The greatest tragedy in U.S. history

Wrong, if you look at the SNAP federal sight it shows that fraudulent food stamp usage is down to 1% the lowest it has ever been. I have already said in this thread I work part-time and go to school full-time, including doing an internship this summer, but I qualify for food stamps. Yet, I am in favor for mandatory drug testing in order to get food stamps.

So you want other people to pay your bills for you?

You want other people to get up and go to work and earn money and then be forced by the filthy ass oppressive to give you the money for food stamps so you can live higher on the hog?

Nobody owes you jackshit just because you are alive. You need to get off your ass and pay for your own food.
I am seldom this mean, but you bring out the worst in me. I hope you someday need to depend on general assistance and I hope you eat every single one of your ignorant, arrogant words.
You a taker?
I am sorry but I have always been able to provide for my own welfare and the welfare of my family.

I am not entitled to the money that other people earn simply because I am alive.

You are confused about the concept of arrogance. The arrogance is the greed of the Moon Bats that demand that other people pay their bills. It is despicable.

Guy, your anger is misdirected. The people who are stealing from you are the ONe Percent, who have 43% of the wealth... not the poor who have less than 1% of it.
I am sorry but I have always been able to provide for my own welfare and the welfare of my family.

I am not entitled to the money that other people earn simply because I am alive.

You are confused about the concept of arrogance. The arrogance is the greed of the Moon Bats that demand that other people pay their bills. It is despicable.

Guy, your anger is misdirected. The people who are stealing from you are the ONe Percent, who have 43% of the wealth... not the poor who have less than 1% of it.
Why is your Obama doing that?
No - it's not the murder of 5 police officers in Dallas, or 3 police officers in Louisiana. It's not 9/11 or the Oklahoma City bombing. It's not the Watts Riots, the LA Riots, or the New Orleans Riots. It's not the $19 trillion in national debt or the erosion or rights. Unbelievably, it's not even slavery.

The greatest tragedy in U.S. history (in world history for that matter) is the unimaginable sacrifices men and women who founded this country and fought in wars to protect it, made - only to have modern-day liberals take their sacrifices and turn them into bargaining chips to be traded in for pitiful government table scraps and other handouts.

I guess for some - who never had to make any sacrifices and had freedom handed to them on a silver platter - liberty just doesn't mean that much. Millions throughout U.S. history made tremendous sacrifices - up to and including giving their lives - only to have it voluntarily surrendered by those on the left for some stamps allowing the purchase of cigarettes and beer.

The Sacrifices Made by the Men Who Signed the Declaration

Oh please.
No - it's not the murder of 5 police officers in Dallas, or 3 police officers in Louisiana. It's not 9/11 or the Oklahoma City bombing. It's not the Watts Riots, the LA Riots, or the New Orleans Riots. It's not the $19 trillion in national debt or the erosion or rights. Unbelievably, it's not even slavery.

The greatest tragedy in U.S. history (in world history for that matter) is the unimaginable sacrifices men and women who founded this country and fought in wars to protect it, made - only to have modern-day liberals take their sacrifices and turn them into bargaining chips to be traded in for pitiful government table scraps and other handouts.

I guess for some - who never had to make any sacrifices and had freedom handed to them on a silver platter - liberty just doesn't mean that much. Millions throughout U.S. history made tremendous sacrifices - up to and including giving their lives - only to have it voluntarily surrendered by those on the left for some stamps allowing the purchase of cigarettes and beer.

The Sacrifices Made by the Men Who Signed the Declaration

And what sacrifices do you wish to pretend you've made?
My problem is not that people need help - it's that they demand the federal government provide that help. Every need could be met by foundations. It would solve all of our problems. And if the left just can't let go of their government obsession - then at least do it at the state and local levels where it is actually legal.

If "Foundations" could take care of the poor, we wouldn't have had a New Deal or a Great Society.

The thing is, they weren't taking care of the poor. You need to read a history book and find out what the poor actually lived like back in the oldy days, it sucked.

"But, but, but, the Founding Slave Rapists said so" doesn't fly, guy. Fuck the Founding Slave Rapists.

And for the recorded - while a lot of the comments may not represent God or the U.S. well, I think one needs to take into account the frustration that conservatives feel of having liberty stripped from them and listening to liberals call for more unconstitutional government. That gets really aggravating after a while.

Guy, having to pay your fair share for living in a civilized society is not being oppressed.

Your idea of being "Free" is having the poor going around looting to survive and you running around with a gun pissing yourself out of fear.

That isn't "Free", guy.

The thing is, you guys talk a good game about making government smaller, but whenever you get into power, two things happen.

