The GOP is exposing the nation to Hispanic caused degradation.

LOL... I have to disagree, because I had a white family from hell move in by me one time.. This dude had Billy goats and Pitt bulls in the back yard. Once the Pitt bulls got loose, and they killed the goats. The neighbors kids had to see that crap. Good grief... The father came over and borrowed a chainsaw from me, well that was it for ever seeing that chainsaw again. When asked he said he lent it to a friend. What the heck !!!!! As time went by the family fell apart even more. He finally went to jail on past warrants from another state he came from. Good riddens I thought.
Interesting post. My neighbors and I (in an over 55 community) are going through a similar situation. About a year ago a blue-eyed blonde and her late teen kids moved in nearby. Her son had a noisy mountain bike he’d race around. The mother would throw the windows open and play crappy music full blast. And the pig has three dogs that barked incessantly throughout the day. The hag also raced her car through the neighborhood and would sometimes leave her car double-parked with the door wide open and the radio blaring full blast for ten minutes at time.

The woman has told neighbors that she is proud of being a bigot. And some neighbors have told me they avoid talking politics with her because she is such a rabid trump supporter.

The great news is that they are finally moving out. The neighbors are ecstatic. I’ve had black, hispanic, white, and japanese neighbors. This cheap cracker, and her inbred brood, was by far the worst. Losers come in all colors.
Well I doubt the feller that was living by me supported anyone or anything. Never asked, and didn't care to ask, but yes losers come in all colors for sure. His step kids (I'm thinking it may have been who they were as for having any relations to him) were upstanding kids it seemed.. Amazing coming out of a situation like that.
Serious question though? Why is no one up in arms about the very sizable number of Polish and E.European illegal immigrants who flew in and overstayed their VISAs? Why do so many people seem to think illegals are all Mexican or S.American?
When those groups start impacting job availability, wages & crime let me know.

Oh no sir; illegal is illegal. Isn't that what people say? That illegals are flouting our laws by skirting around the immigration system?

If we're going after Mexicans, better go just as hard after the Polish. Otherwise, you're kind of generalizing and playing favorites, and you can't claim you stand for the rule of law anymore.
And what about First Plagiarist, Malaria trump?

She worked here illegally as a model without proper documents. Why is there no whining about that?

Report: Melania Trump worked in U.S. without proper permit
. Cherry picking doesn't help... It's when a situation spirals out of control, and things get so out of balance that fairness for Americans begins to degrade, then we have to address it or should I say we then have to address the problem. Must do it properly though.
LOL... I have to disagree, because I had a white family from hell move in by me one time.. This dude had Billy goats and Pitt bulls in the back yard. Once the Pitt bulls got loose, and they killed the goats. The neighbors kids had to see that crap. Good grief... The father came over and borrowed a chainsaw from me, well that was it for ever seeing that chainsaw again. When asked he said he lent it to a friend. What the heck !!!!! As time went by the family fell apart even more. He finally went to jail on past warrants from another state he came from. Good riddens I thought.
Interesting post. My neighbors and I (in an over 55 community) are going through a similar situation. About a year ago a blue-eyed blonde and her late teen kids moved in nearby. Her son had a noisy mountain bike he’d race around. The mother would throw the windows open and play crappy music full blast. And the pig has three dogs that barked incessantly throughout the day. The hag also raced her car through the neighborhood and would sometimes leave her car double-parked with the door wide open and the radio blaring full blast for ten minutes at time.

The woman has told neighbors that she is proud of being a bigot. And some neighbors have told me they avoid talking politics with her because she is such a rabid trump supporter.

The great news is that they are finally moving out. The neighbors are ecstatic. I’ve had black, hispanic, white, and japanese neighbors. This cheap cracker, and her inbred brood, was by far the worst. Losers come in all colors.
Well I doubt the feller that was living by me supported anyone or anything. Never asked, and didn't care to ask, but yes losers come in all colors for sure. His step kids (I'm thinking it may have been who they were as for having any relations to him) were upstanding kids it seemed.. Amazing coming out of a situation like that.
Sorry about your chainsaw, too. Gad, I hate people who always want to borrow tools.

Glad I can say 'no' easily.
Serious question though? Why is no one up in arms about the very sizable number of Polish and E.European illegal immigrants who flew in and overstayed their VISAs? Why do so many people seem to think illegals are all Mexican or S.American?
When those groups start impacting job availability, wages & crime let me know.

Oh no sir; illegal is illegal. Isn't that what people say? That illegals are flouting our laws by skirting around the immigration system?

