Natural Citizen

American Made
Aug 8, 2016
It's still thriving. Liz Cheney and company are likely looking for a Senate seat, Rand Paul and company oppose it vigorously. The Cheneys and company have pretty much killed the Tea Party. Rand's dad Ron being its father, ironically. Same trenches, different day.

Anyway. Here's a brief rundown of how it's panned out since 07, I guess. This is written by Jack Hunter, btw. A dear old friend and ally from days gone by.

The Rand Paul-Liz Cheney foreign policy feud is the latest battle in a decades-old GOP civil war
Trump should have put Buchanan in the administration since the beginning.

Pat has no love of the CFR or the establishment. And he is well respected.
It's still thriving. Liz Cheney and company are likely looking for a Senate seat, Rand Paul and company oppose it vigorously. The Cheneys and company have pretty much killed the Tea Party. Rand's dad Ron being its father, ironically. Same trenches, different day.

Anyway. Here's a brief rundown of how it's panned out since 07, I guess. This is written by Jack Hunter, btw. A dear old friend and ally from days gone by.

The Rand Paul-Liz Cheney foreign policy feud is the latest battle in a decades-old GOP civil war
No civil war. Republicans are free thinkers who don’t march in lock-step like the Democrats. When November,2020 comes it will be all :smiliehug: for GOP.
There's not much of a civil war. This is Trump's party right now. The hive is intact.

Step off the Trump reservation and talk radio will see to it that you're toast. Excommunicated.

The question is what the party will look like when he's gone, and where it goes from there. You don't replace this guy.
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It's still thriving. Liz Cheney and company are likely looking for a Senate seat, Rand Paul and company oppose it vigorously. The Cheneys and company have pretty much killed the Tea Party. Rand's dad Ron being its father, ironically. Same trenches, different day.

Anyway. Here's a brief rundown of how it's panned out since 07, I guess. This is written by Jack Hunter, btw. A dear old friend and ally from days gone by.

The Rand Paul-Liz Cheney foreign policy feud is the latest battle in a decades-old GOP civil war
There never really was a ‘tea party’ – it was nothing more than Republicans by another name whining about ‘taxes.’

Otherwise, the GOP has always been – and will forever be – the party of war and interventionism, with the likes of Paul forever outliers; it’s less civil war and more pointless insurgency by the libertarian minority.

Indeed, the Trump debacle in Syria is further proof of that – with an overwhelming majority of Republicans condemning Trump’s neo-isolationist betrayal of the Kurds.
It's still thriving. Liz Cheney and company are likely looking for a Senate seat, Rand Paul and company oppose it vigorously. The Cheneys and company have pretty much killed the Tea Party. Rand's dad Ron being its father, ironically. Same trenches, different day.

Anyway. Here's a brief rundown of how it's panned out since 07, I guess. This is written by Jack Hunter, btw. A dear old friend and ally from days gone by.

The Rand Paul-Liz Cheney foreign policy feud is the latest battle in a decades-old GOP civil war
No civil war. Republicans are free thinkers who don’t march in lock-step like the Democrats.

Now THAT is funny.

You guys totally march in lock step with whatever trump tells you.

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It's still thriving. Liz Cheney and company are likely looking for a Senate seat, Rand Paul and company oppose it vigorously. The Cheneys and company have pretty much killed the Tea Party. Rand's dad Ron being its father, ironically. Same trenches, different day.

Anyway. Here's a brief rundown of how it's panned out since 07, I guess. This is written by Jack Hunter, btw. A dear old friend and ally from days gone by.

The Rand Paul-Liz Cheney foreign policy feud is the latest battle in a decades-old GOP civil war
No civil war. Republicans are free thinkers who don’t march in lock-step like the Democrats.

Now THAT is funny.

You guys totally march in lock step with whatever trump tells you.

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Yeah... Like Gramnesty and every other Republican supporting the pullout from Syria.

Except... You lied.
It's still thriving. Liz Cheney and company are likely looking for a Senate seat, Rand Paul and company oppose it vigorously. The Cheneys and company have pretty much killed the Tea Party. Rand's dad Ron being its father, ironically. Same trenches, different day.

Anyway. Here's a brief rundown of how it's panned out since 07, I guess. This is written by Jack Hunter, btw. A dear old friend and ally from days gone by.

The Rand Paul-Liz Cheney foreign policy feud is the latest battle in a decades-old GOP civil war

There is a Civil war in the GOP?

Last I checked when they were in power they failed to secure the border or reign in spending.

