The GOP has reached the point of no return on Climate Change

Who is funding the "Scientists"?

Funny you guys think the majority of the scientists are all in kahoots with each other, not the minority that agree with the corporations. Also funny you think the scientific community is corrupt but you can't possibly fathom the idea that your entire religion is a scam and the church is corrupt, which it most certainly is. And if it is not, the people that run the church are as delusional as the members.

You didn't answer the question.

It is sad that YOU cannot fathom that it is entirely possible that the reverse is true too.

Vote in November then come talk to me. You are on punishment until you make up for not voting in 2008.
Who is funding the "Scientists"?

Funny you guys think the majority of the scientists are all in kahoots with each other, not the minority that agree with the corporations. Also funny you think the scientific community is corrupt but you can't possibly fathom the idea that your entire religion is a scam and the church is corrupt, which it most certainly is. And if it is not, the people that run the church are as delusional as the members.

You're a very angry person aren't you?

You wouldn't believe it I'm the nicest person. I don't tell people around me they are stupid for believing in God because many of them aren't ready for it but it's coming. Maybe not by me but there is an entire movement out there that is sick of you christians and muslim bitches. Keep it to your fucking selves..:D
Well, when their homes and property sink into the sea or a drought hits, they can just not believe in climate change - while everyone else can react to climate change and do something about it. Nature doesn't give a damn whether the GOP believes in it or not.
You not only watched you defended Bush while he drove this country into a ditch then you voted for John McCain. how smart are you?

You confuse me with

Like I said you Leftys are lemmings,you are incapable of thinking for yourself at all.

I didn't vote for McCain he was simply Obama lite,it was the FIRST time since I turned 18 that I did not vote for a President.

Obama is and will be shown to one of the worst Presidents of the modern era.

Bush was the worst. Secondly, I won't even reply to your posts anymore. You mean nothing to me if you didn't vote. If you didn't vote you have nothing to complain about. So :eusa_silenced:

P.S. If you didn't vote for McCain THATS how bad fucking Bush was. Thank you for proving my point. He was so fucking bad you didn't even vote. By the way, your a fucking loser worthless piece of shit who doesn't deserve to live here. Didn't vote. Sickening. Then come here and be stupid. FUCK OFF! :lol:

It is actually i your best interest not to respond to me, I will rub your face in the dog shit you post.
I didn't vote for McCain...I sure as shit voted for Congress..unlike you I am not a lemming.

I will not vote for Jeb if they shove him down our throats either.
Well, when their homes and property sink into the sea or a drought hits, they can just not believe in climate change - while everyone else can react to climate change and do something about it. Nature doesn't give a damn whether the GOP believes in it or not.

Droughts, landslides etc have been happening for millions of years. Weather and natural disasters are going to happen and there's not a damn thing we can do about it. Next.
He asked you a question...Answer it how you understand it. Asking for examples wont change your perception of it

It's too vague a question. ...give an example or shut the fuck up.

Are we destroying the planet is too vague?

Planet. Destroy.

You're right, who can figure that out?

Yeah... it's WAY too vague.. Would having 1000s of leaking drums of nuclear weapons waste on GOVT property be "destroying the planet".. Technically NO... It wouldn't...

So you are ruling out some of the most critical problems on the list by refusing to list the concerns. It's antagonistic to scientific and structured inquiry to dump a non-sequitar out there as nebulous as that.. We could literally exterminate ourselves and the "planet" would do just fine. Which is what a bunch of these nihilist, know-nothing clowns fantasize about anyway...
Well, when their homes and property sink into the sea or a drought hits, they can just not believe in climate change - while everyone else can react to climate change and do something about it. Nature doesn't give a damn whether the GOP believes in it or not.

