The greatest tragedy in U.S. history

230 bullets is what he allegedly had left over after he allegedly fired over 100 shots and he did this by carrying this cache of weapons and ammo through a rather small hole that he created by shooting the window adjacent to the front door with a video camera fixed on the front entrance of which took no footage.

Yes, yes, I'm sure that's what you read on

You could drive a fucking brigade of tanks through the official story...but you believe it because you can't even comprehend that your beloved "gubermint" would ever lie to you.

Well, no, i have a hard time believing that thousands of people involved in this, including families, reporters, first responders and pretty much the whole town of Newtown, CT (Population 27,500) would make up this story which apparently has no purpose.

So their whole goal was to stage this horrific event, in which they had to intimidate thousands of regular follks into silence, in order to get mild gun control laws that never happened because the NRA has the balls of our legislators in a lock-box?

One Crazy guy stole his mommy's guns and shot a bunch of people.

Dude, they figured this out in the MIDDLE AGES

The greatest tragedy in U.S. history
Is this a joke?
Having accepted slavery as legal exceeds any other nameable ill.
The greatest tragedy in U.S. history
Is this a joke?
Having accepted slavery as legal exceeds any other nameable ill.
Not even close. Pissing on the grave of those who died for freedom (including to end slavery) and voluntarily going back to the slave plantation far exceeds the tragedy of slavery. Would you like to try again?
This is what the disease known as liberalism has delivered...

Okay, let's look at that. Let's see which states are getting more back from the Federal Government than they send in.

Let's look at which states are getting the highest percentage of the EIC.


Fuck! It's the RED States who have the highest percentage claiming the EIC!

Okay. That's not fair, let's look at food stamps. Which states are getting the highest numbers of food stamps..


HOLY SHIT, that's ugly. It's mostly JesusLand!!!

Okay, one more. Let's look at Federal spending. Which states are sending more to Washington than they get back? Which are getting more back than they send.


Now, Poodle won't address any of these maps. He'll go back on his rant about how the founding fathers never wanted us to have welfare or something.
About 55 innocent people were murdered during the Rodney King riots partially because the liberal media encouraged violence as a solution for perceived legal injustice. The reckless conduct of the liberal media is the greatest tragedy in modern times.
Still not as tragic as people dying for liberty just to have liberals voluntarily surrender it for "free" cigarettes and beer.

Don't forget the Obamaphones.
Obamaphones have nothing to do with Obama, and there are no stamps for beer and cigs...You dupes have lost it...
The greatest tragedy in U.S. history
Is this a joke?
Having accepted slavery as legal exceeds any other nameable ill.
Not even close. Pissing on the grave of those who died for freedom (including to end slavery) and voluntarily going back to the slave plantation far exceeds the tragedy of slavery. Would you like to try again?
The greatest tragedy of the last 35 years seems to be the New BS GOP Propaganda Machine and the new hater dupe zombies.
The greatest tragedy in US history is that we were a nation founded by God and blessed by God and refused God's offer in 2 Chronicles 7:14!

If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.
2 Chronicles 7:14

Ninevah did not have the Word of God, Ninevah did not know God! Their king didn't know God. The Word of God tells us they didn't know their right hand from their left! Yet they repented and turned from their wickedness!

And should not I spare Nineveh, that great city, wherein are more than sixscore thousand persons that cannot discern between their right hand and their left hand; and also much cattle?
Jonah 4:11

They didn't know any better! God had to send his prophet Jonah to them to warn them!

In this country, what excuse do we have? We have the Word of God, the KJV Bible, Bible on CD, Bible on DVD, Bible on tape cassette...The best sermons by the greatest preachers of church history recorded on you tube. We have freedom to gather and worship the Lord and and it isn't against the law to preach the Word of God! Still, there is a famine in the land of the hearing of the Word of God!

There was a time when America was the envy of the world! We were blessed by God and yet this nation has steadfastly refused to repent and return to the Lord! THAT is the greatest tragedy of US history! After the judgment of God falls upon America, historians will look back and confirm this to be true.

I was on the treadmill today thinking of this very thing. My wife is praying that Trump wins, or more truthfully, Hillary loses.

I tell her that if it is God's will who wins then I am not sure He is going to listen to me about who should be president. Or for that matter even enter into the affair. Kinda like why does God allow tornadoes to hit churches. The truth is, He doesn't. God set the word into motion by laws and those laws govern what happens in the world. God on occasion will circumvent those laws but for the most part we are pretty much on our own. I use an example from "Letter From a Skeptic." I think I got the name right.

