The greatest tragedy in U.S. history

The 'end of times' is a marketing ploy by religions to get you to church and put monies in the 'offering' pan.

'If you want to get rich, you don't write science fiction, you create a religion'.........L Ron Hubbard
Lemme guess, you're atheist. Amirite?
I belittle you for being on welfare at age 40. You deserve it.

You need to be paying you own bills and not taking the money that other people earned. You are not entitled to the fruits of somebody's else's labor because you are alive.
Agreed here, albeit for different reasons.

People who are mooches, sponges and otherwise live off the blood, sweat and tears of others cannot have any self-respect. Sure, they may tell themselves they are "smart", "using the system", whatever, but results count. Such people can't truly value their own lives because they are parasites.

The key to helping people gain self-respect is to give them opportunities to earn their keep.

Your argument has no merit based on the facts I've already presented. If I were an individual that was 40 years old and had not worked during my life and had made living off social programs a way of life... you might be onto something. Yet you ignore all the facts and instead continue the same path, while not answering the questions about your own life. At this point you have proven yourself a hypocrite, and those with any common sense can see right through you.

The facts are that you are a sorry ass welfare queen that has other people paying your bills.

If you have money for the internet and a computer and to go to college then there is no reason other people should be buying you food.

If you have time to post on this forum then you should get a part time job and buy your own food.
I belittle you for being on welfare at age 40. You deserve it.

You need to be paying you own bills and not taking the money that other people earned. You are not entitled to the fruits of somebody's else's labor because you are alive.
Agreed here, albeit for different reasons.

People who are mooches, sponges and otherwise live off the blood, sweat and tears of others cannot have any self-respect. Sure, they may tell themselves they are "smart", "using the system", whatever, but results count. Such people can't truly value their own lives because they are parasites.

The key to helping people gain self-respect is to give them opportunities to earn their keep.

It is obvious he doesn't have any self respect.

Your argument has no merit based on the facts I've already presented. If I were an individual that was 40 years old and had not worked during my life and had made living off social programs a way of life... you might be onto something. Yet you ignore all the facts and instead continue the same path, while not answering the questions about your own life. At this point you have proven yourself a hypocrite, and those with any common sense can see right through you.

The facts are that you are a sorry ass welfare queen that has other people paying your bills.

If you have money for the internet and a computer and to go to college then there is no reason other people should be buying you food.

If you have time to post on this forum then you should get a part time job and buy your own food.

I have an old ass computer that is used to do my homework on, and internet is included as part of my rent from my landlord. Try again. See what happens when you assume?
I have an old ass computer that is used to do my homework on, and internet is included as part of my rent from my landlord. Try again. See what happens when you assume?
So you are late teens to mid-20s? What is your major if you are in college. If in HS, what are your plans after graduation?

I have an old ass computer that is used to do my homework on, and internet is included as part of my rent from my landlord. Try again. See what happens when you assume?

I don't have to assume anything. You are the one typing on your computer but said you are on welfare.

Get off welfare Moon Bat. Get some self respect and stop stealing money from other people. Pay your own fucking bills.
I have an old ass computer that is used to do my homework on, and internet is included as part of my rent from my landlord. Try again. See what happens when you assume?
So you are late teens to mid-20s? What is your major if you are in college. If in HS, what are your plans after graduation?

No, I'm 40 and a senior in college in Criminal Justice. I am finishing a degree I started straight out of high school, but was not able to finish due to circumstances that happened in my life. I had to quit school and go to work full-time to support my family, including my grandmother who suffered a stroke. I'm not going into detail any further than that. I go to school full-time and I work, but it is hard to find a part-time job that is flexible for my school, that pays well. Thus why I get SNAP benefits. Despite misconceptions, I don't receive very many SNAP benefits because I'm single, and I don't eat lobster, steak, or any of the other things people perpetuate on here. As I've stated several times, I've worked all my life, including some very well paying jobs where I paid quite a bit in taxes. This is not a "way of life" for me, and once getting my degree I'll be back working full time and paying my fair share of taxes.

It's quite the shame that some on here looks down upon people who are bettering themselves.
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I have an old ass computer that is used to do my homework on, and internet is included as part of my rent from my landlord. Try again. See what happens when you assume?

I don't have to assume anything. You are the one typing on your computer but said you are on welfare.

Get off welfare Moon Bat. Get some self respect and stop stealing money from other people. Pay your own fucking bills.

Yes, yes you do. And what about your religion? You still haven't answered that. I've not stolen a dime from anyone, and never will. You are a worthless piece of crap, no matter what your checking account tells you.
....It's quite the shame that some on here looks down upon people who are bettering themselves.
Thanks for the background and reasoning behind your actions.

You are wrong that anyone is looking down on those who better themselves. The discussion was around people who view living off other people's money as "right", those who truly do sponge off society with no plans for payback.