1) Government gets bigger.
2) Deficits grow
You Moon Bats are always unable to understand the concept of responsibility. You are not entitled to my money just because you are alive and it is wrong for you Moon Bats to steal what you are too sorry to provide for yourself.

You are one fucked up individual.

That aside, your pitiful amount of fucking taxes you pay DO NOT go to welfare recipients.

Your fucking pitiful amount of taxes you pay buys a portion of a control assembly that is used to kill terrorists with drones.

Fell better now asshole?
You Moon Bats are always unable to understand the concept of responsibility. You are not entitled to my money just because you are alive and it is wrong for you Moon Bats to steal what you are too sorry to provide for yourself.

You are one fucked up individual.

That aside, your pitiful amount of fucking taxes you pay DO NOT go to welfare recipients.

Your fucking pitiful amount of taxes you pay buys a portion of a control assembly that is used to kill terrorists with drones.

Fell better now asshole?'s,refreshing to see you break through the chains democrats have on you and boldly proclaim you're an idiot.....:lol:'s,refreshing to see you break through the chains democrats have on you and boldly proclaim you're an idiot.....:lol:

Prove me wrong asshole. Prove that the pitiful amount of taxes you pay ( you get the EITC) goes directly to welfare recipients.

And not to some military hardware.

Prove it or shut the fuck up.

That's the thing with assholes like you, you go off on poor people like they had your wallet in hand and took your money. They didn't.
Your other stupidity is thinking that somehow, if welfare were eliminated, you would get a tax cut or something. Like I said, you fucks are stupid.'s,refreshing to see you break through the chains democrats have on you and boldly proclaim you're an idiot.....:lol:

Prove me wrong asshole. Prove that the pitiful amount of taxes you pay ( you get the EITC) goes directly to welfare recipients.

And not to some military hardware.

Prove it or shut the fuck up.

That's the thing with assholes like you, you go off on poor people like they had your wallet in hand and took your money. They didn't.
Your other stupidity is thinking that somehow, if welfare were eliminated, you would get a tax cut or something. Like I said, you fucks are stupid.
Not sure if serious.....

No one can possibly be this fucking stupid, even a fascist liberal fucktard.....
No one can possibly be this fucking stupid, even a fascist liberal fucktard.....

Wait a minute. An asshole like you that spends ragging on poor people can't PROVE your personal tax dollars go directly to welfare recipients?

Say it aint so. How could that be? And you are so upset about what? You don't even know where your money is being spent.

Do you think you would get a tax cut if welfare was eliminated?
Simple question.
My problem is not that people need help - it's that they demand the federal government provide that help. Every need could be met by foundations. It would solve all of our problems. And if the left just can't let go of their government obsession - then at least do it at the state and local levels where it is actually legal.

If "Foundations" could take care of the poor, we wouldn't have had a New Deal or a Great Society.

The thing is, they weren't taking care of the poor. You need to read a history book and find out what the poor actually lived like back in the oldy days, it sucked.

"But, but, but, the Founding Slave Rapists said so" doesn't fly, guy. Fuck the Founding Slave Rapists.

And for the recorded - while a lot of the comments may not represent God or the U.S. well, I think one needs to take into account the frustration that conservatives feel of having liberty stripped from them and listening to liberals call for more unconstitutional government. That gets really aggravating after a while.

Guy, having to pay your fair share for living in a civilized society is not being oppressed.

Your idea of being "Free" is having the poor going around looting to survive and you running around with a gun pissing yourself out of fear.

That isn't "Free", guy.

The thing is, you guys talk a good game about making government smaller, but whenever you get into power, two things happen.

1) Government gets bigger.
2) Deficits grow

You are "dead on" when it comes to things such as the disparity of wealth redistribution...our labor is what moves thiis worthless fiat currency...our sweat equity has always been the driving force....but you are absolutely CLUELESS as to why the disparity exists... your journey has only begun.
You are "dead on" when it comes to things such as the disparity of wealth redistribution...our labor is what moves thiis worthless fiat currency...our sweat equity has always been the driving force....but you are absolutely CLUELESS as to why the disparity exists... your journey has only begun.

True, but I'm pretty sure I'm not going down the path of batshit crazy like you have.

Here's the thing. I know that things aren't going to change in my lifetime. The rich will continue to be rich.

I will probably vote for Hillary because she isn't a crazy person like Trump.
No one can possibly be this fucking stupid, even a fascist liberal fucktard.....

Wait a minute. An asshole like you that spends ragging on poor people can't PROVE your personal tax dollars go directly to welfare recipients?

Say it aint so. How could that be? And you are so upset about what? You don't even know where your money is being spent.