The story goes there is a house on the beaches of Normandy on dday. In the house are the sons of the Commander of the invasion. Shells and machine gun fire are everywhere. The sons call out to their father to save them. The father knows that by saving them many more will die thus he does nothing to help his sons.

So it is with your post, a very good one I might say. This election will dictate the course of the country. God has told us of the consequences of our actions. Not because God will punish us but more like picking up a hot frying pan, you were warned and you picked it up anyway and now you feel the pain.

Which doesn't make the decision of whom to we elect an easy one. My thoughts are we can not reward a proven liar. A person who thinks they are owed the position. A person who holds the unborn life in such contempt.. I truly believe we will be punished if we elect Hillary just as the country was punished by the election of Obama. Not a punishment melded out by God but by our own actions. Which has been the case through out time.
America has had welfare programs as soon as the ink dried on the Constitution.
The greatest tragedy in US history is that we were a nation founded by God and blessed by God and refused God's offer in 2 Chronicles 7:14!

If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.
2 Chronicles 7:14

Ninevah did not have the Word of God, Ninevah did not know God! Their king didn't know God. The Word of God tells us they didn't know their right hand from their left! Yet they repented and turned from their wickedness!

And should not I spare Nineveh, that great city, wherein are more than sixscore thousand persons that cannot discern between their right hand and their left hand; and also much cattle?
Jonah 4:11

They didn't know any better! God had to send his prophet Jonah to them to warn them!

In this country, what excuse do we have? We have the Word of God, the KJV Bible, Bible on CD, Bible on DVD, Bible on tape cassette...The best sermons by the greatest preachers of church history recorded on you tube. We have freedom to gather and worship the Lord and and it isn't against the law to preach the Word of God! Still, there is a famine in the land of the hearing of the Word of God!

There was a time when America was the envy of the world! We were blessed by God and yet this nation has steadfastly refused to repent and return to the Lord! THAT is the greatest tragedy of US history! After the judgment of God falls upon America, historians will look back and confirm this to be true.

I was on the treadmill today thinking of this very thing. My wife is praying that Trump wins, or more truthfully, Hillary loses.

I tell her that if it is God's will who wins then I am not sure He is going to listen to me about who should be president. Or for that matter even enter into the affair. Kinda like why does God allow tornadoes to hit churches. The truth is, He doesn't. God set the word into motion by laws and those laws govern what happens in the world. God on occasion will circumvent those laws but for the most part we are pretty much on our own. I use an example from "Letter From a Skeptic." I think I got the name right.

The story goes there is a house on the beaches of Normandy on dday. In the house are the sons of the Commander of the invasion. Shells and machine gun fire are everywhere. The sons call out to their father to save them. The father knows that by saving them many more will die thus he does nothing to help his sons.

So it is with your post, a very good one I might say. This election will dictate the course of the country. God has told us of the consequences of our actions. Not because God will punish us but more like picking up a hot frying pan, you were warned and you picked it up anyway and now you feel the pain.

Which doesn't make the decision of whom to we elect an easy one. My thoughts are we can not reward a proven liar. A person who thinks they are owed the position. A person who holds the unborn life in such contempt.. I truly believe we will be punished if we elect Hillary just as the country was punished by the election of Obama. Not a punishment melded out by God but by our own actions. Which has been the case through out time.

It is obvious that you love the LORD, Freewill. I want to assure of something. Although the commander did not rescue his own sons, you can be assured of this one thing - those who are God's sons and daughters and walk in obedience to Him will be like the Jews in Goshen who only saw with their eyes and heard with their ears the judgment of God and the cries of the wicked throughout Egypt.

The blood of the Lamb was put upon both sides of the doorposts and the top door post over the door. Here is the scripture: And ye shall take a bunch of hyssop, and dip it in the blood that is in the bason, and strike the lintel and the two side posts with the blood that is in the bason; and none of you shall go out at the door of his house until the morning. Exodus 12:22

Then when that appointed night fell death swept through the land of Egypt killing the first born of all those who did not have the Lamb's Blood on the two side posts (of the door) and the lintel.

Now we are to stay under the covering of our blessed Savior's Blood and by obedience (not crossing the threshold - a symbol of disobedience...) He will keep us and the world shall see who belongs to God and who does not. Even as the Egyptians saw the difference between what happened to them during God's wrath being poured out and what did NOT happen to the Hebrews in Goshen.