I, too, gained from taxpayer's dollars. In 1989, I began working on a Master's Degree courtesy of the US taxpayer via the US Navy. There was an obligation to serve an additional two years, but that obligation covered 3/4's of my tuition. I fully support helping people become better, more productive taxpayers and citizens. I'm strictly against paying able-bodied people to sit on their ass. It's bad for them, it's bad for our nation and it's a ripoff of the American taxpayer.
It's quite the shame that some on here looks down upon people who are bettering themselves.

You are arguing with two of the largest assholes on here. I wouldn't waste to much time with them. They will never see a different pov in a good light.

Besides that, they are delusional. One dude want to go back to a federal government with 12 powers or something. That's crazy shit.
If it is so unConstituional, then why, why, has these social programs been around a hundred years and yet the Supreme Court hasn't ruled against them? view the world like a 4 year old child. Why hasn't the Supreme Court ruled agains them? Because nearly everyone in the Supreme Court blatantly ignores the U.S. Constitution and abuses their seat of power to either push their own agenda or to push the agenda of the party that nominated them for the court (as is the case with Sotomayor and Kagen).

The federal government simply does not have the power to force citizens to purchase a good or a service. And yet that's exactly what Obamacare does and yet Obamacare was upheld by the Supreme Court. Why? Because Ginsburg, Sotomayor, Kagen, etc. were simply rubber stamping their party's agenda. And Chief Justice Roberts was playing political games (his opinion stated "elections have consequences" - the asshole thought that he could enrage the American people by approving it and then they would vote Obama out in his second term).

Like a 4 year-old? I think you view it like an 80-year-old man sitting on his porch telling the kids to get off his lawn. You only look at things from your perspective which is obviously muddied by your misguided anger. The framers of the Constitution, and those that fought for our freedoms, put forth this system for us to use...those same people that you mentioned in the OP, and now you are saying their system is shit. You sir have become the American Tragedy. In one thread you are now railing against the very same thing you set out to defend. How ironic.
The framers didn't build a system that said "to hell with the law - do whatever you want". That's what you want to believe, but it's just not so.
Besides that, they are delusional. One dude want to go back to a federal government with 12 powers or something. That's crazy shit.
I don't support that - but I have to ask: why is that "crazy shit"? Because then you can't force people to do what you want? Why is it so horrifying to you that you state and local government handle more responsibility so that the people have more of a say? Oh wait.....I think I just answered my own question.....fascists like you don't want people to have a say in their own lives.

How sad does a person's life have to be to be so desperate for control over others?
Yep, exactly. Someone who's 8-year-old kid has a better phone than I do, and they act like this is a lifestyle people WANT to live. Hell, I've volunteered my time at the animal shelter, and I've done things for people despite not having much myself, and not think twice about it, yet here we have people complaining because maybe a penny of their paycheck goes towards a program that helps put food on the table for families, and you would think they are having their finger nails pulled out.
Dude....if I had a "penny" of my paycheck go towards government programs, I would dance an irish-jig in the streets and revel in paying it.

Do you have any idea what a normal person pays in taxes in the U.S.? Be honest....

Uh, yeah...and as has already been stated, MOST of that money goes for things like the military.

Let me give you a very good example of something. Look at the country of Costa Rica. It's beautiful, many people want to live there... and they don't have a standing national army. What they do have is very low cost social programs, funded by the money that would have gone towards a very expensive army.

So while I don't advocate getting rid of the military, I do think it is ridiculous when people put all the blame on their taxes towards social programs when the military spends multitudes more money than any of the social programs.
But here is the difference - defense is the Constitutional responsibility of the federal government. Social assistance is not. And....we all feel like we get something for our money with defense - something priceless called liberty. I don't feel like I get a damn thing when Congress wastes $0.99 of every $1.00 they take from me in social assistance and gives the other $0.01 to someone in need.

Ok, so you want Federal Government when it is convenient for your tax dollars? So you believe in states having the majority of the power except when you feel they shouldn't? Sounds about right. dude. I believe in the people and the states having all of the power except for the 18 enumerated powers delegated to the federal government by the U.S. Constitution. Why is it so horrifying for you to have your state handle social assistance? Gasp! Oh the horrors....
Your silence is deafening LD. Why is it soooooo horrifying in your mind for either foundations (preferably) or at the very least - state and local governments to handle social assistance? Why does it have to be done at the federal level in your mind? Because you can force all 330 million of society into it instead of "only" 60 million?
Dude....if I had a "penny" of my paycheck go towards government programs, I would dance an irish-jig in the streets and revel in paying it.

Do you have any idea what a normal person pays in taxes in the U.S.? Be honest....

Uh, yeah...and as has already been stated, MOST of that money goes for things like the military.

Let me give you a very good example of something. Look at the country of Costa Rica. It's beautiful, many people want to live there... and they don't have a standing national army. What they do have is very low cost social programs, funded by the money that would have gone towards a very expensive army.

