The greatest tragedy in U.S. history

No - it's not the murder of 5 police officers in Dallas, or 3 police officers in Louisiana. It's not 9/11 or the Oklahoma City bombing. It's not the Watts Riots, the LA Riots, or the New Orleans Riots. It's not the $19 trillion in national debt or the erosion or rights. Unbelievably, it's not even slavery.

The greatest tragedy in U.S. history (in world history for that matter) is the unimaginable sacrifices men and women who founded this country and fought in wars to protect it, made - only to have modern-day liberals take their sacrifices and turn them into bargaining chips to be traded in for pitiful government table scraps and other handouts.

I guess for some - who never had to make any sacrifices and had freedom handed to them on a silver platter - liberty just doesn't mean that much. Millions throughout U.S. history made tremendous sacrifices - up to and including giving their lives - only to have it voluntarily surrendered by those on the left for some stamps allowing the purchase of cigarettes and beer.

The Sacrifices Made by the Men Who Signed the Declaration

Of course corporate welfare is many times more dollars than social welfare.
lets look at that shall we?
the corporation pays employees that in turn pay taxes. So, the corporation is generating income for the treasury department.
The scum that suck off of the taxpayer do nothing for society, they are a useless drain.
If you were looking at your household expenses and saw something you were paying for that served you no purpose, you would get rid of whatever that thing might be.
try again, there is no such thing as corporate welfare, unless you refer to all of those green companies that took our money, paid their executives and then went under.. Of course thats different in your mind because your idiot obama came up with the idea

Wrong. Corporate welfare goes directly to profit. No company that received corporate welfare couldn't have afforded to do it themselves with their own monies, they used the Republican started taxpayer subsidy racket.

As usual, you go to the rim and get the ball slapped into the cheap seats. Your beloved "gubermint" IS a corporate entity and it has over 185,000 subsidiaries that you can find on Dun and Bradstreet. The foreign owned banking oligarchs that took USA.INC into receivership in 1912 as "successor to contract" to provide the 19 enumerated/essential services in a for profit venture owns the majority shares in every Fortune 500 corporation and their subsidiaries. The politicians in D.C are nothing but corporate officers that have to answer to the shareholders of USA.INC You are simply an indentured debt slave that works three to four months a year for free. You were made a surety on the debt due to the Chapter 11 bankruptcy of 1933 when your parents "registered" you with the birth certificate that was printed on bond paper. Your labor was pledged as collateral on a dbet that you do not owe. USA.INC rakes in the profits and conceals them in offshore accounts while giving us their company credit card to pay. They offshore jobs to third world countries with lax environmental laws and cheap labor becomes it improves their bottom line and it's all "tax free"....can you handle the truth? I seriously doubt it.

You're writing that corporate America and Republicans are the reason that the American worker is getting screwed?

No, dumb fuck...your beloved federal "gubermint" IS a corporation with 185,000 plus subsidiaries. Even the Supreme Court is incorporated, all the alphabet agencies are, why is this significant? Because once you become incorporated, you are under the jurisdiction of the Universal Commercial Code and the law of the land becomes merchant law which is the law of the sea. Admiralty law was brought on land in 1933 AND because the law changed from Common Law (God's law) to admiralty law (kings law) we went from being a "man of the land" to that of a subject. We went from having rights to having privileges bestowed upon us by a (snicker) "benevolent gubermint". We lost allodial rights and became tenets. If you think you own your property, stop paying the taxes. They will confiscate it and keep every dime of it and they can legally do this........"The ultimate ownership of all property is in the state; individual so-called `ownership' is only by virtue of government, i.e., law, amounting to a mere user; and use must be in accordance with law and subordinate to the necessities of the State." - Senate Document No. 43, "Contracts payable in Gold" written in 1933. The real money of the people was stolen in 1933 with the Chapter 11 Bankruptcy of March that year. Under penalty of a 10,000 dollar fine and 5 years in prison, people had to turn in their REAL money for debt notes printed by the federal reserve bank owned by international bankers that then took that gold from Ft Knox because gold and silver is REAL money. A top to bottom audit of the Federal Reserve bank has never been done and there has never been a top to bottom audit of the alleged gold stash at Ft. Knox. You are simply a debt slave that works three to four months a year for free....a lot of truth to try and handle on a Monday night but that be the facts.
Of course corporate welfare is many times more dollars than social welfare.
lets look at that shall we?
the corporation pays employees that in turn pay taxes. So, the corporation is generating income for the treasury department.
The scum that suck off of the taxpayer do nothing for society, they are a useless drain.
If you were looking at your household expenses and saw something you were paying for that served you no purpose, you would get rid of whatever that thing might be.
try again, there is no such thing as corporate welfare, unless you refer to all of those green companies that took our money, paid their executives and then went under.. Of course thats different in your mind because your idiot obama came up with the idea

Wrong. Corporate welfare goes directly to profit. No company that received corporate welfare couldn't have afforded to do it themselves with their own monies, they used the Republican started taxpayer subsidy racket.

