The GOP would sell their Soul and First Born Child for this scandal.

The Banker

Diamond Member
Oct 24, 2017
This is a weak scandal. Clearly it is a Quid pro Quo and bad, but not that bad, especially with everything Trump has done.

Irregardless this would be the absolute dream for the Right and their scandal mongering, they would sell their soul, first born child, and well pretty much anything to catch HRC or Obama or whoever in a real deal scandal like this.

I just think it is so ironic that the party of scandal mongering and fake scandals, and pizzagate, and Seth Rich, and uranium One, is now all jammed up in this stupid scandal. Trump is such a moron for doing this he is so sloppy, all over another one of their fake scandals.

2 Major problems for Trumpy:

1) Congress approves the aid for Ukraine in February, it was supposed to be delivered that moment. In September, many months later Trump releases the aid 2 days after the Whistleblower's first complaint. That doesn't add up.
The timeline of Trump’s decision to withhold aid to Ukraine is increasingly suspicious

2) After the supposed perfect call was made why was the recording locked up in the ultra secret hiding spot reserved for real top secret material? Why is this military hero testifying that he remembers the call differently and stated to the people fabricating the transcript that they are leaving out important information? This doesn't add up. If the call was fine it wouldn't be hidden in the top secret box.
Vindman says White House omitted Trump's reference to Biden tapes in transcript of Zelensky call - CNNPolitics

Release the call.
This is a weak scandal. Clearly it is a Quid pro Quo and bad, but not that bad, especially with everything Trump has done.

Irregardless this would be the absolute dream for the Right and their scandal mongering, they would sell their soul, first born child, and well pretty much anything to catch HRC or Obama or whoever in a real deal scandal like this.

I just think it is so ironic that the party of scandal mongering and fake scandals, and pizzagate, and Seth Rich, and uranium One, is now all jammed up in this stupid scandal. Trump is such a moron for doing this he is so sloppy, all over another one of their fake scandals.

2 Major problems for Trumpy:

1) Congress approves the aid for Ukraine in February, it was supposed to be delivered that moment. In September, many months later Trump releases the aid 2 days after the Whistleblower's first complaint. That doesn't add up.
The timeline of Trump’s decision to withhold aid to Ukraine is increasingly suspicious

2) After the supposed perfect call was made why was the recording locked up in the ultra secret hiding spot reserved for real top secret material? Why is this military hero testifying that he remembers the call differently and stated to the people fabricating the transcript that they are leaving out important information? This doesn't add up. If the call was fine it wouldn't be hidden in the top secret box.
Vindman says White House omitted Trump's reference to Biden tapes in transcript of Zelensky call - CNNPolitics

Release the call.
Both parties are dirty and the witnesses look suspect. Don't look for angels or heroes, there aren't any.
This is a weak scandal. Clearly it is a Quid pro Quo and bad, but not that bad, especially with everything Trump has done.

Irregardless this would be the absolute dream for the Right and their scandal mongering, they would sell their soul, first born child, and well pretty much anything to catch HRC or Obama or whoever in a real deal scandal like this.

I just think it is so ironic that the party of scandal mongering and fake scandals, and pizzagate, and Seth Rich, and uranium One, is now all jammed up in this stupid scandal. Trump is such a moron for doing this he is so sloppy, all over another one of their fake scandals.

2 Major problems for Trumpy:

1) Congress approves the aid for Ukraine in February, it was supposed to be delivered that moment. In September, many months later Trump releases the aid 2 days after the Whistleblower's first complaint. That doesn't add up.
The timeline of Trump’s decision to withhold aid to Ukraine is increasingly suspicious

2) After the supposed perfect call was made why was the recording locked up in the ultra secret hiding spot reserved for real top secret material? Why is this military hero testifying that he remembers the call differently and stated to the people fabricating the transcript that they are leaving out important information? This doesn't add up. If the call was fine it wouldn't be hidden in the top secret box.
Vindman says White House omitted Trump's reference to Biden tapes in transcript of Zelensky call - CNNPolitics

Release the call.
Both parties are dirty and the witnesses look suspect. Don't look for angels or heroes, there aren't any.
Care to explain why they locked the call recording in the ultra secret hiding spot? And why did they withhold the aid until 2 days after the whistleblower's complaint was made??

