The GOP is exposing the nation to Hispanic caused degradation.

I do criticize the Japanese and the Chinese, among others, for being insanely xenophobic. They get away with it because they aren't white, but ...

Anyway, it's because I'm a pragmatist. I don't see being white as anything special. I don't see being American as being synonymous with white. I don't even see being English or French as synonymous with being white. Now, if non-whites started turning around and persecuting white people for THEIR skin color, then that would be different, and there are some scenarios where that's plausible. But I try to look at a person's abilities first, and what's in their minds and hearts. Skin color is like no. 27 on my list of important things about a person, and that's only because, unfortunately, we've turned skin color into a cultural phenomenon.

How many swedish girls need to be brutally raped, how many french people run over with trucks, how many british pop music fans blown up until you realize the error of your ways?

You're talking about Islam now, which is a totally different subject than race.

Mexican cartels are even worse than ISIS. Google cartel execution if you don't believe me. Dissolved screaming in acid, living people spit roasted. Babies and pets tortured and mutilated.

These cartels exist because of American demand for drugs. The fact that the cartels exist is our fault. If there was no demand for drugs, there would be nothing to fight for.
Make no mistake about it...thats what's got Democrats and Liberals paranoid...the Hussein administration and Liberal media has sold Hispanics as amazing, positive contributing human beings..."real pillars in their communities".....which is completely misleading to the American citizens who don't know any better.
REAL Americans in Loon York, Mexifornia, Texas and Arizona are aware of the truth but Middle America has no clue...they only know what Liberal media and Hollyweird tells them.
I can remember when only 20% of our population here in Mexifornia was Hispanic...they blended in and well and we thought they were awesome....traffic wasn't horrible, jobs were easy to come by, emergency rooms weren't packed full, streets in poor neighborhoods weren't littered with trash and stray animals, public schools were still teaching academics, American kids were able to get college grants and courses they needed...No one really felt like Hispanics we're invading and taking from REAL Americans.....HOLY SHIT HAS THAT ALL CHANGED. Good luck Middle America....the infestation is headed your way.

The only infestation is white supremacists like you. Hispanics are no better or no worse than any other groups. Take your hatred and go somewhere else. We don't need you.

Who's gonna pay for your Bud Lights, Tapatio, LA Ddodger gear and pit bulls? Keep this shit up bud and I'm canceling your EBT card and section 8 subsidy.
I've been deployed to about a dozen 3rd world countries......and it's obvious why they're 3rd world countries and their people want to move to America.

Which is why we look at what people from those countries have to offer. Are they intelligent? Do they have special, rare skills? Are they truly invested in getting away from their fleabag, shithole country to start a better life in America? Then by all means, welcome aboard.

Just looking at them and assuming they're worthless because they're black, or whatever other random skin color or nationality, is retarded.
The problem is these people are just doing what they do in their home countries.
They break into this country, don't learn our language because Democrats want them to stay uneducated, and they become a permanent underclass used to drive down wages.
Then Democrats claim that raising the MW is a great thing and shows they care about them.
They don't care about them.
They just want their votes.
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Maybe we should just deport the under-educated rednecks instead. Illegals will do their jobs for a third of the price, and we won't have to listen to their bitching and moaning anymore. Economics.

Do you have a link to the percentages of "undereducated rednecks" per capita?
I have one for "UNEDUCATED" filthy beaners per capita....need me to post it?
Fuck it...let's go pluck the Zulu's from the jungles of Africa...they'll work their asses off for a couple packs of Top Ramen...You like slave labor...right?
Go big or go home pussy!

Woah, mad as fuck.

I was joking. But seriously, y'all act like you're somehow more deserving than the Mexicans because ... what? You're white? You were born here?

I'm all about border security. I only want the best in this country, for the most part. But you guys aren't talking about making the country better. Otherwise you'd be interested in an immigration system that rewards merit. And from what I understand, a lot of the dreamers do have merit. More than you or I. And they're illegal, technically. And they're American, in so much that they are steeped in the culture and see themselves as such. So why are you any more deserving of being here than they are?

