The GOP is exposing the nation to Hispanic caused degradation.

Make no mistake about it...thats what's got Democrats and Liberals paranoid...the Hussein administration and Liberal media has sold Hispanics as amazing, positive contributing human beings..."real pillars in their communities".....which is completely misleading to the American citizens who don't know any better.
REAL Americans in Loon York, Mexifornia, Texas and Arizona are aware of the truth but Middle America has no clue...they only know what Liberal media and Hollyweird tells them.
I can remember when only 20% of our population here in Mexifornia was Hispanic...they blended in and well and we thought they were awesome....traffic wasn't horrible, jobs were easy to come by, emergency rooms weren't packed full, streets in poor neighborhoods weren't littered with trash and stray animals, public schools were still teaching academics, American kids were able to get college grants and courses they needed...No one really felt like Hispanics we're invading and taking from REAL Americans.....HOLY SHIT HAS THAT ALL CHANGED. Good luck Middle America....the infestation is headed your way.

The only infestation is white supremacists like you. Hispanics are no better or no worse than any other groups. Take your hatred and go somewhere else. We don't need you.

Who's gonna pay for your Bud Lights, Tapatio, LA Ddodger gear and pit bulls? Keep this shit up bud and I'm canceling your EBT card and section 8 subsidy.

Why don't you shut up you piece of shit. You don't know a thing about me yet you try to stereotype people who stand up to your bigotry. You are not a American. You are a traitor to this country. You are the one who is degrading the country.'ve made where you stand crystal're as un-American as it gets...I'm 100% positive you're a barely legal anchor baby wonder you put filthy thirdworlders ahead of REAL American''s what you're suppose to do.
Have you ever heard a drug addict say we should be tougher in the war on drugs? Of course not....Every hear a filthy beaner stand against other filthy beaners from robbing REAL Americans...OF COUSE NOT!

You are a filthy little racist pig. You are in-American. People like you have discriminated against groups coming to this country for centuries. You are not a REAL AMERICAN. It is people like you that need to be removed from this country.
One only has to look to the fact, that every country south of our border has millions of citizens who want to sneak in here, and no one here wants to sneak into any of those countries.

Lets face it folks, this country is doomed, and we sat back and let it happen.

This is why I'm getting the fuck out of here in a few years and retiring to Australia.
You know a lot of the Mexicans in the southwest live there because their ancestors lived there before the United States took that land from Mexico, right? They're not just a bunch of border hoppers. They just live in the same area they always have.

And their ancestors took the land from the indigenous people as well.
Make no mistake about it...thats what's got Democrats and Liberals paranoid...the Hussein administration and Liberal media has sold Hispanics as amazing, positive contributing human beings..."real pillars in their communities".....which is completely misleading to the American citizens who don't know any better.
REAL Americans in Loon York, Mexifornia, Texas and Arizona are aware of the truth but Middle America has no clue...they only know what Liberal media and Hollyweird tells them.
I can remember when only 20% of our population here in Mexifornia was Hispanic...they blended in and well and we thought they were awesome....traffic wasn't horrible, jobs were easy to come by, emergency rooms weren't packed full, streets in poor neighborhoods weren't littered with trash and stray animals, public schools were still teaching academics, American kids were able to get college grants and courses they needed...No one really felt like Hispanics we're invading and taking from REAL Americans.....HOLY SHIT HAS THAT ALL CHANGED. Good luck Middle America....the infestation is headed your way.
There is no excuse for lousy management.

Tourism is not the problem.
You are a filthy little racist pig. You are in-American. People like you have discriminated against groups coming to this country for centuries. You are not a REAL AMERICAN. It is people like you that need to be removed from this country.

You know a lot of the Mexicans in the southwest live there because their ancestors lived there before the United States took that land from Mexico, right? They're not just a bunch of border hoppers. They just live in the same area they always have.

You do realize that land everywhere was taken from someone else, right?
You know a lot of the Mexicans in the southwest live there because their ancestors lived there before the United States took that land from Mexico, right? They're not just a bunch of border hoppers. They just live in the same area they always have.

