The GOP has reached the point of no return on Climate Change

We have already reduced emissions in the US significantly and will continue to do so as technology improves and when all you people who say you love science and technology finally realize that nuclear power is the best option for large scale emission free power.

The problem is getting the rest of the world to do the same. Regulating and taxing us into oblivion will do nothing but harm our economy if the rest of the world does not cooperate.

When you figure out a way to to that let me know.

I just don't see how the GOP can continue to deny the obvious. But I guess the Koch brother's money can change a lot of minds....until Rubio has to boat to his home in Florida.

Sure 400 Scientists say that Global Warming is real. But they all have been busted using "Google". Google is used by the NSA to collect information. And 1 Scientist told a Fox News anchor that Global Warming is not real.

We should pay attention to the real power in factor here..........

The people who spend MILLIONS to make others state Global Warming isn't a "thing"

Follow the $$ small brains...

What on earth are you flapping yap about? Every Scientific Society, every National Academy of Science, and every major University has policy statements that say that AGW is real, and a clear and present danger. That is millions of scientists, not 400.

ROFL Liar. :lol:
We have already reduced emissions in the US significantly and will continue to do so as technology improves and when all you people who say you love science and technology finally realize that nuclear power is the best option for large scale emission free power.

The problem is getting the rest of the world to do the same. Regulating and taxing us into oblivion will do nothing but harm our economy if the rest of the world does not cooperate.

When you figure out a way to to that let me know.

So true. We would need to shutdown China's economic growth but no liberal will agree to that because of cultural relativism and their humanitarian instincts.
If you accept the fact that man caused the climate to change then isn't the damage already done.
What are the Libs plan to correct it.
Force more crippling restrictions on the few industries America has...

I don't see the Libs going after China,or Russia or India...

Go after these guys then get back to us!

This is probably the most uninformed and ignorant posts I have ever read on this board. You RWers will not pull your heads out of the Koch arses until we are knee deep in salt water. Read what you wrote and think about it....:bsflag:
If you accept the fact that man caused the climate to change then isn't the damage already done.
What are the Libs plan to correct it.
Force more crippling restrictions on the few industries America has...

I don't see the Libs going after China,or Russia or India...

Go after these guys then get back to us!

This is probably the most uninformed and ignorant posts I have ever read on this board. You RWers will not pull your heads out of the Koch arses until we are knee deep in salt water. Read what you wrote and think about it....:bsflag:

Really? There are many more ignorant posts. The point stands: why don't we impoverish China and remove their coal plants?
We have already reduced emissions in the US significantly and will continue to do so as technology improves and when all you people who say you love science and technology finally realize that nuclear power is the best option for large scale emission free power.

The problem is getting the rest of the world to do the same. Regulating and taxing us into oblivion will do nothing but harm our economy if the rest of the world does not cooperate.

When you figure out a way to to that let me know.

So true. We would need to shutdown China's economic growth but no liberal will agree to that because of cultural relativism and their humanitarian instincts. I see. You are a full on idiot. Wasn't sure for a while there.
We have already reduced emissions in the US significantly and will continue to do so as technology improves and when all you people who say you love science and technology finally realize that nuclear power is the best option for large scale emission free power.

The problem is getting the rest of the world to do the same. Regulating and taxing us into oblivion will do nothing but harm our economy if the rest of the world does not cooperate.

When you figure out a way to to that let me know.

So true. We would need to shutdown China's economic growth but no liberal will agree to that because of cultural relativism and their humanitarian instincts. I see. You are a full on idiot. Wasn't sure for a while there.

Ad hom meet nem

I just don't see how the GOP can continue to deny the obvious. But I guess the Koch brother's money can change a lot of minds....until Rubio has to boat to his home in Florida.