Simply because you were born here. But you don't really care about America, otherwise you'd be looking for ways to legalize the ones who are worth a damn.

View attachment 149506
I cannot help but wonder what Europe would have looked like if either Asians or Africans had kidnapped their best and brightest for several centuries, loaded them onto boats and sailed them across the ocean....throwing around 50% of them overboard along the way and forcing the survivors into chattle slavery, forcing them to give up their names, their religion, their culture. I wonder what Europe would look like after a 3-4 centuries of that.

Oh....and then, after that, the Asians or Africans come in...declare parts of Europe as their own colonies and force the natives to extract as much of the natural resources as possible to be shipped back to Asia and/or Africa......
. Kidnapped ? I thought the world's nations paid good money for the slaves ? Now who was it in Africa that kidnapped the people there, and sold them to the world ? Wasn't it the Africans themselves ?
You know a lot of the Mexicans in the southwest live there because their ancestors lived there before the United States took that land from Mexico, right? They're not just a bunch of border hoppers. They just live in the same area they always have.

Aww...poor you. You know nothing about American history. This is your lucky day...I love to enlighten the confused and ignorant. The British conquered this land, those were the times...that's what badass armies did...consequently a little document called the US Constitution was written
which banned third world filth from entering the US illegally. TA-DA!
What else can I teach you?

p.s.- You should be thankful that white men conquered and built this country...imagine if Mexicans would have...would you want to live here? Have you been to that filthy shithole Mexico lately? You certainly wouldn't be getting all that free shit you get now...right?
Can you show us the part of the U.S. Constitution which "banned third world filth from entering the US illegally"? I have my pocket copy here and I'm not finding it.

The US Constitution provides the foundation and is catalyst to our federal laws. You wouldn't understand..this is elementary shit for REAL Americans though. Ask an AMERICAN third grader to explain it to you.

The Constitution says nothing about illegals one way or the other. You are not a REAL AMERICAN. You want to use the Constitution to support your hate. You are un-American.
The Constitution says nothing about illegals one way or the other. You are not a REAL AMERICAN. You want to use the Constitution to support your hate. You are un-American.
Maybe we should just deport the under-educated rednecks instead. Illegals will do their jobs for a third of the price, and we won't have to listen to their bitching and moaning anymore. Economics.

Do you have a link to the percentages of "undereducated rednecks" per capita?
I have one for "UNEDUCATED" filthy beaners per capita....need me to post it?
Fuck it...let's go pluck the Zulu's from the jungles of Africa...they'll work their asses off for a couple packs of Top Ramen...You like slave labor...right?
Go big or go home pussy!

Woah, mad as fuck.

I was joking. But seriously, y'all act like you're somehow more deserving than the Mexicans because ... what? You're white? You were born here?

I'm all about border security. I only want the best in this country, for the most part. But you guys aren't talking about making the country better. Otherwise you'd be interested in an immigration system that rewards merit. And from what I understand, a lot of the dreamers do have merit. More than you or I. And they're illegal, technically. And they're American, in so much that they are steeped in the culture and see themselves as such. So why are you any more deserving of being here than they are?

Simply because you were born here. But you don't really care about America, otherwise you'd be looking for ways to legalize the ones who are worth a damn.

View attachment 149506
I cannot help but wonder what Europe would have looked like if either Asians or Africans had kidnapped their best and brightest for several centuries, loaded them onto boats and sailed them across the ocean....throwing around 50% of them overboard along the way and forcing the survivors into chattle slavery, forcing them to give up their names, their religion, their culture. I wonder what Europe would look like after a 3-4 centuries of that.

Oh....and then, after that, the Asians or Africans come in...declare parts of Europe as their own colonies and force the natives to extract as much of the natural resources as possible to be shipped back to Asia and/or Africa......
Most of the slaves that came to America were either prisoners from Europe sent to the Americas as punishment or part of the Muslim purge that took place hundreds of years ago. Many Islamic countries still allow a form of slavery. Slavery is a staple of Islam.
Last edited:
Woah, mad as fuck.

