The greatest tragedy in U.S. history

Wrong, if you look at the SNAP federal sight it shows that fraudulent food stamp usage is down to 1% the lowest it has ever been. I have already said in this thread I work part-time and go to school full-time, including doing an internship this summer, but I qualify for food stamps. Yet, I am in favor for mandatory drug testing in order to get food stamps.

So you want other people to pay your bills for you?

You want other people to get up and go to work and earn money and then be forced by the filthy ass oppressive to give you the money for food stamps so you can live higher on the hog?

Nobody owes you jackshit just because you are alive. You need to get off your ass and pay for your own food.
I am seldom this mean, but you bring out the worst in me. I hope you someday need to depend on general assistance and I hope you eat every single one of your ignorant, arrogant words.
You a taker?
Never have.
Don't listen to them. You are doing something to improve your lot and your family's and you deserve a hand while you do that. Some people are kindergarten drop outs who never learned to share. Fortunately, they are not a majority. I look up to you; college is challenging and it takes guts to do what you're doing.
The folks judging you and trying to humiliate you are like old King Louis -- he lost his head for keeping all the goodies to himself and letting his people starve, which these "fiscal conservatives" would do well to remember.

He is a welfare queen using the thievery of the government to pay his bills. That is despicable.
No - it's not the murder of 5 police officers in Dallas, or 3 police officers in Louisiana. It's not 9/11 or the Oklahoma City bombing. It's not the Watts Riots, the LA Riots, or the New Orleans Riots. It's not the $19 trillion in national debt or the erosion or rights. Unbelievably, it's not even slavery.

The greatest tragedy in U.S. history (in world history for that matter) is the unimaginable sacrifices men and women who founded this country and fought in wars to protect it, made - only to have modern-day liberals take their sacrifices and turn them into bargaining chips to be traded in for pitiful government table scraps and other handouts.

I guess for some - who never had to make any sacrifices and had freedom handed to them on a silver platter - liberty just doesn't mean that much. Millions throughout U.S. history made tremendous sacrifices - up to and including giving their lives - only to have it voluntarily surrendered by those on the left for some stamps allowing the purchase of cigarettes and beer.

The Sacrifices Made by the Men Who Signed the Declaration

you're embarrassing.

and even the founders didn't agree with each other. jefferson lived in a fantasy world where white landowners ran the country in some agrarian ideal. hamilton fought with him because he was appalled by slavery and knew a strong central government was necessary.

stop whining because segregation was outlawed, women have vote and white males don't run the world.

Don't listen to them. You are doing something to improve your lot and your family's and you deserve a hand while you do that. Some people are kindergarten drop outs who never learned to share. Fortunately, they are not a majority. I look up to you; college is challenging and it takes guts to do what you're doing.
The folks judging you and trying to humiliate you are like old King Louis -- he lost his head for keeping all the goodies to himself and letting his people starve, which these "fiscal conservatives" would do well to remember.

He is a welfare queen using the thievery of the government to pay his bills. That is despicable.

perhaps in your vivid fantasy life..... or maybe you're just projecting given that liberals are more educated, make more money and pay more in taxes than rightwingnuts who vote against their self-interest.

but then again, if you were smart, you wouldn't be a rightwingnut.

perhaps in your vivid fantasy life..... or maybe you're just projecting given that liberals are more educated, make more money and pay more in taxes than rightwingnuts who vote against their self-interest.

but then again, if you were smart, you wouldn't be a rightwingnut.

You are confused.

The only thing that I am "projecting" is the disgust I have for a 40 year old welfare queen collecting food stamps because he is too sorry to provide for himself.

The Moon Bat thinks it is acceptable that other people are forced by the government to work and give him money.

That is pretty damn sorry, isn't it?
No - it's not the murder of 5 police officers in Dallas, or 3 police officers in Louisiana. It's not 9/11 or the Oklahoma City bombing. It's not the Watts Riots, the LA Riots, or the New Orleans Riots. It's not the $19 trillion in national debt or the erosion or rights. Unbelievably, it's not even slavery.

The greatest tragedy in U.S. history (in world history for that matter) is the unimaginable sacrifices men and women who founded this country and fought in wars to protect it, made - only to have modern-day liberals take their sacrifices and turn them into bargaining chips to be traded in for pitiful government table scraps and other handouts.

I guess for some - who never had to make any sacrifices and had freedom handed to them on a silver platter - liberty just doesn't mean that much. Millions throughout U.S. history made tremendous sacrifices - up to and including giving their lives - only to have it voluntarily surrendered by those on the left for some stamps allowing the purchase of cigarettes and beer.

The Sacrifices Made by the Men Who Signed the Declaration

you're embarrassing.

and even the founders didn't agree with each other. jefferson lived in a fantasy world where white landowners ran the country in some agrarian ideal. hamilton fought with him because he was appalled by slavery and knew a strong central government was necessary.

stop whining because segregation was outlawed, women have vote and white males don't run the world.

Your "knowledge" of U.S. history is as pathetic as your "knowledge" of the U.S. Constitution. It was Thomas Jefferson who was appalled by slavery my dear. He introduced legislation to ban it in the Virginia legislature before America even declared independence.

