The Government Doesn't Like the Way You Raise Your Kids?


Why they 'll just come along and take them!

Let’s be very clear about this – Joe and Nicole had done nothing to violate the law whatsoever. All of their kids were happy, healthy and very intelligent. But because the control freaks running things in Kentucky got wind of their “off the grid lifestyle”, they have now had all of their children unlawfully abducted from them.

So, let's see what the liberals have to say about this? What happened to Liberty in this country?

Read more @ Police Abduct 10 Children From A Family In Kentucky Because Of Their Off The Grid Lifestyle
Is Religious Freedom Only for Bakers?

Why they 'll just come along and take them!

Let’s be very clear about this – Joe and Nicole had done nothing to violate the law whatsoever. All of their kids were happy, healthy and very intelligent. But because the control freaks running things in Kentucky got wind of their “off the grid lifestyle”, they have now had all of their children unlawfully abducted from them.

So, let's see what the liberals have to say about this? What happened to Liberty in this country?

Read more @ Police Abduct 10 Children From A Family In Kentucky Because Of Their Off The Grid Lifestyle
Is Religious Freedom Only for Bakers?


How is their "religious freedom" being threatened or denied?

There is nothing in any of the various posted links that indicates anything like that.

If you want to read those links, they're in the thread posted yesterday.

Progressives Destroy Family of 12 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Where's the concern for the kids? Or for the neighbors these fundies steal from?
Wanna bet those homes don't threaten to shoot their neighbors if they give them the resources they worked for?

I think its just typical for RWs to be against people in Baltimore who looted from stores but make these people, who are also stealing, their heroes.

It smells just as bad as they're worship of the Cliven Bundy for stealing from taxpayers.
They are anti-government loons, reactionaries, nothing like conservatives. As long as you point a finger or a gun at a Fed, you have their full support, no mater how insane you are.

I agree they're nothing like true Conservatives.

They're just radical RW thieves.

Social experiments where government decides they can raise your children better than you can...

Thank you, drama queen. In this case no one is raising them, or Jesus maybe.

It happened. The question is, did anyone learn anything from it? The mentality that a government bureaucracy is better equipped to raise children deserves a strong challenge. The carnage of a failed experiment like that is tremendous.

The government knows how they would like your children raised, and most people are close enough so they have no need to step in. When they do, only then do they step in, as in this case. Stop mixing up apples and battleships.

The government is full of some of stupidest people on the planet I wouldn't trust those morons to take out my trash.
Funny how other threads talk about poor parenting in Baltimore and how the gov't Needs to correct that because it contributes to ignorance and poverty.

Maybe op's big problem with applying that in this case is because this family is white???

No school means these kids are going to be very ill-equipped for life. These parents are sentencing their children to a life of poverty.

What if this thieving group lived in Baltimore and we're black? Would op change his tune?

Put the bait away.

Why they 'll just come along and take them!

Let’s be very clear about this – Joe and Nicole had done nothing to violate the law whatsoever. All of their kids were happy, healthy and very intelligent. But because the control freaks running things in Kentucky got wind of their “off the grid lifestyle”, they have now had all of their children unlawfully abducted from them.

So, let's see what the liberals have to say about this? What happened to Liberty in this country?

Read more @ Police Abduct 10 Children From A Family In Kentucky Because Of Their Off The Grid Lifestyle
Is Religious Freedom Only for Bakers?


How is their "religious freedom" being threatened or denied?

There is nothing in any of the various posted links that indicates anything like that.

If you want to read those links, they're in the thread posted yesterday.

Progressives Destroy Family of 12 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Where's the concern for the kids? Or for the neighbors these fundies steal from?
Should they raise their family on a for-profit basis to take advantage of religious moral values, like Bakers with bakers morals.
Yeah we did this yesterday. A story for most of the day nobody anywhere could find from a legitimate news source, based entirely on this family's own carefully-staged photos and hi-tech Facebook Bullshit page. Turns out they're professional victims, con artists, child neglecters/abusers, thieves who continually run from responsibility, mooching or begging off their neighbors, their churches, anything and anyone they can find to sponge off, forcing their kids to live in squalor without walls or anything like shelter, in shit (literally in shit), and now they took their con artistry to Alex Freaking Jones and such sterling objective journalistic fountains as "Police State Daily" and "Medical". And yet when you read the commentary on those same sites the con artistry story crumbles to dust wid a quickness. Has nothing in the world to do with home schooling or living "off the grid" -- they're off the grid because they can't afford to be on the grid, because they're lazy mooching BUMS.

But y'all partisan echo seekers just lap it up like puppies.

Here's the local TV report
that finally surfaced -- first actual news report -- last night.

