The Great 2020 Mystery...Where did Biden Get 10 million More Votes Than Obama?

I’ve read that the numbers are based on 2018 statistics, making it inaccurate.

A). You made me dig it up for nothing. You already knew what it was you asked me to provide.​
B). You've "read" somewhere, and assume that makes it more factual enough to invalidate other things without bothering to get independent data from a third source to prove one way or the other which if either is the more true.​

Here's just a few stories I pulled in 5 seconds indicating unusual high turnout.
No, I looked it up after you provided a graph with no link. The world population review site was quoted as saying the information was old. And if you look at that site you’ll see that they put the state with the highest percentage of voter turnout in the 70s, not over 100%.

None of your 3 links actually show voter turnout over 100%. The judicial watch article brings it up, but is actually about inflated voter rolls and lack of cleanup rather than more votes than registered voters.
I’ve read that the numbers are based on 2018 statistics, making it inaccurate.

A). You made me dig it up for nothing. You already knew what it was you asked me to provide.​
B). You've "read" somewhere, and assume that makes it more factual enough to invalidate other things without bothering to get independent data from a third source to prove one way or the other which if either is the more true.​

Here's just a few stories I pulled in 5 seconds indicating unusual high turnout.
No, I looked it up after you provided a graph with no link. The world population review site was quoted as saying the information was old. And if you look at that site you’ll see that they put the state with the highest percentage of voter turnout in the 70s, not over 100%.

None of your 3 links actually show voter turnout over 100%. The judicial watch article brings it up, but is actually about inflated voter rolls and lack of cleanup rather than more votes than registered voters.

Apparently you have a real problem reading just as you don't seem to understand that all data compiled on such things is always "old" as it always takes a year or two to compile large scale evidence on things like national trends, etc. There is no question that many districts had impossibly high turnout with more ballots gotten back than was ever sent out.
You can slow the spread, but that's only if everybody cooperates and agrees. A lot of people don't, and didn't when it was first brought to light in the US. Americans never agree on anything, and there is nothing a President could do about that. The last time we all agreed on something was on 911. That lasted about 48 hours, and back to normal again.

It would have been a lot easier to get people to agree if you didn't have the President calling it a hoax, mocking mask use and holding Super-Spreader events. Also, lying to us because he didn't want to spook the stock market.
It would have been a lot easier to get people to agree if you didn't have the President calling it a hoax, mocking mask use and holding Super-Spreader events. Also, lying to us because he didn't want to spook the stock market.

Where do you get this notion that anybody listens to the President for health advice? I bet you can't find one person who said they're not wearing a mask because it's not what Trump believes. This is your failed attempt to blame one person for the actions of millions who make their own personal decisions. Trump said it was a hoax by the Democrats--not the virus was a hoax. This was during the time when even Dr. Fauci said we don't need to wear masks, and the CDC recommended the same. You CNN brainwashed people certainly don't do your homework.

When it was obvious this was going to be a problem, Fauci and the CDC recommended to wear masks, Trump did the same, and I posted several videos for you before. It seems you can't help yourself to keep a lie that's been proven wrong repeatedly.
I’ve read that the numbers are based on 2018 statistics, making it inaccurate.

A). You made me dig it up for nothing. You already knew what it was you asked me to provide.​
B). You've "read" somewhere, and assume that makes it more factual enough to invalidate other things without bothering to get independent data from a third source to prove one way or the other which if either is the more true.​

Here's just a few stories I pulled in 5 seconds indicating unusual high turnout.
No, I looked it up after you provided a graph with no link. The world population review site was quoted as saying the information was old. And if you look at that site you’ll see that they put the state with the highest percentage of voter turnout in the 70s, not over 100%.

None of your 3 links actually show voter turnout over 100%. The judicial watch article brings it up, but is actually about inflated voter rolls and lack of cleanup rather than more votes than registered voters.

Apparently you have a real problem reading just as you don't seem to understand that all data compiled on such things is always "old" as it always takes a year or two to compile large scale evidence on things like national trends, etc. There is no question that many districts had impossibly high turnout with more ballots gotten back than was ever sent out.
What a pity you can't prove that.
I’ve read that the numbers are based on 2018 statistics, making it inaccurate.

A). You made me dig it up for nothing. You already knew what it was you asked me to provide.​
B). You've "read" somewhere, and assume that makes it more factual enough to invalidate other things without bothering to get independent data from a third source to prove one way or the other which if either is the more true.​

Here's just a few stories I pulled in 5 seconds indicating unusual high turnout.
No, I looked it up after you provided a graph with no link. The world population review site was quoted as saying the information was old. And if you look at that site you’ll see that they put the state with the highest percentage of voter turnout in the 70s, not over 100%.

