The greatest tragedy in U.S. history


actually, the "Obamaphone" program was started under Bush-41.

The Obama Phone?

It is also run by a private company.

Bush was wrong to have the stupid program and Obama was more wrong to grow it in order to get the welfare bitches to vote for him.

Your kindergarten playground tactic of shirking responsibility by saying "Johnny also did it" doesn't hold water because welfare programs are wrong no matter if they are supported by Democrats or Republicans.

That's the typical Liberal response. Liberals tell the rest of us how much smarter and more educated they are yet their actions are exactly the same as those of us they consider stupid.

Are you referring to the habit of some to cite facts from objective sources?

Yeah, clearly that has to stop.

That you think saying "Johnny also did it" is an objective source only goes to prove what I said. Thanks.

I had one your fellow Liberals claim he had an objective source stating something, that when he finally provided the source after 5 requests, it didn't say what he claimed it said. In other words, his own objective source disproved his claim. Rather than being honorable, which I never expected a Liberal to do, and saying he was in error, he rambled on about how it was almost what he said then tried to add another factor in to say it reached what his source didn't say.
I watched you rant for days with the only reference to a source being a passing mention of the Moonie Times.

And this is NOT about "Johnny did it too", it is about the Drudge Dross habit of recatapulting stupid shit they've been told....because you are Useful Idiots like that.
That's the deal. Dumbocrats promise to confiscate the wealth of producers and throw a small part of it at libtard minions in exchange for votes.

And here's the deal from republicans. Repuboasses want to take what ever little break the poorer people get so they can offer the ultra wealthy another tax cut.

In exchange for tax cuts for the super rich, the asses who vote for them get a line of Bullshit about guns, gays and illegal immigrants.

Of course nothing the GOP promises gets done. Except tax cuts for the rich.

Why you support that Bullshit?
That's the deal. Dumbocrats promise to confiscate the wealth of producers and throw a small part of it at libtard minions in exchange for votes.

And here's the deal from republicans. Repuboasses want to take what ever little break the poorer people get so they can offer the ultra wealthy another tax cut.

In exchange for tax cuts for the super rich, the asses who vote for them get a line of Bullshit about guns, gays and illegal immigrants.

Of course nothing the GOP promises gets done. Except tax cuts for the rich.

Why you support that Bullshit?
maybe if the leech population on the bottom acted a with a bit more responsibility and appreciation, and stopped screaming that those paying the bulk of the taxes are not paying their fair share, just maybe there would be less argument against them.
The reality is that those scum have come to the mindset that they are owed free things just because they exist. They have no concern about what it costs the responsible people to provide for them, and they dont care.
I say cut them off and let them start to appreciate the work that they steal from others.
I say cut them off and let them start to appreciate the work that they steal from others.

Dude why is it that you can't find a political party that shares your hatred of poor people? Maybe you could start your own party. Most of the right wing posters here hate poor people just as much (some maybe more) than you do.

Go for it I say. A new political party based on hating poor people and welfare recipients may just get you the WH. Try. Ok?

Oh and don't forget the hate all blacks portion of the parties platform.
You know the saddest part about that? The libtard masters have actually convinced the libtard minions that a cell phone is critical items that warrants government subsidization.
The "libtard" in question being George Bush, expanding a program signed into law by Ronald Reagan...
Yeah.....uh....cell phones didn't even exist when Ronald Reagan was sworn into office. They debuted commercially in 1983 and at that time cost $4,000. :lmao:

Are you this stupid in real life?
And then, there is you.....
Still nursin' a butthurt, lass?
Good thing you have small hands....:lol:

You "dumped" the Republican party after how many votes for Scrub?


When are you going to dump the Democrat Party after seeing the failure of that shithead Obama? How many times did you vote for the worst President this country ever had? Roughly.

When you are you going to pull your Libtard head out of your Moon Bat ass and stop voting for Democrats that fuck up the economy so bad? Roughly when will that be?
I say cut them off and let them start to appreciate the work that they steal from others.

Dude why is it that you can't find a political party that shares your hatred of poor people? Maybe you could start your own party. Most of the right wing posters here hate poor people just as much (some maybe more) than you do.

Go for it I say. A new political party based on hating poor people and welfare recipients may just get you the WH. Try. Ok?

Oh and don't forget the hate all blacks portion of the parties platform.

Us real conservatives don't hate poor people.

We just want them to pay their own goddamn bills and leave us out of it.

We also want to stop this failure of Liberal economics that increases the poverty rate and gives us piss poor economic growth like we have seen under this sorry ass Obama Administration..

We also don't like the combined cost of the filthy ass governments here in the US being 40% of the GDP. We have better things to spend our hard earned money on than giving it away to welfare queens and stupid government bureaucracies that do a lot more harm than good.
The greatest tragedy in US history is that we were a nation founded by God and blessed by God and refused God's offer in 2 Chronicles 7:14!