If we're going after Mexicans, better go just as hard after the Polish. Otherwise, you're kind of generalizing and playing favorites, and you can't claim you stand for the rule of law anymore.
And what about First Plagiarist, Malaria trump?

She worked here illegally as a model without proper documents. Why is there no whining about that?

Report: Melania Trump worked in U.S. without proper permit

As I recall, there is no proof she was working illegally. Evidence, but no proof.
Lots of sources agree. Even Faux Noise, has stated documents exist showing Malaria performed work illegally.

Of course the trumps deny it. But what else can we expect from so practiced a liar as trump. I would trust AP any day, over trump.

Trump's wife worked illegally during her first weeks in the US, documents show
Serious question though? Why is no one up in arms about the very sizable number of Polish and E.European illegal immigrants who flew in and overstayed their VISAs? Why do so many people seem to think illegals are all Mexican or S.American?
When those groups start impacting job availability, wages & crime let me know.

Oh no sir; illegal is illegal. Isn't that what people say? That illegals are flouting our laws by skirting around the immigration system?

If we're going after Mexicans, better go just as hard after the Polish. Otherwise, you're kind of generalizing and playing favorites, and you can't claim you stand for the rule of law anymore.
And what about First Plagiarist, Malaria trump?

She worked here illegally as a model without proper documents. Why is there no whining about that?

Report: Melania Trump worked in U.S. without proper permit
. Cherry picking doesn't help... It's when a situation spirals out of control, and things get so out of balance that fairness for Americans begins to degrade, then we have to address it or should I say we then have to address the problem. Must do it properly though.
I agree.

But those who 'act' so concerned about all of the law-breaking are not really concerned about ALL of the law-breaking. They're only out to bash their chosen minority group of the day. It's hypocritical. An exercise in blind racial hatred.
Serious question though? Why is no one up in arms about the very sizable number of Polish and E.European illegal immigrants who flew in and overstayed their VISAs? Why do so many people seem to think illegals are all Mexican or S.American?

What perhaps 2% of illegals are Polish, and 60% are Mexican?

Let's pick a target we can hit here.
Serious question though? Why is no one up in arms about the very sizable number of Polish and E.European illegal immigrants who flew in and overstayed their VISAs? Why do so many people seem to think illegals are all Mexican or S.American?
When those groups start impacting job availability, wages & crime let me know.
If we're going after Mexicans, better go just as hard after the Polish. Otherwise, you're kind of generalizing and playing favorites, and you can't claim you stand for the rule of law anymore.

How many Poles march when illegals are gone against?

Why is it only Latinos and their non-Latino screwy friends, are the ONLY group to march that it's unfair to target illegals?

I'm of a Polish heritage, and I'm against all illegals, including Polish ones.
I do criticize the Japanese and the Chinese, among others, for being insanely xenophobic. They get away with it because they aren't white, but ...

Anyway, it's because I'm a pragmatist. I don't see being white as anything special. I don't see being American as being synonymous with white. I don't even see being English or French as synonymous with being white. Now, if non-whites started turning around and persecuting white people for THEIR skin color, then that would be different, and there are some scenarios where that's plausible. But I try to look at a person's abilities first, and what's in their minds and hearts. Skin color is like no. 27 on my list of important things about a person, and that's only because, unfortunately, we've turned skin color into a cultural phenomenon.

How many swedish girls need to be brutally raped, how many french people run over with trucks, how many british pop music fans blown up until you realize the error of your ways?

You're talking about Islam now, which is a totally different subject than race.

Mexican cartels are even worse than ISIS. Google cartel execution if you don't believe me. Dissolved screaming in acid, living people spit roasted. Babies and pets tortured and mutilated.
And the Russian mafia is even worse.

LOL, the Russian Mafia is largely Jewish, even it's founding member Semion Mogilevich was a Jew, it's most famous U.S members like Ludwig Fainberg, or Marat Baragula also were Jews.
Serious question though? Why is no one up in arms about the very sizable number of Polish and E.European illegal immigrants who flew in and overstayed their VISAs? Why do so many people seem to think illegals are all Mexican or S.American?

What perhaps 2% of illegals are Polish, and 60% are Mexican?

Let's pick a target we can hit here.
Laws have to be applied fairly. Across the board.