None of your 3 links actually show voter turnout over 100%. The judicial watch article brings it up, but is actually about inflated voter rolls and lack of cleanup rather than more votes than registered voters.

Apparently you have a real problem reading just as you don't seem to understand that all data compiled on such things is always "old" as it always takes a year or two to compile large scale evidence on things like national trends, etc. There is no question that many districts had impossibly high turnout with more ballots gotten back than was ever sent out.

Let me make sure I understand you. You think it's reasonable to compare the number of votes in the 2020 presidential election to voter registration numbers from 2018, not only 2 years ago but also a mid-term year, which normally has fewer registered voters than the next presidential election year? You don't want to look at current registration numbers, or worry that the webiste that the data comes from has more up-to-date registration information, you'll just stick with 2018 numbers. Is that about the gist of it?
Heck I don't see one thing, not one thing, that either candidate offered the country and neither was worthy of MY vote. So neither got it. That makes me patriotic big time.
You have not been paying much attention to what trump has done then.he is the first president sense carter to not start a war,first president to tell the truth that the msm news is fake news,first to have enough balls to tell the truth that wars are always started so defense contracters can profit from them.compared to the last five corrupt administrations before him,he is a much refreshing change.

now there are things I certainly don’t like about trump in the fact if he really wants to make america great again,why has he not got rid of those evilinstitutions,the fed,cia,fbi,irs,fema and stuff like that.? I am not thrilled with trump because of that because those organizations are the reason why the world is in a mess but the alternative is ten times worse in the fact biden will get us in wars again if elected. The difference in trump supporters and Biden ones is the Biden lovers can’t get past their bias towards their party to see see how corrupt it is and that the most massive voting fraud took place ever and they have resorted to lies when they can’t refute evidence even posters I used to respect before that have resorted to lies.

They know as well as we do if the shoe was on the other foot and it was biden that was a victim of this massive vote fraud,they would be saying the same thing we are that vote fraud happened.they know it,we know it.

most importantly this is why the trump supporters have credibility where they don’t is the difference between them and the Biden fans is trump supporters would be upset as well even if the shoe was on the other foot and this vote fraud happened to Biden instead of trump because unlike the Biden fans they have a conscience of right and wrong and don’t want to see the government get away with a crime like this.the world will be a dictatership if they do cause they will know they can get away with anything if this is allowed.
It would have been a lot easier to get people to agree if you didn't have the President calling it a hoax, mocking mask use and holding Super-Spreader events. Also, lying to us because he didn't want to spook the stock market.

Where do you get this notion that anybody listens to the President for health advice? I bet you can't find one person who said they're not wearing a mask because it's not what Trump believes. This is your failed attempt to blame one person for the actions of millions who make their own personal decisions. Trump said it was a hoax by the Democrats--not the virus was a hoax. This was during the time when even Dr. Fauci said we don't need to wear masks, and the CDC recommended the same. You CNN brainwashed people certainly don't do your homework.

When it was obvious this was going to be a problem, Fauci and the CDC recommended to wear masks, Trump did the same, and I posted several videos for you before. It seems you can't help yourself to keep a lie that's been proven wrong repeatedly.
That is a common theme I have noticed in the Biden lovers is they always make false assumptions that because we say covid is a hoax and mass vote fraud took place,that we think that because Trump told us so. :cuckoo: Trump had nothing to do wiith me making up my mind about that,I did not go by what trump said, I went by what whistleblowers said and the evidence,see that is the difference between the logical objective Trump supporters and the biased non objective biden fans initforme

Major differernce. Biden fans won’t look at an supposing view or watchvideos of vote fraud and have to lie all the time to save face,the trump supporters are always objective and look at BOTH sides of the coin,they only look at one side and won’t look at an opposing view that does not support their warped opinions.
In the 2018 election, the entire amount of registered voters was 153.7 million.

This election, 153.8 million came out to vote.

How is this possible?
Ahead of this year’s presidential election, several states including battlegrounds like Texas, Pennsylvania, and Ohio are approaching or passing voter registration records.

Okay, understandable. However we baby boomers aren't getting any younger, and while I'm on the tail end of that era, the older ones are dying off to offset most of these new registered voters.

I can't find any site for the amount of registered voters for 2020, so let's say we have (between the dead and newly registered voters) we have a 5 million voter increase. What people are expecting us to believe is we had nearly 100% turnout for this presidential election. I find that awfully hard to believe.