As usual, you go to the rim and get the ball slapped into the cheap seats. Your beloved "gubermint" IS a corporate entity and it has over 185,000 subsidiaries that you can find on Dun and Bradstreet. The foreign owned banking oligarchs that took USA.INC into receivership in 1912 as "successor to contract" to provide the 19 enumerated/essential services in a for profit venture owns the majority shares in every Fortune 500 corporation and their subsidiaries. The politicians in D.C are nothing but corporate officers that have to answer to the shareholders of USA.INC You are simply an indentured debt slave that works three to four months a year for free. You were made a surety on the debt due to the Chapter 11 bankruptcy of 1933 when your parents "registered" you with the birth certificate that was printed on bond paper. Your labor was pledged as collateral on a dbet that you do not owe. USA.INC rakes in the profits and conceals them in offshore accounts while giving us their company credit card to pay. They offshore jobs to third world countries with lax environmental laws and cheap labor becomes it improves their bottom line and it's all "tax free"....can you handle the truth? I seriously doubt it.

You're writing that corporate America and Republicans are the reason that the American worker is getting screwed?

No, dumb fuck...your beloved federal "gubermint" IS a corporation with 185,000 plus subsidiaries. Even the Supreme Court is incorporated, all the alphabet agencies are, why is this significant? Because once you become incorporated, you are under the jurisdiction of the Universal Commercial Code and the law of the land becomes merchant law which is the law of the sea. Admiralty law was brought on land in 1933 AND because the law changed from Common Law (God's law) to admiralty law (kings law) we went from being a "man of the land" to that of a subject. We went from having rights to having privileges bestowed upon us by a (snicker) "benevolent gubermint". We lost allodial rights and became tenets. If you think you own your property, stop paying the taxes. They will confiscate it and keep every dime of it and they can legally do this........"The ultimate ownership of all property is in the state; individual so-called `ownership' is only by virtue of government, i.e., law, amounting to a mere user; and use must be in accordance with law and subordinate to the necessities of the State." - Senate Document No. 43, "Contracts payable in Gold" written in 1933. The real money of the people was stolen in 1933 with the Chapter 11 Bankruptcy of March that year. Under penalty of a 10,000 dollar fine and 5 years in prison, people had to turn in their REAL money for debt notes printed by the federal reserve bank owned by international bankers that then took that gold from Ft Knox because gold and silver is REAL money. A top to bottom audit of the Federal Reserve bank has never been done and there has never been a top to bottom audit of the alleged gold stash at Ft. Knox. You are simply a debt slave that works three to four months a year for free....a lot of truth to try and handle on a Monday night but that be the facts.

Actually, in the 70's a select number of reporters and politicians were allowed into Fort Knox to see that the gold was still there.

I live in Kentucky right now, after living in Ohio most of my life... and it is a red state, and you wouldn't believe the number of people here that live off of social programs. Despite the fact that so many people use what would be considered "liberal" programs, most consider themselves Republicans because they are gun toting God fearing people. It's really an odd situation.

No it isn't.

I am willing to be you that a lot of these people you are talking about are white. They've been told their whole life they are special. The media reinforces that viewpoint.

The One Percent (who aren't the Illuminati Lizard People launching false flag operations) are very good at playing at their religious, racial and sexual fears. Yup, they might not have a good union job at the factory like Pappy did, but at least they are better off than the queers and the coloreds!!!

Not thousands maybe a hundred or so and since the ones involved agreed on the agenda and signed non-disclosure agreements along with being financially compensated with all the money donated by the gullible plus a generous contribution by "da gubermint"?

Well, no, guy it would have to be thousands. Thousands of people in Newtown would have to know Sandy Hook wasn't an active school. There would also be records of it being closed. probably would have made the local newspapers. Yet not one person from that town has come forward and blown the whistle. Because now the whole media is in on the thing too! All the networks and newspapers and internet sites. Now we are getting into tens of thousands of people who would all be going along with this gag that no one died at Sandy Hook, and it was staged to promote gun control that never happens.

The whole story about Adam Lanza's mom being a beloved teacher at the school as explained by a nurse that had worked there for 9 years turned out to be total bullshit.

And that story was retracted within hours.

I can post about this allllll day long pointing out the bullshit of this event and the crisis actors and their backgrounds

Yes, you could. You'd sound like a crazy person doing it.

Hey, how about showing me a screen shot of the IMDB page of one of these crisis actors? Or his SAG membership card?
I live in Kentucky right now, after living in Ohio most of my life... and it is a red state, and you wouldn't believe the number of people here that live off of social programs. Despite the fact that so many people use what would be considered "liberal" programs, most consider themselves Republicans because they are gun toting God fearing people. It's really an odd situation.

No it isn't.

I am willing to be you that a lot of these people you are talking about are white. They've been told their whole life they are special. The media reinforces that viewpoint.

The One Percent (who aren't the Illuminati Lizard People launching false flag operations) are very good at playing at their religious, racial and sexual fears. Yup, they might not have a good union job at the factory like Pappy did, but at least they are better off than the queers and the coloreds!!!

Not thousands maybe a hundred or so and since the ones involved agreed on the agenda and signed non-disclosure agreements along with being financially compensated with all the money donated by the gullible plus a generous contribution by "da gubermint"?

Well, no, guy it would have to be thousands. Thousands of people in Newtown would have to know Sandy Hook wasn't an active school. There would also be records of it being closed. probably would have made the local newspapers. Yet not one person from that town has come forward and blown the whistle. Because now the whole media is in on the thing too! All the networks and newspapers and internet sites. Now we are getting into tens of thousands of people who would all be going along with this gag that no one died at Sandy Hook, and it was staged to promote gun control that never happens.

The whole story about Adam Lanza's mom being a beloved teacher at the school as explained by a nurse that had worked there for 9 years turned out to be total bullshit.