“What a stupendous, what an incomprehensible machine is man, who can endure toil, famine, stripes, imprisonment, and death itself in vindication of his own liberty, and the next moment be deaf to all those motives whose power supported him through his trial, and inflict on his fellow men a bondage, one hour of which is fraught with more misery than ages of that which he rose in rebellion to oppose!" – Thomas Jefferson (June 26, 1786 in a letter to Jean Nicolas Demeunier)

“The voice of a single individual … would have prevented this abominable crime from spreading itself over the new country. Thus we see the fate of millions unborn hanging on the tongue of one man, and Heaven was silent in that awful moment! But it is to be hoped it will not always be silent, and that the friends to the rights of human nature will in the end prevail.” – Thomas Jefferson (June 26, 1786 in a letter to Jean Nicolas Demeunier regarding his Ordiance to end slavery which was voted down in Congress by a single vote)

“This abomination must have an end. And there is a superior bench reserved in heaven for those who hasten it.” - Thomas Jefferson (July 14, 1787 in a letter to Edward Rutledge)

“My sentiments on the subject of slavery have long since been in the possession of the public, and time has only served to give them stronger root. The love of justice and the love of country plead equally the cause of these people; and it is a moral reproach to us that they should have pleaded it so long in vain.… Yet the hour of emancipation is advancing in the march of time. It will come." – Thomas Jefferson (August 25, 1814 in a letter to Edward Coles)

“In 1769 I became a member of the [Virginia] legislature.… I made one effort in that body for the permission of the emancipation of slaves, which was rejected" –Thomas Jefferson (1821)

“At the age of eighty-two, with one foot in the grave and the other uplifted to follow it, I do not permit myself to take part in any new enterprises, even for bettering the condition of man, not even in the great one which is the subject of your letter [i.e., the abolition of slavery], and which has been through life that of my greatest anxieties. The march of events has not been such as to render its completion practicable within the limits of time allotted to me; and I leave its accomplishment as the work of another generation. And I am cheered when I see that on which it is devolved taking it up with so much good will, and such minds engaged in its encouragement. The abolition of the evil is not impossible; it ought never, therefore, to be despaired of. Every plan should be adopted, every experiment tried, which may do something towards the ultimate object.” – Thomas Jefferson (August 7, 1825 in a letter to Frances Wright)

The fact is - Thomas Jefferson abhorred slavery and did everything within his power to end from the time before America was even founded until the time of his death.

The fierce rivalry with Alexander Hamilton had nothing to do with slavery. It had to do with Hamilton being a typical idiot progressive who wanted to expand the size and power of the federal government. Jefferson vehemently opposed this and accurately predicted the dangers - all of which have come to fruition.

Incidentally - it is fall down hilarious watching the ignorance of progressives unfold. Thomas Jefferson was the left's ultimate idol - even holding an annual "Jefferson–Jackson Day" event. Then conservatives had to educate them on Thomas Jefferson and ever since the Dumbocrats have had to reverse course on their worship of Jefferson and come up with the new false narrative that he was an "evil slave owner" who "had children with his slaves" (DNA actually exonerated Jefferson of this liberal lie). Incidentally, the Dumbocrats have since changed the name of theri annual event to the Connecticut Democratic Progress Dinner after learning the facts.
perhaps in your vivid fantasy life..... or maybe you're just projecting given that liberals are more educated, make more money and pay more in taxes than rightwingnuts who vote against their self-interest.

but then again, if you were smart, you wouldn't be a rightwingnut.
Only a liberal loon would consider voting to lose one's liberty, to lose one's money, and to grant others power over them voting in "self-interest". :eusa_doh:

The fact is - if Jillian wanted to help people she could take her money and give it to other people. She doesn't. She hoards it for herself. She wants government to confiscate the wealth of other people be aside she's hateful and envious of those who have been more successful.
perhaps in your vivid fantasy life..... or maybe you're just projecting given that liberals are more educated, make more money and pay more in taxes than rightwingnuts who vote against their self-interest.

but then again, if you were smart, you wouldn't be a rightwingnut.

You are confused.

The only thing that I am "projecting" is the disgust I have for a 40 year old welfare queen collecting food stamps because he is too sorry to provide for himself.

The Moon Bat thinks it is acceptable that other people are forced by the government to work and give him money.

That is pretty damn sorry, isn't it?
Actually....what is "sorry" is how Jillian here advocates for unconstitutional government in the name of "helping" people but yet the greedy little lib hoards her money and won't help anyone.

She could reach out to lewdog right here on USMB and offer to cover all of his expenses while he finishes his degree. She hasn't done it and she won't do it because she's a selfish, greedy little libtard.
even a fascist liberal

Isn't that like a Gay Homophobic?
All the fascist liberals hate gays....

It is a recently made up term by Jonah Goldberg, because he was tired of being called a fascist.