If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.
2 Chronicles 7:14

Ninevah did not have the Word of God, Ninevah did not know God! Their king didn't know God. The Word of God tells us they didn't know their right hand from their left! Yet they repented and turned from their wickedness!

And should not I spare Nineveh, that great city, wherein are more than sixscore thousand persons that cannot discern between their right hand and their left hand; and also much cattle?
Jonah 4:11

They didn't know any better! God had to send his prophet Jonah to them to warn them!

In this country, what excuse do we have? We have the Word of God, the KJV Bible, Bible on CD, Bible on DVD, Bible on tape cassette...The best sermons by the greatest preachers of church history recorded on you tube. We have freedom to gather and worship the Lord and and it isn't against the law to preach the Word of God! Still, there is a famine in the land of the hearing of the Word of God!

There was a time when America was the envy of the world! We were blessed by God and yet this nation has steadfastly refused to repent and return to the Lord! THAT is the greatest tragedy of US history! After the judgment of God falls upon America, historians will look back and confirm this to be true.

In reality the country was found by men who conquered the territory from a native culture that had yet to recover from the decimating effects of European diseases. They were trying to escape the religious violence in Europe.

We are still the envy of the world.

We need to continue to throw off the shackles of the Religionist.

You "dumped" the Republican party after how many votes for Scrub?


When are you going to dump the Democrat Party after seeing the failure of that shithead Obama? How many times did you vote for the worst President this country ever had? Roughly.

When you are you going to pull your Libtard head out of your Moon Bat ass and stop voting for Democrats that fuck up the economy so bad? Roughly when will that be?
You didn’t answer the question. up.

No one has ever been allowed to buy cigarettes or beer with SNAP or WIC funds. And the colonists provided for their poor; it used to be a town action. You should learn what you're talking about.

No but they use the welfare money to buy junk food while using the money they make selling pot or stealing firearms or whatever to buy beer and cigarettes.

Wrong, if you look at the SNAP federal site it shows that fraudulent food stamp usage is down to 1% the lowest it has ever been. I have already said in this thread I work part-time and go to school full-time, including doing an internship this summer, but I qualify for food stamps. Yet, I am in favor for mandatory drug testing in order to get food stamps.
Wrong, if you look at the SNAP federal sight it shows that fraudulent food stamp usage is down to 1% the lowest it has ever been. I have already said in this thread I work part-time and go to school full-time, including doing an internship this summer, but I qualify for food stamps. Yet, I am in favor for mandatory drug testing in order to get food stamps.

So you want other people to pay your bills for you?

You want other people to get up and go to work and earn money and then be forced by the filthy ass oppressive to give you the money for food stamps so you can live higher on the hog?

Nobody owes you jackshit just because you are alive. You need to get off your ass and pay for your own food.
Wrong, if you look at the SNAP federal sight it shows that fraudulent food stamp usage is down to 1% the lowest it has ever been. I have already said in this thread I work part-time and go to school full-time, including doing an internship this summer, but I qualify for food stamps. Yet, I am in favor for mandatory drug testing in order to get food stamps.

So you want other people to pay your bills for you?

You want other people to get up and go to work and earn money and then be forced by the filthy ass oppressive to give you the money for food stamps so you can live higher on the hog?

Nobody owes you jackshit just because you are alive. You need to get off your ass and pay for your own food.

And what about the taxes all my family members have always paid into the system and never gotten back by public assistance? What about all the taxes I PAID into the system throughout the years without taking any public assistance. You need to go lie in a hole, if you think I'm leeching off of you. The system is there exactly for people like me who are working to get back on their feet after something bad happens in their life after working hard, only to come across a set back. The only reason you can stand on your high horse is because it has never happened to you...yet. What are you going to do come the day your wife leaves you for being an asshole and you go to into a deep depression, so deep you quit going to work and lose your job...or the day your child gets some kind of severe illness where you need to quit your job to take care of them 24/7? Or the day you are driving down your street and some kid chases their ball into the street and you run them over...only to never forgive yourself for it and you go into a deep depression...and you fall into a pit you have to climb out of? You have no idea what your future holds, and for you to sit and judge other people like you do, and I assume you are a Republican who believes in God...what does God say about judgement? Look in the mirror and think about where that is going to put you when you die. You can't buy your way into Heaven.
90 minutes per month on a Trac phone. It is meant for emergencies and necessary communications. Drug dealers have Smartphones.
What constitutes "necessary communications"?!? People lived thousands of years without cell phones and people still do it today. You cannot justify such a frivolous item - so stop trying.
No, Patriot. You cannot call 90 minutes of phone time per month "frivolous." It is ludicrous to expect anyone with young children to have no ability to make a phone call if one of them is sick, or the sitter suddenly can't make it and you have to make other arrangements or miss work, etc. etc. Setting up appointments to jump through all the hoops to keep benefits active. Try living without a phone for three months and tell me how it goes. Where are people STILL doing it today? In the Amazon, maybe, but not in this country.
And the colonists provided for their poor; it used to be a town action. You should learn what you're talking about.
Yeah....of their own free will. Not forced by government. No government intervention. You know, the way the United States was intended to be. You should really learn what the hell your'e talking about before commenting.
What are you talking about? They gave assistance to the poor through town funds raised by .... TAXES. And they voted on whether to give that assistance at town meetings. It is no different than now, except on a much larger scale.
That's the deal. Dumbocrats promise to confiscate the wealth of producers and throw a small part of it at libtard minions in exchange for votes.