And that story was retracted within hours.

I can post about this allllll day long pointing out the bullshit of this event and the crisis actors and their backgrounds

Yes, you could. You'd sound like a crazy person doing it.

Hey, how about showing me a screen shot of the IMDB page of one of these crisis actors? Or his SAG membership card?

Well it is...Kentucky, so do I really have to tell you how many of the people are white? Then again, when you get to cities like Lexington, Louisville, or the Covington area, you do find more Blacks.
The better question is why are you attacking people who are not belittling you and who are in fact admiring what you are doing?

Look back at what you said, and tell me that didn't come across as demeaning. is sooooooooo "demeaning" to point out that our current system is 100% illegal/unconstitutional and that all of these needs should be met by foundations. :eusa_doh:

How is it illegal to have social programs that were voted on by elected officials?
Because the U.S. Constitution explicitly restricts the federal government to 18 enumerated powers and social assistance isn't one of them. The fact that you believe anything voted on by Congress is constitutional is fucking sad. Tomorrow, Congress could easily vote to make it ok to rape women or hang n*gggers. Would that make it ok in your mind, just because Congress approved it?

Even if there were "Foundations" paying for all the social programs, you would be paying taxes to pay the salaries of government officials that would monitor those foundations to make sure they were legit. you wouldn't. At all. Government doesn't need to "monitor" shit. Do you think the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is "monitored" by government?!?! :eusa_doh:

You should really try getting your facts straight before commenting.

If it is so unConstituional, then why, why, has these social programs been around a hundred years and yet the Supreme Court hasn't ruled against them? You know...the whole idea of Check and Balances? Legalizing rape? Wow, this is where your argument is headed? You might as well at this point take a seat at the table with Dale Smith

Ok, do you not realize what a Foundation is? Anything that receives tax exempt status IS monitored by the government.

The social programs began in 1933 because after the bankruptcy of USA.INC and the international bankers that owned the Federal Reserve wanted their money, FDR pledged our labor as collateral and made us a "surety" against the debt. The birth certificate was printed on bond paper and made a negotiable instrument and monetized using actuarial tables to give that bond a benchmark of which this corporate "gubermint" could use to borrow fake money from the Fed.They made themselves the "trustee" of that situs trust when people signed up for a Social Security card. In exchange for "cradle to grave" protection", they had access to the situs trust that was created with your strawman ID. Yeah, I know more than you...infinitely more..I live and breathe this stuff. Lots of real history out there and lots of information to be found but you have to want to know itr and be able to discern it. Does that answer your question? Allow me to soothe your guilt for using "gubermint" aided paid for it and you were entitled to it just by being born here. You are made to feel obligated to be grateful because this POS "benevolent gubermint" wants that from you. Good luck to ya.
I live in Kentucky right now, after living in Ohio most of my life... and it is a red state, and you wouldn't believe the number of people here that live off of social programs. Despite the fact that so many people use what would be considered "liberal" programs, most consider themselves Republicans because they are gun toting God fearing people. It's really an odd situation.

No it isn't.

I am willing to be you that a lot of these people you are talking about are white. They've been told their whole life they are special. The media reinforces that viewpoint.

The One Percent (who aren't the Illuminati Lizard People launching false flag operations) are very good at playing at their religious, racial and sexual fears. Yup, they might not have a good union job at the factory like Pappy did, but at least they are better off than the queers and the coloreds!!!

Not thousands maybe a hundred or so and since the ones involved agreed on the agenda and signed non-disclosure agreements along with being financially compensated with all the money donated by the gullible plus a generous contribution by "da gubermint"?

Well, no, guy it would have to be thousands. Thousands of people in Newtown would have to know Sandy Hook wasn't an active school. There would also be records of it being closed. probably would have made the local newspapers. Yet not one person from that town has come forward and blown the whistle. Because now the whole media is in on the thing too! All the networks and newspapers and internet sites. Now we are getting into tens of thousands of people who would all be going along with this gag that no one died at Sandy Hook, and it was staged to promote gun control that never happens.

The whole story about Adam Lanza's mom being a beloved teacher at the school as explained by a nurse that had worked there for 9 years turned out to be total bullshit.

And that story was retracted within hours.

I can post about this allllll day long pointing out the bullshit of this event and the crisis actors and their backgrounds

Yes, you could. You'd sound like a crazy person doing it.

Hey, how about showing me a screen shot of the IMDB page of one of these crisis actors? Or his SAG membership card?

Does this pass your sniff test????

Look back at what you said, and tell me that didn't come across as demeaning. is sooooooooo "demeaning" to point out that our current system is 100% illegal/unconstitutional and that all of these needs should be met by foundations. :eusa_doh:

How is it illegal to have social programs that were voted on by elected officials?
Because the U.S. Constitution explicitly restricts the federal government to 18 enumerated powers and social assistance isn't one of them. The fact that you believe anything voted on by Congress is constitutional is fucking sad. Tomorrow, Congress could easily vote to make it ok to rape women or hang n*gggers. Would that make it ok in your mind, just because Congress approved it?

Even if there were "Foundations" paying for all the social programs, you would be paying taxes to pay the salaries of government officials that would monitor those foundations to make sure they were legit. you wouldn't. At all. Government doesn't need to "monitor" shit. Do you think the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is "monitored" by government?!?! :eusa_doh:

You should really try getting your facts straight before commenting.