The Nauglers have depended upon neighbors' private wells or municipal hookups for their drinking water. A confrontation Sunday prompted a criminal summons for Joe Naugler on a charge of menacing.

“(Naugler) was turned down for the water request and asked to leave the property,” the summons read. “He then said to his son ‘get the pistol out of the glove compartment box.'”

WAVE 3 News has withheld the complainant's name at her request.

“He (Naugler) was acting very erratically,” the complainant said in a telephone interview Friday. “He was calling us names that I have to spell out, I can't even say 'em. And he said ‘don't worry, I know where you live, and I'm gonna be back.'”

Sheriff Todd Pate wanted to talk to two of Naugler sons, who reportedly witnessed the water confrontation, when he served the summons Wednesday.​

Some revelations from the original thread:

From the OffTheGrid site comments page:

We love to use trigger words to sensationalize stories ultimately distracting from the truth/reason for occurrence. It was indicated that the housing unit, supporting 12 individuals (with apparently a 13th on the way,) was 384 sq ft with NO running water. The article misleads the reader by making statements such as, “10 kids in a cabin on 26 acres” and “they have Internet, as well as a Facebook page dating back to 2012.”

The article conveniently uses the acreage number (26) to imply the cabin size is larger than it’s [sic] actual dimensions. Additionally, the article paints a picture of normality simply by mentioning the families Facebook account, dating back 3 years. Let’s hope the internet bill wasn’t the reason for an insufficient clean/consistent water supply (sorry, poor humor on my end). The above living situation was more than likely the cause, not homeschooling. Even the local Amish, off-grid homeschooling community, have running water and sufficient space for their 16 plus size families.

... Personal opinion pieces litter the internet distracting the reader from the basic fact that the living conditions were not being provided to the children. Yes, the family had a Facebook account that showed how ‘happy’ they always were. Don’t we all have a Facebook that shows only the brightest and best of ourselves and families? Again, I would love to see the official arrest record, not personal opinion pieces.

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Yeah we did this yesterday. A story for most of the day nobody anywhere could find from a legitimate news source, based entirely on this family's own carefully-staged photos and hi-tech Facebook Bullshit page. Turns out they're professional victims, con artists, child neglecters/abusers, thieves who continually run from responsibility, mooching or begging off their neighbors, their churches, anything and anyone they can find to sponge off, forcing their kids to live in squalor without walls or anything like shelter, in shit (literally in shit), and now they took their con artistry to Alex Freaking Jones and such sterling objective journalistic fountains as "Police State Daily" and "Medical". And yet when you read the commentary on those same sites the con artistry story crumbles to dust wid a quickness. Has nothing in the world to do with home schooling or living "off the grid" -- they're off the grid because they can't afford to be on the grid, because they're lazy mooching BUMS.

But y'all partisan echo seekers just lap it up like puppies.

Here's the local TV report
that finally surfaced -- first actual news report -- last night.

Some revelations from the original thread:
Should they raise their family on a for-profit basis to take advantage of religious moral values, like Bakers with bakers morals who may raise funds on SympathyNet but not EquityNet.

Why they 'll just come along and take them!

Let’s be very clear about this – Joe and Nicole had done nothing to violate the law whatsoever. All of their kids were happy, healthy and very intelligent. But because the control freaks running things in Kentucky got wind of their “off the grid lifestyle”, they have now had all of their children unlawfully abducted from them.

So, let's see what the liberals have to say about this? What happened to Liberty in this country?

Read more @ Police Abduct 10 Children From A Family In Kentucky Because Of Their Off The Grid Lifestyle
Is Religious Freedom Only for Bakers?


How is their "religious freedom" being threatened or denied?

There is nothing in any of the various posted links that indicates anything like that.

If you want to read those links, they're in the thread posted yesterday.

Progressives Destroy Family of 12 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Where's the concern for the kids? Or for the neighbors these fundies steal from?
Should they raise their family on a for-profit basis to take advantage of religious moral values, like Bakers with bakers morals.


Are you serious? That's exactly what they're doing.

Stealing from their neighbors, threatening to shoot neighbors who don't hand over what they demand and now on Go Fund Me begging money.

Read the links. Its nothing but a huge scam.

Progressives Destroy Family of 12 Page 5 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
From someone who knows the family:

"These people are the worst kind imaginable. Know them well…I just sit and laugh at how they have scammed ALL of you! They are the biggest con-artists out there. They do nothing but prey off of good people, many who have just helped donate to their scam. They are NOT “un-schoolers, home-schooler’s or homesteaders! They actually give home-schooling families and people who live off the grid a horrible name. They’re kids are treated like slaves and it is sick! ...