I was joking. But seriously, y'all act like you're somehow more deserving than the Mexicans because ... what? You're white? You were born here?

I'm all about border security. I only want the best in this country, for the most part. But you guys aren't talking about making the country better. Otherwise you'd be interested in an immigration system that rewards merit. And from what I understand, a lot of the dreamers do have merit. More than you or I. And they're illegal, technically. And they're American, in so much that they are steeped in the culture and see themselves as such. So why are you any more deserving of being here than they are?

Simply because you were born here. But you don't really care about America, otherwise you'd be looking for ways to legalize the ones who are worth a damn.

View attachment 149506
I cannot help but wonder what Europe would have looked like if either Asians or Africans had kidnapped their best and brightest for several centuries, loaded them onto boats and sailed them across the ocean....throwing around 50% of them overboard along the way and forcing the survivors into chattle slavery, forcing them to give up their names, their religion, their culture. I wonder what Europe would look like after a 3-4 centuries of that.

Oh....and then, after that, the Asians or Africans come in...declare parts of Europe as their own colonies and force the natives to extract as much of the natural resources as possible to be shipped back to Asia and/or Africa......

I could tell you exactly what "it would look like" if Africans lead such a fight.
Think genetically embedded low iQ....and there you have it. Thank God they didn't huh?
. This post shows racist views on your part.

Oh the taboo of never talking about the reality of IQ.
. So you think a person's IQ can never change ?? Wrong... I have met people of all colors that were born smart, and the education system just enhanced their smarts. I know plenty of people way smarter than me, and they are of all colors. I have learned from different people endless things in life.
Do you have a link to the percentages of "undereducated rednecks" per capita?
I have one for "UNEDUCATED" filthy beaners per capita....need me to post it?
Fuck it...let's go pluck the Zulu's from the jungles of Africa...they'll work their asses off for a couple packs of Top Ramen...You like slave labor...right?
Go big or go home pussy!

Woah, mad as fuck.

I was joking. But seriously, y'all act like you're somehow more deserving than the Mexicans because ... what? You're white? You were born here?

I'm all about border security. I only want the best in this country, for the most part. But you guys aren't talking about making the country better. Otherwise you'd be interested in an immigration system that rewards merit. And from what I understand, a lot of the dreamers do have merit. More than you or I. And they're illegal, technically. And they're American, in so much that they are steeped in the culture and see themselves as such. So why are you any more deserving of being here than they are?

Simply because you were born here. But you don't really care about America, otherwise you'd be looking for ways to legalize the ones who are worth a damn.

View attachment 149506
I cannot help but wonder what Europe would have looked like if either Asians or Africans had kidnapped their best and brightest for several centuries, loaded them onto boats and sailed them across the ocean....throwing around 50% of them overboard along the way and forcing the survivors into chattle slavery, forcing them to give up their names, their religion, their culture. I wonder what Europe would look like after a 3-4 centuries of that.

Oh....and then, after that, the Asians or Africans come in...declare parts of Europe as their own colonies and force the natives to extract as much of the natural resources as possible to be shipped back to Asia and/or Africa......
Well it is pretty fucking obvious that the nations that conquered with the Islamist ideologies are human right shitholes so that must be who you are referring to.
There's an interesting lecture by Neil deGrasse Tyson called "Naming Rights" that talks about the Golden Age of Islam before the con-servative fundies took over.

Shows how con-servative fundies can destroy a civilization. They did it to Rome to and the Rennaisance too.
. So are you for revolution in America, and is it that you want Islamist to infiltrate, conquer, and someday rule America ?? Are you a racist also ?
I do criticize the Japanese and the Chinese, among others, for being insanely xenophobic. They get away with it because they aren't white, but ...