All illegals have to be dealt with. No picking and choosing.
Serious question though? Why is no one up in arms about the very sizable number of Polish and E.European illegal immigrants who flew in and overstayed their VISAs? Why do so many people seem to think illegals are all Mexican or S.American?
"Sizeable?" You mean like 1/10th of 1% of all the illegals who came into this country?
LOL... I have to disagree, because I had a white family from hell move in by me one time.. This dude had Billy goats and Pitt bulls in the back yard. Once the Pitt bulls got loose, and they killed the goats. The neighbors kids had to see that crap. Good grief... The father came over and borrowed a chainsaw from me, well that was it for ever seeing that chainsaw again. When asked he said he lent it to a friend. What the heck !!!!! As time went by the family fell apart even more. He finally went to jail on past warrants from another state he came from. Good riddens I thought.
Interesting post. My neighbors and I (in an over 55 community) are going through a similar situation. About a year ago a blue-eyed blonde and her late teen kids moved in nearby. Her son had a noisy mountain bike he’d race around. The mother would throw the windows open and play crappy music full blast. And the pig has three dogs that barked incessantly throughout the day. The hag also raced her car through the neighborhood and would sometimes leave her car double-parked with the door wide open and the radio blaring full blast for ten minutes at time.

The woman has told neighbors that she is proud of being a bigot. And some neighbors have told me they avoid talking politics with her because she is such a rabid trump supporter.

The great news is that they are finally moving out. The neighbors are ecstatic. I’ve had black, hispanic, white, and japanese neighbors. This cheap cracker, and her inbred brood, was by far the worst. Losers come in all colors.
It seems to be you who is the bigot. Anecdotes are proof of absolutely nothing, especially the bigoted kind like you just posted.
Make no mistake about it...thats what's got Democrats and Liberals paranoid...the Hussein administration and Liberal media has sold Hispanics as amazing, positive contributing human beings..."real pillars in their communities".....which is completely misleading to the American citizens who don't know any better.
REAL Americans in Loon York, Mexifornia, Texas and Arizona are aware of the truth but Middle America has no clue...they only know what Liberal media and Hollyweird tells them.
I can remember when only 20% of our population here in Mexifornia was Hispanic...they blended in and well and we thought they were awesome....traffic wasn't horrible, jobs were easy to come by, emergency rooms weren't packed full, streets in poor neighborhoods weren't littered with trash and stray animals, public schools were still teaching academics, American kids were able to get college grants and courses they needed...No one really felt like Hispanics we're invading and taking from REAL Americans.....HOLY SHIT HAS THAT ALL CHANGED. Good luck Middle America....the infestation is headed your way.

The only infestation is white supremacists like you. Hispanics are no better or no worse than any other groups. Take your hatred and go somewhere else. We don't need you.

Who's gonna pay for your Bud Lights, Tapatio, LA Ddodger gear and pit bulls? Keep this shit up bud and I'm canceling your EBT card and section 8 subsidy.

Why don't you shut up you piece of shit. You don't know a thing about me yet you try to stereotype people who stand up to your bigotry. You are not a American. You are a traitor to this country. You are the one who is degrading the country.
You mean you don't like the same treatment that snowflake bigots like you dish out to Trump supporters?
Make no mistake about it...thats what's got Democrats and Liberals paranoid...the Hussein administration and Liberal media has sold Hispanics as amazing, positive contributing human beings..."real pillars in their communities".....which is completely misleading to the American citizens who don't know any better.
REAL Americans in Loon York, Mexifornia, Texas and Arizona are aware of the truth but Middle America has no clue...they only know what Liberal media and Hollyweird tells them.
I can remember when only 20% of our population here in Mexifornia was Hispanic...they blended in and well and we thought they were awesome....traffic wasn't horrible, jobs were easy to come by, emergency rooms weren't packed full, streets in poor neighborhoods weren't littered with trash and stray animals, public schools were still teaching academics, American kids were able to get college grants and courses they needed...No one really felt like Hispanics we're invading and taking from REAL Americans.....HOLY SHIT HAS THAT ALL CHANGED. Good luck Middle America....the infestation is headed your way.

The only infestation is white supremacists like you. Hispanics are no better or no worse than any other groups. Take your hatred and go somewhere else. We don't need you.

Who's gonna pay for your Bud Lights, Tapatio, LA Ddodger gear and pit bulls? Keep this shit up bud and I'm canceling your EBT card and section 8 subsidy.

Why don't you shut up you piece of shit. You don't know a thing about me yet you try to stereotype people who stand up to your bigotry. You are not a American. You are a traitor to this country. You are the one who is degrading the country.
You mean you don't like the same treatment that snowflake bigots like you dish out to Trump supporters?

