The GOP has reached the point of no return on Climate Change

I find the lefts never ending ability to blame the Koch brothers for any and everything wrong in the world both amusing and pathetic. How long before you blame them for your bad hair days?

Its funny, its like out of nowhere these guys were blamed by the left. They need a boogeyman and thats it, cant wait for the future
Mars, ben, this is a climate change thread, not a thread on immigration. Its funny how you two have taken to shifting the debate to a completely irrelevant topic. Sorry, not in my house.

Mars, ben, this is a climate change thread, not a thread on immigration. Its funny how you two have taken to shifting the debate to a completely irrelevant topic. Sorry, not in my house.


Blame me for that not ben. I was suggesting liberals use immigration as a bargaining chip to get conservatives to think about action on global warming. and then i kept mixing argument.

Same applies for global warming action: it is against the class interest of lower and middle classes but no liberal will acknowledge this or provide a solution.
Of course we've reached the point of no return. We aren't returning to this BS you call 'science.' Admit it, this whole AGW thing is a sham.

Ain't got no use for none of that fancy, pointed-haided book larnin', huh?

Whatever is going to be done, will be done with these types in the rear-view mirror.

That's funny. I've probably studied more science and literature than you have in your natural life, my friend. While you sit there worshiping the IPCC Gods, I'm here down on Earth, an AGW Atheist, readily debunking this stuff you pass off as actual peer-reviewed science. The church of IPCC will be brought low.

How about his "un natural" life? Maybe he did all his studying then.

But with all the studying you did I got to ask. This experiment we are conducting on our climate. You know, the experiment where we dig up all this coal and oil and burn it. What is the outcome of this experiment? Did your studies show the results? Or did your studying show that this hasn't been done before so the outcome is uncertain. Just curious.
Republicans will become a minority party if they pass any immigration compromise. I said mexican immigration for reason. I find it unreasonable to expect border conservatives to have their culture and economic situation change so rapidly -- while also supporting liberals on a huge undertaking like tackling global warming. Liberals claim to be interested in class -- but push an issues like global warming that does not help the short term interests of lower or middle class people.

Nativist sentiments are not unique to our age. Anti-immigration is as old as Jamestown. Anyone remember the fight against Rum and Romanization?

I do agree with you that the left needs to focus on the immediate needs of the lower and middle class. I think we can easily demonstrate a partial correlation between stronger environmental protection and those immediate needs. If the left were to keep progressive policies within that intersection and reap the immediate benefits thereof, the left could do some real good.

Likewise, I cannot understand why the right has clung to Denial as a key part of their platform. I understand that conservative essentially means status quo, but the status quo would be better maintained if, for example, coal companies didn't cause local water to taste like licorice (and not in the good way). Rather than a wild wild west policy, why has the right not embraced some form of privatization? Why has the right not proposed some form of private ownership of resources which are adversely affected by industry? The private ownership would create a profit motive for keeping (strangely licorice flavored) poisons out of the privately owned water supply.

Privately owned water supplies violate the concept of a natural monopoly, and I figure that would be to the conservatives' liking, as opposed to the current system requiring tax dollars to keep sweet poisons out of the water supply which essentially keep privately owned businesses on a form of welfare.
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Blinders on, earmuffs engaged. Nutters taking the wrong side of another issue.

Yeah youre right, dont ask questions, trust the left with their great track record of predictions and the fact that they want to run your life, dont let that impede your judgement.

i mean after all in 500 years this could be a problem, donate to al gore now to save you

you must be the one born in that minute
Who are you dumb mother fuckers who continue to vote for the GOP after they finally back down on every issue they are wrong on. You finally voted Democratic after 8 years of bush but then you don't pay attention enough to know they obstructed the Democrats the entire 8 years Obama was in charge and they offer no new policies from their old ones that drove us into a ditch. But you listen to Fox and Rush say Obama sucks and so you are going to give the GOP another chance? No wonder the rich shit on the middle class. You all deserve it. Only problem is I get shit on me when you vote for them. Stupid fuckers.

So it is obvious they work for the oil companies, not you and me. Sure the democrats are much the same but they are the American Middle Classes only hope. If we all vote and tell them to stop denying global warming, we'll get something done. Sure the Dems will eventually become corrupt but the GOP will be forced to change their position on things. Right now its trickle down and it will continue to be until you tell them to stop serving the rich first then us later. One person one vote. More money shouldn't get you more influence but it so clearly does. Wake up America. Stop voting for wedge issues like god gays and guns. When both parties serve we the people and not just the fortune 500 then we can start fighting over social issues. Until then we are all N#*$#Rs to them. We are all F#(GOTS to them. They like to do away with collective bargaining so they can divide and conquer. Its so fucking obvious. But they got poor Americans worrying about gays and socialism.
Blinders on, earmuffs engaged. Nutters taking the wrong side of another issue.