Anyway, it's because I'm a pragmatist. I don't see being white as anything special. I don't see being American as being synonymous with white. I don't even see being English or French as synonymous with being white. Now, if non-whites started turning around and persecuting white people for THEIR skin color, then that would be different, and there are some scenarios where that's plausible. But I try to look at a person's abilities first, and what's in their minds and hearts. Skin color is like no. 27 on my list of important things about a person, and that's only because, unfortunately, we've turned skin color into a cultural phenomenon.

How many swedish girls need to be brutally raped, how many french people run over with trucks, how many british pop music fans blown up until you realize the error of your ways?

You're talking about Islam now, which is a totally different subject than race.

Mexican cartels are even worse than ISIS. Google cartel execution if you don't believe me. Dissolved screaming in acid, living people spit roasted. Babies and pets tortured and mutilated.

These cartels exist because of American demand for drugs. The fact that the cartels exist is our fault. If there was no demand for drugs, there would be nothing to fight for.
. Blame America, blame America, blah, blah, blah. Ok, how about this - If it weren't for the policies of the Demon-crats and the greed of the Repugnacrats aiding and abetting the illegal invasion to undermine the average lower middle class workforce in this country, then the outcasted Americans wouldn't be looking for drugs, porn, and every other kind of I'll societies can produce to try and kill their pain. Bad things have always built up around a failed or failing society. What we are seeing is the falling of an American culture and society. Forces in neighboring countries or states are lining up to take advantage of the failures.
I cannot help but wonder what Europe would have looked like if either Asians or Africans had kidnapped their best and brightest for several centuries, loaded them onto boats and sailed them across the ocean....throwing around 50% of them overboard along the way and forcing the survivors into chattle slavery, forcing them to give up their names, their religion, their culture. I wonder what Europe would look like after a 3-4 centuries of that.

Oh....and then, after that, the Asians or Africans come in...declare parts of Europe as their own colonies and force the natives to extract as much of the natural resources as possible to be shipped back to Asia and/or Africa......
Well it is pretty fucking obvious that the nations that conquered with the Islamist ideologies are human right shitholes so that must be who you are referring to.
There's an interesting lecture by Neil deGrasse Tyson called "Naming Rights" that talks about the Golden Age of Islam before the con-servative fundies took over.

Shows how con-servative fundies can destroy a civilization. They did it to Rome to and the Rennaisance too.

Mohammed was the original 'con-servative fundie' in're barking up the wrong tree.....

Yes he was....did you watch the video? Islam, just like christianity, goes thru times of insane fundamentalism.....we may very well be seeing that right now.

Islam is not anything like is not a religion that promotes good but more a political ideology founded by a murderer and rapist....

There is no science in Islam to speak of......during the "Golden Age of Islam" they stole from the European Christians.....Islam is responsible for very little in the way of accomplishments...

There has been no reformation of Islam, therefore the fundamentalism remains all the's insane yesterday, today, and tomorrow....
You know a lot of the Mexicans in the southwest live there because their ancestors lived there before the United States took that land from Mexico, right? They're not just a bunch of border hoppers. They just live in the same area they always have.

Aww...poor you. You know nothing about American history. This is your lucky day...I love to enlighten the confused and ignorant. The British conquered this land, those were the times...that's what badass armies did...consequently a little document called the US Constitution was written
which banned third world filth from entering the US illegally. TA-DA!
What else can I teach you?

p.s.- You should be thankful that white men conquered and built this country...imagine if Mexicans would have...would you want to live here? Have you been to that filthy shithole Mexico lately? You certainly wouldn't be getting all that free shit you get now...right?
Can you show us the part of the U.S. Constitution which "banned third world filth from entering the US illegally"? I have my pocket copy here and I'm not finding it.

The US Constitution provides the foundation and is catalyst to our federal laws. You wouldn't understand..this is elementary shit for REAL Americans though. Ask an AMERICAN third grader to explain it to you.
But you see....that's NOT what you are your own words:

consequently a little document called the US Constitution was written
which banned
third world filth from entering the US illegally.