The wrath of God is upon the wicked and the children of disobedience not his own obedient children. I can back this up by Scripture. Look at Psalm 17:13 and you will see that the wicked are God's Sword. If the wicked are God's sword we have nothing to fear because God will not turn His sword on His own obedient children. He shall keep us.

Arise, O LORD, disappoint him, cast him down: deliver my soul from the wicked, which is thy sword: Psalm 17:13

However .....and this is a big however... we are going to be persecuted. There is no question but that persecution is coming and that is something that we suffer to the glory of God. I can tell you something from personal experience. The greatest sufferings of persecution I have ever experienced in my life were also the sweetest times of fellowship with God I have ever had. His nearness was so tangible it was as if I could reach out and touch Him.

The peace of God is not like the peace the world has which disappears when terror strikes. The peace of God transcends all understanding and puts us above the storm clouds so that we do not feel the turbulence others feel (because they rejected God and His Word).

This is why Paul could write about contentment from a prison cell. Why he could sing and rejoice in the midst of bad circumstances.

One more thing about your mentioning tornadoes that tear down churches.... There are many possibilities here. We know that Satan sent a whirlwind to destroy the house where Job's children were gathered together and they all perished..... he is the prince of the power of the air - remember? See Ephesians Chapter 2:2.

On the other hand, if the church has fallen into sin, if the preacher has gone off into a false gospel or has not been vigilant to keep the altar undefiled (allowing people who live in sin to sing / play music from that altar) then Satan gains legal ground to attack and destroy that building. See John 1:5:18

We know that whosoever is born of God sinneth not; but he that is begotten of God keepeth himself, and that wicked one toucheth him not.
1 John 5:18

So many untimely deaths occur when we step over that threshold into sin and then the enemy petitions God on the grounds that he now has legal right to "touch us." (harm us)

Also - it could be a case like Job's where Satan petitions God to permit him to wage an attack claiming the Pastor is only serving God for benefits. We do not know but God does.

Nothing happens by chance, Freewill. God is in full control. He knows every hair on your head and those whom you love in your house so do not fear. God's got it. He is in full control. Read Psalm 91 tonight if you have the opportunity.
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The greatest tragedy in US history is that we were a nation founded by God and blessed by God and refused God's offer in 2 Chronicles 7:14!

If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.
2 Chronicles 7:14

Ninevah did not have the Word of God, Ninevah did not know God! Their king didn't know God. The Word of God tells us they didn't know their right hand from their left! Yet they repented and turned from their wickedness!

And should not I spare Nineveh, that great city, wherein are more than sixscore thousand persons that cannot discern between their right hand and their left hand; and also much cattle?
Jonah 4:11

They didn't know any better! God had to send his prophet Jonah to them to warn them!

In this country, what excuse do we have? We have the Word of God, the KJV Bible, Bible on CD, Bible on DVD, Bible on tape cassette...The best sermons by the greatest preachers of church history recorded on you tube. We have freedom to gather and worship the Lord and and it isn't against the law to preach the Word of God! Still, there is a famine in the land of the hearing of the Word of God!

There was a time when America was the envy of the world! We were blessed by God and yet this nation has steadfastly refused to repent and return to the Lord! THAT is the greatest tragedy of US history! After the judgment of God falls upon America, historians will look back and confirm this to be true.

I was on the treadmill today thinking of this very thing. My wife is praying that Trump wins, or more truthfully, Hillary loses.

I tell her that if it is God's will who wins then I am not sure He is going to listen to me about who should be president. Or for that matter even enter into the affair. Kinda like why does God allow tornadoes to hit churches. The truth is, He doesn't. God set the word into motion by laws and those laws govern what happens in the world. God on occasion will circumvent those laws but for the most part we are pretty much on our own. I use an example from "Letter From a Skeptic." I think I got the name right.

The story goes there is a house on the beaches of Normandy on dday. In the house are the sons of the Commander of the invasion. Shells and machine gun fire are everywhere. The sons call out to their father to save them. The father knows that by saving them many more will die thus he does nothing to help his sons.

So it is with your post, a very good one I might say. This election will dictate the course of the country. God has told us of the consequences of our actions. Not because God will punish us but more like picking up a hot frying pan, you were warned and you picked it up anyway and now you feel the pain.