Aww...poor you. You know nothing about American history. This is your lucky day...I love to enlighten the confused and ignorant. The British conquered this land, those were the times...that's what badass armies did...consequently a little document called the US Constitution was written
which banned third world filth from entering the US illegally. TA-DA!
What else can I teach you?

p.s.- You should be thankful that white men conquered and built this country...imagine if Mexicans would have...would you want to live here? Have you been to that filthy shithole Mexico lately? You certainly wouldn't be getting all that free shit you get now...right?

If La Raza got their wish and Aztlan (California, Nevada, AZ, NM, UT, TX, and half of CO) was turned over to them today, they would be like the dog that chased the car, finally caught it, and then did not know what to do with it. Or, they would get it, institute Mexico's socioeconomic policies, fail, and then demand US pay for the failure.
Make no mistake about it...thats what's got Democrats and Liberals paranoid...the Hussein administration and Liberal media has sold Hispanics as amazing, positive contributing human beings..."real pillars in their communities".....which is completely misleading to the American citizens who don't know any better.
REAL Americans in Loon York, Mexifornia, Texas and Arizona are aware of the truth but Middle America has no clue...they only know what Liberal media and Hollyweird tells them.
I can remember when only 20% of our population here in Mexifornia was Hispanic...they blended in and well and we thought they were awesome....traffic wasn't horrible, jobs were easy to come by, emergency rooms weren't packed full, streets in poor neighborhoods weren't littered with trash and stray animals, public schools were still teaching academics, American kids were able to get college grants and courses they needed...No one really felt like Hispanics we're invading and taking from REAL Americans.....HOLY SHIT HAS THAT ALL CHANGED. Good luck Middle America....the infestation is headed your way.

The only infestation is white supremacists like you. Hispanics are no better or no worse than any other groups. Take your hatred and go somewhere else. We don't need you.

Who's gonna pay for your Bud Lights, Tapatio, LA Ddodger gear and pit bulls? Keep this shit up bud and I'm canceling your EBT card and section 8 subsidy.

Why don't you shut up you piece of shit. You don't know a thing about me yet you try to stereotype people who stand up to your bigotry. You are not a American. You are a traitor to this country. You are the one who is degrading the country.'ve made where you stand crystal're as un-American as it gets...I'm 100% positive you're a barely legal anchor baby wonder you put filthy thirdworlders ahead of REAL American''s what you're suppose to do.
Have you ever heard a drug addict say we should be tougher in the war on drugs? Of course not....Every hear a filthy beaner stand against other filthy beaners from robbing REAL Americans...OF COUSE NOT!
I don't know......someone who cannot spell a simple American English word such as "course"....English might be their second language....having come here illegally from some place else..................:eusa_whistle:

AWESOME...thanks bud...I've been looking for a new literacy BITCH to follow me around and make my corrections. All aboard my nutsack...thanks again!
Make no mistake about it...thats what's got Democrats and Liberals paranoid...the Hussein administration and Liberal media has sold Hispanics as amazing, positive contributing human beings..."real pillars in their communities".....which is completely misleading to the American citizens who don't know any better.
REAL Americans in Loon York, Mexifornia, Texas and Arizona are aware of the truth but Middle America has no clue...they only know what Liberal media and Hollyweird tells them.
I can remember when only 20% of our population here in Mexifornia was Hispanic...they blended in and well and we thought they were awesome....traffic wasn't horrible, jobs were easy to come by, emergency rooms weren't packed full, streets in poor neighborhoods weren't littered with trash and stray animals, public schools were still teaching academics, American kids were able to get college grants and courses they needed...No one really felt like Hispanics we're invading and taking from REAL Americans.....HOLY SHIT HAS THAT ALL CHANGED. Good luck Middle America....the infestation is headed your way.
There is no excuse for lousy management.

