The Gorbachev-Democrat Axis


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
The Gorbachev-Democrat Axis
Both support Obamacare and decry “triumphalism”.
December 16, 2016
Lloyd Billingsley

Democrats have been charging that Vladmir Putin’s Russia got Donald Trump elected President of the United States. As this absurd charge plays out, Soviet president Mikhail Gorbachev, now 85, has been blaming the United States and its allies for the downfall of the USSR and for current tensions in the world.

In an interview with the Associated Press, Gorbachev comes billed as one who “helped end the Cold War,” but the former Soviet president blames the United States and its allies for their failure to offer significant help, and says this wasted a chance for a safer world. Gorbachev further decried Western “triumphalism” over the outcome of the Cold War, and blasted a misguided policy toward Russia.

“They have been badgering Russia with accusations and blaming it for everything,” Gorbachev said. “And now, there is a backlash to that in Russia. Russia wants to have friendly ties with America, but it’s difficult to do that when Russia sees that it’s being cheated.” Gorbachev also praised outgoing U.S. President Obama and described Vladimir Putin as a “worthy president” of Russia. Unlike Donald Trump, Gorbachev knows Putin.

In a less publicized 2011 interview, Gorbachev made it clear that in the early 1990s he had been striving to keep the Soviet Union intact. “I fought the best I could, but I failed,” he said, adding, “Lenin, whom I respect, said don’t be afraid of chaos.” The USSR “could have existed longer today as the community of the sovereign states.” The 1990 Nobel laureate also shed light on the economic reforms known as perestroika.

“Perestroika didn’t fail, it was disrupted,” said Gorbachev. He contended that the United States needed its own perestroika policy and named Obama as “the man to carry it out.” Obama “got his health care bill approved and that was a good thing, but rich Republicans don’t like it,” Gorbachev said.

The views of old “Splotch Top,” as Fred Barnes used to call him, are bound to leave many confused. Millenials, in particular, won’t get much information from the old-line establishment media, whose reporters, as White House advisor Ben Rhodes said, “literally know nothing.”

Gorbachev charged that the USA and its allies failed to provide aid. The former Soviet boss didn’t mention that the vast Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, largest country in the world, was unable to feed itself and relied on grain sales and other aid from the United States and its allies. Given its claim to represent the future, the USSR must rank as the greatest failure in history. Even so, the failed Soviet system enjoyed much support from figures such as economist John Kenneth Galbraith, who in 1984 said that the Soviet system was superior because the communists made better use of “manpower.”


As it turns out, Gorbachev and the Democrats have a lot in common. Gorbachev blames the West for the collapse of the Soviet Union and the Democrats blame Russia for the loss of Hillary Clinton and the election of Donald Trump as President of the United States. Gorbachev and the Democrats both support Obamacare and both oppose any celebration when their opponents win the battle of ideas, win the Cold War, or win a presidential election.

On the other hand, maybe old Splotch Top was right that the United States needs some perestroika. After all, under the current administration, the nation has become a kind of Soviet Americastan. The Democrats and their allies in the old-line establishment media are rushing to the barricades to resist reform.

The Gorbachev-Democrat Axis

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