The Great Biden Economy

Americans have for years expressed a general discomfort with the state of the economy, which has helped drag down President Joe Biden’s objectively pathetic approval rating. Despite gloomy perceptions of the economy, people have not stopped spending money, which has buoyed many of the economic indicators that please policymakers.

Evidence of a strong economy has so far been lost on a general public that still feels the pinch of inflation and worries about the uncertainty of life in 2024.

Why isn’t the growing economy helping public perception of Biden?


The Biden economy is extraordinarily great. What do you think?

Well, except you can't pin NY and CA's decision to shut down their economies for over a year on Trump, when he wanted everything back open in April, 2020. Economists now admit Trump was right all along. Democrats cratered so many jobs, you can't give the Alzheimer's patient credit for when they inevitably partially rebound. Chimpy tried the same thing. His party destroyed the economy, so when it starts its inevitable rebound, it's "Look how many jobs I created".
Biden shills. . . "We have a great economy, no matter what your budget and circumstance are. . . we know what reality is, YOU DON'T!"

". . . so you need to vote for our guy!!!!"


The economy is a trouble spot for Biden despite strong signs. Here's why​

December 9, 20235:00 AM ET



". . . The fact is inflation is one of those things people can see — they see it on massive signs at gas stations and on their grocery bills. Overall inflation after the pandemic began to rise and hit a high of 9.1% in June of last year. But food inflation was an even higher 11.4% last summer.

That meant that things like steak, bacon, eggs, cheese, potato chips, coffee, ice cream and cookies were more expensive. All are household items and noticeable every time someone checks out at the store.

Overall inflation and food inflation have both come down significantly since the start of the year, from 6.4% overall to 3.2% in October and from 10.1% to 3.3% for food.

There's been an especially sharp decline in food inflation since the summer, but that hasn't necessarily meant prices have come down much, if at all, and Biden isn't seeing any political benefit — 67% disapproved of Biden's handling of the economy in the latest Gallup survey, which is similar to other recent polls' findings.

Housing costs in many parts of the country remain high, and one of the reasons for inflation coming down is because the Federal Reserve hiked interest rates substantially, making the ability to afford a home significantly more difficult.

The economy, but more specifically how much stuff costs, is always going to be top of mind for voters. And there's no easy solution politically. . . . "
Bidens economy is a flat out lie!!
Americans know the truth when they fill up their tanks and when they fill up their grocery carts.
Despite gloomy perceptions of the economy, people have not stopped spending money, which has buoyed many of the economic indicators that please policymakers.
Ever heard the expression - "perception is reality"? Biden's numbers are historically bad and these news stories aren't convincing many of their personal situation being improved. I plan to enjoy watching the media hysteria build to a saliva-spewing crescendo in about 6-7 months ;)
Evidence of a strong economy has so far been lost on a general public that still feels the pinch of inflation and worries about the uncertainty of life in 2024.

That is entirely a matter of perspective, which the 'powers that be' are obviously prostituting for their own electoral gains

Matters economic are not lost to any of us that've been around to see ups/downs at all

We each know how our economic well being has fared juxtaposed to the folks in DC that actually think they're steering the ship

The real truth is they've little grasp or influence to market machinations and logistics , yet speak as if they do , if things are going well, and point the finger elsewhere if not

ergo> not worth our time

Your free to think that's BS Lakhota

So here's my 'economy' today in fact....



and yes, i might be looking up from a quaint old world lifestyle most here would not subscribe to

but that's perspective, which displaces sorts like me from the 'narrative' , from the elites , from hollyweird, and quite frankly from anything most here raised by it all would see it as

your the borg to me, which i'm rather happy to say i'm not (not wish to) be in your all speak but have no connection ......all horse, no cattle....

good evening .....

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The Biden economy is extraordinarily great. What do you think?

But what about…?

The bottom fifty percent of Americans make less than $30,000 annually, and have less than one percent of the collective wealth. That’s a figure that should astonish all Americans. It’s a glaring indictment of our chrony capitalist system. What kind of marketplace can’t provide virtually any wealth for half of the people? If you throw in the untold millions of illegal immigrants, which probably aren’t included in the statistics, the figure might be closer to fifty five or even sixty percent. That’s not representative of a First World economy.
Indentured Taxpayers and the Casino Economy - LewRockwell
The economy is doing GREAT!

More poor, lower middle class & middle class folks, the young and the dumb, need to get more part time jobs, to afford the inflated prices that the government subsidized corporations are charging them for rent, mortgages, food, and energy. . .

Wall-Streets' profits & prices of the institutional investors and the wealthy elites' profits have never been better, as they profit off the backs of the poor!

In fact. . they probably need even more illegals!
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But what about…?

The bottom fifty percent of Americans make less than $30,000 annually, and have less than one percent of the collective wealth. That’s a figure that should astonish all Americans. It’s a glaring indictment of our chrony capitalist system. What kind of marketplace can’t provide virtually any wealth for half of the people? If you throw in the untold millions of illegal immigrants, which probably aren’t included in the statistics, the figure might be closer to fifty five or even sixty percent. That’s not representative of a First World economy.
Indentured Taxpayers and the Casino Economy - LewRockwell

From your link;

".. . The reason why Survival of the Richest was ignored by all prominent voices on the Left except for the likes of Naomi Wolf, is that I talk about the impact of immigration. Immigration is unquestionably the main reason for the drop in real blue-collar wages, and the virtual elimination of meaningful benefits. And the great capitalists- whom Libertarians still inexplicably worship- dismiss the issue by taking a swipe at the workers they refuse to pay a living wage. How often have you heard that immigrants are “just doing the jobs that Americans won’t do?” I lived in a time when no illegals were around to mow the lawns, or do the landscaping. Someone used to do all that, because it got done. American citizens just can’t work for slave wages... "

You might enjoy this interview.

.. . and it won't be found on GooTube or Rumble.
(Lot of great links at the website.)

Were Libertarians Wrong About Immigration? with Jeffrey Tucker​

January 4th, 2024.

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