The Government And Our Economics

You don't think economists would agree? Companies could hire more workers and therefore lower the unemployment rate if we abolished the minumum wage.

Think this one out one step further. What will YOU do for me for $2 an hour? Come on over. I have unskilled labor waiting to happen at my house. I might even give you $4 an hour. Thats $32 a day.

dear, you forgot to say what your point is?? Slow??
You don't think economists would agree? Companies could hire more workers and therefore lower the unemployment rate if we abolished the minumum wage.

Think this one out one step further. What will YOU do for me for $2 an hour? Come on over. I have unskilled labor waiting to happen at my house. I might even give you $4 an hour. Thats $32 a day.

dear, you forgot to say what your point is?? Slow??

Ed, I asked the polite man what kind of work he would do for $4 an hour. That is less than the minimum wage which he was talking about abolishing.
You don't think economists would agree? Companies could hire more workers and therefore lower the unemployment rate if we abolished the minumum wage.

Think this one out one step further. What will YOU do for me for $2 an hour? Come on over. I have unskilled labor waiting to happen at my house. I might even give you $4 an hour. Thats $32 a day.

dear, you forgot to say what your point is?? Slow??

Ed, I asked the polite man what kind of work he would do for $4 an hour. That is less than the minimum wage which he was talking about abolishing.

dear, you forgot to say what your point is?? Slow?
I really don't understand our government and there way of handling our economics. If I can balance my checkbook, why can't the government balance it's budget? Its not that hard. I think the government needs my help is running our economy. I can balance my checkbook.
A government's budget and a personal budget are completely unrelated, one nothing like the other. Governments and private businesses don't function the same way, either.

It's difficult to believe anyone can be this naïve and simplistic.
I really don't understand our government and there way of handling our economics. If I can balance my checkbook, why can't the government balance it's budget? Its not that hard. I think the government needs my help is running our economy. I can balance my checkbook.
A government's budget and a personal budget are completely unrelated, one nothing like the other. Governments and private businesses don't function the same way, either.

It's difficult to believe anyone can be this naïve and simplistic.

Unfortunately his stance on this issue is what the out of power parties push. When I was a young man the same thing was said, just substitute Japan for China. If only schools taught more business courses maybe this type of propaganda could be pushed away. I understand schools want to push mathematics and engineering but then you get mathematician and engineers and scientists who know nothing about the time value of money or basic economics.
It was on the track to being balanced and then America elected George Bush and a Republican congress. Then there were the two credit card wars, the redistribution of wealth to the top 1%, the cost of rebuilding other countries we were terrorized by the GOP into invading. And we have a country so ignorant, they vote these clowns into office again and again. It will only get worse as long as America doesn't get it. Democrats don't vote and Republicans vote against their own self interests. A recipe for deficits.
A government's budget and a personal budget are completely unrelated, one nothing like the other.
It's difficult to believe anyone can be this naïve and simplistic.

actually they are identical! 1+1=2. Deficits are bad. If deficits were illegal the USA would not be $17 in debt with $100 trillion in unfinded liabilities.
I would mow your lawn for
an hour.

(4$) = I smell a Canadian.......
I smell someone who prefers work to liberal welfare!!

You've missed the point....As usual.

Ed didn't miss the point, he just wants the clock rolled back to the 1
I respectully disagree with you.

The government needs to tone down it's spending. We can spur job growth by abolishing the minumum wage. that's a start.

a tiny tiny start but stiil ok. We could have 50 million new jobs tomorrow by,
1) eliminating corporate tax
2) making unions illegal again
3) shipping 20 million illegals back home

When were unions illegal, 1800's maybe?
My personal debt is many more times than my income

Yet, I am very well off financially. Debt is not bad if you can afford to pay for it. Especially at low interest rates
I would mow your lawn for 4$ an hour.

That's about what I charged in the 50's as a school kid. Anyway, hiring cheap, usually illegal labor, can be costly if they get injured while working for you. You could be liable for their e.r. bill, maybe be sued in court if their injury is bad enough.
I really don't understand our government and there way of handling our economics. If I can balance my checkbook, why can't the government balance it's budget? Its not that hard. I think the government needs my help is running our economy. I can balance my checkbook.

Do you have a school loan?
My personal debt is many more times than my income

Yet, I am very well off financially. Debt is not bad if you can afford to pay for it. Especially at low interest rates

Most everybody that owns property can say the same thing. The same with countries, it's the gdp that counts. Plus a country can raise taxes when it needs to also. I don't want to go bad to the good old days like the tea party thinks is a good thing.
I would mow your lawn for
an hour.

(4$) = I smell a Canadian.......
I smell someone who prefers work to liberal welfare!!

You've missed the point....As usual.

Ed didn't miss the point, he just wants the clock rolled back to the 1
I respectully disagree with you.

The government needs to tone down it's spending. We can spur job growth by abolishing the minumum wage. that's a start.

a tiny tiny start but stiil ok. We could have 50 million new jobs tomorrow by,
1) eliminating corporate tax
2) making unions illegal again
3) shipping 20 million illegals back home

When were unions illegal, 1800's maybe?

Wagner Act in 1935 was start of serious destructive union activity.

We could have 50 million new jobs tomorrow by,
1) eliminating liberal corporate taxes
2) making liberal unions illegal again
3) shipping 20 million liberal illegals back home
the good old days like the tea party thinks is a good thing.

too stupid by 1000% all agree that America is a declining country today!
In the good old Tea Party days we had no debt, little unemployment, a strong middle class, good year to year ecoonomic growth, good schools, intact families, and few in prison!

Obvious facts that the brainwashing prevents you from seeing!

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