Semantics...your favorite game.
We can't always hold your hand and connect the dots for you bud.
To be understand now that our federal laws originate within the US Constitution...right?
Did anyone every tell you that words have meanings? I'm still waiting for you to show where the U.S. Constitution says anything like you claimed it said: "banned third world filth from entering the US illegally". In fact, the whole idea of birth citizenship isn't even addressed until the 14th Amendment...almost 100 years after our country became the United States.
I cannot help but wonder what Europe would have looked like if either Asians or Africans had kidnapped their best and brightest for several centuries, loaded them onto boats and sailed them across the ocean....throwing around 50% of them overboard along the way and forcing the survivors into chattle slavery, forcing them to give up their names, their religion, their culture. I wonder what Europe would look like after a 3-4 centuries of that.

Oh....and then, after that, the Asians or Africans come in...declare parts of Europe as their own colonies and force the natives to extract as much of the natural resources as possible to be shipped back to Asia and/or Africa......
Well it is pretty fucking obvious that the nations that conquered with the Islamist ideologies are human right shitholes so that must be who you are referring to.
There's an interesting lecture by Neil deGrasse Tyson called "Naming Rights" that talks about the Golden Age of Islam before the con-servative fundies took over.

Shows how con-servative fundies can destroy a civilization. They did it to Rome to and the Rennaisance too.

Mohammed was the original 'con-servative fundie' in're barking up the wrong tree.....

Yes he was....did you watch the video? Islam, just like christianity, goes thru times of insane fundamentalism.....we may very well be seeing that right now.

Islam is not anything like is not a religion that promotes good but more a political ideology founded by a murderer and rapist....

There is no science in Islam to speak of......during the "Golden Age of Islam" they stole from the European Christians.....Islam is responsible for very little in the way of accomplishments...

There has been no reformation of Islam, therefore the fundamentalism remains all the's insane yesterday, today, and tomorrow....

They are both patriarchal religions...and while christianity worships Jesus, it's really a creation of Paul.....the biblical version of L. Ron Hubbard.....while Mohammed is the Arabian version of L. Ron Hubbard.
Well it is pretty fucking obvious that the nations that conquered with the Islamist ideologies are human right shitholes so that must be who you are referring to.
There's an interesting lecture by Neil deGrasse Tyson called "Naming Rights" that talks about the Golden Age of Islam before the con-servative fundies took over.

Shows how con-servative fundies can destroy a civilization. They did it to Rome to and the Rennaisance too.

Mohammed was the original 'con-servative fundie' in're barking up the wrong tree.....

Yes he was....did you watch the video? Islam, just like christianity, goes thru times of insane fundamentalism.....we may very well be seeing that right now.

Islam is not anything like is not a religion that promotes good but more a political ideology founded by a murderer and rapist....

There is no science in Islam to speak of......during the "Golden Age of Islam" they stole from the European Christians.....Islam is responsible for very little in the way of accomplishments...

There has been no reformation of Islam, therefore the fundamentalism remains all the's insane yesterday, today, and tomorrow....

They are both patriarchal religions...and while christianity worships Jesus, it's really a creation of Paul.....the biblical version of L. Ron Hubbard.....while Mohammed is the Arabian version of L. Ron Hubbard.

I hate Christianity because it is 'patriarchal' go back to your pagan goddesses.....many of them are just as insane as Islam...
Maybe we should just deport the under-educated rednecks instead. Illegals will do their jobs for a third of the price, and we won't have to listen to their bitching and moaning anymore. Economics.

Do you have a link to the percentages of "undereducated rednecks" per capita?
I have one for "UNEDUCATED" filthy beaners per capita....need me to post it?
Fuck it...let's go pluck the Zulu's from the jungles of Africa...they'll work their asses off for a couple packs of Top Ramen...You like slave labor...right?
Go big or go home pussy!

Woah, mad as fuck.