If it is so unConstituional, then why, why, has these social programs been around a hundred years and yet the Supreme Court hasn't ruled against them? You know...the whole idea of Check and Balances? Legalizing rape? Wow, this is where your argument is headed? You might as well at this point take a seat at the table with Dale Smith

Ok, do you not realize what a Foundation is? Anything that receives tax exempt status IS monitored by the government.

The social programs began in 1933 because after the bankruptcy of USA.INC and the international bankers that owned the Federal Reserve wanted their money, FDR pledged our labor as collateral and made us a "surety" against the debt. The birth certificate was printed on bond paper and made a negotiable instrument and monetized using actuarial tables to give that bond a benchmark of which this corporate "gubermint" could use to borrow fake money from the Fed.They made themselves the "trustee" of that situs trust when people signed up for a Social Security card. In exchange for "cradle to grave" protection", they had access to the situs trust that was created with your strawman ID. Yeah, I know more than you...infinitely more..I live and breathe this stuff. Lots of real history out there and lots of information to be found but you have to want to know itr and be able to discern it. Does that answer your question? Allow me to soothe your guilt for using "gubermint" aided paid for it and you were entitled to it just by being born here. You are made to feel obligated to be grateful because this POS "benevolent gubermint" wants that from you. Good luck to ya.

I'm using the government aid the way it is intended, as a stop gap situation. I get angered just as much as the next person when I see people that abuse the system. When I mean those that abuse the system, I mean those that have more kids just to get more benefits, or those that "sell" their food stamps at 50% face value for cash... or those that are happy to live in a shack and continue to live off the government. With that said, many people don't realize that many states have gotten out of the situation where people that are able-bodied can get food stamps. Now even if people are going to school, unless someone is disabled, they have to work or participate in work-study 20 hours a week to get SNAP benefits. is sooooooooo "demeaning" to point out that our current system is 100% illegal/unconstitutional and that all of these needs should be met by foundations. :eusa_doh:

How is it illegal to have social programs that were voted on by elected officials?
Because the U.S. Constitution explicitly restricts the federal government to 18 enumerated powers and social assistance isn't one of them. The fact that you believe anything voted on by Congress is constitutional is fucking sad. Tomorrow, Congress could easily vote to make it ok to rape women or hang n*gggers. Would that make it ok in your mind, just because Congress approved it?

Even if there were "Foundations" paying for all the social programs, you would be paying taxes to pay the salaries of government officials that would monitor those foundations to make sure they were legit. you wouldn't. At all. Government doesn't need to "monitor" shit. Do you think the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is "monitored" by government?!?! :eusa_doh:

You should really try getting your facts straight before commenting.

If it is so unConstituional, then why, why, has these social programs been around a hundred years and yet the Supreme Court hasn't ruled against them? You know...the whole idea of Check and Balances? Legalizing rape? Wow, this is where your argument is headed? You might as well at this point take a seat at the table with Dale Smith

Ok, do you not realize what a Foundation is? Anything that receives tax exempt status IS monitored by the government.

The social programs began in 1933 because after the bankruptcy of USA.INC and the international bankers that owned the Federal Reserve wanted their money, FDR pledged our labor as collateral and made us a "surety" against the debt. The birth certificate was printed on bond paper and made a negotiable instrument and monetized using actuarial tables to give that bond a benchmark of which this corporate "gubermint" could use to borrow fake money from the Fed.They made themselves the "trustee" of that situs trust when people signed up for a Social Security card. In exchange for "cradle to grave" protection", they had access to the situs trust that was created with your strawman ID. Yeah, I know more than you...infinitely more..I live and breathe this stuff. Lots of real history out there and lots of information to be found but you have to want to know itr and be able to discern it. Does that answer your question? Allow me to soothe your guilt for using "gubermint" aided paid for it and you were entitled to it just by being born here. You are made to feel obligated to be grateful because this POS "benevolent gubermint" wants that from you. Good luck to ya.

I'm using the government aid the way it is intended, as a stop gap situation. I get angered just as much as the next person when I see people that abuse the system. When I mean those that abuse the system, I mean those that have more kids just to get more benefits, or those that "sell" their food stamps at 50% face value for cash... or those that are happy to live in a shack and continue to live off the government. With that said, many people don't realize that many states have gotten out of the situation where people that are able-bodied can get food stamps. Now even if people are going to school, unless someone is disabled, they have to work or participate in work-study 20 hours a week to get SNAP benefits.

I salute you for using the tools available to you to make a better life for yourself because that was what these programs were intended for. Hell, I qualified for a Pell Grant when I was going to tech school when I was in my early 20's. The ones that make welfare their way of life and expect it? That really gets under my skin and I am sure many others feel the same way. Good luck.
lets look at that shall we?
the corporation pays employees that in turn pay taxes. So, the corporation is generating income for the treasury department.
The scum that suck off of the taxpayer do nothing for society, they are a useless drain.
If you were looking at your household expenses and saw something you were paying for that served you no purpose, you would get rid of whatever that thing might be.
try again, there is no such thing as corporate welfare, unless you refer to all of those green companies that took our money, paid their executives and then went under.. Of course thats different in your mind because your idiot obama came up with the idea

Wrong. Corporate welfare goes directly to profit. No company that received corporate welfare couldn't have afforded to do it themselves with their own monies, they used the Republican started taxpayer subsidy racket.

