The GOP is losing an opportunity to get out in front of the police violence issue.

Seymour Flops

Diamond Member
Nov 25, 2021
For once in their lives, Democrats have a police issue in which the cannot play the race card. But they have no answer to police misconduct and violence that isn't about race.

But the GOP has the answer and has had all along. The answer to violent crime is to enforce the law and lock violent criminals up for long stretches, preferably until they are dead or too old to hurt anyone. The GOP needs to get out front and say that they fully expect that to be applied to police equally, if not more so.

If it is capital murder to kill a police officer on duty - and it should be - it should also be capital murder for a police officer to kill a civilian under color of law for any other reaon but self-defense. Self-defense not to be defined as "I couldn't see his hand so he might have had a gun."

Bad policing needs to be stopped by strong state-level investigators dedicated to finding police who break the law and violate people's rights while on duty. Every state should have such an investigative organization, its agents drawn from the best officers with the cleanest records in local police departments.

Federal involvement? Sure. Just print some of that money and give it to those state agencies so they can hire enough agents and prosecutors to make police be less willing to beat suspects and expect the thin blue line to protect them.
For once in their lives, Democrats have a police issue in which the cannot play the race card. But they have no answer to police misconduct and violence that isn't about race.

But the GOP has the answer and has had all along. The answer to violent crime is to enforce the law and lock violent criminals up for long stretches, preferably until they are dead or too old to hurt anyone. The GOP needs to get out front and say that they fully expect that to be applied to police equally, if not more so.

If it is capital murder to kill a police officer on duty - and it should be - it should also be capital murder for a police officer to kill a civilian under color of law for any other reaon but self-defense. Self-defense not to be defined as "I couldn't see his hand so he might have had a gun."

It's not SOP to shoot a suspect just because you can't see his hands. Suspects get shot when they are told to show their hands and but refuse to do so and then make a sudden movement.
It's not SOP to shoot a suspect just because you can't see his hands. Suspects get shot when they are told to show their hands and but refuse to do so and then make a sudden movement.
That isn't self-defense, that is getting scared and shooting before you should. "Making a sudden movement" isn't a crime warranting summary execution. See the gun, then shoot. If you're too afraid to follow that simple protocol, don't be a cop.

That cop that shot the guy he was screaming at and making crawl on the floor toward him was let off because the court ruled that it was indeed SOP to shoot a suspect that reaches back to pull up his shorts with both hands in plain view of the officer at all times.

He was being investigated because he was an exterminator who used a pellet gun on birds and someone saw that perfectly legal weapon in his hotel room. His widow got an 8 million dollar settlement, not that it brought back this hard-working husband and father.

Please don't worry about the officer. He was fired, but not for the killing. The department argued that shooting an unarmed man in the back was their policy and that he had been trained to do so.

He was fired because he had written "You're Fucked" on his police weapon. Classy guy. The city must really have like him in spite of all the money his fear-driven action cost them. They hired him back so he could live off the taxpayer dime forever. Wonder which will cost the city more, the settlement or a lifetime of payments to this guy so he doesn't have to work.

Philip Mitchell Brailsford, 28, is now retired from the force with a tax-free pension worth $31,000 a year for life — and his attorney confirmed Friday that the settlement was a result of him suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder due to the shooting involving Daniel Shaver of Texas.

He's twenty-eight. No reason to believe that he won't live until 78. 50 years times 31K is 1.55 Million. So the settlement was much more expensive, but the taxpayers will bear all of it, not the police force that created the conditions for it to happen.

Post-traumatic stress disorder due to shooting an unarmed man in the back. If anyone supports that, they should never accuse anyone else of being soft on crime.
It’s interesting that Democrats sleep well at night every weekend on the double-digit shootings in the inner cities on Blacks yet lose their shit on the statistically rare instance of a white cop shooting a black suspect. You are being played.
Yes, that is a failing of the Democrats and their incredibly corrupt and racist party.

That doesn't change the fact that police who commit murder should be prosecuted and not let off because of their identity. Doing that is no better than a prosecutor who decides not to prosecute murderers who are Black because of historical racism.

Murder by a police officer is murder, regardless of how statistically rare.
It’s interesting that Democrats sleep well at night every weekend on the double-digit shootings in the inner cities on Blacks yet lose their shit on the statistically rare instance of a white cop shooting a black suspect. You are being played.
I'll play along...

What should these Democrats be doing?
How in the world can republicans deal with a democrat regime that hired thugs to police their streets?
Nope. Just pointing out lack of consistency and selective outrage.
When you are a principled person, it doesn't matter what some other people are doing, you stand by your principles and remain consistent.

You're basing your answer on what some other group is doing.