Notta good look
This is a weak scandal. Clearly it is a Quid pro Quo and bad, but not that bad, especially with everything Trump has done.

Irregardless this would be the absolute dream for the Right and their scandal mongering, they would sell their soul, first born child, and well pretty much anything to catch HRC or Obama or whoever in a real deal scandal like this.

I just think it is so ironic that the party of scandal mongering and fake scandals, and pizzagate, and Seth Rich, and uranium One, is now all jammed up in this stupid scandal. Trump is such a moron for doing this he is so sloppy, all over another one of their fake scandals.

2 Major problems for Trumpy:

1) Congress approves the aid for Ukraine in February, it was supposed to be delivered that moment. In September, many months later Trump releases the aid 2 days after the Whistleblower's first complaint. That doesn't add up.
The timeline of Trump’s decision to withhold aid to Ukraine is increasingly suspicious

2) After the supposed perfect call was made why was the recording locked up in the ultra secret hiding spot reserved for real top secret material? Why is this military hero testifying that he remembers the call differently and stated to the people fabricating the transcript that they are leaving out important information? This doesn't add up. If the call was fine it wouldn't be hidden in the top secret box.
Vindman says White House omitted Trump's reference to Biden tapes in transcript of Zelensky call - CNNPolitics

Release the call.
Both parties are dirty and the witnesses look suspect. Don't look for angels or heroes, there aren't any.
Care to explain why they locked the call recording in the ultra secret hiding spot? And why did they withhold the aid until 2 days after the whistleblower's complaint was made??

Notta good look
No, but the call was locked due to its nature I read, and the timing was dependent on other factors-sorry, no smoking gun here.
This is a weak scandal. Clearly it is a Quid pro Quo and bad, but not that bad, especially with everything Trump has done.

Irregardless this would be the absolute dream for the Right and their scandal mongering, they would sell their soul, first born child, and well pretty much anything to catch HRC or Obama or whoever in a real deal scandal like this.

I just think it is so ironic that the party of scandal mongering and fake scandals, and pizzagate, and Seth Rich, and uranium One, is now all jammed up in this stupid scandal. Trump is such a moron for doing this he is so sloppy, all over another one of their fake scandals.

2 Major problems for Trumpy:

1) Congress approves the aid for Ukraine in February, it was supposed to be delivered that moment. In September, many months later Trump releases the aid 2 days after the Whistleblower's first complaint. That doesn't add up.
The timeline of Trump’s decision to withhold aid to Ukraine is increasingly suspicious

2) After the supposed perfect call was made why was the recording locked up in the ultra secret hiding spot reserved for real top secret material? Why is this military hero testifying that he remembers the call differently and stated to the people fabricating the transcript that they are leaving out important information? This doesn't add up. If the call was fine it wouldn't be hidden in the top secret box.
Vindman says White House omitted Trump's reference to Biden tapes in transcript of Zelensky call - CNNPolitics

Release the call.

Traditionally, officials from the US national security council (NSC) brief the president before a call with a foreign leader. Then the briefers sit in the Oval Office with the president while he speaks on the phone with the foreign leader. "At least two members of the NSC are usually present," according to USA Today.
There will also be officials sitting in a secure room in another part of the White House, listening to the president's call and taking notes. Their notes are known as a "memorandum of telephone conversation", and like many things in Washington it has an abbreviation: "memcon".
The president's calls with foreign leaders are also transcribed by computers. Afterwards, as former White House officials explain, the human note takers compare their impressions with an electronic version of the call. The notes from the officials and from the computerized transcriptions are combined into one document. This transcript may not be perfect, but it is done as carefully as time and resources allow.
Officials who work in the executive secretary's office of the US national security council decide on the level of classification for the transcript of a call, explain former White House officials.
If the transcript contains information that could put national security or lives of individuals at risk, the transcript is classified as top secret and is kept in a protected area.
As former officials explain, these transcripts are shared through a system known by an acronym, Jwics, which stands for Joint Worldwide Intelligence Communications System, a network that is used by people who work in the intelligence services.
So, in summary, there are both machine and human listeners and a composite "memcon" transcript is produced. The classification level of this memcon is either secret or top secret. It seems that any memcon that is judged to affect national security or risk US lives is classified as top secret; the rest are just secret.
During the Mueller investigation, Trump refused to be put under oath and questioned in person. He only allowed written questions which he answered at his leisure.