You are another bigot. Take your anti-America garbage and get out. Or else the Jews might get you. Or the Muslims. Or Mexican children. You want to use racist terms then you are a racist. If you defend that you are a racist.
Make no mistake about it...thats what's got Democrats and Liberals paranoid...the Hussein administration and Liberal media has sold Hispanics as amazing, positive contributing human beings..."real pillars in their communities".....which is completely misleading to the American citizens who don't know any better.
REAL Americans in Loon York, Mexifornia, Texas and Arizona are aware of the truth but Middle America has no clue...they only know what Liberal media and Hollyweird tells them.
I can remember when only 20% of our population here in Mexifornia was Hispanic...they blended in and well and we thought they were awesome....traffic wasn't horrible, jobs were easy to come by, emergency rooms weren't packed full, streets in poor neighborhoods weren't littered with trash and stray animals, public schools were still teaching academics, American kids were able to get college grants and courses they needed...No one really felt like Hispanics we're invading and taking from REAL Americans.....HOLY SHIT HAS THAT ALL CHANGED. Good luck Middle America....the infestation is headed your way.

The only infestation is white supremacists like you. Hispanics are no better or no worse than any other groups. Take your hatred and go somewhere else. We don't need you.

Who's gonna pay for your Bud Lights, Tapatio, LA Ddodger gear and pit bulls? Keep this shit up bud and I'm canceling your EBT card and section 8 subsidy.

Why don't you shut up you piece of shit. You don't know a thing about me yet you try to stereotype people who stand up to your bigotry. You are not a American. You are a traitor to this country. You are the one who is degrading the country.
You mean you don't like the same treatment that snowflake bigots like you dish out to Trump supporters?

You are another bigot. Take your anti-America garbage and get out. Or else the Jews might get you. Or the Muslims. Or Mexican children. You want to use racist terms then you are a racist. If you defend that you are a racist.

What "racist" terms have I used?
Serious question though? Why is no one up in arms about the very sizable number of Polish and E.European illegal immigrants who flew in and overstayed their VISAs? Why do so many people seem to think illegals are all Mexican or S.American?
When those groups start impacting job availability, wages & crime let me know.

Oh no sir; illegal is illegal. Isn't that what people say? That illegals are flouting our laws by skirting around the immigration system?

If we're going after Mexicans, better go just as hard after the Polish. Otherwise, you're kind of generalizing and playing favorites, and you can't claim you stand for the rule of law anymore.
They should all be kicked out but that wasn't your question. You asked why the emphasis on Mexicans.
Serious question though? Why is no one up in arms about the very sizable number of Polish and E.European illegal immigrants who flew in and overstayed their VISAs? Why do so many people seem to think illegals are all Mexican or S.American?
When those groups start impacting job availability, wages & crime let me know.

Oh no sir; illegal is illegal. Isn't that what people say? That illegals are flouting our laws by skirting around the immigration system?

If we're going after Mexicans, better go just as hard after the Polish. Otherwise, you're kind of generalizing and playing favorites, and you can't claim you stand for the rule of law anymore.
And what about First Plagiarist, Malaria trump?

She worked here illegally as a model without proper documents. Why is there no whining about that?

Report: Melania Trump worked in U.S. without proper permit
. Cherry picking doesn't help... It's when a situation spirals out of control, and things get so out of balance that fairness for Americans begins to degrade, then we have to address it or should I say we then have to address the problem. Must do it properly though.
I agree.

But those who 'act' so concerned about all of the law-breaking are not really concerned about ALL of the law-breaking. They're only out to bash their chosen minority group of the day. It's hypocritical. An exercise in blind racial hatred.
You see skin color. I see loss of life stories, depressed wages, crime issues and a massive burden on our social network.

Telling don't you think? When was the last time you heard about major problems with European or Asian illegal gangs?
When those groups start impacting job availability, wages & crime let me know.

Oh no sir; illegal is illegal. Isn't that what people say? That illegals are flouting our laws by skirting around the immigration system?

If we're going after Mexicans, better go just as hard after the Polish. Otherwise, you're kind of generalizing and playing favorites, and you can't claim you stand for the rule of law anymore.
And what about First Plagiarist, Malaria trump?

She worked here illegally as a model without proper documents. Why is there no whining about that?

Report: Melania Trump worked in U.S. without proper permit
. Cherry picking doesn't help... It's when a situation spirals out of control, and things get so out of balance that fairness for Americans begins to degrade, then we have to address it or should I say we then have to address the problem. Must do it properly though.
I agree.

But those who 'act' so concerned about all of the law-breaking are not really concerned about ALL of the law-breaking. They're only out to bash their chosen minority group of the day. It's hypocritical. An exercise in blind racial hatred.
You see skin color. I see loss of life stories, depressed wages, crime issues and a massive burden on our social network.

