The Great Unexplained MSNBC News Trump Coverage Contradiction


Tungsten/Glass Member
Apr 29, 2017
I watched the Donald give one of his best stirring speeches the other night on Fox News, they cut in on the Tucker show and aired the whole event without interruption, showing the crowds, etc., and I caught most of it, until the time slot for Tucker ran out and my DVR shut off. Not only was it a great speech, but he had three or four real hotties right behind him, that he kept turning to smile to.

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And they would wiggle and give him big smiles back holding signs. The hottest one was right behind him and only occasionally seen with a green ball-cap and open top blouse.

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I've noticed in general that GOP crowds tend to look a lot better and fitter than democratic ones. Seriously, it was a great speech and he went right down the line on the many important things he has been working on and getting done.

SO WHAT STRUCK ME was that after watching this for about an hour, I found out later that almost all of CNN and MSNBC's news coverage is on Trump! And that 97% of it is negative. But what really hit me is that here are two networks obsessed with Trump covering him morning, noon and night, then here is a chance to actually cover him live and GUESS WHAT? MSNBC only broadcast 7 minutes of his speech and CNN NONE OF IT! (Hope I got those right).

So I have to wonder, what is bigger news than the president giving a speech, yet here are news organizations not even covering it? While he was on, they mostly talked about Russia and Jared Kushner, so is it any wonder why many here think these are big stories?

Is it possibly they don't cover Trump's live speeches because they have no control over the content? I saw on one CNN website that the only part they showed was where Trump talked about CNN and how they wouldn't cover him. They covered that. They didn't show any of the parts where he was talking about his great accomplishments. But is it possible these networks don't air these speeches because they are afraid that if their viewers saw Trump unadulterated, that he might start to make sense to them and might even see him in a new light away from all the negative pounding? Dare I say, maybe even start to like the guy, realize he makes sense and maybe even start watching Fox News to learn more? Or is that how liberals stay hating him, by staying as far away as possible and knowing as little as they can and sticking only to the hate-sites that do nothing but spew vitriol his way?

Is that how it works?
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With the Created News Network I think they ignore virtually everything positive because it would interfere with their 24/7 negativity screeds, which IMO are retaliation for him pointing out what phonies their are during both the primary and general election campaigns. He skewered the hell out of them more than other networks and they're thoroughly pissed about being so publicly exposed.
Not only was it a great speech, but he had three or four real hotties right behind him, that he kept turning to smile to. And they would wiggle and give him big smiles back holding signs.
“I did try and fuck her. She was married… I moved on her like a bitch...
Donald J Trump
Empty brains and empty land




The mantra of the Left. Those Deplorables that Hillary detests and just flies over, that she would never respect much less represent in a million years! Keep it up! Don't ever change, Bug Spray! So long as you flaming arrogant buttholes keep thinking that you few are elite and better than the rest, smarter, better educated, more important, you will keep jacking off to Rachael Madcow while the GOP occupies the White House, the Senate, Supreme Court, House of Representatives, most Governorships, Mayoralships and State Legislatures!!!!!

Thank You!!!!!

When someone is OUTSMARTED by another with an empty brain living on empty land, WHAT DOES THAT MAKE YOU???

Besides, empty land is good land. Good for the environment. Back to nature. Fresh air, sunshine, wide open spaces, can hear the birds. Away from all of the crime, smog, overcrowding and pollution of liberals who say they are all for the environment, but everywhere a liberal goes, they end up making the area look like downtown Chicago. At least we keep all the liberals in a few major places away from the rest of us where they will be easy to find when Kim decides to drop the big bomb. So long as it is aimed at just Seattle or San Fran, maybe our good boys in the military won't even bother stopping it. You know the kind, giving their lives in the service of their country, risking their lives for little pay, with those empty brains from empty lands. I'll make sure a lot of them get to read this!

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