Now Trump is whining that the whistleblower wants the exact same thing.

It's Okay If Trump Does It!™
During the Mueller investigation, Trump refused to be put under oath and questioned in person. He only allowed written questions which he answered at his leisure.

Now Trump is whining that the whistleblower wants the exact same thing.

It's Okay If Trump Does It!™

There's a difference between not allowing yourself to be questioned when you're the defendant, and not allowing a defendant to question their accusers. Kinda blows my mind that I have to point that out.
During the Mueller investigation, Trump refused to be put under oath and questioned in person. He only allowed written questions which he answered at his leisure.

Now Trump is whining that the whistleblower wants the exact same thing.

It's Okay If Trump Does It!™

There's a difference between not allowing yourself to be questioned when you're the defendant, and not allowing a defendant to question their accusers. Kinda blows my mind that I have to point that out.
Oh? Was Trump under indictment? This is news to me!
During the Mueller investigation, Trump refused to be put under oath and questioned in person. He only allowed written questions which he answered at his leisure.

Now Trump is whining that the whistleblower wants the exact same thing.

It's Okay If Trump Does It!™

There's a difference between not allowing yourself to be questioned when you're the defendant, and not allowing a defendant to question their accusers. Kinda blows my mind that I have to point that out.
There's a difference between being the President, and being a whistleblower whose life the President has put in danger by calling him a traitor who should be shot. Kinda blows my mind that I have to point that out.
During the Mueller investigation, Trump refused to be put under oath and questioned in person. He only allowed written questions which he answered at his leisure.

Now Trump is whining that the whistleblower wants the exact same thing.

It's Okay If Trump Does It!™
Seems you’re having a little trouble figuring out the difference between accuser and accused in our legal system. The plaintiff must present their case. The defendant is under no obligation to cooperate in any way.
This is a weak scandal. Clearly it is a Quid pro Quo and bad, but not that bad, especially with everything Trump has done.

Irregardless this would be the absolute dream for the Right and their scandal mongering, they would sell their soul, first born child, and well pretty much anything to catch HRC or Obama or whoever in a real deal scandal like this.

I just think it is so ironic that the party of scandal mongering and fake scandals, and pizzagate, and Seth Rich, and uranium One, is now all jammed up in this stupid scandal. Trump is such a moron for doing this he is so sloppy, all over another one of their fake scandals.

2 Major problems for Trumpy:

1) Congress approves the aid for Ukraine in February, it was supposed to be delivered that moment. In September, many months later Trump releases the aid 2 days after the Whistleblower's first complaint. That doesn't add up.
The timeline of Trump’s decision to withhold aid to Ukraine is increasingly suspicious

2) After the supposed perfect call was made why was the recording locked up in the ultra secret hiding spot reserved for real top secret material? Why is this military hero testifying that he remembers the call differently and stated to the people fabricating the transcript that they are leaving out important information? This doesn't add up. If the call was fine it wouldn't be hidden in the top secret box.
Vindman says White House omitted Trump's reference to Biden tapes in transcript of Zelensky call - CNNPolitics

Release the call.
Obama and Hilary got away with way more than any R could. Ears should have been impeached for a half dozen things and Hill should be in prison.

If they impeach Donnie over this, they have to retroactively impeach every potus since Taft.
During the Mueller investigation, Trump refused to be put under oath and questioned in person. He only allowed written questions which he answered at his leisure.

Now Trump is whining that the whistleblower wants the exact same thing.

It's Okay If Trump Does It!™

There's a difference between not allowing yourself to be questioned when you're the defendant, and not allowing a defendant to question their accusers. Kinda blows my mind that I have to point that out.
Oh? Was Trump under indictment? This is news to me!