Someone said earlier and I agree that eventually the GOP and the Corporations are going to have to stop the lies. But by then they will own all the battery companies and marijuana factories. They just want to stick with the status quo (oil) for as long as they can because going green is going to cost them and its easier to just keep going with oil. But eventually they will go green. Hopefully it won't be too late. And what amazes me is the people who denied global warming or evolution, one day when those things are assumed to be facts, those people will move on and start defending things like nuclear power or plastic, because again change means a dent in their profits. How easily they/we forget that they are wrong on every single issue. Other examples are stem cell, gun background checks, healthcare reform. abortion, birth control, regulating wallstreet and the mortgage industries, tax breaks to the rich, the wars, citizens united. Are they ever right on anything? But still they keep getting their way.
If I were to give to you that there is no such thing as global warming would you at least admit that we are destroying this planet?

I would admit that folks that truly care about the OTHER issues of human impacts shouldn't be focused on the Global Warming issue. It's hard to get a hearing on the list of stuff that needs to be done when both the POLITICAL leadership and the ENVIRO leadership are INVENTING new doomsday scenarios to scare people and gain control..

A dose of honesty would get far more traction on the problems. CO2 is a minority player in climate change. Calling it "carbon" and painting it black as pollution -- is demeaning to the REAL POLLUTION problems that should be on the table..

Two points in way of reply. 1) Republicans could care less if some people die. Issues that would save or prevent deaths are used for purely political reasons. Also if you can't afford kids, don't have them. That is a lot of people in the poor areas of this country. 2) Action and regulation is being blocked on every front by Republicans. Which will also increase the rates of mortality.

Doomsday and conspiracy have negative contexts, understandably so, but the facts are what they are. While a planet dies its inhabitants will also die, some faster than others.

Speaking of extermination fantasies -- :lol:
Actions have to be economically and scientifically justified. PURE WATER is subjective. Absolutely pure water is $50/gallon.. The reason why the mainstream enviro movement gets no traction is a basic rejection of logic and science. ACTION is more important than priorities and return on effort. It's EASY to whine -- it's harder to justify and understand the irritation..

Blaming Republicans for attempting to organize tasks and returns is silly. The left is just too lazy to do that job.

A NECESSARY condition when a planet dies is that life perishes with it. But the REVERSE is not true.. In fact, there wouldn't be this "solution" of controlling the birthrate to "save" the planet if the reverse was true..

I just don't see how the GOP can continue to deny the obvious. But I guess the Koch brother's money can change a lot of minds....until Rubio has to boat to his home in Florida.

There is no point of no return on climate will keep changing as it always has.

They need that scare factor though, Ted Danson saying we had 7 years or it would be too late and the Seas would then die....well they aren't dead.

It goes on and on and on.

These Lefty's just aren't to be trusted with anything.
If you accept the fact that man caused the climate to change then isn't the damage already done.
What are the Libs plan to correct it.
Force more crippling restrictions on the few industries America has...

I don't see the Libs going after China,or Russia or India...

Go after these guys then get back to us!
Would one of you Loons be kind enough to explain the official Loon Excuse for why Global Warming had to be re-named Climate Change?

Mark Twain once said that if you didn't like the weather in New England, just wait awhile, it will change. He claimed to have seen the climate change 5 times in one day in Hartford.

Climate Change!!!!!

Why didn't you pompous asses at Harvard and Berkeley think of that to begin with? No matter what happens, you're right.....and you keep getting Tax Payer Funding for every Loon project out there. Like all those bankrupt solar panel companies.

So, the "debate is over" because a bunch of Loon scientists educated at Harvard and Berkeley, hawking Federal grants, who know they can't get the Federal grants unless they stir up trouble for everybody to panic over....come up with Global Warming...make that Climate Change...and the Federal Grants flow like milk and honey into the Promised Land.

The Bought Loon Scientists could actually be right. But, who can believe them?
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Global warming is not a hoax.

You can claim I'm wrong and dismiss the evidence, but someone needs to actually present a fraction of that evidence.

First of all, someone claimed that the oceans had only been warming for the last ten years. This is untrue:


It's been repeatedly said that there is "not a shred" of evidence that there is man-made climate change. This is also completely wrong. The most famous piece of evidence is the "hockey stick" graph, showing the sharp increase in temperature outside the normal variation in the last hundred years:


Although somewhat controversial at the outset, other scientists have tackled this idea again and again with more sophisticated methods, and it only reinforces the original idea. Further, the hockey stick is just one piece of evidence.

