The greatest tragedy in U.S. history

I am adamantly against all government welfare. However, like most Conservatives I am a very generous person. I probably give substantially more amount to charities each year than any of these Moon Bats that claim they are compassionate.

Charities are scams...

The Bible teaches that charity should come from the heart, family and church. These confused Moon Bats think that the government should steal money from those that earn it and give it the welfare queens. Their idea of charity is nothing more than greed with a little envy thrown in and of course they never want to be the ones to have to cough up the money to be redistributed. The want "the rich" to do it, not themselves.

The rich can afford it. The rest of us, not so much. The stupidity of Battered housewife conservatives like yourself and Poodle is that the rich have managed to shift the costs of a civilized society to you. And you thank them for it.

Your "knowledge" of U.S. history is as pathetic as your "knowledge" of the U.S. Constitution. It was Thomas Jefferson who was appalled by slavery my dear. He introduced legislation to ban it in the Virginia legislature before America even declared independence.

“What a stupendous, what an incomprehensible machine is man, who can endure toil, famine, stripes, imprisonment, and death itself in vindication of his own liberty, and the next moment be deaf to all those motives whose power supported him through his trial, and inflict on his fellow men a bondage, one hour of which is fraught with more misery than ages of that which he rose in rebellion to oppose!" – Thomas Jefferson (June 26, 1786 in a letter to Jean Nicolas Demeunier)

Yet he owned slaves.
He raped a slave named Sally Hemmings for years
He did not free his slaves upon his death like George Washington did.
He sold them all off to pay off his debts.
No - it's not the murder of 5 police officers in Dallas, or 3 police officers in Louisiana. It's not 9/11 or the Oklahoma City bombing. It's not the Watts Riots, the LA Riots, or the New Orleans Riots. It's not the $19 trillion in national debt or the erosion or rights. Unbelievably, it's not even slavery.

The greatest tragedy in U.S. history (in world history for that matter) is the unimaginable sacrifices men and women who founded this country and fought in wars to protect it, made - only to have modern-day liberals take their sacrifices and turn them into bargaining chips to be traded in for pitiful government table scraps and other handouts.

I guess for some - who never had to make any sacrifices and had freedom handed to them on a silver platter - liberty just doesn't mean that much. Millions throughout U.S. history made tremendous sacrifices - up to and including giving their lives - only to have it voluntarily surrendered by those on the left for some stamps allowing the purchase of cigarettes and beer.

The Sacrifices Made by the Men Who Signed the Declaration

you're embarrassing.

and even the founders didn't agree with each other. jefferson lived in a fantasy world where white landowners ran the country in some agrarian ideal. hamilton fought with him because he was appalled by slavery and knew a strong central government was necessary.

stop whining because segregation was outlawed, women have vote and white males don't run the world.

Your "knowledge" of U.S. history is as pathetic as your "knowledge" of the U.S. Constitution. It was Thomas Jefferson who was appalled by slavery my dear. He introduced legislation to ban it in the Virginia legislature before America even declared independence.

“What a stupendous, what an incomprehensible machine is man, who can endure toil, famine, stripes, imprisonment, and death itself in vindication of his own liberty, and the next moment be deaf to all those motives whose power supported him through his trial, and inflict on his fellow men a bondage, one hour of which is fraught with more misery than ages of that which he rose in rebellion to oppose!" – Thomas Jefferson (June 26, 1786 in a letter to Jean Nicolas Demeunier)

“The voice of a single individual … would have prevented this abominable crime from spreading itself over the new country. Thus we see the fate of millions unborn hanging on the tongue of one man, and Heaven was silent in that awful moment! But it is to be hoped it will not always be silent, and that the friends to the rights of human nature will in the end prevail.” – Thomas Jefferson (June 26, 1786 in a letter to Jean Nicolas Demeunier regarding his Ordiance to end slavery which was voted down in Congress by a single vote)

“This abomination must have an end. And there is a superior bench reserved in heaven for those who hasten it.” - Thomas Jefferson (July 14, 1787 in a letter to Edward Rutledge)

“My sentiments on the subject of slavery have long since been in the possession of the public, and time has only served to give them stronger root. The love of justice and the love of country plead equally the cause of these people; and it is a moral reproach to us that they should have pleaded it so long in vain.… Yet the hour of emancipation is advancing in the march of time. It will come." – Thomas Jefferson (August 25, 1814 in a letter to Edward Coles)

“In 1769 I became a member of the [Virginia] legislature.… I made one effort in that body for the permission of the emancipation of slaves, which was rejected" –Thomas Jefferson (1821)