No, but he was the target of an investigation upon which a potential impeachment was hanging.

You may point out that there's a legal distinction between Trump's situation and an actual defendant in a trial, but when you say, "it's okay when Trump does it", you're actually making the argument that Trump's position there and the whistle blower's position here are equivalent. They are not.
This is a weak scandal. Clearly it is a Quid pro Quo and bad, but not that bad, especially with everything Trump has done.

Irregardless this would be the absolute dream for the Right and their scandal mongering, they would sell their soul, first born child, and well pretty much anything to catch HRC or Obama or whoever in a real deal scandal like this.

I just think it is so ironic that the party of scandal mongering and fake scandals, and pizzagate, and Seth Rich, and uranium One, is now all jammed up in this stupid scandal. Trump is such a moron for doing this he is so sloppy, all over another one of their fake scandals.

2 Major problems for Trumpy:

1) Congress approves the aid for Ukraine in February, it was supposed to be delivered that moment. In September, many months later Trump releases the aid 2 days after the Whistleblower's first complaint. That doesn't add up.
The timeline of Trump’s decision to withhold aid to Ukraine is increasingly suspicious

2) After the supposed perfect call was made why was the recording locked up in the ultra secret hiding spot reserved for real top secret material? Why is this military hero testifying that he remembers the call differently and stated to the people fabricating the transcript that they are leaving out important information? This doesn't add up. If the call was fine it wouldn't be hidden in the top secret box.
Vindman says White House omitted Trump's reference to Biden tapes in transcript of Zelensky call - CNNPolitics

Release the call.

Traditionally, officials from the US national security council (NSC) brief the president before a call with a foreign leader. Then the briefers sit in the Oval Office with the president while he speaks on the phone with the foreign leader. "At least two members of the NSC are usually present," according to USA Today.
There will also be officials sitting in a secure room in another part of the White House, listening to the president's call and taking notes. Their notes are known as a "memorandum of telephone conversation", and like many things in Washington it has an abbreviation: "memcon".
The president's calls with foreign leaders are also transcribed by computers. Afterwards, as former White House officials explain, the human note takers compare their impressions with an electronic version of the call. The notes from the officials and from the computerized transcriptions are combined into one document. This transcript may not be perfect, but it is done as carefully as time and resources allow.
Officials who work in the executive secretary's office of the US national security council decide on the level of classification for the transcript of a call, explain former White House officials.
If the transcript contains information that could put national security or lives of individuals at risk, the transcript is classified as top secret and is kept in a protected area.
As former officials explain, these transcripts are shared through a system known by an acronym, Jwics, which stands for Joint Worldwide Intelligence Communications System, a network that is used by people who work in the intelligence services.
So, in summary, there are both machine and human listeners and a composite "memcon" transcript is produced. The classification level of this memcon is either secret or top secret. It seems that any memcon that is judged to affect national security or risk US lives is classified as top secret; the rest are just secret.
OK and explain to us where there is anything in the "transcript" to suggest that the call discussed classified info or anything top secret??

You proved my point perfectly, this was put into the top secret hiding box so the truth would be hidden from the inevitable investigations that Trump's staff knew would follow.
This is a weak scandal. Clearly it is a Quid pro Quo and bad, but not that bad, especially with everything Trump has done.

Irregardless this would be the absolute dream for the Right and their scandal mongering, they would sell their soul, first born child, and well pretty much anything to catch HRC or Obama or whoever in a real deal scandal like this.

I just think it is so ironic that the party of scandal mongering and fake scandals, and pizzagate, and Seth Rich, and uranium One, is now all jammed up in this stupid scandal. Trump is such a moron for doing this he is so sloppy, all over another one of their fake scandals.