Do you think you would get a tax cut if welfare was eliminated?
Simple question. really are an apologies for doubting your ignorance and how proud you are of it....
You are "dead on" when it comes to things such as the disparity of wealth redistribution...our labor is what moves thiis worthless fiat currency...our sweat equity has always been the driving force....but you are absolutely CLUELESS as to why the disparity exists... your journey has only begun.

True, but I'm pretty sure I'm not going down the path of batshit crazy like you have.

Here's the thing. I know that things aren't going to change in my lifetime. The rich will continue to be rich.

I will probably vote for Hillary because she isn't a crazy person like Trump.
Because you want only the rich to stay rich?
You Moon Bats are always unable to understand the concept of responsibility. You are not entitled to my money just because you are alive and it is wrong for you Moon Bats to steal what you are too sorry to provide for yourself.

You are one fucked up individual.

That aside, your pitiful amount of fucking taxes you pay DO NOT go to welfare recipients.

Your fucking pitiful amount of taxes you pay buys a portion of a control assembly that is used to kill terrorists with drones.

Fell better now asshole?

Actually, every American that has no dependents works three to four months for free just due to the unconstitutional "income tax" that goes towards paying the interest to a fiat currency that was created by nothing by the foreign owned Federal Reserve banksters. It's all the other taxes from that those that work that pay for the care of those that don't or won't.......thems be the facts.The sad thing is that the whole system is about to collapse under it's own weight. We have a shit storm of monumental proportions heading towards us and there will be no place to hide from it........
You are "dead on" when it comes to things such as the disparity of wealth redistribution...our labor is what moves thiis worthless fiat currency...our sweat equity has always been the driving force....but you are absolutely CLUELESS as to why the disparity exists... your journey has only begun.

True, but I'm pretty sure I'm not going down the path of batshit crazy like you have.

Here's the thing. I know that things aren't going to change in my lifetime. The rich will continue to be rich.

I will probably vote for Hillary because she isn't a crazy person like Trump.

Joe, what I know, researched and have learned from accredited scholars trumps your lame insults. Your "vote" is like a fart in the wind. You do not have even the slightest say over how you are ruled....until you figure that out? You will remain a "sheeple".
You Moon Bats are always unable to understand the concept of responsibility. You are not entitled to my money just because you are alive and it is wrong for you Moon Bats to steal what you are too sorry to provide for yourself.

You are one fucked up individual.

That aside, your pitiful amount of fucking taxes you pay DO NOT go to welfare recipients.

Your fucking pitiful amount of taxes you pay buys a portion of a control assembly that is used to kill terrorists with drones.

Fell better now asshole?

The hundreds of billion of dollars that goes to welfare each year is not a pitiful amount you stupid Moon Bat.

Since that asshole LBJ and his welfare state program was created this country has spent 22 trillion on filthy ass welfare and the war on poverty has been a failure. There are more people in poverty now that when Obama was elected despite the massive amount of money the sonofabitch spent.

I am against American interventionism so you can cram your statement about the military spending up your ass.

You Moon Bats voted for Obama who has been at war every day of his administration and has spent trillions on war so don't complain about defense spending. It just makes you look like a hypocritical fool.
Guy, your anger is misdirected. The people who are stealing from you are the ONe Percent, who have 43% of the wealth... not the poor who have less than 1% of it.

You are really confused.

Rich people don't steal from me but the welfare queens do.

I am not poorer because somebody else is richer but I am poorer because the greedy welfare queens elect Libtard assholes to government and my taxes are raised.

The cost of government is my single largest household expense. More than food. More than housing. More than anything else. I am not alone. It is that way in most American households.

In the years before retirement when I was an Engineer and my wife a school teacher many years my wife's complete salary went to pay the cumulative Federal, local and state taxes for the year. That is slavery, isn't it?
It's amazing how many people on this board think the way they do... without thinking how they are one second away from being put in a very bad position. Also the fact that so many of these people probably feel they are children of God, a God who says not to judge others and to help their fellow man... yet as so many people who profess to be religious, only are so when it is convenient for them. Hypocrites and narcissist is all they really are. They look down on me and people like me that have been put into a bad place, yet I'm the one that feels sorry for them. Not because of their piss poor attitude, but because of all the people they touch in their lives and spread the hate they have in their hearts. Damn shame, they are everything bad about America, and yet they blame me for being a leech on their society.
Lewdog, don't listen to them. You are doing something to improve your lot and your family's and you deserve a hand while you do that. Some people are kindergarten drop outs who never learned to share. Fortunately, they are not a majority. I look up to you; college is challenging and it takes guts to do what you're doing.
The folks judging you and trying to humiliate you are like old King Louis -- he lost his head for keeping all the goodies to himself and letting his people starve, which these "fiscal conservatives" would do well to remember.
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