So while I don't advocate getting rid of the military, I do think it is ridiculous when people put all the blame on their taxes towards social programs when the military spends multitudes more money than any of the social programs.
But here is the difference - defense is the Constitutional responsibility of the federal government. Social assistance is not. And....we all feel like we get something for our money with defense - something priceless called liberty. I don't feel like I get a damn thing when Congress wastes $0.99 of every $1.00 they take from me in social assistance and gives the other $0.01 to someone in need.

Ok, so you want Federal Government when it is convenient for your tax dollars? So you believe in states having the majority of the power except when you feel they shouldn't? Sounds about right. dude. I believe in the people and the states having all of the power except for the 18 enumerated powers delegated to the federal government by the U.S. Constitution. Why is it so horrifying for you to have your state handle social assistance? Gasp! Oh the horrors....
Your silence is deafening LD. Why is it soooooo horrifying in your mind for either foundations (preferably) or at the very least - state and local governments to handle social assistance? Why does it have to be done at the federal level in your mind? Because you can force all 330 million of society into it instead of "only" 60 million?

No, because by doing so through the federal government helps to make things evenly dispersed. Why do you think it should be done at the state or local level? What's the benefits? If social programs need to be done at the state or local level, why not have all the military be done through state and local level?
Because it was......I have more proof that it was a hoax than you have that it actually happened. Just because your lame stream, CIA infiltrated media SAYS it happened does not make it I clear????

Yes. You are clear.

You think that it's more probable that thousands of people engaged in a staged operation and have all kept it a secret for three years...

...than one crazy person stole his mommy's guns and shot up his old grammar school.
The government is the biggest scam of them all. It steals money from the people that earn the money and then gives it to the welfare queens that vote for the government leaders.

Sometimes the welfare queens are the unions. Sometimes they are ghetto monkeys like the Obamaphone Lady or the guy that post on here that is 40 years old and getting food stamps. Sometime they are failed businesses like GM and sometimes they are Wall Street. Sometimes they are illegals. The Wall Street big shots didn't give Crooked Hillary millions just because they think she is pretty. They gave the ugly bitch that money because they expect to get a rate of return out of her. They bought her lock stock and barrel.

I don't need the fucking government telling me who I should give my money to. I can make that decision myself. Especially when the government is run by corrupt assholes like Obama who is elected by special interest groups.

What you probably need is to be seriously medicated. Seriously, guy you need to get over your anger issues. dude. I believe in the people and the states having all of the power except for the 18 enumerated powers delegated to the federal government by the U.S. Constitution. Why is it so horrifying for you to have your state handle social assistance? Gasp! Oh the horrors....

Have you met your average state legislator?

Can you even name your state legislator?

If you think the problems are bad now, wait until those guys get their claws into the problem.

"But I'll done move to a red state!"

Uh, guy, the red states only are kept afloat by Federal money. dude. I believe in the people and the states having all of the power except for the 18 enumerated powers delegated to the federal government by the U.S. Constitution. Why is it so horrifying for you to have your state handle social assistance? Gasp! Oh the horrors....

Have you met your average state legislator?

Can you even name your state legislator?

If you think the problems are bad now, wait until those guys get their claws into the problem.

"But I'll done move to a red state!"

Uh, guy, the red states only are kept afloat by Federal money.

I live in Kentucky right now, after living in Ohio most of my life... and it is a red state, and you wouldn't believe the number of people here that live off of social programs. Despite the fact that so many people use what would be considered "liberal" programs, most consider themselves Republicans because they are gun toting God fearing people. It's really an odd situation.
Because it was......I have more proof that it was a hoax than you have that it actually happened. Just because your lame stream, CIA infiltrated media SAYS it happened does not make it I clear????

Yes. You are clear.

You think that it's more probable that thousands of people engaged in a staged operation and have all kept it a secret for three years...

...than one crazy person stole his mommy's guns and shot up his old grammar school.

Not thousands maybe a hundred or so and since the ones involved agreed on the agenda and signed non-disclosure agreements along with being financially compensated with all the money donated by the gullible plus a generous contribution by "da gubermint"? Yeah, people would keep their mouth shut...besides, where would they go since the lame stream media is owned by the ones pushing for the disarming of Americans? The whole story about Adam Lanza's mom being a beloved teacher at the school as explained by a nurse that had worked there for 9 years turned out to be total bullshit. There is the footage shoot by CNN showing the cops rushing the St Rose of Lima school that they portrayed as the Sandy Hook event. It's all bullshit and a total farce and I am insulted that they did such a piss poor job on this hoax because it is an insult and total lack of respect for the intellect of Americans. I can post about this allllll day long pointing out the bullshit of this event and the crisis actors and their backgrounds. I can point to their ties to the leftard clown posse party and their work on anti-gun legislation long before this event. You've gotten noting to counter but "I saw it on CNN with CIA agent Anderson Cooper so it has to be true!!" bullshit....rock on with your stupid self.

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