Not good.
For once in their lives, Democrats have a police issue in which the cannot play the race card. But they have no answer to police misconduct and violence that isn't about race.

But the GOP has the answer and has had all along. The answer to violent crime is to enforce the law and lock violent criminals up for long stretches, preferably until they are dead or too old to hurt anyone. The GOP needs to get out front and say that they fully expect that to be applied to police equally, if not more so.

If it is capital murder to kill a police officer on duty - and it should be - it should also be capital murder for a police officer to kill a civilian under color of law for any other reaon but self-defense. Self-defense not to be defined as "I couldn't see his hand so he might have had a gun."

Bad policing needs to be stopped by strong state-level investigators dedicated to finding police who break the law and violate people's rights while on duty. Every state should have such an investigative organization, its agents drawn from the best officers with the cleanest records in local police departments.

Federal involvement? Sure. Just print some of that money and give it to those state agencies so they can hire enough agents and prosecutors to make police be less willing to beat suspects and expect the thin blue line to protect them.

Brilliant. Since the Ferguson incident police recruitment rate has been dropping, and now there is a shortage of police officers coast to coast. So let's think of more reasons for seasoned officers to leave the force and make it harder finding replacements. What will our children and grandchildren do living in a society with no police officers?

I live in a small Cleveland suburb that has about 5 police officers per shift. They are looking for more but nobody is applying. Three officers quit just two weeks ago. We'll be lucky to find any replacements.
That isn't self-defense, that is getting scared and shooting before you should. "Making a sudden movement" isn't a crime warranting summary execution. See the gun, then shoot. If you're too afraid to follow that simple protocol, don't be a cop.

It isn't a crime to shoot them either. As a CCW holder in my state, our law reads "A CCW holder can use deadly force if they have reason to believe they (or others) are in jeopardy of serious bodily harm or death." Police have the same standards as us citizens. There is no law that states a citizen or police officer must be confronted with a deadly weapon before they are allowed to use theirs. Our laws mirror most other states in the country.

By the time a police officer sees a gun in a dark alley, it may be too late to shoot the suspect. Who wants a job like that? Apparently a lot of people don't. Not that long ago being a police officer was the most sought after job in the country.
Brilliant. Since the Ferguson incident police recruitment rate has been dropping, and now there is a shortage of police officers coast to coast. So let's think of more reasons for seasoned officers to leave the force and make it harder finding replacements. What will our children and grandchildren do living in a society with no police officers?

I live in a small Cleveland suburb that has about 5 police officers per shift. They are looking for more but nobody is applying. Three officers quit just two weeks ago. We'll be lucky to find any replacements.
I believe that if police officers are required to be professional and not shoot first and ask questions later, more people will want to be police officers, not less. The police have a reputation - deserved or not - for covering for each other be it for corruption or misconduct during interactions with civilians. Who wants to join an organization like that unless they are predisposed to cover ups?
The GoP was trying to address the issue after George Floyd in 2020, but they dems in the US Senate blocked even debating police reform, when Sen Scott brought it up…they wanted the riots to continue…maybe what happened in Memphis wouldn’t of happened had they put country before their cult
It isn't a crime to shoot them either. As a CCW holder in my state, our law reads "A CCW holder can use deadly force if they have reason to believe they (or others) are in jeopardy of serious bodily harm or death." Police have the same standards as us citizens. There is no law that states a citizen or police officer must be confronted with a deadly weapon before they are allowed to use theirs. Our laws mirror most other states in the country.

By the time a police officer sees a gun in a dark alley, it may be too late to shoot the suspect. Who wants a job like that? Apparently a lot of people don't. Not that long ago being a police officer was the most sought after job in the country.
I guarantee if a CCW holder shoots an unarmed person because he "might" have a gun, that CCW holder will be at least investigated and most likely tried. It would also be fodder for the news in their never ending quest to disarm citizens.

Police are not held to the same standards as citizens. Police have "qualified immunity" which means if they commit a crime or a tort in the course of duty and are following their protocol and training, they are not liable criminally or civily. That's how the cop that shot the crawling exterminator got away with it. "Well, yeah. I shot the unarmed guy in the back. But I was trained to do so and it's in our policy." Then his sergeants testified that yes, that is how we trained them.

Like the rest of us, a police officer is much more likely to be killed driving into work than by a guy who has no gun the police officer can see. If you can't be a cop without a license to kill unarmed people then it is you who should become an exterminator.
The GoP was trying to address the issue after George Floyd in 2020, but they dems in the US Senate blocked even debating police reform, when Sen Scott brought it up…they wanted the riots to continue…maybe what happened in Memphis wouldn’t of happened had they put country before their cult
No doubt.

You can't reform police unless reforming police is the priority.

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