“At the age of eighty-two, with one foot in the grave and the other uplifted to follow it, I do not permit myself to take part in any new enterprises, even for bettering the condition of man, not even in the great one which is the subject of your letter [i.e., the abolition of slavery], and which has been through life that of my greatest anxieties. The march of events has not been such as to render its completion practicable within the limits of time allotted to me; and I leave its accomplishment as the work of another generation. And I am cheered when I see that on which it is devolved taking it up with so much good will, and such minds engaged in its encouragement. The abolition of the evil is not impossible; it ought never, therefore, to be despaired of. Every plan should be adopted, every experiment tried, which may do something towards the ultimate object.” – Thomas Jefferson (August 7, 1825 in a letter to Frances Wright)

The fact is - Thomas Jefferson abhorred slavery and did everything within his power to end from the time before America was even founded until the time of his death.

The fierce rivalry with Alexander Hamilton had nothing to do with slavery. It had to do with Hamilton being a typical idiot progressive who wanted to expand the size and power of the federal government. Jefferson vehemently opposed this and accurately predicted the dangers - all of which have come to fruition.

Incidentally - it is fall down hilarious watching the ignorance of progressives unfold. Thomas Jefferson was the left's ultimate idol - even holding an annual "Jefferson–Jackson Day" event. Then conservatives had to educate them on Thomas Jefferson and ever since the Dumbocrats have had to reverse course on their worship of Jefferson and come up with the new false narrative that he was an "evil slave owner" who "had children with his slaves" (DNA actually exonerated Jefferson of this liberal lie). Incidentally, the Dumbocrats have since changed the name of theri annual event to the Connecticut Democratic Progress Dinner after learning the facts.

Don't mind Shillian...she is the dumbest leftard klunt on this board and as you have already surmised, her posts are always "fact free"....
I am adamantly against all government welfare. However, like most Conservatives I am a very generous person. I probably give substantially more amount to charities each year than any of these Moon Bats that claim they are compassionate.

Charities are scams...

The Bible teaches that charity should come from the heart, family and church. These confused Moon Bats think that the government should steal money from those that earn it and give it the welfare queens. Their idea of charity is nothing more than greed with a little envy thrown in and of course they never want to be the ones to have to cough up the money to be redistributed. The want "the rich" to do it, not themselves.

The rich can afford it. The rest of us, not so much. The stupidity of Battered housewife conservatives like yourself and Poodle is that the rich have managed to shift the costs of a civilized society to you. And you thank them for it.


Like I have said many don't have the slightest fucking clue as to what is going on....none, nada....zilch.
No - it's not the murder of 5 police officers in Dallas, or 3 police officers in Louisiana. It's not 9/11 or the Oklahoma City bombing. It's not the Watts Riots, the LA Riots, or the New Orleans Riots. It's not the $19 trillion in national debt or the erosion or rights. Unbelievably, it's not even slavery.

The greatest tragedy in U.S. history (in world history for that matter) is the unimaginable sacrifices men and women who founded this country and fought in wars to protect it, made - only to have modern-day liberals take their sacrifices and turn them into bargaining chips to be traded in for pitiful government table scraps and other handouts.

I guess for some - who never had to make any sacrifices and had freedom handed to them on a silver platter - liberty just doesn't mean that much. Millions throughout U.S. history made tremendous sacrifices - up to and including giving their lives - only to have it voluntarily surrendered by those on the left for some stamps allowing the purchase of cigarettes and beer.

The Sacrifices Made by the Men Who Signed the Declaration

Or that people fought for freedom of speech, but ended up with this SHIT.

Seriously, have you ever made a post that doesn't just attack liberals for being liberals? I mean, can you not see the irony here?
Like I have said many don't have the slightest fucking clue as to what is going on....none, nada....zilch.

says the guy who claims that Sandy Hook was staged...

Because it was......I have more proof that it was a hoax than you have that it actually happened. Just because your lame stream, CIA infiltrated media SAYS it happened does not make it I clear????

Charities are scams...

The government is the biggest scam of them all. It steals money from the people that earn the money and then gives it to the welfare queens that vote for the government leaders.

Sometimes the welfare queens are the unions. Sometimes they are ghetto monkeys like the Obamaphone Lady or the guy that post on here that is 40 years old and getting food stamps. Sometime they are failed businesses like GM and sometimes they are Wall Street. Sometimes they are illegals. The Wall Street big shots didn't give Crooked Hillary millions just because they think she is pretty. They gave the ugly bitch that money because they expect to get a rate of return out of her. They bought her lock stock and barrel.