Population growth went up by 27 million since Obama. Since only half of eligible people vote, that's 13 million more votes due to population.

Population growth went up by 27 million since Obama. Since only half of eligible people vote, that's 13 million more votes due to population.

Do you actually believe that every one of those 27 million people who were added to the U.S. population in the past 12 years magically became an adult (over the age of 18, thus eligible to vote) in 2020? No, you obviously don't. The percentage would be quite small, actually. So you're either knowingly full of shit when you posted that figure, or just didn't think about how ridiculous your assertion was in your rush to explain the unexplainable.
Where do you get this notion that anybody listens to the President for health advice? I bet you can't find one person who said they're not wearing a mask because it's not what Trump believes.

Sure I can. Both of my idiot Trump loving brothers. The ones who insist this is all a hoax because Dear Leader told them it was.

Mask wearing NEVER should have been a social issue. Trump made it one.

This is your failed attempt to blame one person for the actions of millions who make their own personal decisions. Trump said it was a hoax by the Democrats--not the virus was a hoax.


This was during the time when even Dr. Fauci said we don't need to wear masks, and the CDC recommended the same. You CNN brainwashed people certainly don't do your homework.

Trump was mocking mask use up until the point he got sick himself.

When it was obvious this was going to be a problem, Fauci and the CDC recommended to wear masks, Trump did the same, and I posted several videos for you before. It seems you can't help yourself to keep a lie that's been proven wrong repeatedly.

Trump was refusing to wear a mask all the way up until the election... that's how he got sick.
Trump was mocking mask use up until the point he got sick himself.

No, he made fun of Slow Joe for wearing a mask when he's outside 50 feet away from anybody. He was making fun of his political theater. Show me one time Trump made fun of people wearing masks after this got serious.

Trump was refusing to wear a mask all the way up until the election... that's how he got sick.

Everybody that gets near the President is tested. Trump made his own decision to not wear a mask just like every other American, but he didn't tell other people to do the same. He never once said "Nobody should wear a mask."
That is a common theme I have noticed in the Biden lovers is they always make false assumptions that because we say covid is a hoax and mass vote fraud took place,that we think that because Trump told us so. :cuckoo: Trump had nothing to do wiith me making up my mind about that,I did not go by what trump said, I went by what whistleblowers said and the evidence,see that is the difference between the logical objective Trump supporters and the biased non objective biden fans @initforme

Major differernce. Biden fans won’t look at an supposing view or watchvideos of vote fraud and have to lie all the time to save face,the trump supporters are always objective and look at BOTH sides of the coin,they only look at one side and won’t look at an opposing view that does not support their warped opinions.

Liberals seldom make up their own mind. They are told what to think, not why they should be thinking it.

So now their strategy is to try and blame a President for the deaths of people, supposedly caused by the virus. That's such a stupid argument to make. It's like saying DumBama was responsible for the over 200,000 Americans who died from the common flu during his two terms. A President cannot control a microorganism. A President cannot control the actions people take.

Speaking of election cheating, I was watching Fox yesterday. They have a video I believe from Georgia. What they did was tell the reporters and Republican overseers that they were done counting ballots for the night. After they left, the Democrat workers locked the doors, pulled out five suitcases of ballots from under tables, and continued to process them. So why don't liberals know about this? Because according to Fox, they're the only ones reporting it and playing the video.

They didn't see the testimony of Colonel Phil Waldron. He's a software expert who is very knowledgeable of Dominion systems and Smartmatic software. The software's origin was from Venezuela. Chavez, as a major owner in the company, had the software developed so it could be manipulated for a desired outcome. This is the same software we are using in these Dominion voting machines. Algorithms could be inserted to switch votes from one person to another, which we have proof of happening in one polling place. The Colonel stated it's no secret, in fact it tells you how to do it in the owners manual.
2008: 225 million
That is a common theme I have noticed in the Biden lovers is they always make false assumptions that because we say covid is a hoax and mass vote fraud took place,that we think that because Trump told us so. :cuckoo: Trump had nothing to do wiith me making up my mind about that,I did not go by what trump said, I went by what whistleblowers said and the evidence,see that is the difference between the logical objective Trump supporters and the biased non objective biden fans @initforme

Major differernce. Biden fans won’t look at an supposing view or watchvideos of vote fraud and have to lie all the time to save face,the trump supporters are always objective and look at BOTH sides of the coin,they only look at one side and won’t look at an opposing view that does not support their warped opinions.

Liberals seldom make up their own mind. They are told what to think, not why they should be thinking it.