Which doesn't make the decision of whom to we elect an easy one. My thoughts are we can not reward a proven liar. A person who thinks they are owed the position. A person who holds the unborn life in such contempt.. I truly believe we will be punished if we elect Hillary just as the country was punished by the election of Obama. Not a punishment melded out by God but by our own actions. Which has been the case through out time.

It is obvious that you love the LORD, Freewill. I want to assure of something. Although the commander did not rescue his own sons, you can be assured of this one thing - those who are God's sons and daughters and walk in obedience to Him will be like the Jews in Goshen who only saw with their eyes and heard with their ears the judgment of God and the cries of the wicked throughout Egypt.

The blood of the Lamb was put upon both sides of the doorposts and the top door post over the door. Here is the scripture: And ye shall take a bunch of hyssop, and dip it in the blood that is in the bason, and strike the lintel and the two side posts with the blood that is in the bason; and none of you shall go out at the door of his house until the morning. Exodus 12:22

Then when that appointed night fell death swept through the land of Egypt killing the first born of all those who did not have the Lamb's Blood on the two side posts (of the door) and the lintel.

Now we are to stay under the covering of our blessed Savior's Blood and by obedience (not crossing the threshold - a symbol of disobedience...) He will keep us and the world shall see who belongs to God and who does not. Even as the Egyptians saw the difference between what happened to them during God's wrath being poured out and what did NOT happen to the Hebrews in Goshen.

The wrath of God is upon the wicked and the children of disobedience not his own obedient children. I can back this up by Scripture. Look at Psalm 17:13 and you will see that the wicked are God's Sword. If the wicked are God's sword we have nothing to fear because God will not turn His sword on His own obedient children. He shall keep us.

Arise, O LORD, disappoint him, cast him down: deliver my soul from the wicked, which is thy sword: Psalm 17:13

However .....and this is a big however... we are going to be persecuted. There is no question but that persecution is coming and that is something that we suffer to the glory of God. I can tell you something from personal experience. The greatest sufferings of persecution I have ever experienced in my life were also the sweetest times of fellowship with God I have ever had. His nearness was so tangible it was as if I could reach out and touch Him.

The peace of God is not like the peace the world has which disappears when terror strikes. The peace of God transcends all understanding and puts us above the storm clouds so that we do not feel the turbulence others feel (because they rejected God and His Word).

This is why Paul could write about contentment from a prison cell. Why he could sing and rejoice in the midst of bad circumstances.

One more thing about your mentioning tornadoes that tear down churches.... There are many possibilities here. We know that Satan sent a whirlwind to destroy the house where Job's children were gathered together and they all perished..... he is the prince of the power of the air - remember? See Ephesians Chapter 2:2.

On the other hand, if the church has fallen into sin, if the preacher has gone off into a false gospel or has not been vigilant to keep the altar undefiled (allowing people who live in sin to sing / play music from that altar) then Satan gains legal ground to attack and destroy that building. See John 1:5:18

We know that whosoever is born of God sinneth not; but he that is begotten of God keepeth himself, and that wicked one toucheth him not.
1 John 5:18

So many untimely deaths occur when we step over that threshold into sin and then the enemy petitions God on the grounds that he now has legal right to "touch us." (harm us)

Also - it could be a case like Job's where Satan petitions God to permit him to wage an attack claiming the Pastor is only serving God for benefits. We do not know but God does.

Nothing happens by chance, Freewill. God is in full control. He knows every hair on your head and those whom you love in your house so do not fear. God's got it. He is in full control. Read Psalm 91 tonight if you have the opportunity.

As much as I respect you I must differ with you. God may intervene once in awhile, that is why it is a miracle. Everything else is under God's discretion but things do not happen by chance because of the laws of the universe set by God. In other words if you make the freewill decision to drive your car into a tree then you will be subject to God's fundamental laws and your car will crumble. But God did not have any control of your freewill decision.

To propose that God is in total control makes absolutely no sense to me. If God controls people as if a puppet then explain to me Hitler. If God controls those who accept Jesus as savior then certainly those who choose not to can't be found in fault. Now I think God can and will be in total control but to say he controls our hearts and our decision is to take away freewill and the love that comes with freewill.

That all said, I do believe God does intervene in a person's life according to God will. Using a poor analogy. I find 10 dollars and have none, then I turn the corner and there is a person who has nothing and I give them the 10 dollars or just walk on by. What we do as people plays out according to freewill, how the world plays out is according to God's will.
Freewill, God has given us a free will to believe on His Son, Jesus Christ and His forgiveness of sins or to reject Jesus Christ. Still even as a believer I am accountable to keep myself from sin and obey God and as I am His, He takes care of me. I have surrendered my will to God's. Whatever He wants to do is fine with me.