I don't need the fucking government telling me who I should give my money to. I can make that decision myself. Especially when the government is run by corrupt assholes like Obama who is elected by special interest groups.
Like I have said many don't have the slightest fucking clue as to what is going on....none, nada....zilch.

says the guy who claims that Sandy Hook was staged...

Because it was......I have more proof that it was a hoax than you have that it actually happened. Just because your lame stream, CIA infiltrated media SAYS it happened does not make it I clear????

I love me some RWNJ's CT's in the afternoon........Go on!!!!!!!

perhaps in your vivid fantasy life..... or maybe you're just projecting given that liberals are more educated, make more money and pay more in taxes than rightwingnuts who vote against their self-interest.

but then again, if you were smart, you wouldn't be a rightwingnut.

You are confused.

The only thing that I am "projecting" is the disgust I have for a 40 year old welfare queen collecting food stamps because he is too sorry to provide for himself.

The Moon Bat thinks it is acceptable that other people are forced by the government to work and give him money.

That is pretty damn sorry, isn't it?
Actually....what is "sorry" is how Jillian here advocates for unconstitutional government in the name of "helping" people but yet the greedy little lib hoards her money and won't help anyone.

She could reach out to lewdog right here on USMB and offer to cover all of his expenses while he finishes his degree. She hasn't done it and she won't do it because she's a selfish, greedy little libtard. mean while I finish my degree and then get a high paying job where I'll pay a lot more than my fair share of taxes? You are the worst kind of idiot...and how come you never answered my question about being religious? Oh yeah, because this isn't a time that is convenient for you to hide behind your professed religion. That only time that is convenient is when you are using it to try and climb the corporate ladder to get a higher paying job.
[ mean while I finish my degree and then get a high paying job where I'll pay a lot more than my fair share of taxes? You are the worst kind of idiot...and how come you never answered my question about being religious? Oh yeah, because this isn't a time that is convenient for you to hide behind your professed religion. That only time that is convenient is when you are using it to try and climb the corporate ladder to get a higher paying job.

With Obama's economy a lot of people with college degrees are flipping burgers nowadays. If (heaven forbid) Crooked Hillary gets elected things will only get worse.

If you are not paying income taxes at age 40 and if you are on welfare the chances of you being productive enough in your life time to actually contribute more than you have taken is probably very slim.
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perhaps in your vivid fantasy life..... or maybe you're just projecting given that liberals are more educated, make more money and pay more in taxes than rightwingnuts who vote against their self-interest.

but then again, if you were smart, you wouldn't be a rightwingnut.

You are confused.

The only thing that I am "projecting" is the disgust I have for a 40 year old welfare queen collecting food stamps because he is too sorry to provide for himself.

The Moon Bat thinks it is acceptable that other people are forced by the government to work and give him money.

That is pretty damn sorry, isn't it?
Actually....what is "sorry" is how Jillian here advocates for unconstitutional government in the name of "helping" people but yet the greedy little lib hoards her money and won't help anyone.

She could reach out to lewdog right here on USMB and offer to cover all of his expenses while he finishes his degree. She hasn't done it and she won't do it because she's a selfish, greedy little libtard. mean while I finish my degree and then get a high paying job where I'll pay a lot more than my fair share of taxes? You are the worst kind of idiot...and how come you never answered my question about being religious? Oh yeah, because this isn't a time that is convenient for you to hide behind your professed religion. That only time that is convenient is when you are using it to try and climb the corporate ladder to get a higher paying job.
Dude.....why are you attacking me? I never said one negative thing about you. Not one. I applaud you for everything you are doing. My problem is with people like Jillian here who claim they "just want to help" but then refuse to help anyone. Her idea of "helping" is to pull a lever for a marxist socialist and then she climbs into her BMW and laments about how all of the "little people" get in her way while she pats herself on the back for "helping" by pulling that lever. She probably dramatically dabs away the imagined sweat from her brow while doing so as well.

Take your anger out Jillian dude. She's the one leaving you hanging high and dry.
.....than rightwingnuts who vote against their self-interest.
You know what is really "voting against one's self-interest"?!? Jews who vote Dumbocrat. The party that not only demonizes the faith, but who also believe that Israel is "occupiers" who don't have the right to exist.

Hell...even the oppressed slaves who were denied basic education had the damn sense not to support their oppressors (who, incidentally, were also Dumbocrats). :eusa_doh:
Trying to laugh off the realization of your stupidity in supporting your own enemy isn't helping your own cause sweetie... :lol:
[ mean while I finish my degree and then get a high paying job where I'll pay a lot more than my fair share of taxes? You are the worst kind of idiot...and how come you never answered my question about being religious? Oh yeah, because this isn't a time that is convenient for you to hide behind your professed religion. That only time that is convenient is when you are using it to try and climb the corporate ladder to get a higher paying job.