I was joking. But seriously, y'all act like you're somehow more deserving than the Mexicans because ... what? You're white? You were born here?

I'm all about border security. I only want the best in this country, for the most part. But you guys aren't talking about making the country better. Otherwise you'd be interested in an immigration system that rewards merit. And from what I understand, a lot of the dreamers do have merit. More than you or I. And they're illegal, technically. And they're American, in so much that they are steeped in the culture and see themselves as such. So why are you any more deserving of being here than they are?

Simply because you were born here. But you don't really care about America, otherwise you'd be looking for ways to legalize the ones who are worth a damn.

View attachment 149506
I cannot help but wonder what Europe would have looked like if either Asians or Africans had kidnapped their best and brightest for several centuries, loaded them onto boats and sailed them across the ocean....throwing around 50% of them overboard along the way and forcing the survivors into chattle slavery, forcing them to give up their names, their religion, their culture. I wonder what Europe would look like after a 3-4 centuries of that.

Oh....and then, after that, the Asians or Africans come in...declare parts of Europe as their own colonies and force the natives to extract as much of the natural resources as possible to be shipped back to Asia and/or Africa......
. Kidnapped ? I thought the world's nations paid good money for the slaves ? Now who was it in Africa that kidnapped the people there, and sold them to the world ? Wasn't it the Africans themselves ?
You think if there was a market for it, Europeans wouldn't have kidnapped each other to sell to the Asians/Africans in my scenerio?
There's an interesting lecture by Neil deGrasse Tyson called "Naming Rights" that talks about the Golden Age of Islam before the con-servative fundies took over.

Shows how con-servative fundies can destroy a civilization. They did it to Rome to and the Rennaisance too.

Mohammed was the original 'con-servative fundie' in're barking up the wrong tree.....

Yes he was....did you watch the video? Islam, just like christianity, goes thru times of insane fundamentalism.....we may very well be seeing that right now.

Islam is not anything like is not a religion that promotes good but more a political ideology founded by a murderer and rapist....

There is no science in Islam to speak of......during the "Golden Age of Islam" they stole from the European Christians.....Islam is responsible for very little in the way of accomplishments...

There has been no reformation of Islam, therefore the fundamentalism remains all the's insane yesterday, today, and tomorrow....

They are both patriarchal religions...and while christianity worships Jesus, it's really a creation of Paul.....the biblical version of L. Ron Hubbard.....while Mohammed is the Arabian version of L. Ron Hubbard.

I hate Christianity because it is 'patriarchal' go back to your pagan goddesses.....many of them are just as insane as Islam...

I don't hate religion. It's a thing. It's what people use religion as an excuse to do that I hate. And in patriarchal religions, men use it a LOT as an excuse to do horrible things to others...especially women and children.
Mohammed was the original 'con-servative fundie' in're barking up the wrong tree.....
Yes he was....did you watch the video? Islam, just like christianity, goes thru times of insane fundamentalism.....we may very well be seeing that right now.
Islam is not anything like is not a religion that promotes good but more a political ideology founded by a murderer and rapist....

There is no science in Islam to speak of......during the "Golden Age of Islam" they stole from the European Christians.....Islam is responsible for very little in the way of accomplishments...

There has been no reformation of Islam, therefore the fundamentalism remains all the's insane yesterday, today, and tomorrow....
They are both patriarchal religions...and while christianity worships Jesus, it's really a creation of Paul.....the biblical version of L. Ron Hubbard.....while Mohammed is the Arabian version of L. Ron Hubbard.
I hate Christianity because it is 'patriarchal' go back to your pagan goddesses.....many of them are just as insane as Islam...
I don't hate religion. It's a thing. It's what people use religion as an excuse to do that I hate. And in patriarchal religions, men use it a LOT as an excuse to do horrible things to others...especially women and children.
People use many things as an excuse to do bad things....the sooner you realize that the better....however the religion of Christianity promotes and protects women and children whereas Islam treats them horribly....
Do you have a link to the percentages of "undereducated rednecks" per capita?
I have one for "UNEDUCATED" filthy beaners per capita....need me to post it?
Fuck it...let's go pluck the Zulu's from the jungles of Africa...they'll work their asses off for a couple packs of Top Ramen...You like slave labor...right?
Go big or go home pussy!