And here's the deal from republicans. Repuboasses want to take what ever little break the poorer people get so they can offer the ultra wealthy another tax cut.

In exchange for tax cuts for the super rich, the asses who vote for them get a line of Bullshit about guns, gays and illegal immigrants.

Of course nothing the GOP promises gets done. Except tax cuts for the rich.

Why you support that Bullshit?

Why do you support handouts to people who pay nothing to the society in which they live?
I don't leech off of anything. I'm 40 years old and worked all my life. I paid taxes...I'm getting nothing but something back in the benefits that I paid for myself...and continue to pay as I'm still working.

When you're done school, and are full time employed, you will no longer use the benefits you are using now, correct?
I say cut them off and let them start to appreciate the work that they steal from others.

Dude why is it that you can't find a political party that shares your hatred of poor people? Maybe you could start your own party. Most of the right wing posters here hate poor people just as much (some maybe more) than you do.

Go for it I say. A new political party based on hating poor people and welfare recipients may just get you the WH. Try. Ok?

Oh and don't forget the hate all blacks portion of the parties platform.

Us real conservatives don't hate poor people.

We just want them to pay their own goddamn bills and leave us out of it.

We also want to stop this failure of Liberal economics that increases the poverty rate and gives us piss poor economic growth like we have seen under this sorry ass Obama Administration..

We also don't like the combined cost of the filthy ass governments here in the US being 40% of the GDP. We have better things to spend our hard earned money on than giving it away to welfare queens and stupid government bureaucracies that do a lot more harm than good.

I don't have a single problem with a poor person. I have a problem with someone that happens to be poor demanding others provide to them what they should be providing themselves. I also have a problem with bleeding heart Liberals that say someone should get something they won't earn not providing it personally themselves while demanding the rest of us be forced to do so.
Wrong, if you look at the SNAP federal sight it shows that fraudulent food stamp usage is down to 1% the lowest it has ever been. I have already said in this thread I work part-time and go to school full-time, including doing an internship this summer, but I qualify for food stamps. Yet, I am in favor for mandatory drug testing in order to get food stamps.

So you want other people to pay your bills for you?

You want other people to get up and go to work and earn money and then be forced by the filthy ass oppressive to give you the money for food stamps so you can live higher on the hog?

Nobody owes you jackshit just because you are alive. You need to get off your ass and pay for your own food.
I am seldom this mean, but you bring out the worst in me. I hope you someday need to depend on general assistance and I hope you eat every single one of your ignorant, arrogant words.
90 minutes per month on a Trac phone. It is meant for emergencies and necessary communications. Drug dealers have Smartphones.
What constitutes "necessary communications"?!? People lived thousands of years without cell phones and people still do it today. You cannot justify such a frivolous item - so stop trying.
No, Patriot. You cannot call 90 minutes of phone time per month "frivolous." It is ludicrous to expect anyone with young children to have no ability to make a phone call if one of them is sick, or the sitter suddenly can't make it and you have to make other arrangements or miss work, etc. etc. Setting up appointments to jump through all the hoops to keep benefits active. Try living without a phone for three months and tell me how it goes. Where are people STILL doing it today? In the Amazon, maybe, but not in this country.

I call one minute of phone time where the person that has it had it funded by forcing someone else to pay for it frivolous. What's ludicrous is to continue demanding those that actually contribute to society constantly hand to those that do nothing but take from society.

If all the freeloaders spent half as much time trying to better themselves as they spent trying to find something else to have handed to them, they wouldn't have to worry about it.
Wrong, if you look at the SNAP federal sight it shows that fraudulent food stamp usage is down to 1% the lowest it has ever been. I have already said in this thread I work part-time and go to school full-time, including doing an internship this summer, but I qualify for food stamps. Yet, I am in favor for mandatory drug testing in order to get food stamps.

So you want other people to pay your bills for you?

You want other people to get up and go to work and earn money and then be forced by the filthy ass oppressive to give you the money for food stamps so you can live higher on the hog?

Nobody owes you jackshit just because you are alive. You need to get off your ass and pay for your own food.
I am seldom this mean, but you bring out the worst in me. I hope you someday need to depend on general assistance and I hope you eat every single one of your ignorant, arrogant words.

Since you support others being forced to provide for people who won't provide for themselves, you've already brought out the worst in yourself.

Twice in my life I've been out of work and could have taken that general assistance. Because I practice what I preach, I didn't take it either time.

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