2 Major problems for Trumpy:

1) Congress approves the aid for Ukraine in February, it was supposed to be delivered that moment. In September, many months later Trump releases the aid 2 days after the Whistleblower's first complaint. That doesn't add up.
The timeline of Trump’s decision to withhold aid to Ukraine is increasingly suspicious

2) After the supposed perfect call was made why was the recording locked up in the ultra secret hiding spot reserved for real top secret material? Why is this military hero testifying that he remembers the call differently and stated to the people fabricating the transcript that they are leaving out important information? This doesn't add up. If the call was fine it wouldn't be hidden in the top secret box.
Vindman says White House omitted Trump's reference to Biden tapes in transcript of Zelensky call - CNNPolitics

Release the call.
Both parties are dirty and the witnesses look suspect. Don't look for angels or heroes, there aren't any.
Care to explain why they locked the call recording in the ultra secret hiding spot? And why did they withhold the aid until 2 days after the whistleblower's complaint was made??

Notta good look
No, but the call was locked due to its nature I read, and the timing was dependent on other factors-sorry, no smoking gun here.

Nice try bud, swing and miss.

Hey i got some magic beans for sale only $10k. "I read" that if you plant them in the ground you can grow a magic vine that will lead to treasure!

Care to explain to us what in that transcript, would warrant the call being ultra top secret?

Your explanations need some work.
This is a weak scandal. Clearly it is a Quid pro Quo and bad, but not that bad, especially with everything Trump has done.

Irregardless this would be the absolute dream for the Right and their scandal mongering, they would sell their soul, first born child, and well pretty much anything to catch HRC or Obama or whoever in a real deal scandal like this.

I just think it is so ironic that the party of scandal mongering and fake scandals, and pizzagate, and Seth Rich, and uranium One, is now all jammed up in this stupid scandal. Trump is such a moron for doing this he is so sloppy, all over another one of their fake scandals.

2 Major problems for Trumpy:

1) Congress approves the aid for Ukraine in February, it was supposed to be delivered that moment. In September, many months later Trump releases the aid 2 days after the Whistleblower's first complaint. That doesn't add up.
The timeline of Trump’s decision to withhold aid to Ukraine is increasingly suspicious

2) After the supposed perfect call was made why was the recording locked up in the ultra secret hiding spot reserved for real top secret material? Why is this military hero testifying that he remembers the call differently and stated to the people fabricating the transcript that they are leaving out important information? This doesn't add up. If the call was fine it wouldn't be hidden in the top secret box.
Vindman says White House omitted Trump's reference to Biden tapes in transcript of Zelensky call - CNNPolitics

Release the call.
Is there an actual tape of Trump's Ukraine call? I don't think there is.
This is a weak scandal. Clearly it is a Quid pro Quo and bad, but not that bad, especially with everything Trump has done. Neat introductory. What's he done?

Irregardless this would be the absolute dream for the Right and their scandal mongering, they would sell their soul, first born child, and well pretty much anything to catch HRC or Obama or whoever in a real deal scandal like this. You mean like Obama/Biden delaying Ukrainian aid until the prosecutor investigating Biden's son was fired?

I just think it is so ironic that the party of scandal mongering and fake scandals, and pizzagate, and Seth Rich, and uranium One, is now all jammed up in this stupid scandal. Trump is such a moron for doing this he is so sloppy, all over another one of their fake scandals. LOL

2 Major problems for Trumpy: I can't wait.

1) Congress approves the aid for Ukraine in February, it was supposed to be delivered that moment. In September, many months later Trump releases the aid 2 days after the Whistleblower's first complaint. That doesn't add up.
The timeline of Trump’s decision to withhold aid to Ukraine is increasingly suspicious. You should run for POTUS. You'll be the first to provide U.S. dollars without conditions.

2) After the supposed perfect call was made why was the recording locked up in the ultra secret hiding spot reserved for real top secret material? Why is this military hero testifying that he remembers the call differently and stated to the people fabricating the transcript that they are leaving out important information? This doesn't add up. If the call was fine it wouldn't be hidden in the top secret box. Because they're smart and understand leftists mislead on everything. You don't open the door to material during a witch-hunt. You're speculating, all while suggesting this is a major problem for Trump.

TRUMP 2020, you can count on it.
During the Mueller investigation, Trump refused to be put under oath and questioned in person. He only allowed written questions which he answered at his leisure.