As usual, you go to the rim and get the ball slapped into the cheap seats. Your beloved "gubermint" IS a corporate entity and it has over 185,000 subsidiaries that you can find on Dun and Bradstreet. The foreign owned banking oligarchs that took USA.INC into receivership in 1912 as "successor to contract" to provide the 19 enumerated/essential services in a for profit venture owns the majority shares in every Fortune 500 corporation and their subsidiaries. The politicians in D.C are nothing but corporate officers that have to answer to the shareholders of USA.INC You are simply an indentured debt slave that works three to four months a year for free. You were made a surety on the debt due to the Chapter 11 bankruptcy of 1933 when your parents "registered" you with the birth certificate that was printed on bond paper. Your labor was pledged as collateral on a dbet that you do not owe. USA.INC rakes in the profits and conceals them in offshore accounts while giving us their company credit card to pay. They offshore jobs to third world countries with lax environmental laws and cheap labor becomes it improves their bottom line and it's all "tax free"....can you handle the truth? I seriously doubt it.

You're writing that corporate America and Republicans are the reason that the American worker is getting screwed?

No, dumb fuck...your beloved federal "gubermint" IS a corporation with 185,000 plus subsidiaries. Even the Supreme Court is incorporated, all the alphabet agencies are, why is this significant? Because once you become incorporated, you are under the jurisdiction of the Universal Commercial Code and the law of the land becomes merchant law which is the law of the sea. Admiralty law was brought on land in 1933 AND because the law changed from Common Law (God's law) to admiralty law (kings law) we went from being a "man of the land" to that of a subject. We went from having rights to having privileges bestowed upon us by a (snicker) "benevolent gubermint". We lost allodial rights and became tenets. If you think you own your property, stop paying the taxes. They will confiscate it and keep every dime of it and they can legally do this........"The ultimate ownership of all property is in the state; individual so-called `ownership' is only by virtue of government, i.e., law, amounting to a mere user; and use must be in accordance with law and subordinate to the necessities of the State." - Senate Document No. 43, "Contracts payable in Gold" written in 1933. The real money of the people was stolen in 1933 with the Chapter 11 Bankruptcy of March that year. Under penalty of a 10,000 dollar fine and 5 years in prison, people had to turn in their REAL money for debt notes printed by the federal reserve bank owned by international bankers that then took that gold from Ft Knox because gold and silver is REAL money. A top to bottom audit of the Federal Reserve bank has never been done and there has never been a top to bottom audit of the alleged gold stash at Ft. Knox. You are simply a debt slave that works three to four months a year for free....a lot of truth to try and handle on a Monday night but that be the facts.

Actually, in the 70's a select number of reporters and politicians were allowed into Fort Knox to see that the gold was still there.

My question is "was it weighed" and was an integrity test done on every bar. This is no different than the scam drug dealers would a few bags of the real stuff on top and prove that it was the goods while the rest was nothing but baking soda.
Wrong. Corporate welfare goes directly to profit. No company that received corporate welfare couldn't have afforded to do it themselves with their own monies, they used the Republican started taxpayer subsidy racket.

As usual, you go to the rim and get the ball slapped into the cheap seats. Your beloved "gubermint" IS a corporate entity and it has over 185,000 subsidiaries that you can find on Dun and Bradstreet. The foreign owned banking oligarchs that took USA.INC into receivership in 1912 as "successor to contract" to provide the 19 enumerated/essential services in a for profit venture owns the majority shares in every Fortune 500 corporation and their subsidiaries. The politicians in D.C are nothing but corporate officers that have to answer to the shareholders of USA.INC You are simply an indentured debt slave that works three to four months a year for free. You were made a surety on the debt due to the Chapter 11 bankruptcy of 1933 when your parents "registered" you with the birth certificate that was printed on bond paper. Your labor was pledged as collateral on a dbet that you do not owe. USA.INC rakes in the profits and conceals them in offshore accounts while giving us their company credit card to pay. They offshore jobs to third world countries with lax environmental laws and cheap labor becomes it improves their bottom line and it's all "tax free"....can you handle the truth? I seriously doubt it.

You're writing that corporate America and Republicans are the reason that the American worker is getting screwed?

No, dumb fuck...your beloved federal "gubermint" IS a corporation with 185,000 plus subsidiaries. Even the Supreme Court is incorporated, all the alphabet agencies are, why is this significant? Because once you become incorporated, you are under the jurisdiction of the Universal Commercial Code and the law of the land becomes merchant law which is the law of the sea. Admiralty law was brought on land in 1933 AND because the law changed from Common Law (God's law) to admiralty law (kings law) we went from being a "man of the land" to that of a subject. We went from having rights to having privileges bestowed upon us by a (snicker) "benevolent gubermint". We lost allodial rights and became tenets. If you think you own your property, stop paying the taxes. They will confiscate it and keep every dime of it and they can legally do this........"The ultimate ownership of all property is in the state; individual so-called `ownership' is only by virtue of government, i.e., law, amounting to a mere user; and use must be in accordance with law and subordinate to the necessities of the State." - Senate Document No. 43, "Contracts payable in Gold" written in 1933. The real money of the people was stolen in 1933 with the Chapter 11 Bankruptcy of March that year. Under penalty of a 10,000 dollar fine and 5 years in prison, people had to turn in their REAL money for debt notes printed by the federal reserve bank owned by international bankers that then took that gold from Ft Knox because gold and silver is REAL money. A top to bottom audit of the Federal Reserve bank has never been done and there has never been a top to bottom audit of the alleged gold stash at Ft. Knox. You are simply a debt slave that works three to four months a year for free....a lot of truth to try and handle on a Monday night but that be the facts.

