far) is Jeb Bush.

Good luck with that
Sad isn't it?

Republicans have 15-20 candidates and not one is capable of beating an old hag like Hillary

We're counting on you guys believing that right up to election day. 2014 should have been a wake up call, but all you guys can do is make excuses or claim it was an anomaly. Keep living in denial at your own risk.
So Hillary gets to sit back and laugh as the Republicans consume themselves

Looks like 2012
More like Hillary gets to entertain us with her scandal of the week....
Then when people get tired of the circus, they'll get down to business with a serious candidate.
Its very amusing to watch the dims twist and turn trying to justify running the old, tired, lying, corrupt, failed bitch HRC. But she is all they have, they have no one else. Its hilarious.
What about Warren, Sanders, Biden and O'Malley? What's hilarious is the wingnuts' reaction this far out from the election. Hillary's lead is what's worrying them and the thought of an easy road to the nomination is causing the butt hurt from the right.

You do understand statistics, correct? When you are the only candidate of your party, you tend to have impressive numbers against the party with multiple candidates. After debates and primaries when you get down to a single candidate, then you can compare apples to apples.. Right now you are comparing a single apple to a bag of oranges and there is no real comparison. Keep the smug delusion up though, we are counting on it.
diversity in the gop? that's like looking for a particular marsh mellow in a marsh mellow factory!
At least they got a cute little comic book out of it:

they claim: SHE be the Female FORCE...looks like she has the salute down already...
heil Hillary
diversity in the gop? that's like looking for a particular marsh mellow in a marsh mellow factory!

And yet the GOP mopped the floor with the hapless Dem's in congressional elections these past 6 years. They threw Dem's to the ground, kicked dirt in their faces and laughed. You have to go all the way back to 1921 to find an epic beating that bad.
diversity in the gop? that's like looking for a particular marsh mellow in a marsh mellow factory!
Actually, if you have been listening to the candidates, there is some diversity....

You know what "listen" means, don't you???

That's what's what you do when your candidate will actually talk and answer questions, instead of hiding out like a common criminal....
At least they got a cute little comic book out of it:

they claim: SHE be the Female FORCE...looks like she has the salute down already...
heil Hillary
But remember that Hillary has quite a following...
diversity in the gop? that's like looking for a particular marsh mellow in a marsh mellow factory!

And yet the GOP mopped the floor with the hapless Dem's in congressional elections these past 6 years. They threw Dem's to the ground, kicked dirt in their faces and laughed. You have to go all the way back to 1921 to find an epic beating that bad.
they won some fights but failed to win the war, not counting reelections the repubs have only won one presidential election in the last 22 years!
diversity in the gop? that's like looking for a particular marsh mellow in a marsh mellow factory!

And yet the GOP mopped the floor with the hapless Dem's in congressional elections these past 6 years. They threw Dem's to the ground, kicked dirt in their faces and laughed. You have to go all the way back to 1921 to find an epic beating that bad.

the are tying to PRETEND that never happened. that's why you see all these propaganda articles from their lapdogs in media and hate sites on the Internet, of how the DEMOCRATS are the one people love love love. and they are back with their propaganda of Republicans are: fringe and extreme
I hope the people stay strong and kick them the rest of the way out of lives come 2016:eusa_clap:

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