Woah, mad as fuck.

I was joking. But seriously, y'all act like you're somehow more deserving than the Mexicans because ... what? You're white? You were born here?

I'm all about border security. I only want the best in this country, for the most part. But you guys aren't talking about making the country better. Otherwise you'd be interested in an immigration system that rewards merit. And from what I understand, a lot of the dreamers do have merit. More than you or I. And they're illegal, technically. And they're American, in so much that they are steeped in the culture and see themselves as such. So why are you any more deserving of being here than they are?

Simply because you were born here. But you don't really care about America, otherwise you'd be looking for ways to legalize the ones who are worth a damn.

View attachment 149506
I cannot help but wonder what Europe would have looked like if either Asians or Africans had kidnapped their best and brightest for several centuries, loaded them onto boats and sailed them across the ocean....throwing around 50% of them overboard along the way and forcing the survivors into chattle slavery, forcing them to give up their names, their religion, their culture. I wonder what Europe would look like after a 3-4 centuries of that.

Oh....and then, after that, the Asians or Africans come in...declare parts of Europe as their own colonies and force the natives to extract as much of the natural resources as possible to be shipped back to Asia and/or Africa......
. Kidnapped ? I thought the world's nations paid good money for the slaves ? Now who was it in Africa that kidnapped the people there, and sold them to the world ? Wasn't it the Africans themselves ?
You think if there was a market for it, Europeans wouldn't have kidnapped each other to sell to the Asians/Africans in my scenerio?
. Who knows, but if it makes you feel better about it.. OK.
Make no mistake about it...thats what's got Democrats and Liberals paranoid...the Hussein administration and Liberal media has sold Hispanics as amazing, positive contributing human beings..."real pillars in their communities".....which is completely misleading to the American citizens who don't know any better.
REAL Americans in Loon York, Mexifornia, Texas and Arizona are aware of the truth but Middle America has no clue...they only know what Liberal media and Hollyweird tells them.
I can remember when only 20% of our population here in Mexifornia was Hispanic...they blended in and well and we thought they were awesome....traffic wasn't horrible, jobs were easy to come by, emergency rooms weren't packed full, streets in poor neighborhoods weren't littered with trash and stray animals, public schools were still teaching academics, American kids were able to get college grants and courses they needed...No one really felt like Hispanics we're invading and taking from REAL Americans.....HOLY SHIT HAS THAT ALL CHANGED. Good luck Middle America....the infestation is headed your way.
Wow, which family is the one I would rather be part of?

This one?


Or this one?
Make no mistake about it...thats what's got Democrats and Liberals paranoid...the Hussein administration and Liberal media has sold Hispanics as amazing, positive contributing human beings..."real pillars in their communities".....which is completely misleading to the American citizens who don't know any better.
REAL Americans in Loon York, Mexifornia, Texas and Arizona are aware of the truth but Middle America has no clue...they only know what Liberal media and Hollyweird tells them.
I can remember when only 20% of our population here in Mexifornia was Hispanic...they blended in and well and we thought they were awesome....traffic wasn't horrible, jobs were easy to come by, emergency rooms weren't packed full, streets in poor neighborhoods weren't littered with trash and stray animals, public schools were still teaching academics, American kids were able to get college grants and courses they needed...No one really felt like Hispanics we're invading and taking from REAL Americans.....HOLY SHIT HAS THAT ALL CHANGED. Good luck Middle America....the infestation is headed your way.
Wow, which family is the one I would rather be part of?

This one?


Or this one?
. The family below use to look like the family above until NAFTA, and the illegal invasion came along, and the jobs became outsourced or cheap labor jobs became the norm. Rebellion is sometimes hell to look at.

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