.. Joe bullies local Bishops, preachers, and any and all clergy-by stating he will use force on them if money isn’t donated to him to pay his bills. He has also threatened good christian people and their children! YES! Their children…This is the kind of sick individual you all are donating money too. He has been arrested numerous times and has been reported to CPS numerous times by hard-working concerned citizens, not a meth using facebook user as they would like you to believe.

The children appear brain-washed and abused and have absolutely no social skills what so ever. You can contradict me all you wish, but we have experienced this family first-hand. I also know people who have been in the home and what you would experience upon entering is sickening! It was stated that there was human feces everywhere! The children looked as if they hadn’t been bathed in months with feces all over them. No water or beds for them to sleep in. She will post a picture on fb of a bed and spin it a thousand different ways to make you think the children have beds. She grooms dogs because he will not work! When you have ten kids…you work to support your family!

I don’t care what or where you live…a condo or in the wilderness! They manipulate social media to their advantage and I listened to that audio and that Sheriff was doing his JOB!!! She resisted arrest and put on a big show for everyone! THEY DO IT ALL THE TIME. They go into a grocery store and steal and pretend to fall, just so they can get money from the owners. They are hypocrites who judge everyone else in society who doesn’t live the way they do.

They also posted something once that all the men and women who fight for this country, deserve to die…these are two sick and twisted individuals. This time they went too far. The best thing that could ever happen is their children are taken away. It is my sincere hope they are not returned. I pray for that Sheriffs Dept, that they will be able to prosecute them to the fullest extent of the law. This is the truth and I could care less who replies and donates to them. They will squander all your money away and be back in the very same position months from now. "

And you Republicunts are defending that? Really?

You are telling us the truth about knowing this family?

If that is the case, thank you very much for setting the record straight.
Funny how other threads talk about poor parenting in Baltimore and how the gov't Needs to correct that because it contributes to ignorance and poverty.

Maybe op's big problem with applying that in this case is because this family is white???

No school means these kids are going to be very ill-equipped for life. These parents are sentencing their children to a life of poverty.

What if this thieving group lived in Baltimore and we're black? Would op change his tune?

The "OP" did not have any more information than provided by the source. Now that I' learning more, just perhaps the actions were correct.

Why they 'll just come along and take them!

Let’s be very clear about this – Joe and Nicole had done nothing to violate the law whatsoever. All of their kids were happy, healthy and very intelligent. But because the control freaks running things in Kentucky got wind of their “off the grid lifestyle”, they have now had all of their children unlawfully abducted from them.

So, let's see what the liberals have to say about this? What happened to Liberty in this country?

Read more @ Police Abduct 10 Children From A Family In Kentucky Because Of Their Off The Grid Lifestyle


The previous thread on this also blamed liberals but couldn't show any connection at all to the far RW county in Kentucky.

How do YOU feel about this family stealing from their neighbors and threatening to shoot if the neighbors didn't hand over what they wanted?

As I've already posted - with more information, one must change their viewpoint. From what I've read in this thread, it is quite clear my original opinion was not based on facts. With what I've read, perhaps removing the children from the family was the right thing to do.

Now, will a prosecutor have enough cause to file charges against the parents?

Why they 'll just come along and take them!

Let’s be very clear about this – Joe and Nicole had done nothing to violate the law whatsoever. All of their kids were happy, healthy and very intelligent. But because the control freaks running things in Kentucky got wind of their “off the grid lifestyle”, they have now had all of their children unlawfully abducted from them.

So, let's see what the liberals have to say about this? What happened to Liberty in this country?

Read more @ Police Abduct 10 Children From A Family In Kentucky Because Of Their Off The Grid Lifestyle
Is Religious Freedom Only for Bakers?


How is their "religious freedom" being threatened or denied?

There is nothing in any of the various posted links that indicates anything like that.

If you want to read those links, they're in the thread posted yesterday.

Progressives Destroy Family of 12 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Where's the concern for the kids? Or for the neighbors these fundies steal from?
Should they raise their family on a for-profit basis to take advantage of religious moral values, like Bakers with bakers morals.


Are you serious? That's exactly what they're doing.

Stealing from their neighbors, threatening to shoot neighbors who don't hand over what they demand and now on Go Fund Me begging money.

Read the links. Its nothing but a huge scam.

Progressives Destroy Family of 12 Page 5 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

No; it isn't exactly what they are doing; or, they would be making money, like Bakers.
From someone who knows the family:

"These people are the worst kind imaginable. Know them well…I just sit and laugh at how they have scammed ALL of you! They are the biggest con-artists out there. They do nothing but prey off of good people, many who have just helped donate to their scam. They are NOT “un-schoolers, home-schooler’s or homesteaders! They actually give home-schooling families and people who live off the grid a horrible name. They’re kids are treated like slaves and it is sick! ...

