The Great Reset has begun

All during the 2016 campaign, Trump denied denied denied he had any business with Russia. And the rubes totally bought that hoax.

Then it came out he was actually negotiating to get a Trump Tower Moscow deal with Putin all that time.

Suppose Putin then invaded Ukraine while Trump was president.

Oh, I see. So all the tards who think Putin is afraid of Trump DO know what Putin thinks. Is that it, rube?

The Left tells us what Putin thinks every day, saying he owns Trump.

So I guess since they knew what Putin was thinking they just did nothing to stop him in the Ukraine.

Sounds about right.
Suppose Putin then invaded Ukraine while Trump was president.

Otay, now suppose he didn't.

Which he didn't. Try to stay in reality.
He didn't for the reasons I already stated.
You know what's in his mind then, when you have less of an idea of what's in yours.
Ropey Someone has to do it and fast.

I guess many havent read or comprehended history of the fallen empires before the US. The US is making the same mistakes those empires committed.
Ropey Someone has to do it and fast.

I guess many havent read or comprehended history of the fallen empires before the US. The US is making the same mistakes those empires committed.
America is in the habit of coming up from behind.

Biden is very good at that, if nothing much else.


Brandon's main job was to destroy the Reserve status of the US $

That's why Xi and the CCP paid so much for the Biden family


Brandon's main job was to destroy the Reserve status of the US $

That's why Xi and the CCP paid so much for the Biden family

They don't care about the future of the democrat Party. They will be radioactive for a billion years after if this comes to pass

How The Ukraine War Starts The Great Reset

Is the Biden regime provoking a war to cause a global famine?

28 Mar 2022 ~~ By Emerald Robinson

Our corrupt elites keep predicting at their globalist conferences that food will soon become scarce and expensive. Why is that? It seems to be an unlikely scenario in our age of modern farming and global shipping. Why would food production capacity suddenly collapse for, say, 100 million people?

This is where the Russia-Ukraine war comes in. Russia and Ukraine together produce about 30% of the world’s wheat exports — as well as 15% of corn exports and 30% of barley exports. Russia alone produces 15% of the world's fertilizer. According to the corporate media, the war is causing fertilizer costs to skyrocket.
All our media outlets agree about this “unintended” consequence.
Biden has explicitly said that food shortages are coming, and that the deaths of millions of people due to starvation is just the price we all have to pay for our sanctions on Russia — and the ensuing mayhem that they’ve caused for wheat exports.
Did you sign up for “supporting Ukraine” with the expectation that it would cause a global famine? Of course not. If the Biden regime truly cared about preventing the starvation of millions of people around the world, then it would be reducing sanctions on Russia and pushing for peace talks during the planting season in the most productive wheat fields in the world — and that’s the exact opposite of what they’re doing.
Just look at gas prices, food prices, and mortality rates — the Biden regime wants the “unintended” consequences.
Those “unintended” consequences are the point.

The elites and leaders hate America and are a danger to the world. Biden destroyed all Trumps successes very rapidly. November can't come soon enough to stop him form further damage.

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