So now their strategy is to try and blame a President for the deaths of people, supposedly caused by the virus. That's such a stupid argument to make. It's like saying DumBama was responsible for the over 200,000 Americans who died from the common flu during his two terms. A President cannot control a microorganism. A President cannot control the actions people take.

Speaking of election cheating, I was watching Fox yesterday. They have a video I believe from Georgia. What they did was tell the reporters and Republican overseers that they were done counting ballots for the night. After they left, the Democrat workers locked the doors, pulled out five suitcases of ballots from under tables, and continued to process them. So why don't liberals know about this? Because according to Fox, they're the only ones reporting it and playing the video.

They didn't see the testimony of Colonel Phil Waldron. He's a software expert who is very knowledgeable of Dominion systems and Smartmatic software. The software's origin was from Venezuela. Chavez, as a major owner in the company, had the software developed so it could be manipulated for a desired outcome. This is the same software we are using in these Dominion voting machines. Algorithms could be inserted to switch votes from one person to another, which we have proof of happening in one polling place. The Colonel stated it's no secret, in fact it tells you how to do it in the owners manual.
Dumbfuck, Dominion has nothing to do with Smartmatic, Venezuela or Hugo Chavez.

Like I always say, there's no creature slithering the Earth dumber than a conservative.
That is a common theme I have noticed in the Biden lovers is they always make false assumptions that because we say covid is a hoax and mass vote fraud took place,that we think that because Trump told us so. :cuckoo: Trump had nothing to do wiith me making up my mind about that,I did not go by what trump said, I went by what whistleblowers said and the evidence,see that is the difference between the logical objective Trump supporters and the biased non objective biden fans @initforme

Major differernce. Biden fans won’t look at an supposing view or watchvideos of vote fraud and have to lie all the time to save face,the trump supporters are always objective and look at BOTH sides of the coin,they only look at one side and won’t look at an opposing view that does not support their warped opinions.

Liberals seldom make up their own mind. They are told what to think, not why they should be thinking it.

So now their strategy is to try and blame a President for the deaths of people, supposedly caused by the virus. That's such a stupid argument to make. It's like saying DumBama was responsible for the over 200,000 Americans who died from the common flu during his two terms. A President cannot control a microorganism. A President cannot control the actions people take.

Speaking of election cheating, I was watching Fox yesterday. They have a video I believe from Georgia. What they did was tell the reporters and Republican overseers that they were done counting ballots for the night. After they left, the Democrat workers locked the doors, pulled out five suitcases of ballots from under tables, and continued to process them. So why don't liberals know about this? Because according to Fox, they're the only ones reporting it and playing the video.

They didn't see the testimony of Colonel Phil Waldron. He's a software expert who is very knowledgeable of Dominion systems and Smartmatic software. The software's origin was from Venezuela. Chavez, as a major owner in the company, had the software developed so it could be manipulated for a desired outcome. This is the same software we are using in these Dominion voting machines. Algorithms could be inserted to switch votes from one person to another, which we have proof of happening in one polling place. The Colonel stated it's no secret, in fact it tells you how to do it in the owners manual.
Did you get my pm of one of those four ladies being careless to the fact she left clues behind that they the identity of the woman? :abgg2q.jpg:
No, he made fun of Slow Joe for wearing a mask when he's outside 50 feet away from anybody. He was making fun of his political theater. Show me one time Trump made fun of people wearing masks after this got serious.

Nice try, except these are spliced together clips with no dates on them, and the second video you need to create an account with YouTube to watch it, which I'm sure you didn't either since anything you post things you never see yourself. You only post by titles instead of substance. As I said, Trump did make fun of Biden not for wearing a mask, but because he's doing it as a dog and pony show, and Trump mocked masks when only a few were wearing them.
Trump gained among all demographic groups, especially Hispanics, but also among blacks. he lost a few percent in white males (cucks, who cares?).
So from what ETHNIC demographic did Biden pull all those extra ten million votes he gained over Obama?

/——/ Right here, but libtards will attack Rush and say even if true, it wasn’t enough to sway the election.
Trump gained among all demographic groups, especially Hispanics, but also among blacks. he lost a few percent in white males (cucks, who cares?).
So from what ETHNIC demographic did Biden pull all those extra ten million votes he gained over Obama?

Wrong. He gained among the stupid demographic. Biden won easily with the educated demographic.

Speaks for itself doesn’t it.
The mystery for Trumpers solved. Where did 10 million votes come from?
US population in 2008 304 million, 2012 313 million, 2020 331 million. Perhaps too complicated for Trumpers.
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