The Great Covid-19 Hoax

See if everybody gets it but very mildly then why on earth would it be policy that they will spread it to everyone else in a Much More intense fashion? It would seem that if they spread it at all they would most likely pass on what they had experienced themself and Not Worse Case Scenario.
I’ll tell you why-Worse case fake projections are The Agenda.
The Kung Flu "Pandemic" is a fucking fraud! Tiny Tony Fraudi has to be held accountable for his incompetence and outright lies!

Some people do get it, they're not as stupid as libs.

What is the inflated count at now?

Not good enough to have included you.

No one doubts that you leftards are full of hate. We know that.

So, fuck you very much.

Actually, it is America itself that was founded upon and has been maintained by the manipulation and application of hate. And all the system has to do is point the unsubstantial people at one another. How does it feel to participate in and cooperate with such a system? Seems to cause you angst. Why persist?
Clearly you are suffering from the Jones Syndrome!


Alex Jones' attorney had to admit in a custody hearing with Jones' ex-wife that he was an entertainer. 'Nuff said.

Not fake news: InfoWars' Alex Jones is a 'performance artist,' his lawyer says

Sandy Hook parents and the courts do NOT appreciate his "performance art" ;)

Lawyers are professional liars.

Their words have no value. Just saying. Using a lawyer as a source, is not valid.
Clearly you are suffering from the Jones Syndrome!


Alex Jones' attorney had to admit in a custody hearing with Jones' ex-wife that he was an entertainer. 'Nuff said.

Not fake news: InfoWars' Alex Jones is a 'performance artist,' his lawyer says

Sandy Hook parents and the courts do NOT appreciate his "performance art" ;)

Lawyers are professional liars.

Their words have no value. Just saying. Using a lawyer as a source, is not valid.

The point of charlatans like Alex, Don "tiny hands" Trump, and your entire corporate/political/media/military/tech/finance/healthcare/prison/industrial complex is to insure reality is invalid in the minds of the masses.

See Edward L Bernays.
Clearly you are suffering from the Jones Syndrome!


Alex Jones' attorney had to admit in a custody hearing with Jones' ex-wife that he was an entertainer. 'Nuff said.

Not fake news: InfoWars' Alex Jones is a 'performance artist,' his lawyer says

Sandy Hook parents and the courts do NOT appreciate his "performance art" ;)

Lawyers are professional liars.

Their words have no value. Just saying. Using a lawyer as a source, is not valid.

The point of charlatans like Alex, Don "tiny hands" Trump, and your entire corporate/political/media/military/tech/finance/healthcare/prison/industrial complex is to insure reality is invalid in the minds of the masses.

See Edward L Bernays.

Trump ran for office with a well thought out political platform and an excellent political strategy.

ONly a partisan hack would lump him in with a talking head commentator.

That being said, my point about lawyers stand. They are professional liars and their words never have any credibility.
As real news is beginning to seep out, we are learning that Covid-19 pandemic is much more like those of recent years than the Spanish Flu pandemic of 1918.

More than 200,000 people are hospitalized each year in the United States for the flu illness and its complications and between 3,000 and 49,000 people die each year from the flu. The number of flu deaths every year varies.

For example, the average number of flu deaths during the 1990s was 36,000.

  • Average number over a longer time frame from 1976 to 2007 was 23,607 deaths.
  • If you take the number of deaths year wise, you will find a vast variation with a low of 3,349 deaths during the flu season of 1986-87 to a high of 48,614 in 2003-04.
The above-mentioned figures are for adults only and are rough estimates. The CDC estimates that 60 percent of flu-related hospital admissions and 90 percent of flu-related deaths occur in people of this age group [>65}.

So why the hysteria over this new strain? Could it possibly have anything to do with the upcoming Presidential election? After recounts, Russian collusion, obstruction of justice, quid pro quo and impeachment have all failed to overturn the 2016 election, is there the slightest doubt that the Democrats will do anything to prevent Trump's reelection?

Doesn't crashing the economy, which was Trump's biggest reelection asset, fit right in with all of these other despicable actions? Why are Blue States the most opposed to reopening the economy? Why is the CDC so resistant to admitting the Covid-19 threat has been vastly overestimated? What do these people have in common?