Seems like the same party to me, only, with a few token voices of opposition to make it seem as though there is a revolt.
It's still thriving. Liz Cheney and company are likely looking for a Senate seat, Rand Paul and company oppose it vigorously. The Cheneys and company have pretty much killed the Tea Party. Rand's dad Ron being its father, ironically. Same trenches, different day.

Anyway. Here's a brief rundown of how it's panned out since 07, I guess. This is written by Jack Hunter, btw. A dear old friend and ally from days gone by.

The Rand Paul-Liz Cheney foreign policy feud is the latest battle in a decades-old GOP civil war
No civil war. Republicans are free thinkers who don’t march in lock-step like the Democrats. When November,2020 comes it will be all :smiliehug: for GOP.
You don't have a clue what you are talking about.

CFR establishment neo-cons are in bed with the socialists, the communists, the Deep State and the left. They are all fucking war criminals that care more about money, profit, and globalism than they do about the nation and its people.

Your boy H.W. Bush, former head of the CIA, is one of them. You do know he was in on the plot to assassinate JFK, right?
It's still thriving. Liz Cheney and company are likely looking for a Senate seat, Rand Paul and company oppose it vigorously. The Cheneys and company have pretty much killed the Tea Party. Rand's dad Ron being its father, ironically. Same trenches, different day.

Anyway. Here's a brief rundown of how it's panned out since 07, I guess. This is written by Jack Hunter, btw. A dear old friend and ally from days gone by.

The Rand Paul-Liz Cheney foreign policy feud is the latest battle in a decades-old GOP civil war

Trump has done little more than eliminate the meaningless veneers of the GOP, discarding the empty talking points that were always bullshit. Like....Family Values. Fiscal Responsibility, Government Transparency. And the racist an white supremacist tropes that Trump champions (good people among the neo nazis, American jews having a loyalty to israel, immigrants as 'invaders', countries with brown people as 'shitholes', etc) aren't new either. Along with the endless stream of conspiracy batshit. They are, as Dave Chappelle once noted merely 'poor white people's greatest hits'.

Trump talks in public the way many conservatives talk in private. Trump is the truest representation of what the GOP actually is. And has been.

Who I feel for isn't Trump or his followers. Its principled conservatives. Men and women of honor and principle who feel that Trump has 'hijacked' their party'. Trump hasn't hijacked anything, and is right at home in the GOP. Its the principled conservatives who tried and failed to hijack the GOP and make it an honorable, moral party.

It isn't. It hasn't been. And Trump hasn't changed it. He's merely made the seething racism, xenophobia, and conspiracy addled thinking that has always been at the heart of the GOP......more public.
It's still thriving. Liz Cheney and company are likely looking for a Senate seat, Rand Paul and company oppose it vigorously. The Cheneys and company have pretty much killed the Tea Party. Rand's dad Ron being its father, ironically. Same trenches, different day.

Anyway. Here's a brief rundown of how it's panned out since 07, I guess. This is written by Jack Hunter, btw. A dear old friend and ally from days gone by.

The Rand Paul-Liz Cheney foreign policy feud is the latest battle in a decades-old GOP civil war
No civil war. Republicans are free thinkers who don’t march in lock-step like the Democrats.

Now THAT is funny.

You guys totally march in lock step with whatever trump tells you.

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The only problem this lie you are telling us, is that no one here has ever talked to Trump.
There's not much of a civil war. This is Trump's party right now. The hive is intact.

Step off the Trump reservation and talk radio will see to it that you're toast. Excommunicated.

The question is what the party will look like when he's gone, and where it goes from there. You don't replace this guy.

They said the same thing about Clinton though.

Of course maybe that is the example that proves the claim. Whatever decency and moral values the left-wing had under the Sunday-School Teacher Carter.... Clinton completely destroyed that, and the Democraps have been lower than human feces ever since.

So I do think that Trump has likely done some amount of damage.... Time will tell.
It's still thriving. Liz Cheney and company are likely looking for a Senate seat, Rand Paul and company oppose it vigorously. The Cheneys and company have pretty much killed the Tea Party. Rand's dad Ron being its father, ironically. Same trenches, different day.

Anyway. Here's a brief rundown of how it's panned out since 07, I guess. This is written by Jack Hunter, btw. A dear old friend and ally from days gone by.

The Rand Paul-Liz Cheney foreign policy feud is the latest battle in a decades-old GOP civil war
No civil war. Republicans are free thinkers who don’t march in lock-step like the Democrats.

Now THAT is funny.

You guys totally march in lock step with whatever trump tells you.

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The only problem this lie you are telling us, is that no one here has ever talked to Trump.

I guess you haven’t heard of this new thing called social media.

You should check it out sometime.

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