Actually, in the 70's a select number of reporters and politicians were allowed into Fort Knox to see that the gold was still there.

My question is "was it weighed" and was an integrity test done on every bar. This is no different than the scam drug dealers would a few bags of the real stuff on top and prove that it was the goods while the rest was nothing but baking soda.

If you watch the video it says they weighed bars, were allowed to hold them, etc. It was enough that it satisfied the Congressman that spear headed the plan to go into Fort Knox to make sure the gold was still there.
As usual, you go to the rim and get the ball slapped into the cheap seats. Your beloved "gubermint" IS a corporate entity and it has over 185,000 subsidiaries that you can find on Dun and Bradstreet. The foreign owned banking oligarchs that took USA.INC into receivership in 1912 as "successor to contract" to provide the 19 enumerated/essential services in a for profit venture owns the majority shares in every Fortune 500 corporation and their subsidiaries. The politicians in D.C are nothing but corporate officers that have to answer to the shareholders of USA.INC You are simply an indentured debt slave that works three to four months a year for free. You were made a surety on the debt due to the Chapter 11 bankruptcy of 1933 when your parents "registered" you with the birth certificate that was printed on bond paper. Your labor was pledged as collateral on a dbet that you do not owe. USA.INC rakes in the profits and conceals them in offshore accounts while giving us their company credit card to pay. They offshore jobs to third world countries with lax environmental laws and cheap labor becomes it improves their bottom line and it's all "tax free"....can you handle the truth? I seriously doubt it.

You're writing that corporate America and Republicans are the reason that the American worker is getting screwed?

No, dumb fuck...your beloved federal "gubermint" IS a corporation with 185,000 plus subsidiaries. Even the Supreme Court is incorporated, all the alphabet agencies are, why is this significant? Because once you become incorporated, you are under the jurisdiction of the Universal Commercial Code and the law of the land becomes merchant law which is the law of the sea. Admiralty law was brought on land in 1933 AND because the law changed from Common Law (God's law) to admiralty law (kings law) we went from being a "man of the land" to that of a subject. We went from having rights to having privileges bestowed upon us by a (snicker) "benevolent gubermint". We lost allodial rights and became tenets. If you think you own your property, stop paying the taxes. They will confiscate it and keep every dime of it and they can legally do this........"The ultimate ownership of all property is in the state; individual so-called `ownership' is only by virtue of government, i.e., law, amounting to a mere user; and use must be in accordance with law and subordinate to the necessities of the State." - Senate Document No. 43, "Contracts payable in Gold" written in 1933. The real money of the people was stolen in 1933 with the Chapter 11 Bankruptcy of March that year. Under penalty of a 10,000 dollar fine and 5 years in prison, people had to turn in their REAL money for debt notes printed by the federal reserve bank owned by international bankers that then took that gold from Ft Knox because gold and silver is REAL money. A top to bottom audit of the Federal Reserve bank has never been done and there has never been a top to bottom audit of the alleged gold stash at Ft. Knox. You are simply a debt slave that works three to four months a year for free....a lot of truth to try and handle on a Monday night but that be the facts.

Actually, in the 70's a select number of reporters and politicians were allowed into Fort Knox to see that the gold was still there.

My question is "was it weighed" and was an integrity test done on every bar. This is no different than the scam drug dealers would a few bags of the real stuff on top and prove that it was the goods while the rest was nothing but baking soda.

If you watch the video it says they weighed bars, were allowed to hold them, etc. It was enough that it satisfied the Congressman that spear headed the plan to go into Fort Knox to make sure the gold was still there.

That's assuming the Congressmen have integrity. If one of them had been Hiltery Clinton back in the 1970's, you can bet that she would have said or done anything in her own best interest regardless of what was actually in Fort Knox.

I'm not impressed that a small number of hand picked Congressmen went on record stating they were "satisfied". There should be complete oversight and regular audits. At the very least - the Congressmen chosen should have been randomly selected.
You're writing that corporate America and Republicans are the reason that the American worker is getting screwed?

No, dumb fuck...your beloved federal "gubermint" IS a corporation with 185,000 plus subsidiaries. Even the Supreme Court is incorporated, all the alphabet agencies are, why is this significant? Because once you become incorporated, you are under the jurisdiction of the Universal Commercial Code and the law of the land becomes merchant law which is the law of the sea. Admiralty law was brought on land in 1933 AND because the law changed from Common Law (God's law) to admiralty law (kings law) we went from being a "man of the land" to that of a subject. We went from having rights to having privileges bestowed upon us by a (snicker) "benevolent gubermint". We lost allodial rights and became tenets. If you think you own your property, stop paying the taxes. They will confiscate it and keep every dime of it and they can legally do this........"The ultimate ownership of all property is in the state; individual so-called `ownership' is only by virtue of government, i.e., law, amounting to a mere user; and use must be in accordance with law and subordinate to the necessities of the State." - Senate Document No. 43, "Contracts payable in Gold" written in 1933. The real money of the people was stolen in 1933 with the Chapter 11 Bankruptcy of March that year. Under penalty of a 10,000 dollar fine and 5 years in prison, people had to turn in their REAL money for debt notes printed by the federal reserve bank owned by international bankers that then took that gold from Ft Knox because gold and silver is REAL money. A top to bottom audit of the Federal Reserve bank has never been done and there has never been a top to bottom audit of the alleged gold stash at Ft. Knox. You are simply a debt slave that works three to four months a year for free....a lot of truth to try and handle on a Monday night but that be the facts.