Tourism is not the problem. that the new spin for what's going on in Mexifornia?
When "tourists " are in foreign countries do they always get paid by the locals and drop anchor babies? Do they always rape and murder the locals as often as beaners do?
Make no mistake about it...thats what's got Democrats and Liberals paranoid...the Hussein administration and Liberal media has sold Hispanics as amazing, positive contributing human beings..."real pillars in their communities".....which is completely misleading to the American citizens who don't know any better.
REAL Americans in Loon York, Mexifornia, Texas and Arizona are aware of the truth but Middle America has no clue...they only know what Liberal media and Hollyweird tells them.
I can remember when only 20% of our population here in Mexifornia was Hispanic...they blended in and well and we thought they were awesome....traffic wasn't horrible, jobs were easy to come by, emergency rooms weren't packed full, streets in poor neighborhoods weren't littered with trash and stray animals, public schools were still teaching academics, American kids were able to get college grants and courses they needed...No one really felt like Hispanics we're invading and taking from REAL Americans.....HOLY SHIT HAS THAT ALL CHANGED. Good luck Middle America....the infestation is headed your way.

The only infestation is white supremacists like you. Hispanics are no better or no worse than any other groups. Take your hatred and go somewhere else. We don't need you.

Who's gonna pay for your Bud Lights, Tapatio, LA Ddodger gear and pit bulls? Keep this shit up bud and I'm canceling your EBT card and section 8 subsidy.

Why don't you shut up you piece of shit. You don't know a thing about me yet you try to stereotype people who stand up to your bigotry. You are not a American. You are a traitor to this country. You are the one who is degrading the country.'ve made where you stand crystal're as un-American as it gets...I'm 100% positive you're a barely legal anchor baby wonder you put filthy thirdworlders ahead of REAL American''s what you're suppose to do.
Have you ever heard a drug addict say we should be tougher in the war on drugs? Of course not....Every hear a filthy beaner stand against other filthy beaners from robbing REAL Americans...OF COUSE NOT!

You are a filthy little racist pig. You are in-American. People like you have discriminated against groups coming to this country for centuries. You are not a REAL AMERICAN. It is people like you that need to be removed from this country.

Haha..."people like me" love people coming to this country....PRODUCTIVE POSITIVE CONTRIBUTING DECENT PEOPLE!
Get your filthy people to start acting right and we'll send invitations. Until then....stay the fuck out....SIMPLE SHIT!
Who's gonna pay for your Bud Lights, Tapatio, LA Ddodger gear and pit bulls? Keep this shit up bud and I'm canceling your EBT card and section 8 subsidy.

Why don't you shut up you piece of shit. You don't know a thing about me yet you try to stereotype people who stand up to your bigotry. You are not a American. You are a traitor to this country. You are the one who is degrading the country.
You mean you don't like the same treatment that snowflake bigots like you dish out to Trump supporters?

You are another bigot. Take your anti-America garbage and get out. Or else the Jews might get you. Or the Muslims. Or Mexican children. You want to use racist terms then you are a racist. If you defend that you are a racist.

What "racist" terms have I used?

You want to support a racist then you are a racist. The title of this thread relies on racial stereotypes.

Your premise is wrong, so your conclusion is also wrong.

What does the title of this thread have to do with me?
Make no mistake about it...thats what's got Democrats and Liberals paranoid...the Hussein administration and Liberal media has sold Hispanics as amazing, positive contributing human beings..."real pillars in their communities".....which is completely misleading to the American citizens who don't know any better.
REAL Americans in Loon York, Mexifornia, Texas and Arizona are aware of the truth but Middle America has no clue...they only know what Liberal media and Hollyweird tells them.
I can remember when only 20% of our population here in Mexifornia was Hispanic...they blended in and well and we thought they were awesome....traffic wasn't horrible, jobs were easy to come by, emergency rooms weren't packed full, streets in poor neighborhoods weren't littered with trash and stray animals, public schools were still teaching academics, American kids were able to get college grants and courses they needed...No one really felt like Hispanics we're invading and taking from REAL Americans.....HOLY SHIT HAS THAT ALL CHANGED. Good luck Middle America....the infestation is headed your way.

The only infestation is white supremacists like you. Hispanics are no better or no worse than any other groups. Take your hatred and go somewhere else. We don't need you.

Who's gonna pay for your Bud Lights, Tapatio, LA Ddodger gear and pit bulls? Keep this shit up bud and I'm canceling your EBT card and section 8 subsidy.