I am so sick of your type of pretender. A pretender that seems to think that the US can do anything about your supposed climate change. You pretend to not know that no matter what the US does China will increase their Carbon output making anything we do insignificant. I even read a pretender saying that China was doing more then the US and that is just a bald faced lie if not delusion. China and India are laughing at us while Obama tries to destroy the country over climate change to which we can do nothing. I believe that Obama means well but he doesn't have anything that he can think of as productive to leave as his legacy so he is just yields to his ideological bent.

i agree with 99.5% of your post, the .5% i disagree with is this, "I believe that Obama means well...", sorry, but i believe the commie shill wants to bring the United States of America to it's knees, one way or another, shutting down lead mines, coal mines, crude oil production all the while sending money to his home country.., Kenya !!!

he actually does more to support muslime activities than Christian America. :up:
So true. We would need to shutdown China's economic growth but no liberal will agree to that because of cultural relativism and their humanitarian instincts. I see. You are a full on idiot. Wasn't sure for a while there.

Ad hom meet nem

Typical. Nutters commonly say really stupid things and expect others to be dishonest about it.

If what you say is will be called an idiot.

I just don't see how the GOP can continue to deny the obvious. But I guess the Koch brother's money can change a lot of minds....until Rubio has to boat to his home in Florida.

Sure 400 Scientists say that Global Warming is real. But they all have been busted using "Google". Google is used by the NSA to collect information. And 1 Scientist told a Fox News anchor that Global Warming is not real.

We should pay attention to the real power in factor here..........

The people who spend MILLIONS to make others state Global Warming isn't a "thing"

Follow the $$ small brains...

What on earth are you flapping yap about? Every Scientific Society, every National Academy of Science, and every major University has policy statements that say that AGW is real, and a clear and present danger. That is millions of scientists, not 400.

The climate has been changing for millions of years. There have been increases and decreases in CO2. There is nothing that we can do about it. The arrogance to think that we can change weather patterns and natural disasters is astounding.
When we are the cause for the increase in the GHGs, we damned well can do something about it.
Progressives always need a scapegoat; Hitler had the Jews, Stalin the Kulaks, Mao the Capitalists and American Progs have the Koch Brothers
When we are the cause for the increase in the GHGs, we damned well can do something about it.

You dont know how many parts per million it takes for a lethal dose do you. If you did you would know that an increase by 80 ppm over a century is laughable.
Progressives always need a scapegoat; Hitler had the Jews, Stalin the Kulaks, Mao the Capitalists and American Progs have the Koch Brothers

Isn't is cute the way nutters like to call all those horrible people "progressives".

Do me a favor, dummy. Name the five leading American progressives of the 20th century.

CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere are outside the norm, but no climate event has been observed that is outside the norm of observed history. In fact, none of the horrors proclaimed by the climate change cult has taken place, and there is little evidence that those horrors will ever occur.

This earth has seen temperature spikes greater than this spike, within this ice age cycle. The interglacial warm period was a boon to Europeons, and Greenland was actually farmable. That was followed by a cold spike called the little ice age. There is also some evidence that another warm spike occurred back in Roman times.

If the earth is about to enter a cold cycle, a little manmade global warming may be a welcome mitigation.

Based on the data we have currently, the spike we are experiencing in global temperature is unique in the last few thousand years atleast. I'd also like to point out that the "hockey stick" is a visual representation of real temperature, NOT CO2 levels. It is our temperature, not just our CO2 levels, which is outside the normal variance.

And the data is so overwhelming on this that it is irresponsible not to legislate to ameliorate further climate change

See my response to Zeke above.. There are no GLOBAL proxy studies that have the resolution to detect 100 year events. That INCLUDES the Mann Hockey and all the other "hockey sticks" out there. You've got to remember that we are all panicking (most of you) over 0.6degC in your lifetimes. And all those graphs are scaled that way. And looking at just historical study -- say Brazil using lake mud cores -- will show similiar events in recent geological history. But when you try to combine say 200 of those studies to cover the entire GLOBE and make a comparison -- you really don't get enough coverage of the globe and the time resolution sucks. It's like trying to digitize an audio signal at rates BELOW the speed of the sound waves.