Yeah youre right, dont ask questions, trust the left with their great track record of predictions and the fact that they want to run your life, dont let that impede your judgement.

i mean after all in 500 years this could be a problem, donate to al gore now to save you

you must be the one born in that minute

They want to run our lives? The GOP wants corporations to run your life. They want the rich to run your life. They want to impose their religion on the rest of us. They want to tell gay people what to do. They control the government and the companies you work for. They control the churches, companies you invest in, etc. Who do you think is in control of your life? The only thing you are free to do is be ignorant.
Blinders on, earmuffs engaged. Nutters taking the wrong side of another issue.

Yeah youre right, dont ask questions, trust the left with their great track record of predictions and the fact that they want to run your life, dont let that impede your judgement.

i mean after all in 500 years this could be a problem, donate to al gore now to save you

you must be the one born in that minute

They want to run our lives? The GOP wants corporations to run your life. They want the rich to run your life. They want to impose their religion on the rest of us. They want to tell gay people what to do. They control the government and the companies you work for. They control the churches, companies you invest in, etc. Who do you think is in control of your life? The only thing you are free to do is be ignorant.

Tackling global warming is a huge economic undertaking and it is stupid by liberals NOT to acknowledge that. Conservatives have a point that the quasi religious furvor of environmentalists is not based on science but love of the earth. Why should they trust them on global warming?
GOP refusal of a "communist" good SS ID card has caused all these illegals- actually they love the cheap0, easily bullied labor. Change the channel and you'll get plenty of GW, drought, fires, hurricanes and flooding, especially on non-corporateand foreign news, where there's no doubt about GW- only here in corporate dominated America..
The climate is indeed changing. It's been changing since the dawn of time. It will continue to change. It has changed despite any human activity. The politically motivated global warming agenda is bullshit and speculation.
Yeah youre right, dont ask questions, trust the left with their great track record of predictions and the fact that they want to run your life, dont let that impede your judgement.

i mean after all in 500 years this could be a problem, donate to al gore now to save you

you must be the one born in that minute

They want to run our lives? The GOP wants corporations to run your life. They want the rich to run your life. They want to impose their religion on the rest of us. They want to tell gay people what to do. They control the government and the companies you work for. They control the churches, companies you invest in, etc. Who do you think is in control of your life? The only thing you are free to do is be ignorant.

Tackling global warming is a huge economic undertaking and it is stupid by liberals NOT to acknowledge that. Conservatives have a point that the quasi religious furvor of environmentalists is not based on science but love of the earth. Why should they trust them on global warming?

Bullshit. I am simply looking at the science. Your "love of the earth" meme is the work of a simpleton.

Nothing I do even remotely resembles religious fervor. You might want to try listening a bit more.
The 400 million the Kochs spend fooling the dupes every year obviously is well spent...
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Who are you dumb mother fuckers who continue to vote for the GOP after they finally back down on every issue they are wrong on. You finally voted Democratic after 8 years of bush but then you don't pay attention enough to know they obstructed the Democrats the entire 8 years Obama was in charge and they offer no new policies from their old ones that drove us into a ditch. But you listen to Fox and Rush say Obama sucks and so you are going to give the GOP another chance? No wonder the rich shit on the middle class. You all deserve it. Only problem is I get shit on me when you vote for them. Stupid fuckers.

So it is obvious they work for the oil companies, not you and me. Sure the democrats are much the same but they are the American Middle Classes only hope. If we all vote and tell them to stop denying global warming, we'll get something done. Sure the Dems will eventually become corrupt but the GOP will be forced to change their position on things. Right now its trickle down and it will continue to be until you tell them to stop serving the rich first then us later. One person one vote. More money shouldn't get you more influence but it so clearly does. Wake up America. Stop voting for wedge issues like god gays and guns. When both parties serve we the people and not just the fortune 500 then we can start fighting over social issues. Until then we are all N#*$#Rs to them. We are all F#(GOTS to them. They like to do away with collective bargaining so they can divide and conquer. Its so fucking obvious. But they got poor Americans worrying about gays and socialism.

Obama was in charge for 8 years? Who knew?

God you're stupid.
Mars, ben, this is a climate change thread, not a thread on immigration. Its funny how you two have taken to shifting the debate to a completely irrelevant topic. Sorry, not in my house.