Climate scientists are now utterly convinced that drastic, man-made climate change is occurring, and have been for some time.


If you are not convinced by all of this, fine. But the GOP's unfounded belief that man cannot change the climate flies in the face of the strong consensus of the scientific community and decades of research.
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Would one of you Loons be kind enough to explain the official Loon Excuse for why Global Warming had to be re-named Climate Change?

Mark Twain once said that if you didn't like the weather in New England, just wait awhile, it will change. He claimed to have seen the climate change 5 times in one day in Hartford.

Climate Change!!!!!

Why didn't you pompous asses at Harvard and Berkeley think of that to begin with? No matter what happens, your right.....and you keep getting Tax Payer Funding for every Loon project out there. Like all those bankrupt solar panel companies.

So, the "debate is over" because a bunch of Loon scientists educated at Harvard and Berkeley, hawking Federal grants, who know they can't get the Federal grants unless they stir up trouble for everybody to panic over....come up with Global Warming...make that Climate Change...and the Federal Grants flow like milk and honey into the Promised Land.

The Bought Loon Scientists clould actually be right. But, who can believe them?

Most recently "Climate Disruption".
Blinders on, earmuffs engaged. Nutters taking the wrong side of another issue.

Yeah youre right, dont ask questions, trust the left with their great track record of predictions and the fact that they want to run your life, dont let that impede your judgement.

i mean after all in 500 years this could be a problem, donate to al gore now to save you

you must be the one born in that minute

They want to run our lives? The GOP wants corporations to run your life. They want the rich to run your life. They want to impose their religion on the rest of us. They want to tell gay people what to do. They control the government and the companies you work for. They control the churches, companies you invest in, etc. Who do you think is in control of your life? The only thing you are free to do is be ignorant.

what a load.
corporations may control their jobs and have a large infuence on politics, but this paranoia is hilarious.

so they control churches? No the govt does with the tax exempt status

Their religion, what is that? If they were christians and forced that, you wouldnt see positive things about gays nor would you have judges striking down laws citizens voted for.

now lets look at liberals, you cant say negative things anout gays or make kokes about foods blacks like.

they want to control
what you say
What you eat and drink
what cars you drive, what color your cars are
what products like lightbulbs to buy
who speaks at graduations

and in general every aspect of your life.
Anything the left can do to keep the recovery a dream is there goal...
Then they will blame it all on the GOP.
Global warming is not a hoax.

You can claim I'm wrong and dismiss the evidence, but someone needs to actually present a fraction of that evidence.

First of all, someone claimed that the oceans had only been warming for the last ten years. This is untrue:


It's been repeatedly said that there is "not a shred" of evidence that there is man-made climate change. This is also completely wrong. The most famous piece of evidence is the "hockey stick" graph, showing the sharp increase in temperature outside the normal variation in the last hundred years:


Although somewhat controversial at the outset, other scientists have tackled this idea again and again with more sophisticated methods, and it only reinforces the original idea. Further, the hockey stick is just one piece of evidence.

Climate scientists are now utterly convinced that drastic, man-made climate change is occurring, and have been for some time.


If you are not convinced by all of this, fine. But the GOP's unfounded belief that man cannot change the climate flies in the face of the strong consensus of the scientific community and decades of research.

I love this stuff. So evidence is due to how many times your published and in what?
i bet you think the news is objective and if its not on it, its not true?
Its a joke. Look at who has won nobel peace prizes, al gore and obama? For what????????
rush limbaugh won the childrens book award. People didnt want hi to wi it, was kt because his book sucked, Nooooooooo, it was because of his politics.
Obama's energy policy is incoherent and a failure anyway you look at it. The administration is mired in scandal after scandal with the loss of lives in Benghazi, the A.G.'s crazy plan to ship guns to Mexico with the loss of a Border Patrol Officer, the V.A. administrator taking responsibility for the negligent deaths of hundreds of Veterans, the IRS abuse, the illegal spying and the ironically named "affordable care act" that appears to be a job killer but the radical left invents a GOP global warming policy that doesn't exist and becomes outraged by it. The world is upside down in the liberal mind.

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