The Scholarly Flaws of "Liberal Fascism"'s liberals who insist that we all Nazi goose-step in the exact same direction. If that's not fascism, I don't know what is junior...
.....than rightwingnuts who vote against their self-interest.
You know what is really "voting against one's self-interest"?!? Jews who vote Dumbocrat. The party that not only demonizes the faith, but who also believe that Israel is "occupiers" who don't have the right to exist.

Hell...even the oppressed slaves who were denied basic education had the damn sense not to support their oppressors (who, incidentally, were also Dumbocrats). :eusa_doh:
even a fascist liberal

Isn't that like a Gay Homophobic?
All the fascist liberals hate gays....

It is a recently made up term by Jonah Goldberg, because he was tired of being called a fascist.

The Scholarly Flaws of "Liberal Fascism"'s liberals who insist that we all Nazi goose-step in the exact same direction. If that's not fascism, I don't know what is junior...

No it's not, pops.

Cato's Mission

"Only in America do people seem to refer to free-market capitalism — the most progressive, dynamic, and ever-changing system the world has ever known — as conservative. Additionally, many contemporary American conservatives favor state intervention in some areas, most notably in trade and into our private lives.

"Classical liberal" is a bit closer to the mark, but the word "classical" fails to capture the contemporary vibrancy of the ideas of freedom.

"Liberal" may well be the perfect word in most of the world — the liberals in societies from China to Iran to South Africa to Argentina tend to be supporters of human rights and free markets — but its meaning has clearly been altered in the contemporary United States.

The Jeffersonian philosophy that animates Cato's work has increasingly come to be called "libertarianism" or "market liberalism." It combines an appreciation for entrepreneurship, the market process, and lower taxes with strict respect for civil liberties and skepticism about the benefits of both the welfare state and foreign military adventurism.

This vision brings the wisdom of the American Founders to bear on the problems of today. As did the Founders, it looks to the future with optimism and excitement, eager to discover what great things women and men will do in the coming century. Market liberals appreciate the complexity of a great society, recognizing that socialism and government planning are just too clumsy for the modern world. It is — or used to be — the conventional wisdom that a more complex society needs more government, but the truth is just the opposite. The simpler the society, the less damage government planning does. Planning is cumbersome in an agricultural society, costly in an industrial economy, and impossible in the information age. Today collectivism and planning are outmoded and backward, a drag on social progress.

Libertarians have a cosmopolitan, inclusive vision for society. We applaud the progressive extension of the promises of the Declaration of Independence to more people, especially to women, African-Americans, religious minorities, and gay and lesbian people. Our greatest challenge today is to continue to extend the promise of political freedom and economic opportunity to those who are still denied it, in our own country and around the world."

Actually....what is "sorry" is how Jillian here advocates for unconstitutional government in the name of "helping" people but yet the greedy little lib hoards her money and won't help anyone.

She could reach out to lewdog right here on USMB and offer to cover all of his expenses while he finishes his degree. She hasn't done it and she won't do it because she's a selfish, greedy little libtard.

Excellent observation.

These selfish Libtard Moon Bats are always about giving away your money but never about their own money.

Actually....what is "sorry" is how Jillian here advocates for unconstitutional government in the name of "helping" people but yet the greedy little lib hoards her money and won't help anyone.

She could reach out to lewdog right here on USMB and offer to cover all of his expenses while he finishes his degree. She hasn't done it and she won't do it because she's a selfish, greedy little libtard.

Excellent observation.

These selfish Libtard Moon Bats are always about giving away your money but never about their own money.
A liberal is someone who is very generous with someone else's money...

A liberal is someone who is very generous with someone else's money...

I am adamantly against all government welfare. However, like most Conservatives I am a very generous person. I probably give substantially more amount to charities each year than any of these Moon Bats that claim they are compassionate.

The Bible teaches that charity should come from the heart, family and church. These confused Moon Bats think that the government should steal money from those that earn it and give it the welfare queens. Their idea of charity is nothing more than greed with a little envy thrown in and of course they never want to be the ones to have to cough up the money to be redistributed. The want "the rich" to do it, not themselves.
Joe, what I know, researched and have learned from accredited scholars trumps your lame insults. Your "vote" is like a fart in the wind. You do not have even the slightest say over how you are ruled....until you figure that out? You will remain a "sheeple".

Guy, you are a crazy person who listens to other nuts.
I'm sorry to keep breakign that to you, as I am sorry that the internet feeds your nuttiness.
But we've established you are a crazy person who simply denies realities he doesn't like.
You are really confused.

Rich people don't steal from me but the welfare queens do.

I am not poorer because somebody else is richer but I am poorer because the greedy welfare queens elect Libtard assholes to government and my taxes are raised.

The cost of government is my single largest household expense. More than food. More than housing. More than anything else. I am not alone. It is that way in most American households.

Again, this is where you are confused. Most of the things you pay in taxes benefit you directly in terms of roads, infrastructure, and so on. I garuntee you the government you like is more than you are paying.

In the years before retirement when I was an Engineer and my wife a school teacher many years my wife's complete salary went to pay the cumulative Federal, local and state taxes for the year. That is slavery, isn't it?

Um, no, that's the cost of living in a civilized society. Also kind of doubting your math unless your wife was only brining in 30% of the household income.

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