With Obama's economy a lot of people with college degrees are flipping burgers nowadays. If (heaven forbid) Crooked Hillary gets elected things will only get worse.

If you are paying not paying income taxes at age 40 and if you are on welfare the chances of you being productive enough in your life time to actually contribute more than you have taken is probably very slim.

You must have come from Old Money, because you are obviously not bright enough to have made it yourself. I'm 40 now, going back to finish my degree, working while doing so...and yet you belittle me for it? As I said before, I've worked all my life, and I'm only in the position I'm in now because of some bad things that have happened in my life, most of which weren't my fault. I don't feel any need to go into any further detail because...well it wouldn't make any difference to an asshat like you so I would be wasting my time. I've paid lots of taxes throughout the years, and I will pay a lot more taxes before I die. LOTS more than I will have ever taken out of the system. And, as someone has already stated, do you bitch and moan this much when a $30 million dollar military plane crashes? Or when a $1 billion dollar satellite gets destroyed? I already offered to pay back your portion of the food stamps I get, but you didn't take me up on that offer. Hell I'll send you a penny and that should cover about 100 people's worth of food stamps that come out of YOUR taxes. Then will you shut the fuck up? Of course you won't, because you are a sad pathetic person. And once again you're too ashamed to answer the question about your religion. Pathetic.

and for the record, I don't pretend to be what I'm not, I can call you what you are because I shoot from the hip and call them like I see them...and I'm agnostic. I don't pretend to be religious to impress people.
Man if I spent as much time hating on poor people as some of you do, I'd quit my job, sell my shit and go get me some welfare.

It must be the life of high living that welfare living. Guitars, Cadillacs and wild wild women is the welfare kings world. Two, three baby mamas raking in the big bucks. Five Obama phones ringing constantly for deliveries if you know what I mean. Free everything but gasoline and I am working on that. Free cable cause my buddy tapped the box for a quarter of skunk. Life is good on welfare.

Steak n lobster five nights a week. It's a snap with SNAP.
I used to pay rent, now my number one baby mamma pays my rent.

That welfare sure sounds good. Any of you haters going to apply?
Man if I spent as much time hating on poor people as some of you do, I'd quit my job, sell my shit and go get me some welfare.

It must be the life of high living that welfare living. Guitars, Cadillacs and wild wild women is the welfare kings world. Two, three baby mamas raking in the big bucks. Five Obama phones ringing constantly for deliveries if you know what I mean. Free everything but gasoline and I am working on that. Free cable cause my buddy tapped the box for a quarter of skunk. Life is good on welfare.

Steak n lobster five nights a week. It's a snap with SNAP.
I used to pay rent, now my number one baby mamma pays my rent.

That welfare sure sounds good. Any of you haters going to apply?

Yep, I go on expensive cruises, I buy all the newest clothes, I have like 6 iPhones....
You must have come from Old Money, because you are obviously not bright enough to have made it yourself. I'm 40 now, going back to finish my degree, working while doing so...and yet you belittle me for it?

The better question is why are you attacking people who are not belittling you and who are in fact admiring what you are doing?
Yep, I go on expensive cruises, I buy all the newest clothes, I have like 6 iPhones....

See! This is what I am talking about.

You would think these haters have LESS than a welfare recipient.
Why else be so jealous and resentful?

And dude, getting some help on food is no big deal. Students been getting help for a long time of some sort or other. When you make the big bucks, make a big donation to a food pantry.
You must have come from Old Money, because you are obviously not bright enough to have made it yourself. I'm 40 now, going back to finish my degree, working while doing so...and yet you belittle me for it?

The better question is why are you attacking people who are not belittling you and who are in fact admiring what you are doing?

Look back at what you said, and tell me that didn't come across as demeaning.
Man if I spent as much time hating on poor people as some of you do, I'd quit my job, sell my shit and go get me some welfare.

It must be the life of high living that welfare living. Guitars, Cadillacs and wild wild women is the welfare kings world. Two, three baby mamas raking in the big bucks. Five Obama phones ringing constantly for deliveries if you know what I mean. Free everything but gasoline and I am working on that. Free cable cause my buddy tapped the box for a quarter of skunk. Life is good on welfare.

Steak n lobster five nights a week. It's a snap with SNAP.
I used to pay rent, now my number one baby mamma pays my rent.

That welfare sure sounds good. Any of you haters going to apply?
You were saying....???


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