Why don't you shut up you piece of shit. You don't know a thing about me yet you try to stereotype people who stand up to your bigotry. You are not a American. You are a traitor to this country. You are the one who is degrading the country.
You mean you don't like the same treatment that snowflake bigots like you dish out to Trump supporters?

You are another bigot. Take your anti-America garbage and get out. Or else the Jews might get you. Or the Muslims. Or Mexican children. You want to use racist terms then you are a racist. If you defend that you are a racist.

I'm the bigot...I hate all lowlife filth regardless of color.
I hate white trash as much as I hate your filthy dependent, lawless wetbacks...I just don't like to waste my time discussing the 2% of anything. Let's talk vast majorities...let's talk wetbacks!
The only infestation is white supremacists like you. Hispanics are no better or no worse than any other groups. Take your hatred and go somewhere else. We don't need you.

Who's gonna pay for your Bud Lights, Tapatio, LA Ddodger gear and pit bulls? Keep this shit up bud and I'm canceling your EBT card and section 8 subsidy.

Why don't you shut up you piece of shit. You don't know a thing about me yet you try to stereotype people who stand up to your bigotry. You are not a American. You are a traitor to this country. You are the one who is degrading the country.'ve made where you stand crystal're as un-American as it gets...I'm 100% positive you're a barely legal anchor baby wonder you put filthy thirdworlders ahead of REAL American''s what you're suppose to do.
Have you ever heard a drug addict say we should be tougher in the war on drugs? Of course not....Every hear a filthy beaner stand against other filthy beaners from robbing REAL Americans...OF COUSE NOT!
I don't know......someone who cannot spell a simple American English word such as "course"....English might be their second language....having come here illegally from some place else..................:eusa_whistle:

AWESOME...thanks bud...I've been looking for a new literacy BITCH to follow me around and make my corrections. All aboard my nutsack...thanks again!
It's not as if that is a difficult word in English......just sayin'
Make no mistake about it...thats what's got Democrats and Liberals paranoid...the Hussein administration and Liberal media has sold Hispanics as amazing, positive contributing human beings..."real pillars in their communities".....which is completely misleading to the American citizens who don't know any better.
REAL Americans in Loon York, Mexifornia, Texas and Arizona are aware of the truth but Middle America has no clue...they only know what Liberal media and Hollyweird tells them.
I can remember when only 20% of our population here in Mexifornia was Hispanic...they blended in and well and we thought they were awesome....traffic wasn't horrible, jobs were easy to come by, emergency rooms weren't packed full, streets in poor neighborhoods weren't littered with trash and stray animals, public schools were still teaching academics, American kids were able to get college grants and courses they needed...No one really felt like Hispanics we're invading and taking from REAL Americans.....HOLY SHIT HAS THAT ALL CHANGED. Good luck Middle America....the infestation is headed your way.

The only infestation is white supremacists like you. Hispanics are no better or no worse than any other groups. Take your hatred and go somewhere else. We don't need you.

Who's gonna pay for your Bud Lights, Tapatio, LA Ddodger gear and pit bulls? Keep this shit up bud and I'm canceling your EBT card and section 8 subsidy.

Why don't you shut up you piece of shit. You don't know a thing about me yet you try to stereotype people who stand up to your bigotry. You are not a American. You are a traitor to this country. You are the one who is degrading the country.'ve made where you stand crystal're as un-American as it gets...I'm 100% positive you're a barely legal anchor baby wonder you put filthy thirdworlders ahead of REAL American''s what you're suppose to do.
Have you ever heard a drug addict say we should be tougher in the war on drugs? Of course not....Every hear a filthy beaner stand against other filthy beaners from robbing REAL Americans...OF COUSE NOT!

You are a filthy little racist pig. You are in-American. People like you have discriminated against groups coming to this country for centuries. You are not a REAL AMERICAN. It is people like you that need to be removed from this country.

Spoken like a true Liberal Democrat...that's exactly what they're trying to people like me out that pay more in taxes per year than you'll earn in your next five and replace me with 100 illegal beaners to suckle on the taxpayer tit. Venezuela won't have shit on Mexifornia in the near future.

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