Orange Man Bad.
WTF19 is denying Republicans in 2020 were saying covid was a hoax. Isn't this thread proof enough?
WTF19 is denying Republicans in 2020 were saying covid was a hoax. Isn't this thread proof enough?
Here is a question that I won't get answer from a leftist. What percentage would a leftist guess is dying and have died from covid? Those who caught it that is. Yes, we know that is impossible to answer since there is no way to really know how many had covid without knowing it and even more impossible how many actually died from covid or the other condition they had along with covid. Not saying covid isn't killing people, but what percentage of people have died who contracted it?

More or less than 2 percent?

Also, why don't any of you address this whenever you claim Trump took the disease lightly?

Why is msnbc mocking Trump for this statement?

Trump, "The coronavirus is not the flu, it's vicious."


Now watch either the left wing two step, the run and hide ignore method, or toss the race card grenade and then run and hide as they claim Trump said the disease was under control in order to prevent widespread panic like obama did in 2009 about h1n1 pandemic.
As real news is beginning to seep out, we are learning that Covid-19 pandemic is much more like those of recent years than the Spanish Flu pandemic of 1918.

More than 200,000 people are hospitalized each year in the United States for the flu illness and its complications and between 3,000 and 49,000 people die each year from the flu. The number of flu deaths every year varies.

For example, the average number of flu deaths during the 1990s was 36,000.

  • Average number over a longer time frame from 1976 to 2007 was 23,607 deaths.
  • If you take the number of deaths year wise, you will find a vast variation with a low of 3,349 deaths during the flu season of 1986-87 to a high of 48,614 in 2003-04.
The above-mentioned figures are for adults only and are rough estimates. The CDC estimates that 60 percent of flu-related hospital admissions and 90 percent of flu-related deaths occur in people of this age group [>65}.

So why the hysteria over this new strain? Could it possibly have anything to do with the upcoming Presidential election? After recounts, Russian collusion, obstruction of justice, quid pro quo and impeachment have all failed to overturn the 2016 election, is there the slightest doubt that the Democrats will do anything to prevent Trump's reelection?

Doesn't crashing the economy, which was Trump's biggest reelection asset, fit right in with all of these other despicable actions? Why are Blue States the most opposed to reopening the economy? Why is the CDC so resistant to admitting the Covid-19 threat has been vastly overestimated? What do these people have in common?

Orange Man Bad.

Wow another republican post that didn't age well at all.

Will these people ever get tired of being wrong all the time?
This thread is retarded. The CDC Director is saying the Fall/Winter wave could be much worse that what we're experiencing now.

CDC director warns second wave of coronavirus this winter could be worse

This post did age well.

That's exactly what happened last fall and winter. It was much worse than what we had seen thus far.

That is until now.

It's getting bad in most of the southeast. All red states with governors who refuse to mandate masks or can't because of new laws.
Here is a question that I won't get answer from a leftist. What percentage would a leftist guess is dying and have died from covid?
Because your question is stupid and any rational adult knows it is stupid.. Where? In what country? "Death rate" is not an inherent property of a virus. It is affected by treatment, timeliness of treatment, vaccination, etc.
I had it, my wife had it and my son had it. My son was the sickest as he had to stop pumping iron for three days, my wife lost her hearing for several days and I had minor off and on sweats for 2 days. No one needed medical treatment

We are better off with less sick people anyway, shit half this country weighs over 500lbs

Not normal

My favorite aunt wasn't sick. She wasn't over 500 pounds.

She was a healthy woman of normal weight.

She was tested for the virus on Thursday April 9th 2020. The positive result came on Monday April 13th 2020.

She died on Tuesday April 14th, 2020.

No one knows how their body will react to the virus until they get it. Some won't be harmed badly. Others are and some die.

No one knows who will be the ones who end up fighting for their lives and die until it happens.

Also, you all can get the virus more than once.

Stop trivializing this virus. Just because you weren't harmed doesn't mean others won't be.

The death toll is now over 600 thousand dead Americans.

The delta variant is hitting the young much harder and even children are dying.

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