Now Trump is whining that the whistleblower wants the exact same thing.

It's Okay If Trump Does It!™
Seems you’re having a little trouble figuring out the difference between accuser and accused in our legal system. The plaintiff must present their case. The defendant is under no obligation to cooperate in any way.
There's a criminal trial going on? Seems like he's not the one having a little trouble figuring out what's going on.
This is a weak scandal. Clearly it is a Quid pro Quo and bad, but not that bad, especially with everything Trump has done.

Irregardless this would be the absolute dream for the Right and their scandal mongering, they would sell their soul, first born child, and well pretty much anything to catch HRC or Obama or whoever in a real deal scandal like this.

I just think it is so ironic that the party of scandal mongering and fake scandals, and pizzagate, and Seth Rich, and uranium One, is now all jammed up in this stupid scandal. Trump is such a moron for doing this he is so sloppy, all over another one of their fake scandals.

2 Major problems for Trumpy:

1) Congress approves the aid for Ukraine in February, it was supposed to be delivered that moment. In September, many months later Trump releases the aid 2 days after the Whistleblower's first complaint. That doesn't add up.
The timeline of Trump’s decision to withhold aid to Ukraine is increasingly suspicious

2) After the supposed perfect call was made why was the recording locked up in the ultra secret hiding spot reserved for real top secret material? Why is this military hero testifying that he remembers the call differently and stated to the people fabricating the transcript that they are leaving out important information? This doesn't add up. If the call was fine it wouldn't be hidden in the top secret box.
Vindman says White House omitted Trump's reference to Biden tapes in transcript of Zelensky call - CNNPolitics

Release the call.
Is there an actual tape of Trump's Ukraine call? I don't think there is.
There is a real transcript recording whatever of the call that the WH put on it's secret server when this scandal broke. This "top secret" server is reserved for classified material or top secret material. There is nothing in the "transcript" to indicate that there was anything top secret in this call. It is highly unusual to put something like this on that server, unless you are trying to hide it from investigators.
White House admits Trump's Ukraine phone call record was moved to secret server
Sell their soul for a freaking phone call? People died during the Obama administration.
This is a weak scandal. Clearly it is a Quid pro Quo and bad, but not that bad, especially with everything Trump has done. Neat introductory. What's he done?

Irregardless this would be the absolute dream for the Right and their scandal mongering, they would sell their soul, first born child, and well pretty much anything to catch HRC or Obama or whoever in a real deal scandal like this. You mean like Obama/Biden delaying Ukrainian aid until the prosecutor investigating Biden's son was fired?

I just think it is so ironic that the party of scandal mongering and fake scandals, and pizzagate, and Seth Rich, and uranium One, is now all jammed up in this stupid scandal. Trump is such a moron for doing this he is so sloppy, all over another one of their fake scandals. LOL

2 Major problems for Trumpy: I can't wait.

1) Congress approves the aid for Ukraine in February, it was supposed to be delivered that moment. In September, many months later Trump releases the aid 2 days after the Whistleblower's first complaint. That doesn't add up.
The timeline of Trump’s decision to withhold aid to Ukraine is increasingly suspicious. You should run for POTUS. You'll be the first to provide U.S. dollars without conditions.

2) After the supposed perfect call was made why was the recording locked up in the ultra secret hiding spot reserved for real top secret material? Why is this military hero testifying that he remembers the call differently and stated to the people fabricating the transcript that they are leaving out important information? This doesn't add up. If the call was fine it wouldn't be hidden in the top secret box. Because they're smart and understand leftists mislead on everything. You don't open the door to material during a witch-hunt. You're speculating, all while suggesting this is a major problem for Trump.

TRUMP 2020, you can count on it.

So you have no valid explanation as to why the aid, which was supposed to be released in Feb, was released in September, 2 days after the whistleblowers complaint? And why they put a supposed "perfect call" with no classified or top secret info on it on the top secret server??

After all the Right's fake failed scandals, Seth Rich, Pizzagate, uranium one (and like 50 others) you would give your soul and child to have Obama or HRC caught up in a real Quid pro Quo scandal like this.

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