The Great 2020 Mystery...Where did Biden Get 10 million More Votes Than Obama?

Since the seasonal flu has been killing about the same number of people each year, for the last 100 years.

What's the point of blaming every president since Wilson.

Actually I'm not. It's stupid and ridiculous to say a President is responsible for a germ or virus naked to the eye. That's my point. In other words, you people on the left don't know how ridiculous it sounds when you do it. So I turned it around so perhaps it will open your eyes and bust through the CNN brainwashing.
When I said your personal dislike, I meant the fact that you dislike Biden as a candidate doesn't mean that millions of people couldn't like him just fine as a candidate.

I would ask who in their right mind would vote for Trump? He's a narcissistic con man, the "You're Fired!" reality show guy who thought he could make a buck creating a school and selling steaks. He has no filter between his brain and his mouth, he's alienated a bunch of our usual allies while praising strongmen and authoritarians. The country has gone ever deeper into debt under his administration. The majority of his time seems to be spent on Twitter. Trump is something like a 70+ year old teenager in the White House, with the constant concern about what he might do to screw things up on a whim. Who in their right mind would vote for this and more?

Both candidates are horrible in my opinion. Unlike you, however, I can accept that a whole lot of people have a different opinion about the pros and cons of each candidate than I do.

Most everything you listed is personal, not what kind of job he's done or will do. The problem in this country is people no longer vote for representatives on their ability, they use the same criteria to vote for a President that they used to vote for their favorite American Idol contestant. Forget policy or goals. Who cares about that anymore? Let the country go to hell, but take pride that you elected the nicer guy.

Imagine what a failure we'd be if our industry used the same criteria to hire employees. You have an applicant that has an outstanding work record, energetic beyond his age, his heart is more in his work than the money you are going to pay him, but he has a harsh personality. So you hire a person who is a nice guy, but not nearly as many accomplishments.

Well......if you and I had competing companies, and I hired employees based on their abilities instead of personalities and you did the opposite, guess what? I'm putting your company out of business.

You seem to have completely missed the point. The point is that just because you feel a certain way about something, in this case the presidential candidates, doesn't mean other people are going to feel the same way. Your argument about why the election must have been fraudulent seems to boil down to you not being able to believe that so many people would be willing to vote for Biden. Whatever their reasons (preferring Biden's policy choices, liking Biden's personality, disliking Trump's personality, thinking Trump's policies are bad for the country), many millions of people appear to have voted for Biden.

You may dismiss things like the coronavirus and the effect it's had on the economy as not Trump's fault, but presidents usually get too much credit and blame for the state of things in the country. In this case, regardless of who is actually at fault, I think there is a wide perception that the bad state of the country is Trump's fault.

Before you start explaining why the coronavirus and economy are not Trump's fault, it doesn't matter. I'm just talking about perception. In elections, perception > reality. That's always been the case.
no actually it's based on the number of fraudulent claims made at the polling centers that showed errors out the wahzoo.

Nice of you to try explaining the basis for another person's argument, but I'll just let Ray speak for himself, thanks. ;)
Man oh man, BDS has already started to set in

It doesn't take BDS among any but the most terminally obtuse thickheaded among us like you to ask how a guy who never gathered more than 1% of the vote any other time now suddenly sets a new national record with many states having more than 100% turnout.
It doesn't take BDS among any but the most terminally obtuse thickheaded among us like you to ask how a guy who never gathered more than 1% of the vote any other time now suddenly sets a new national record with many states having more than 100% turnout.
You are committing the 'Logic to LibtardFallacy'.

Just thought I'd let you know.
It didn't last that long. When people make more money, the producers of products have to charge more money. When you need to spend more money to buy the same things you always bought, that creates inflation. It isn't rocket science.

Actually, it lasted the whole of the 1970s... I mean, you had a couple of weeks of gas lines, that's what everyone remembers about the oil shocks... they don't remember the runaway inflation they caused, and it wasn't because people were making fair wages.

Noting Keynesian about it. We are in a state of emergency and our government needs to do everything possible to get us out of this problem. If Hillary were in right now, all she'd be worrying about is giving more money to Planned Parenthood and to hell with the people.

If Hillary was in, she'd have done what the scientists said to do, we'd have still have lost about 50,000 and you guys would be SCREAMING that she failed us.
Actually, it lasted the whole of the 1970s... I mean, you had a couple of weeks of gas lines, that's what everyone remembers about the oil shocks... they don't remember the runaway inflation they caused, and it wasn't because people were making fair wages.

Inflation is caused by the cost of living going up. That doesn't happen because of one item. After one union got what they wanted, another union followed, then another, then another. The cost of goods and services went up, just like they will if Biden infects us with his $15.00 minimum wage increase. Watch.

If Hillary was in, she'd have done what the scientists said to do, we'd have still have lost about 50,000 and you guys would be SCREAMING that she failed us.

Trump did do what scientists said to do within the constraints of our Constitution. We keep asking you on the left what more he could have done, and all you could come up with is "He should have said this, he should have said that!" as if people follow orders of a President. If Hillary was in she would have never issued a travel ban on anybody, including the Democrat homeland of Communist China.
Man oh man, BDS has already started to set in

It doesn't take BDS among any but the most terminally obtuse thickheaded among us like you to ask how a guy who never gathered more than 1% of the vote any other time now suddenly sets a new national record with many states having more than 100% turnout.
Which states had more than 100% turnout?