.. Joe bullies local Bishops, preachers, and any and all clergy-by stating he will use force on them if money isn’t donated to him to pay his bills. He has also threatened good christian people and their children! YES! Their children…This is the kind of sick individual you all are donating money too. He has been arrested numerous times and has been reported to CPS numerous times by hard-working concerned citizens, not a meth using facebook user as they would like you to believe.

The children appear brain-washed and abused and have absolutely no social skills what so ever. You can contradict me all you wish, but we have experienced this family first-hand. I also know people who have been in the home and what you would experience upon entering is sickening! It was stated that there was human feces everywhere! The children looked as if they hadn’t been bathed in months with feces all over them. No water or beds for them to sleep in. She will post a picture on fb of a bed and spin it a thousand different ways to make you think the children have beds. She grooms dogs because he will not work! When you have ten kids…you work to support your family!

I don’t care what or where you live…a condo or in the wilderness! They manipulate social media to their advantage and I listened to that audio and that Sheriff was doing his JOB!!! She resisted arrest and put on a big show for everyone! THEY DO IT ALL THE TIME. They go into a grocery store and steal and pretend to fall, just so they can get money from the owners. They are hypocrites who judge everyone else in society who doesn’t live the way they do.

They also posted something once that all the men and women who fight for this country, deserve to die…these are two sick and twisted individuals. This time they went too far. The best thing that could ever happen is their children are taken away. It is my sincere hope they are not returned. I pray for that Sheriffs Dept, that they will be able to prosecute them to the fullest extent of the law. This is the truth and I could care less who replies and donates to them. They will squander all your money away and be back in the very same position months from now. "

And you Republicunts are defending that? Really?

You are telling us the truth about knowing this family?

If that is the case, thank you very much for setting the record straight.

I didn't say that I know the family. That came from comments left on the link in the OP.
Funny how other threads talk about poor parenting in Baltimore and how the gov't Needs to correct that because it contributes to ignorance and poverty.

Maybe op's big problem with applying that in this case is because this family is white???

No school means these kids are going to be very ill-equipped for life. These parents are sentencing their children to a life of poverty.

What if this thieving group lived in Baltimore and we're black? Would op change his tune?

The "OP" did not have any more information than provided by the source. Now that I' learning more, just perhaps the actions were correct.
props and respect to this op!!!
I want to know why RWs think its okay for these people to steal from their neighbors and threaten the neighbors with guns if they give them what they refuse to work for themselves.

You're still slandering, just like in the other thread.

You haven't' shown a single shred of evidence that they steal.
Posts like 2nd amendment above are exactly why I respect op.

Of course statements from people with first-hand knowledge of these parents IS evidence. But ignoring evidence in order to push a poltical agenda is what so many of the bad posters do here.

Acknowledging the probability that you got suckered into a false, agenda-driven piece is what good posters do.
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Why they 'll just come along and take them!

Let’s be very clear about this – Joe and Nicole had done nothing to violate the law whatsoever. All of their kids were happy, healthy and very intelligent. But because the control freaks running things in Kentucky got wind of their “off the grid lifestyle”, they have now had all of their children unlawfully abducted from them.

So, let's see what the liberals have to say about this? What happened to Liberty in this country?

Read more @ Police Abduct 10 Children From A Family In Kentucky Because Of Their Off The Grid Lifestyle
Your kids aren't your property, they are your responsibility to raise. At some point the state interest, it has one, takes over.

Wrong, asshole. That state doesn't have an "interest" in raising my kids. The state isn't part owner. I can't imagine anything more servile or fascist that such a claim.

Un-schooling? Yeah, that would be an issue alright.

"Child Protective Services never visited the home, said Ellsworth, who believes the arrests took place because of the parents’ choice of “unschooling” for their children, and because of their simple way of life that some would call backwards. The family’s Facebook page calls it a “back to basics life.” They have a garden and raise animals. Deputies apparently were concerned about whether the children’s needs were being met, but friends say they personally have no concerns — and that the children are blessed to have Joe and Nicole as their parents."

"Unschooling" is just a euphemism meaning the kids won't be subjected to the government brainwashing mills.

Social experiments where government decides they can raise your children better than you can...

Thank you, drama queen. In this case no one is raising them, or Jesus maybe.

It happened. The question is, did anyone learn anything from it? The mentality that a government bureaucracy is better equipped to raise children deserves a strong challenge. The carnage of a failed experiment like that is tremendous.

The government knows how they would like your children raised, and most people are close enough so they have no need to step in. When they do, only then do they step in, as in this case. Stop mixing up apples and battleships.

How the government wants my kids raised is none of it's fucking business. You are such a fucking fascist tool it's not funny.
When you raise your children in piles of feces and teach them the family business of con jobs, theft, and extortion, yeah, it becomes the state's business.

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