Actually, in the 70's a select number of reporters and politicians were allowed into Fort Knox to see that the gold was still there.

My question is "was it weighed" and was an integrity test done on every bar. This is no different than the scam drug dealers would a few bags of the real stuff on top and prove that it was the goods while the rest was nothing but baking soda.

If you watch the video it says they weighed bars, were allowed to hold them, etc. It was enough that it satisfied the Congressman that spear headed the plan to go into Fort Knox to make sure the gold was still there.

That's assuming the Congressmen have integrity. If one of them had been Hiltery Clinton back in the 1970's, you can bet that she would have said or done anything in her own best interest regardless of what was actually in Fort Knox.

I'm not impressed that a small number of hand picked Congressmen went on record stating they were "satisfied". There should be complete oversight and regular audits. At the very least - the Congressmen chosen should have been randomly selected.[/QUOTE

I don't trust a single thing that comes out of D.C or the state controlled lame stream media. I have simply caught them in too many lies and they censor people that try to wake people up. Back in late 2014 when there was a push to audit the foreign owned Federal Reserve bank? I was posting the real history of the Fed on numerous websites and I would get notifications that I had gotten responses or "thumbs up" but when I would go the websites, my comment would be deleted. We have been scammed beyond believe but the sheeple don't seem to care...they believe this fake fiat currency system can go on forever.....are they ever in for a rude awakening. When they run out of food, they will be sitting on the curb waiting for help from their beloved corporate "gubermint" (which will never come) but you can bet that these morons will be full of chastisement to spew as to why it took them so long...which will change to pure panic when that expected help doesn't come. I wish I could be there to film their angst......
I don't trust a single thing that comes out of D.C or the state controlled lame stream media. I have simply caught them in too many lies and they censor people that try to wake people up. Back in late 2014 when there was a push to audit the foreign owned Federal Reserve bank? I was posting the real history of the Fed on numerous websites and I would get notifications that I had gotten responses or "thumbs up" but when I would go the websites, my comment would be deleted. We have been scammed beyond believe but the sheeple don't seem to care...they believe this fake fiat currency system can go on forever.....are they ever in for a rude awakening. When they run out of food, they will be sitting on the curb waiting for help from their beloved corporate "gubermint" (which will never come) but you can bet that these morons will be full of chastisement to spew as to why it took them so long...which will change to pure panic when that expected help doesn't come. I wish I could be there to film their angst......
Liberals don't want to care. They would rather surrender liberty and get some pitiful gubmint tale scraps in return than have to take responsibility for their own lives.

The problem is - liberals refuse real education (especially history - so they are doomed to repeat it). Right now Venezuela is in unimaginable crisis from implementing every policy that liberals demand here in the U.S. But do liberals study that and learn from it? Of course not. Ideology before reality with them. Instead, they would prefer their "education" to be philosophy (because theoretical is safer than reality for them), art, music, and sexual deviance.
The social programs began in 1933 because after the bankruptcy of USA.INC and the international bankers that owned the Federal Reserve wanted their money, FDR pledged our labor as collateral and made us a "surety" against the debt. The birth certificate was printed on bond paper and made a negotiable instrument and monetized using actuarial tables to give that bond a benchmark of which this corporate "gubermint" could use to borrow fake money from the Fed


Yup... he's crazy.
Does this pass your sniff test????

You mean, he didn't have the sad on all the time? He might have been smiling when talking to a friend who was there to provide moral support?

Hey, my sister was smiling at her husbands funeral when she was talking to his family. It didn't mean the guy wasn't dead. It means that she was going through a whole range of emotions.

so, yeah, sorry, not seeing the nutty you see.


Which is more probable- Hundreds or thousands of people in on a conspiracy to put on a fake incident...


One crazy guy steals mommy's guns and shoots up a school.

At an early age, someone should have introduced you to the concept of Occam's Razor.
Liberals don't want to care. They would rather surrender liberty and get some pitiful gubmint tale scraps in return than have to take responsibility for their own lives.

Guy. The problem is, you can "take responsibility" all day. The One Percent will STILL Screw you. You see, I stopped being a Republican when I realized that, after I had medical issues, and my employer and their insurance company bent over backwards to screw me over for less money than what it would have taken to maintain a dressage horse.

I'd rather have a government run health care program that I know will always be there regardless of my employment status, than one my employer can yank away at a whim.

The problem is - liberals refuse real education (especially history - so they are doomed to repeat it). Right now Venezuela is in unimaginable crisis from implementing every policy that liberals demand here in the U.S.

Except no one is really suggesting we replicate what Venezuela tried to do. NOr is that really a good example. Venezuela would be in a world of shit right now regardless of what economic system they had. That's what happens when you base your whole economy on one industry,and that industry goes into the crapper.

But do liberals study that and learn from it? Of course not. Ideology before reality with them. Instead, they would prefer their "education" to be philosophy (because theoretical is safer than reality for them), art, music, and sexual deviance.

Guy, if you want to talk about "Idealogy', how about talking what America was like before FDR and the New Deal. It looked like THIS for most Americans.


and this...