Telling don't you think? When was the last time you heard about major problems with European or Asian illegal gangs?
. Good points.
Make no mistake about it...thats what's got Democrats and Liberals paranoid...the Hussein administration and Liberal media has sold Hispanics as amazing, positive contributing human beings..."real pillars in their communities".....which is completely misleading to the American citizens who don't know any better.
REAL Americans in Loon York, Mexifornia, Texas and Arizona are aware of the truth but Middle America has no clue...they only know what Liberal media and Hollyweird tells them.
I can remember when only 20% of our population here in Mexifornia was Hispanic...they blended in and well and we thought they were awesome....traffic wasn't horrible, jobs were easy to come by, emergency rooms weren't packed full, streets in poor neighborhoods weren't littered with trash and stray animals, public schools were still teaching academics, American kids were able to get college grants and courses they needed...No one really felt like Hispanics we're invading and taking from REAL Americans.....HOLY SHIT HAS THAT ALL CHANGED. Good luck Middle America....the infestation is headed your way.

The only infestation is white supremacists like you. Hispanics are no better or no worse than any other groups. Take your hatred and go somewhere else. We don't need you.

Who's gonna pay for your Bud Lights, Tapatio, LA Ddodger gear and pit bulls? Keep this shit up bud and I'm canceling your EBT card and section 8 subsidy.

Why don't you shut up you piece of shit. You don't know a thing about me yet you try to stereotype people who stand up to your bigotry. You are not a American. You are a traitor to this country. You are the one who is degrading the country.'ve made where you stand crystal're as un-American as it gets...I'm 100% positive you're a barely legal anchor baby wonder you put filthy thirdworlders ahead of REAL American''s what you're suppose to do.
Have you ever heard a drug addict say we should be tougher in the war on drugs? Of course not....Every hear a filthy beaner stand against other filthy beaners from robbing REAL Americans...OF COUSE NOT!
Make no mistake about it...thats what's got Democrats and Liberals paranoid...the Hussein administration and Liberal media has sold Hispanics as amazing, positive contributing human beings..."real pillars in their communities".....which is completely misleading to the American citizens who don't know any better.
REAL Americans in Loon York, Mexifornia, Texas and Arizona are aware of the truth but Middle America has no clue...they only know what Liberal media and Hollyweird tells them.
I can remember when only 20% of our population here in Mexifornia was Hispanic...they blended in and well and we thought they were awesome....traffic wasn't horrible, jobs were easy to come by, emergency rooms weren't packed full, streets in poor neighborhoods weren't littered with trash and stray animals, public schools were still teaching academics, American kids were able to get college grants and courses they needed...No one really felt like Hispanics we're invading and taking from REAL Americans.....HOLY SHIT HAS THAT ALL CHANGED. Good luck Middle America....the infestation is headed your way.

The only infestation is white supremacists like you. Hispanics are no better or no worse than any other groups. Take your hatred and go somewhere else. We don't need you.

Who's gonna pay for your Bud Lights, Tapatio, LA Ddodger gear and pit bulls? Keep this shit up bud and I'm canceling your EBT card and section 8 subsidy.

Why don't you shut up you piece of shit. You don't know a thing about me yet you try to stereotype people who stand up to your bigotry. You are not a American. You are a traitor to this country. You are the one who is degrading the country.'ve made where you stand crystal're as un-American as it gets...I'm 100% positive you're a barely legal anchor baby wonder you put filthy thirdworlders ahead of REAL American''s what you're suppose to do.
Have you ever heard a drug addict say we should be tougher in the war on drugs? Of course not....Every hear a filthy beaner stand against other filthy beaners from robbing REAL Americans...OF COUSE NOT!
I don't know......someone who cannot spell a simple American English word such as "course"....English might be their second language....having come here illegally from some place else..................:eusa_whistle:
The only infestation is white supremacists like you. Hispanics are no better or no worse than any other groups. Take your hatred and go somewhere else. We don't need you.

Who's gonna pay for your Bud Lights, Tapatio, LA Ddodger gear and pit bulls? Keep this shit up bud and I'm canceling your EBT card and section 8 subsidy.

Why don't you shut up you piece of shit. You don't know a thing about me yet you try to stereotype people who stand up to your bigotry. You are not a American. You are a traitor to this country. You are the one who is degrading the country.
You mean you don't like the same treatment that snowflake bigots like you dish out to Trump supporters?

You are another bigot. Take your anti-America garbage and get out. Or else the Jews might get you. Or the Muslims. Or Mexican children. You want to use racist terms then you are a racist. If you defend that you are a racist.

What "racist" terms have I used?

You want to support a racist then you are a racist. The title of this thread relies on racial stereotypes.

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