What, doesn't your finger and keyboard work, or are you just too lazy and don't really care?

Here's a list that was put out a couple days after the election.

Man oh man, BDS has already started to set in

It doesn't take BDS among any but the most terminally obtuse thickheaded among us like you to ask how a guy who never gathered more than 1% of the vote any other time now suddenly sets a new national record with many states having more than 100% turnout.
Which states had more than 100% turnout?

What, doesn't your finger and keyboard work, or are you just too lazy and don't really care?

Here's a list that was put out a couple days after the election.

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Actually, I just wanted you to expand on and back up your claim.
While I appreciate the graph, I’ve read that the numbers are based on 2018 statistics, making it inaccurate. If you look at world population review now, you’ll see more recent numbers.
Inflation is caused by the cost of living going up. That doesn't happen because of one item.

No, there were a lot of causes, but the main one was the monetary policies of Nixon and Ford to print shitloads of money to cover deficit spending.


Oh, I'm sure there's a sentence in there you can take out of context... but don't waste my time.

Trump did do what scientists said to do within the constraints of our Constitution. We keep asking you on the left what more he could have done, and all you could come up with is "He should have said this, he should have said that!" as if people follow orders of a President.

Well, he should have said a lot of things, instead of the stupid things he did say. The very fact that some of you on the Flying Monkey Right try to downplay this thing, 9 months in, wrecked economy and all, says a lot.
Well, he should have said a lot of things, instead of the stupid things he did say. The very fact that some of you on the Flying Monkey Right try to downplay this thing, 9 months in, wrecked economy and all, says a lot.

We know what happened, but those of us with a little logic also understand a President has no ability or authority to control it, no more than DumBama had the ability to control the hundreds of thousands who died from the flu during his two terms. In a free country, people not only think for themselves, they conduct their business the way they see fit.

Presidents can't control a virus. They can't control hurricanes. They can't control tornadoes. They can't control wildfires. They can't control floods or droughts. God controls these things, and all a President can do is deal with these problems when they arise.
I’ve read that the numbers are based on 2018 statistics, making it inaccurate.

A). You made me dig it up for nothing. You already knew what it was you asked me to provide.​
B). You've "read" somewhere, and assume that makes it more factual enough to invalidate other things without bothering to get independent data from a third source to prove one way or the other which if either is the more true.​

Here's just a few stories I pulled in 5 seconds indicating unusual high turnout.
I’ve read that the numbers are based on 2018 statistics, making it inaccurate.

A). You made me dig it up for nothing. You already knew what it was you asked me to provide.​
B). You've "read" somewhere, and assume that makes it more factual enough to invalidate other things without bothering to get independent data from a third source to prove one way or the other which if either is the more true.​

Here's just a few stories I pulled in 5 seconds indicating unusual high turnout.

You're such a fucking retard, boobtoob. Montrovant is correct, they based their registered voter count on old data. Want proof...?

Thanks to the wayback machine, here's a snapshot of their webpage from November 4th which contained old data...

... how do you know that's old data...? You scroll all the way down to the bottom of the page where you'll fink a link to their source. Click on it...

Voting and Registration

... there you'll find links to census tables from 2016 and 2018.

Then click on this link to see yourself in a mirror...
Presidents can't control a virus. They can't control hurricanes. They can't control tornadoes. They can't control wildfires. They can't control floods or droughts. God controls these things, and all a President can do is deal with these problems when they arise.

There is no God.

Viruses can be contained if you practice simple safety procedures... They don't work when a President tell his cult that it's a hoax, it will all go away when it gets warm, a vaccine is just around the corner, let's have a super-spreader event and Ooops, sorry you died, Herman.

But it goes beyond just saying the right things and taking the right policies. Trump lost because he failed to show any empathy or compassion. Heck, lots of people never got sick, but they still lost contact with family, jobs, income, etc.

Trump gets up there and whines about how it is SOOOOO unfair to him. This is what a narcissist does.
There is no God.

Viruses can be contained if you practice simple safety procedures... They don't work when a President tell his cult that it's a hoax, it will all go away when it gets warm, a vaccine is just around the corner, let's have a super-spreader event and Ooops, sorry you died, Herman.

But it goes beyond just saying the right things and taking the right policies. Trump lost because he failed to show any empathy or compassion. Heck, lots of people never got sick, but they still lost contact with family, jobs, income, etc.

Trump gets up there and whines about how it is SOOOOO unfair to him. This is what a narcissist does.

You can slow the spread, but that's only if everybody cooperates and agrees. A lot of people don't, and didn't when it was first brought to light in the US. Americans never agree on anything, and there is nothing a President could do about that. The last time we all agreed on something was on 911. That lasted about 48 hours, and back to normal again.

You leftists have a huge problem with people eating outside at a restaurant, but no problem when tens of thousands gather shoulder to shoulder in the street to protest our police and destroy public and private property.

Now they found out this has been with us for well over a year not--not just 9 months. They went to the American Red Cross and tested blood they received in donations. They found Covid in samples all the way back to October of 2019.

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