So it is irresponsible NOW to making comparisons about the GLOBE and how our brief modern instrumentation observation compare with trees.

Someone coined a phrase -- "I think that I shall never see --- A thermometer as bad as a tree".. And THAT is a more rational view of our ability to look back into temperature on the planet..

But this is conflating uncertainty over how much for uncertainty over if at all. I don't argue that our time resolutions leave uncertainty, however, we are definitely seeing a sharp rise in our global temperature that is above the variance in our current models, is definitely man-made, and shows no sign of abating. A rise of 0.6 degrees, which we both agree has happened, is already having severe effects.

Also, though I feel you were targeting only one aspect of climate science, mentioning only 200 studies is somewhat misleading. In 2013 alone there were 10,885 studies on climate change, and all but two accept man-made global warming.

So here's what I don't get. We both accept that the global temperature is rising. We both accept, unless I've misread you, that this increase is caused by human beings. Yet you keep stopping short of accepting that this man-made change is creating serious obstacles to our survivability on this planet and requires preventative action. Why do I feel like I'm the only one concluding that the fire is hot?
Sure 400 Scientists say that Global Warming is real. But they all have been busted using "Google". Google is used by the NSA to collect information. And 1 Scientist told a Fox News anchor that Global Warming is not real.

We should pay attention to the real power in factor here..........

The people who spend MILLIONS to make others state Global Warming isn't a "thing"

Follow the $$ small brains...

What on earth are you flapping yap about? Every Scientific Society, every National Academy of Science, and every major University has policy statements that say that AGW is real, and a clear and present danger. That is millions of scientists, not 400.

The climate has been changing for millions of years. There have been increases and decreases in CO2. There is nothing that we can do about it. The arrogance to think that we can change weather patterns and natural disasters is astounding.



It's not arrogance. It's science.
Progressives always need a scapegoat; Hitler had the Jews, Stalin the Kulaks, Mao the Capitalists and American Progs have the Koch Brothers

Isn't is cute the way nutters like to call all those horrible people "progressives".

Do me a favor, dummy. Name the five leading American progressives of the 20th century.


1) Teddy Roosevelt
2) Woodrow Wilson
3) FDR
4) Jimmy Carter
5) Th current Boi King
6) Hillary
Progressives always need a scapegoat; Hitler had the Jews, Stalin the Kulaks, Mao the Capitalists and American Progs have the Koch Brothers

Isn't is cute the way nutters like to call all those horrible people "progressives".

Do me a favor, dummy. Name the five leading American progressives of the 20th century.


1) Teddy Roosevelt
2) Woodrow Wilson
3) FDR
4) Jimmy Carter
5) Th current Boi King
6) Hillary

Nice job, Gramps. We can argue some...but it doesn't matter.

Now....which one of those has emulated any of the fascists that your pal mentioned?

Do you see why his post was retarded?

BTW...why do you have difficulty calling Mr. Obama by his name and/ or title? Mental block?
Isn't is cute the way nutters like to call all those horrible people "progressives".

Do me a favor, dummy. Name the five leading American progressives of the 20th century.


1) Teddy Roosevelt
2) Woodrow Wilson
3) FDR
4) Jimmy Carter
5) Th current Boi King
6) Hillary

Nice job, Gramps. We can argue some...but it doesn't matter.

Now....which one of those has emulated any of the fascists that your pal mentioned?

Do you see why his post was retarded?

BTW...why do you have difficulty calling Mr. Obama by his name and/ or title? Mental block?

Nope, but it is just as stupid when your side when your side starts in with Repubs as Nazi's.

I have a special distaste for the current occupant of the White House, I find him to a distasteful piece of shit liar like Bush 1,Bush 2 and Bill Clinton....but THIS man is a special case unto himself and easily the worst of my lifetime.

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