Do I have troubles that come my way? More than you know!

Some are quite challenging but in every trial I learn to trust God more and know with assurance that He is in control. If I use my free will to drive into a tree tomorrow God will not be responsible for that decision. I will. If Christians use their free will to disobey the commandments of God that is their free will although it may cost them a very great price because God rewards each one according to the works of their own hands.

Collectively the nation will suffer for the judgment of God is upon us because of the rampant sin in this land and for the actions of our leadership - there is no question but that it will be a most difficult time but in Christ - things are not the same - because our suffering is not in vain. And in our trials, God is with us!

I do expect the judgment of God to fall on America and I also believe God to keep me in the midst of it - even as Daniel was kept while in the Lion's Den or Shadrach, Meshach and Abednigo were kept by God through the fire. Remember that Jesus Christ was the 4th man in the fire. They were not alone. (Daniel 3:25)

Irregardless of what comes in the future, I'm not bowing down to the god of Islam, communism, interfaithism or the Roman Catholic Church. They'll have to kill me. I'm not bowing down to any false gods. My God is Jesus Christ and he is able to deliver me but even if He does not, I am not bowing down to the devil. By the grace of God and His Strength I will endure until the end.
Freewill, God has given us a free will to believe on His Son, Jesus Christ and His forgiveness of sins or to reject Jesus Christ. Still even as a believer I am accountable to keep myself from sin and obey God and as I am His, He takes care of me. I have surrendered my will to God's. Whatever He wants to do is fine with me.

Do I have troubles that come my way? More than you know!

Some are quite challenging but in every trial I learn to trust God more and know with assurance that He is in control. If I use my free will to drive into a tree tomorrow God will not be responsible for that decision. I will. If Christians use their free will to disobey the commandments of God that is their free will although it may cost them a very great price because God rewards each one according to the works of their own hands.

Collectively the nation will suffer for the judgment of God is upon us because of the rampant sin in this land and for the actions of our leadership - there is no question but that it will be a most difficult time but in Christ - things are not the same - because our suffering is not in vain. And in our trials, God is with us!

I do expect the judgment of God to fall on America and I also believe God to keep me in the midst of it - even as Daniel was kept while in the Lion's Den or Shadrach, Meshach and Abednigo were kept by God through the fire. Remember that Jesus Christ was the 4th man in the fire. They were not alone. (Daniel 3:25)

Irregardless of what comes in the future, I'm not bowing down to the god of Islam, communism, interfaithism or the Roman Catholic Church. They'll have to kill me. I'm not bowing down to any false gods. My God is Jesus Christ and he is able to deliver me but even if He does not, I am not bowing down to the devil. By the grace of God and His Strength I will endure until the end.

thanks but maybe a political board is best left to politics. Matthew 7:6
I'd say slavery was our greatest tragedy. Not only for African-Americans themselves but the amount of dead on both sides of the Civil War that far outnumber what has been lost in foreign wars.
I'd say slavery was our greatest tragedy. Not only for African-Americans themselves but the amount of dead on both sides of the Civil War that far outnumber what has been lost in foreign wars.
Not even close. Over a million people have died for liberty in U.S. wars. Seeing progressives cash in liberty like chips in exchange for government handouts is a billion times more tragic than slavery (and will ultimately result in slavery again - this time for all races).
I'd say slavery was our greatest tragedy. Not only for African-Americans themselves but the amount of dead on both sides of the Civil War that far outnumber what has been lost in foreign wars.
Tell me about it. The worst thing about slavery......

What could have been.

I wonder what the crime rate would be today?

Probably a lot less.

Yeah should have picked our own damn cotton. True.

I wonder where Oprah would be today if not for slavery.

Oh, rhetorical questions.
I'd say slavery was our greatest tragedy. Not only for African-Americans themselves but the amount of dead on both sides of the Civil War that far outnumber what has been lost in foreign wars.
Not even close. Over a million people have died for liberty in U.S. wars. Seeing progressives cash in liberty like chips in exchange for government handouts is a billion times more tragic than slavery (and will ultimately result in slavery again - this time for all races).

Not even close, my eye. Yeah over a million died but the Civil War accounting for a mighty big portion of that.

American War Deaths Through History

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