This is not your house, bitch. You don't even have a seat at the adult's table. A little self evaluation would do you good. have not studied science. You simply lied about that.
They want to run our lives? The GOP wants corporations to run your life. They want the rich to run your life. They want to impose their religion on the rest of us. They want to tell gay people what to do. They control the government and the companies you work for. They control the churches, companies you invest in, etc. Who do you think is in control of your life? The only thing you are free to do is be ignorant.

Tackling global warming is a huge economic undertaking and it is stupid by liberals NOT to acknowledge that. Conservatives have a point that the quasi religious furvor of environmentalists is not based on science but love of the earth. Why should they trust them on global warming?

Bullshit. I am simply looking at the science. Your "love of the earth" meme is the work of a simpleton.

Nothing I do even remotely resembles religious fervor. You might want to try listening a bit more.

I should have said that a segment of evironmentalists do give off a earth hippy vibe that convservatives use to bash over their heads. I agree in the science. But tackling it will likely require economic hardship or radical investments in tech rather than immediate jobs. This will be a hard sell and continues to be the reason for inaction in China which requires full employment so it doesn't politically collapse.
Who are you dumb mother fuckers who continue to vote for the GOP after they finally back down on every issue they are wrong on. You finally voted Democratic after 8 years of bush but then you don't pay attention enough to know they obstructed the Democrats the entire 8 years Obama was in charge and they offer no new policies from their old ones that drove us into a ditch. But you listen to Fox and Rush say Obama sucks and so you are going to give the GOP another chance? No wonder the rich shit on the middle class. You all deserve it. Only problem is I get shit on me when you vote for them. Stupid fuckers.

So it is obvious they work for the oil companies, not you and me. Sure the democrats are much the same but they are the American Middle Classes only hope. If we all vote and tell them to stop denying global warming, we'll get something done. Sure the Dems will eventually become corrupt but the GOP will be forced to change their position on things. Right now its trickle down and it will continue to be until you tell them to stop serving the rich first then us later. One person one vote. More money shouldn't get you more influence but it so clearly does. Wake up America. Stop voting for wedge issues like god gays and guns. When both parties serve we the people and not just the fortune 500 then we can start fighting over social issues. Until then we are all N#*$#Rs to them. We are all F#(GOTS to them. They like to do away with collective bargaining so they can divide and conquer. Its so fucking obvious. But they got poor Americans worrying about gays and socialism.

Geeeeezus kid, go fucking play in the street., take LL with you.
Who are you dumb mother fuckers who continue to vote for the GOP after they finally back down on every issue they are wrong on. You finally voted Democratic after 8 years of bush but then you don't pay attention enough to know they obstructed the Democrats the entire 8 years Obama was in charge and they offer no new policies from their old ones that drove us into a ditch. But you listen to Fox and Rush say Obama sucks and so you are going to give the GOP another chance? No wonder the rich shit on the middle class. You all deserve it. Only problem is I get shit on me when you vote for them. Stupid fuckers.

So it is obvious they work for the oil companies, not you and me. Sure the democrats are much the same but they are the American Middle Classes only hope. If we all vote and tell them to stop denying global warming, we'll get something done. Sure the Dems will eventually become corrupt but the GOP will be forced to change their position on things. Right now its trickle down and it will continue to be until you tell them to stop serving the rich first then us later. One person one vote. More money shouldn't get you more influence but it so clearly does. Wake up America. Stop voting for wedge issues like god gays and guns. When both parties serve we the people and not just the fortune 500 then we can start fighting over social issues. Until then we are all N#*$#Rs to them. We are all F#(GOTS to them. They like to do away with collective bargaining so they can divide and conquer. Its so fucking obvious. But they got poor Americans worrying about gays and socialism.

Geeeeezus kid, go fucking play in the street., take LL with you.

Hey.....give my ass a little tickle while your down there, will ya?
Tackling global warming is a huge economic undertaking and it is stupid by liberals NOT to acknowledge that. Conservatives have a point that the quasi religious furvor of environmentalists is not based on science but love of the earth. Why should they trust them on global warming?

Bullshit. I am simply looking at the science. Your "love of the earth" meme is the work of a simpleton.

Nothing I do even remotely resembles religious fervor. You might want to try listening a bit more.

I should have said that a segment of evironmentalists do give off a earth hippy vibe that convservatives use to bash over their heads. I agree in the science. But tackling it will likely require economic hardship or radical investments in tech rather than immediate jobs. This will be a hard sell and continues to be the reason for inaction in China which requires full employment so it doesn't politically collapse.

Doing what needs to be done to reduce our consumption of non-renewable sources of energy would result in strong economic activity.

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