But then the mean old GOvernment came in and put an end to that shit with child labor laws and minimum wage laws and fair labor laws...

Instead of relying on the magic pixie dust of the free market like the Founding Slave Rapists wanted them to.
Does this pass your sniff test????

You mean, he didn't have the sad on all the time? He might have been smiling when talking to a friend who was there to provide moral support?

Hey, my sister was smiling at her husbands funeral when she was talking to his family. It didn't mean the guy wasn't dead. It means that she was going through a whole range of emotions.

so, yeah, sorry, not seeing the nutty you see.


Which is more probable- Hundreds or thousands of people in on a conspiracy to put on a fake incident...


One crazy guy steals mommy's guns and shoots up a school.

At an early age, someone should have introduced you to the concept of Occam's Razor.

Robbie Parker was smirking and then he was hyper-ventilating in order to get into character and didn't realize that the camera was already panned on him....and of course he mentioned the donation page because this ruse for the crisis actors was all about money. I bet you buy Gene Rosen's story about how some bus driver dropped off four children in front of his house and how he took them in and gave them cookies and punch...gave them stuffed animals to play with....totally plausible to a moron like you.

Then let's address Adam Lanza, the kid that was maybe 130 pounds soak and wet that bypassed numerous other schools after allegedly killing his mother that allegedly protected him from the outside world due to Asperger's Syndrome and took him to gun ranges (which turned out to be a total lie) that was a big time "gamer" that allegedly intentionally damaged the hard drive of his XBOX 360 before or after his killed his mom and played nothing but shooting games which was another lie. Lanza, someone that was maybe 130 pounds soak and wet had over 230 rounds of ammunition on him after having allegedly fired hundreds of shots prior. The shooting out of the glass of the school (that allegedly had put in a new security system that was also a lie) was never recorded and it wasn't big enough of a hole for even a twerp like Adam to squeeze through with hundreds of rounds of ammunition and guns. ...BUT WAIT!!! There's MORE!!! 17 state Connecticut troopers testified that they went through that same small hole...none of them went two feet and unlocked the door to let the rest of the officers in? Not even the the dullest bulb in the room would buy that bullshit. I have another hundred or so scenarios that totally blow this fake event to the can't win on this but keep offering forth your ass for me to's a guilkty pl;easuree of mine. By the way, the chemtrailing you deny? Dig on this......
Does this pass your sniff test????

You mean, he didn't have the sad on all the time? He might have been smiling when talking to a friend who was there to provide moral support?

Hey, my sister was smiling at her husbands funeral when she was talking to his family. It didn't mean the guy wasn't dead. It means that she was going through a whole range of emotions.

so, yeah, sorry, not seeing the nutty you see.


Which is more probable- Hundreds or thousands of people in on a conspiracy to put on a fake incident...


One crazy guy steals mommy's guns and shoots up a school.

At an early age, someone should have introduced you to the concept of Occam's Razor.

Robbie Parker was smirking and then he was hyper-ventilating in order to get into character and didn't realize that the camera was already panned on him....and of course he mentioned the donation page because this ruse for the crisis actors was all about money. I bet you buy Gene Rosen's story about how some bus driver dropped off four children in front of his house and how he took them in and gave them cookies and punch...gave them stuffed animals to play with....totally plausible to a moron like you.

Then let's address Adam Lanza, the

The social programs began in 1933 because after the bankruptcy of USA.INC and the international bankers that owned the Federal Reserve wanted their money, FDR pledged our labor as collateral and made us a "surety" against the debt. The birth certificate was printed on bond paper and made a negotiable instrument and monetized using actuarial tables to give that bond a benchmark of which this corporate "gubermint" could use to borrow fake money from the Fed


Yup... he's crazy.

I know more than with it and learn from the lessons I am giving you at no charge.
Lanza, someone that was maybe 130 pounds soak and wet had over 230 rounds of ammunition on him after having allegedly fired hundreds of shots prior.

230 rounds for an AR-15 aren't that heavy. It's probably 11 magazines. He fired 154 rounds.

Most of the rest off your points are equally stupid.

But you keep believing thousands of people are making this up for reasons that really aren't all the clear.

It's much easier to believe than one crazy person shot some kids.
Lanza, someone that was maybe 130 pounds soak and wet had over 230 rounds of ammunition on him after having allegedly fired hundreds of shots prior.

230 rounds for an AR-15 aren't that heavy. It's probably 11 magazines. He fired 154 rounds.

Most of the rest off your points are equally stupid.

But you keep believing thousands of people are making this up for reasons that really aren't all the clear.

It's much easier to believe than one crazy person shot some kids.

230 bullets is what he allegedly had left over after he allegedly fired over 100 shots and he did this by carrying this cache of weapons and ammo through a rather small hole that he created by shooting the window adjacent to the front door with a video camera fixed on the front entrance of which took no footage. A hole that 17 alleged state troopers a lot bigger than Adam went through according to their own reports. They didn't even use their batons to bust out the remaining glass. Then there is the pictures of the police taking a rifle out of Adam Lanza's trunk while wearing no gloves. You could drive a fucking brigade of tanks through the official story...but you believe it because you can't even comprehend that your beloved "gubermint" would ever lie to you.....tooo fucking funny. Robbie Parker's hyperventilating before he goes on camera after smirking doesn't set of your B.S detector either. You are the classic example the of the phrase "what a chump".

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